(LeoN/NEO) If You...

נכתב על ידי darkskyez

21.1K 2.1K 507

"Huh? Where am I? What is this place? Hmm? Who are you? Why do you look so... sad? Why are you crying? Don't... עוד

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Final Chapter & Epilogue

Chapter 8

780 81 28
נכתב על ידי darkskyez

* * * * * *

Ever since that night, neither Leo nor Hakyeon had the time to see one another to talk.

Leo was busy trying to stop the gossips and rumors of his run-away bride from going too out of hand. He also had to make sure his father was doing okay especially since this marriage was something the man had looked forward to for a long time.

Hakyeon was also busy. Despite the project not ending in the way he had hoped for, guests who had witnessed the setting of the event was stunned by the beautiful and well-arranged evening. Orders from all over Brampton started to swarm in for the shop and both Hakyeon and his mother became super busy. From time to time, Minhyuk, Hyuk and even Sungjae had to come over and help them out as well.

Being busy was just one of the excuses for Hakyeon though.

Just because Leo's marriage did not bear fruit, didn't mean he had a chance. He knew it all too well.

Their status was already too different to begin with and Leo deserved someone who could walk side by side as his equal. That person was not Cha Hakyeon and definitely not another man.

Hakyeon had a crush on Leo and it was most likely 'love at first sight.' But Hakyeon have always fallen in love with people. With the idea of being in love. Maybe this time, like all other times, his secret love would go away eventually if he just forget about it.

* * * * * *

'Earth to Cha Hakyeon? Hakyeonie?~' Minhyuk called out to his friend.

'Huh? Oh, it's you Minhyuk. What is it?' Hakyeon responded.

'You look good in that.' Minhyuk pointed at Hakyeon's attire.

Hakyeon was wearing a rather embarrassing dress for the school festival today. The day that Brampton Academy would hold its annual mid-summer festival in order to bring the entire town together. Each year, every class had to choose a theme as participation for the festival and this year, Hakyeon's class chose to do a coffee shop theme. But with a catch.


Hakyeon sighed. 'You look good too Minhyuk...'

Hakyeon felt too awkward and uncomfortable with his outfit. His waist felt trapped tightly by the white frilled apron he was given by the girls and he was definitely not fond of the extra air he felt beneath his skirt. Even the stockings felt itchy.

'I can't wait until today is over. This is... so uncomfortable. How do girls wear this?' Hakyeon said as he kept adjusting his dress to go further down in order to cover up his legs.

'It's a once in a life-time chance to be so pretty. Or to be pampered by the girls when they were doing our makeup. Embrace it. Plus, they really outdid themselves with this getup. We should be thankful okay?' Minhyuk laughed.

'You're really enjoying this too much you know that?'

Hakyeon could feel that thick layer of foundation against his skin and the long ponytail wig was definitely making matters worse. It was just an add-on to his discomfort as the hair kept getting into his face and sticking onto his makeup.

'So. Are you entering?' Minhyuk suddenly asked as the two were walking down the hallway during their break.

'Enter what?'

'Miss Brampton Academy duh! The other boys from next door are all entering since they're doing a cross-dressing theme too. Someone about photoshoot with famous celebrities except the female celebrities are all boys. They seem to be having a lot of fun with their outfits unlike someone I know here.' Minhyuk poked him.

Hakyeon sighed once more and the two of them took a sneak peek at the class that was bringing an uproar. They were loud but was obviously enjoying themselves. The boys were all dressed up as female celebrities and the girls were having fun being their masculine selves.

Looking at the atmosphere of this classroom compared to their own, the two was slightly disappointed. It seems the guests enjoyed taking photos more so than being served coffee or dessert.

'What's with the two of you beauties looking so down?' Someone popped in from behind the two of them.

'Woah! Ot, it's only you. What are you doing here?' Minhyuk was startled.

It was Ken. Like always, he wandered outside his own section to find Hakyeon or bother Minhyuk.

Ken often showed up at their class during lunchtime or even after school at Hakyeon's boutique. He even helped Hakyeon's shop from time to time. He grew too fond of being a company of the two childhood friends. After the wedding, Hakyeon saw more of Ken than he did with Leo.

'I heard your class was cross-dressing so I just had to come and see for myself!' Ken scanned the two of them from head to toe. 'I approve! You both look darn fine!'

* * * * * *

As Minhyuk got pulled away back to class after his break, Hakyeon was left alone with Ken to wander the other events around the school.

'So, did my cousin see you in this outfit yet?' Ken asked.

'I... rather he doesn't see this...' Hakyeon said embarrassed. He didn't want anyone to see him to be honest.

'I'm sure he'll be stunned.' Ken teased.

Hakyeon gave Ken the death glare, hoping that the latter would stop with his constant jokes.

Where is Leo? Hakyeon wanted to ask but could not.

'If you're wondering where my cousin is, he's at the performance halls for the class' show. He's in charge of swooning all the ladies today with his genius piano skills.'

