Secret Pregnancy ( Austin Mah...

By Ameezy_chance

62.3K 1.2K 50

Samantha Parker is your normal teenager living a happy and contented life with her mother. She is a goody two... More

Secret Pregnancy ( Austin Mahone fan fiction )
Chapter 1 The Start of Something New
Chapter 3 Dinner Night
Chapter 4 Young and Wild
Chapter 5 Running Away
Chapter 6 Left Alone
Chapter 7 The Letter
Chapter 8 Little by Little
Chapter 9 See you soon
Chapter 10 The Breaking News
Chapter 11 The Confrontation
Chapter 12 The Truth Revealed
Chapter 13 Mood swings
Chapter 14 Home is in your Eyes
Chapter 15 Dad Mahone
Chapter 16 Forgiveness
Chapter 17 Dancing to our heartbeats
Chapter 18 Rock my World
Chapter 19 The Big Secret is Out
Story Recap
Chapter 20 Shooting that turned into something more

Chapter 2 Right person and Right time

4.2K 79 2
By Ameezy_chance

~ Samantha ~

Last night was the best night of my life. I can finally say that Austin is mine, only him. He promised me that no one will ever go between us and I am happy to hear that.

Our relationship is complicated. The fact that he is famous and im just me-- a girl that is a nobody and an outcast.

Can you even believe that a guy like him will ever fall for a girl like me? That is why im being judge by the world.

They say that I am a user. That I am using Austin for fame and money, but im not that kind of girl. I admit that I am not rich and I desperately need money to support me and my mom but I will never do any of the accusations that they are throwing at me. Austin means so much to me and I will never use him.

I am currently in my bed right now, thinking about all these things. They keep on bothering me but of course I dont let the hate get into me.

Grabbing my laptop, I went directly on twitter. I checked my feed and saw a lot of pictures from last night with me and Austin on it.

I guess paparazzi will always get in the way. I just hate the fact that they spread rumors which are not even true. They should respect our privacy at some point but they don't. 

Paparazzi are the number one reason why im getting hates and it sucks because all those rumors are just fake. I hope they stop and let me and Austin's relationship be.

While reading all my notifications and tweets in my feed-- which is compose of 95% hate and 5% love, well at least theres 5% thats defending me, I noticed that someone dm'ed me. A smile suddenly crept upon my face upon seeing Austin's name.

Hey Sammy, why arent you answering my calls and text?

That's the point, my old phone that I got 3 years ago is going crazy again. Last time it was working, and now its dead. I guess its time for me to buy a new one. Well, I don't have enough money to buy yet, but im earning. I usually babysit my neighbour's kid. I go there every Friday at 6pm and the whole afternoon of Saturday, starting at 1:00. Today is Saturday which reminds me of my job that will start in an hour.

Sorry, my phone is charging that's why I didn't notice your text and calls.

Of course I have to lie, if I tell him the truth he will surely buy me a new phone, which i dont like because rumors will spread again saying im using his own money. I know it's bad to start our relationship with a lie but I think it is for the best for now and its not like I am keeping a big secret from him.

After a minute he finally responded.

Oh is that so, well its nothing important I just want to know how you were doing. But I have to go, my manager is calling me because I still have to write songs. I'll talk to you later. I love you.

Okay, I still have to prepare for my babysitting though so bye and I love you too.

After shutting down my laptop, I went to my bathroom and took a quick shower and change to a simple skinny jeans, a red tank top, and my red toms. I went to the Smith's after applying a little bit of makeup which is composed of a mascara and a lip gloss.

My mom is at her job collecting her things because in a week the company that she is working at will close because the owner died and they have to sell the company.

Finally arriving at their doorstep I knocked and there stood Patricia the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Smith. She's at my age and a good friend of mine.

"Hello Sam, come in" I thanked her and she opened the door wider for me to come in. We went to their living room where Jacob her 3-year old brother, which im baby sitting, is on the floor playing some toy cars . He is not that naughty so it is not hard babysitting him.

"Hi Jacob, what are you playing?" he looked up from what he's doing and smiled at me. Jacob is like a brother to me because I've been babysitting him for a year now. Thats how I became friends with Patricia.

