Alpha Obsession

By blitzguy347

1.2M 61.3K 10.3K

Before school even begins, 17-year-old Jake Kent is attacked by an enormous gray wolf. He's saved by a myster... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chatper 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45.5
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter: Final
Scorching Bonds!!!

Chapter 17

25.6K 1.4K 344
By blitzguy347

I know nothing about anything

"What the hell happened to you? It looks like a runway model threw up on you, bro!" Chad was the first to comment on our first day back. His reaction mirrored mine from when I first saw my reflection. There was no denying that I looked different from a few months ago. I felt stronger and more confident physically. Walking through the halls actually caused a few heads to turn my way and linger more than usual. Amy was the next one to comment on the way to class.

"Holy crap, Jake? You!" I'll take that as a compliment any day of the week. Miss sin cast an examining glance over me as I walked into her classroom. The look on face was so devious and full of mischief that I could just imagine her thinking, 'Oh my, this is going to be fun." Probably while using that innocent school-girl voice she loved so much. I tried not to let anything get to me and focused on classes. For the most part, no one questioned me too much and the staring was kept to casual glances.

It was all going exactly like I expected the day to go, up until lunch rolled around. After grabbing a tray from the kitchen, something swooped right passed me in a blur. My plate of food was swiped out of my hands and all I saw was a quick yellow flash at first. Then the figure stopped moving and I recognized the posture and dark skin of Nicholas Blake, the transfer student/wolf hunter. "I'll carry this for you." He said abruptly walking away with my tray. He walked so quickly that I didn't have a chance to call him back and had to chase after him.

He took my food to an empty table that already had a plate waiting for him. He slid my tray to the seat opposite him and sat down. "Dude, don't just go stealing food. People get killed for that in some countries," I informed him and took a seat hesitantly. It was the first time I got a really good look at the new student and I admit, he seemed interesting enough. Smooth dark brown skin and a chiseled jaw framed a pair of bright amber eyes. His shoulders were tensed but his expression was relaxed. He started smiling the moment I took a seat, but it was a restrained smile that he clearly didn't want to show too easily.

"I didn't steal it. I said I would carry it for you." I responded by folding my arms and raising an eyebrow. Nicholas relented and raised both hands in a pacifying gesture. "Ok, ok. You got me. I just wanted a chance to introduce myself...without the entire baseball team surrounding you." He held out a hand for me to shake and I swore he tried to grind my hand into paste. "I'm Nicholas, you can call me Nick if you have trouble with three-syllable names."

"Ok, I'm Jake Kent. I guess you can say I'm the former new student. Where are you transferring from?" there was something undeniably strange about the guy in front of me. He didn't look any older than eighteen, but there was a different level of maturity about him. The way his eyes only focused for a few seconds on me before drifting to somewhere else. It made him seem like he was trying not to look as bored with everything as he really was.

"Beijing. Me and my sister spent a few years there with our uncle. It was way more active there on a daily basis. It's actually pretty weird... moving to such a quiet town like this one. Not as many bright lights or attractions to gawk at. Well...I've seen at least a few things worth looking at." He smirked and I got the impression that I missed something. The pressure on the back of my neck intensified, signaling that Hunter was focusing on me now. "So, how do you keep yourself entertained in this damp town? Dating anyone special? Or do those guys on the baseball team keep you swinging around?" what did he just say?

"Wait what-" I was cut off by a hand grabbing the back of my collar. I was literally dragged off my seat and up to my feet. I didn't have to look to see who it was, his smell was too familiar to mistake for something else. "Hunter! Let go!" I scrambled to get out of his grip and Nick jumped to his feet.

"We need to talk! Just come with me." his voice was husky and unusually rough. He let go of my collar and grabbed my wrist instead. Nick somehow moved around the table and got in front of us without making a sound.

"I'm pretty sure he asked you to let go. Don't make a scene; just keep your hands to yourself." He sounded deadly calm. Everything about this guy was contrast. Bright clothes, and dark skin; soft voice, and anxious stance. He still looked bored to hell and relaxed, but the sudden superiority and challenge in his voice was impossible to miss. His yellow eyes glowed slightly more from the new angle and it made him seem a hundred times more intimidating. "I was in the middle of asking him out, so if you don't mind we'd like some more privacy." Wait what? Did I miss something?

Hunter shoved me behind him and it was all I could do not to trip backward. The stand-off was already drawing attention in the cafeteria and the noise level was dropping quickly. "What!? Are you mental? He's a guy. And he's not yours to ask out! Step off." Hunter was practically growling. His voice was low but it carried this animalistic rumble beneath the surface that sent chills down my spine. Yet Nick didn't back down an inch. If anything, he looked ready to fight.

"It doesn't sound like he's yours yet either. So why don't you step off and give me a fair chance? Maybe he wants someone a little less feral." At this point I wanted to crawl into a hole in the ground. There was absolute silence in the entire lunchroom as the two stared each other down. I couldn't even believe they were talking about me like I was available to be taken! The entire student body was watching this stand-off.

"You think you've seen feral? Say another word and I'll show you feral." The voice that came out of Hunter's mouth wasn't anywhere near normal. It was quiet and deep, deadly and promising, filled to the brim with hostility. I didn't think anyone would have tempted a man who gave a challenge like that. Obviously I know nothing about anything.


So, I loved writing this chapter. and i will tell you that the next chapter was my favorite one to write. leave a vote if you enjoyed it too

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