'Huh what? I didn't ask... wait, Leo plays the piano?'

'Yup and pretty darn good at it too! A prodigy since he was a kid. Always snatching awards left and right but it's only a hobby. Let's go!' Ken pulled Hakyeon to the direction of where to find Leo.

'Wait! I –'

Hakyeon looked at what he was still wearing for the day but before he could stop Ken, he was already standing at the entrance of the performance hall.

I hope Leo doesn't see me like this...

'Ken, I'm still in this!' Hakyeon really didn't want Leo to see him in such an embarrassing outfit.

'It's fine. He probably won't notice you anyways. We'll just take a peek and leave okay?' Ken whispered back at Hakyeon as the two entered the hall during Leo's performance.

As if Leo wasn't already perfect enough... even the way he was performing the melodies on the piano was enchanting. Hakyeon had forgotten all of his embarrassment in an instant he had heard the first note and was already immersed into Leo's performance. Not only Hakyeon but every single person in the hall was listening and watching quietly.

Each note and sound that was played was a blessing and it was as if Leo's hands had the ability to make every note dance off of the piano.




Hakyeon fell again.

Falling not just for the music itself but for Jung Leo once more. He couldn't deny that his heart have melted each time he had an encounter with Leo. Each time he discovered a new side to Leo, he fell even further.

Just how much more do you want me to continue falling like this... please stop...

Hakyeon pulled Ken's cuffs to leave before his heart would explode from the constant beating sounds it was making just from watching Leo's beautiful performance.

'Let's go.' Hakyeon hinted.

'Huh? But we barely just got here.' Ken whispered and trying to make Hakyeon stay.

'Fine. Then, I'm leaving alone. I'm going back to help Minhyuk out.' Hakyeon turned around and left the room in a hurry.

'Wait Hakyeon-ah!' Ken accidently called a bit too loudly at the back and those that could hear him looked at his direction. 'Sorry!' Ken apologized and bowed for his interruption of the performance and dashed out to look for Hakyeon.

Leo heard Ken call out Hakyeon's name and immediately took notice of it. Was Hakyeon here? Why did he leave?

* * * * * *

'What's wrong Hakyeonie?' Ken chased after Hakyeon who was obviously having a hard time running away in his skirt.

'Nothing!' Hakyeon rushed away while adjusting his outfit and trying to deny that anything was wrong.

'It's obviously something if you're running away in such a hurry.'

Hakyeon stopped running and froze in his tracks which caused Ken to bump into his back.

'Ow!' Ken rubbed his forehead. 'What now?'

'I... I just didn't want to be there okay? Let's just go meet Minhyuk back at the classroom. Please?' Hakyeon looked at Ken pleadingly.

'... Okay. Fine.'

As the two made their way back through the crowded corridors of the West Wing, they noticed that their classroom entrance was crowded with a lot more girls than usual. There was a swarm of people blocking their path.

'Um, excuse me. Coming through.' Hakyeon said as he tried to squeeze his way back into his own classroom.

'There you are!' Minhyuk took noticed of his friend having a hard time coming through the crowd and tried to help Hakyeon by pulling him in. 'Where have you been?'

Sorry. What's with this crowd though?' Hakyeon asked.

'It wasn't even busy a moment ago when we were here.' Ken followed closely behind Hakyeon.

'Blame it on the future Miss. Brampton over there.' Minhyuk gestured at the seated table with even more people crowding around it.

'Miss. Brampton?' Ken asked.

'Lee Hongbin from Class 1-A. He's taking a break from his photo shoot session and for some reason, he decided to come here for the break. So he's attracting all the attention he can get. Ugh, I can't stand him.'

'Besides Hakyeon, who doesn't get on your nerves?' Ken teased.

'Shut it.' Minhyuk nudged Ken. Ken was only stating the fact of an overprotective Minhyuk after all.

Lee Hongbin. A junior of Hakyeon and Minhyuk's. A commoner as well like the rest of the students in the West Wing but often acts like one of nobility. In fact, he was a noble until his family fell apart and went bankrupted. But that didn't change how he acted nor did it affect how others looked up to him. He was intelligent, smart, witty, and a beauty. Sometimes, people forget that Lee Hongbin was no longer a noble but a commoner like themselves.

Unlike Hakyeon who was still embarrassed by his outfit, Hongbin wore his long red Cheongsam dress with confidence and even sat straight while taking a sip of his coffee.

If the North Wing had Leo or Ken as the eye candy, well, the West Wing now has Hongbin for sure.

Just then, Hongbin took notice of someone and stood from his seat. He approached with confidence and stood in front of Hakyeon for some reason.

'Cha Hakyeon. Hmph.' The boy snorted. 'That dress looks horrid on you.'

'What? What did you say?' Minhyuk became defensive. He can't stand anyone trying to pick on Hakyeon.

'I said it looks bad on him. Who chose that for your wig? Such a horrible taste.'

'Are you trying to pick a fight here?!' Minhyuk became angry.