"Well, mom and dad is out today and they will be back tomorrow morning. I also have to go to my friends house right now. Sorry I can't keep you company today and if you're hungry just go to the kitchen and heat up some leftover pasta. I'll be back before 6." Patricia said while putting her combat boots. Patricia is the kind of girl that can make every boy fall on her knees. She is beautiful and nice, with her long blond hair, blue eyes, and the perfect figure. She also knows about me and Austin, but she still doesn't know that we are together now since we only became official last night.

"Okay Pat its no problem, I can handle Jacob. Have fun with your friends." I said as we bid our goodbyes.

"Looks like its just me and you now Jacob. What do you want to do?"

"Hungry" he said with his cute little voice

"Okay then follow me you ball of cuteness."

We made our way to their kitchen and I heated the pasta. I served it to him with his chocolate drink and he ate while playing with his toy truck.




Patricia finally arrived after about two hours of babysitting which is composed of laughing, watching, and eating.

"So, how is your day?" I asked as she sat beside me.

"It was good and you have to tell me about this." she said while showing a picture of me and Austin together last night.

"That was yesterday, Austin texted me and told me that we were going somewhere. He asked me to get ready and that he is picking me up at 7:00. Then, he drove somewhere until we stopped in front of some small forest. We went trough the trees and there was a beautiful lake hidden behind it. It was so magical then it just happened, he confessed to me and asked me to be his girlfriend." I told her the whole story and all of a sudden she shrieked and hugged me.

"Oh my god! I'm so happy for the both of you! But I'm warning you to be careful." she said

"Yeah, I know what I got myself into the day I started talking to him. Also, if that is what you are worried about then don't worry because I wont let the hate ruin us and I know Austin will be there always"

"He is so sweet to you and you look so cute together. I know this is the right time for you to be happy. He is the right person for you."

"How can you say that he Is the one?" I laughed at her childishness

"Well by the looks of it, I never saw you this happy and the fact that you're so in love with him by the way you talked about him. I can say that he is the one for you and this is the perfect time for you to enter in a relationship."

"Really? I am happy that I found someone like him to be a part of my life. I dont know what I would do without him. I am head over heels for him, I love him so much" a dreamy sigh escaped my lips and I looked over at Patricia who is currenly frowning.

"Pat, what's bothering you?"

"I was just thinking that when will I find the one for me?"

"Pat, there are are a lot of guys out there and you're so perfect. I know the right time will eventually come, just wait and don't rush" I said and hug her tight.

"Thanks Sam, you're the best ever"

"I love you, your my best friend"




After talking to each other, I finally went home and helped my mom prepare dinner. We ate and talked about our day then I went to my room afterwards. I was reading a book in my bed when my phone vibrated signalling that someone is calling me. 

"Hello Austin"

"Hey babe, did I did I disturb you?"

"No, I'm just reading a book right now. Why did you call?"

"Why not? Can't I call my girlfriend when I miss her?"

"We just saw each other yesterday Austin. How can you possibly miss me?" I teased

"I wanna see your face every single day, I just can't get enough of how beautiful you are."

"Thanks Austin"

"For what?"

"I don't know, for everything I guess. Its just that ever since we started talking you already made me feel so special and I still cant believe that you love me. I am just really happy that I met someone like you. You always makes me feel that I'm the most beautiful girl in the world."

"You don't know how badly I want to kiss you right now Sammy, I love you. By the way I have an amazing news for you."

"You sound so happy, what is this news all about?"

"My mom wants to meet you. She invited us to have dinner with her tomorrow."

"Really, why so soon? Im nervous Austin, what if she doesn't like me?"

"Baby, theres nothing to worry about. I love you and I know she will be happy for us."

"Thats right, maybe I'm just overthinking things."

"Everything is going to be alright."

And that's what I'm hoping for.

When we were done talking I closed my book and turned off my light. I kept on tossing and turning on my bed thinking what would happen at tomorrow's dinner. Theres this uneasy feeling that makes me think that something bad is going to happen.

I just hope my gut feeling is wrong.


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Edited: 02/18/17

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