One Hell of a School Year(Fre...

By dustyspacedreams

2K 77 102

Okay so my last description sucked ass so I'm just gonna like explain it badly? Idk but uuuhhh this story is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chaper 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Authours Note
Chapter 16
This story is not dead! (pls read!!)
Yes, another authors note but it's important

Chapter 2

169 5 12
By dustyspacedreams

Gerard POV

I whisper to Mikey. "So, how are things going with Ray?" Mikey blushes slightly and I smirk. "You totally have a crush on him." He blushes more. "No I don't, I'm straight remember??" I glare at him. "Sure, what ever you say Michael James Way." Mikey just ignores me and turns to talk to Ray. Yup, he definitely has a crush on Ray and it is a huge one. Lets face the truth, Mikey hasn't had a girlfriend since... Never, so he can't be sure if he's straight. Right?

My thoughts are interrupted when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I look and Frank. "Did you space out or something?" I nod. "I was just.. Thinking, that's all." Frank chuckles. "Thinking? Well that's dangerous." He continues. "What were you thinking about?" I knew he was going to ask that. "See, Mikey thinks he's straight but he never had a girlfriend and he is literally drooling over Ray right now. So what I wanna do is try and get Mikey and Ray together." He nods in agreement. "I can help you." I smile. "Thank you." He smiles back. "No problem. Project Rikey is a go." Rikey? "What is Rikey?" I ask. "It's the ship name between Ray and Mikey." He says.

Frank's POV

Ray and Mikey need to get together. I will do anything to help Gerard get them together, and hopefully Gerard and I will get together as well.

Then why don't you just ask him out?

Because brain, I don't think he likes me.

Of course he likes you, just look at the way he looks at you.

How does he look at me?

He looks at you like you are his everything!

Yeah, whatever. You're just my brain, you aren't a real person. I would listen to you if you were a real person.

Come on!! Just go for it, he will say yes!

Fine I will, but just to make you shut up. Wait, what am I doing? Am I seriously agreeing with my brain? Or am I agreeing with myself?

I take a deep breath and stand up. "Where you going Frank?" He looks up at me. "Come with me." I grab his arm and pull him to the bathroom. "What do you want to talk about?" Gerard asks. "It's just that I... Reallylikeyou." Geez, I never thought this would be so hard and stressful. "Say again?" I calm my breathing and talk slower. "I just wanted to say that I really like you and I was kind of hoping-" I'm cut off my Gerard's lips crashing into mine. I instantly kiss back. I hope nothing ruins this moment. Suddenly the bathroom door opens and I don't even notice until the person spoke. "Ew emo fags!" Gerard pushes me away and gets scared. "Hey, who do you think you are calling fags? Huh?" I'm short, but I'm still pretty intimidating. "I'm calling you and that other kid a fag, got a problem with that faggot?" This kid has no idea what's coming to him. "You bet your ass I do! Nobody calls me a faggot!" Gerard is huddling in one of the stalls. The kid punches my jaw and I fall to the floor. Fuck. I try to get up, but the kid kicks me back down kicking my stomach in the process. "Aww, is the faggot hurt?" He laughs at my pain. He gives me one last kick to my face and before he leaves he says, "Just be lucky it was just me. If my friends were here you would be dead." That asshole
I groan and try to stand up, but I fail miserably. Gerard comes out of hiding and looks at me horrified. "Oh my god Frank!! Are you okay??!!" He rushes to my side and cradles me. "I'm fine. Just a little bruised." I wipe blood from the corner of my mouth. "Do you want me to take you to the nurse or something?" I shake my head. "I'm okay, trust me." I stand up and balance myself properly. "No, you are not okay! I'm taking you to the nurse!" He drags me out of the bathroom and to the nurse. Bruises were already starting to form. The nurse takes one look at me and gasps. "What happened to you?!" This is gonna be awkward. "Um... This kid kind of punched me in the jaw, and I fell on the floor, he then proceeded to kick me in the stomach, and my face." He shakes her head. "Do you know the kid?" She asks me. "No, I'm new here so I don't really know anybody here." I explain. She nods her head and gives me an icepack for my stomach. Later she wipes off the blood from my nose and mouth. "I'm gonna let you go, try not to get in any more fights." I nod and Gerard and I leave the nurses office. "Frank?" I look at Gerard. "I just wanted to say that, since you are short you can easily be stuffed in lockers. Just a heads up. And no offense about calling you short." Great, I had the same problem in my old school. "Oh yay! I just can't wait to be stuffed in a locker!" I say sarcastically. "Don't worry, I got your back." I hope so.

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