'I don't pick fights. I only state facts. Anyways, I don't have the time to fight with low folks like you. I have better things to do.'

'You seem to be forgetting that you're now a part of the common district as well Lee Hongbin.' Ken stood up to defend Hakyeon next to Minhyuk.

'So, not just Jung Leo but now Lee Ken as well from the North Wing? Cha Hakyeon, you really have a talent for flirting with the rich.' Hongbin looked down at Hakyeon who remained silent and not know how to fight or argue back.

'Anyways, the coffee here isn't so great and I don't want to see your face any longer. I need to go back to touch up my makeup and look good for the contest later. And you, Cha Hakyeon better be there as well. But word of advice, ditch the maid outfit would you? The black outfit makes you even more invisible.'

Hongbin left the room. The audience followed soon after and the classroom was empty once again.

'Ugh! He really pisses me off! Do you know that guy Hakyeon-ah? What did you do for him to be such a douche?!' Minhyuk shouted. Obviously still mad at how his friend was talked down to be some cross-dressing diva and a junior on top of that.

Hakyeon shook his head.

'I have no idea. We've never talked at all. It's the first time I've actually seen him face to face like this.'

'Well whatever it is, he's really salty about you being my friend or Leo's.' Ken wasn't as frustrated as Minhyuk was and wrapped his arms around Hakyeon's narrow shoulders. 'Anyone would be envious of you being me or my cousin's friend afterall.'

* * * * * *

Everyone was finally on their second break and Ken was helping Minhyuk clean up the classroom before the next session started.

Just as they were busy with the chores, the door slide open.

'Sorry, we're currently closed-' Minhyuk stopped.

'Oh! It's Leo!' Ken became jumpy at the sight of his cousin coming in.

'Hey...' Leo greeted them and started to glance around the classroom left and right.

'If you're looking for Hakyeonie, he's in the storage room grabbing a few supplies for us.' Ken said.

'Hakyeon...ie? When did you become so familiar with calling him that?' Leo glared at his playful cousin.

'During the time when someone was being too awkward to hang out with our poor lonely Hakyeonie so I decided to be his company instead.' Ken teased again.

'Whatever.' Leo turned around and left the classroom without any further discussion.

'How'd you know he was looking for Hakyeon?' Minhyuk asked Ken.

Ken looked at Minhyuk and then pointed at himself and Minhyuk. Then shook his head.

'Does it seem like he's close enough to look for either of us? Nope~'

Minhyuk sighed. 'I guess so. Let's just get back to work.'


* * * * * *

Ken told Leo where to find Hakyeon but there was a bit of a problem. He was unfamiliar with the layout of the West Wing and there, the almighty Leo was lost.

He didn't know where the storage room was at all.

He tried to pass through the sea of people with all his might. It was cramped, hot and way too rowdy.

Leo grabbed every teacher or staff he could find along the way in order to ask for directions. Eventually, he found the storage room that was located right outside of the main building.

Just as he was about to open the door, he heard a loud crash coming from the room.


He heard Hakyeon's yelling.

'Hakyeon-ah!' Leo rushed inside immediately and was frantically trying to look for his friend in the dark room.

As Leo rushed in, he saw fallen boxes laying all over the floor but could not find Hakyeon anywhere.

'Hakyeon-ah! Where are you?!' Leo panicked.

'Owie~ 'Hakyeon emerged from the pile of boxes and rubbed his head to make the pain go away. 'Huh? Leo? Why are you here?'

'Are you okay?!' Leo rushed to Hakyeon's side once he saw where his friend was at. 'Are you hurt anywhere.......'

Leo went silent. He saw what Hakyeon was wearing.

A black dress and a frilly white apron. A wig, stockings and heels.

Is this really Cha Hakyeon? Leo questioned.

Leo could see that not only was Hakyeon's attire that of a girl's but his face was covered with makeup.

Hakyeon's eyelashes were longer than usual and his lips were glossed.

Hakyeon saw that Leo was obviously looking at him silently from top to bottom. Then realized what he was wearing and immediately felt the embarrassment rush to his head and his cheeks were beginning to burn.

'Uwah! Don't look!' Hakyeon tried to cover Leo's eyes.

'You... why are you wearing this?' Leo stuttered and not know what to make sense of the situation.

'My class... we're doing a cross-dressing coffee shop for the festival and... anyways! Stop looking at me! It's embarrassing.' Hakyeon covered up his apple red cheeks that was still very obvious underneath his caramel-toned skin.

'You look... cute.' Leo said.

* * * * * * A/N * * * * * *

Shoot me. This chapter... I had to okay? Cross-dressing Nmi comeback? Sassy Kong? It just had to happen okay?

By the way, I hope this somehow fulfilled the highschool AU idea my subscribers were asking for from my last NEO fanfic :) There's going to be further development into the future and the story though. Just like my previous NEO fanfic, this one will be a long ride as well. I hope you guys didn't cringe from this chapter though, because... I did xD

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