It's Gotta be Him

By escapeme

41.1K 511 160

FINISHED! Gabbie and Cat live in a tiny city in a relatively rural part of Australia. One Direction is perfor... More

Gotta be Him
I've got a Hangover, woah!
An Awkward Meeting
Pucker up, Gabbie :P
Smile and say 'Cheese!'
Running nude in the rain...
Zayn's Making Progress...
Go, Grease Lightning!
Um.. Wow
Cat's Pyrotechnics are SO accurate these days...
Mile High club
We turn into Bitches... what do you want?
Chinese or Indian?
Gabbie, some teasing and some swimmers beside the pool...
F-a-c-k F-a-c-k fack, fack, facking FREAK-ME!
I'll find the words to say... if you leave me today <3
Cry me a River
Not a Movie Style Girlfriend...
Circles, we're going in circles....
Men. What are you gonna do?
Going, Going, Gone...
Get out, Get out, Get out of my Head...
It's a damn cold night... Part ONE
It's a Damn Cold Night.. Part TWO
Shocking Much?
Hey, Hey!

*Dead* Oh wait, Gabbie just fainted.

1.2K 16 2
By escapeme

"So, a blue dress or a black dress for the concert?"

Gabbie peered down at the two dresses Cat held out out to her and shrugged, returning to digging through the racks of clothes. "You always wear those colours."

"Yeah, that because they're slimming," Cat laughed, running her hands down her side with a flirty wink at her friend. "Not my fault I'm not tiny like you." She bumped her hip harshly against Gabbie's, sending the blonde tumbling to the side.

"I'm not tiny." Gabbie pouted. She glanced down at her phone, which was clutched in a death grip in her right hand. "I miss the boys already."

Cat followed her gaze and snorted. "Please." She waved Gabbie off, putting the two dresses back on the rack. "It's only been half an hour. Besides, it's not like we don't know where they are- they're at an interview for The Project. Chillax."

Gabbie threw Cat an annoyed look. "Like you can talk! You've been texting Zayn since we got out of the car!"

Cat shook her head, flipping her fuzzy curls from her eyes. "And you haven't been texting Harry?"

Gabbie's cheeks flushed and she ducked her head, pretending to inspect the racks of dresses with a critical eye. She sighed and turned on her heel to check out the next row of dresses that were so far above Cat's price range, she felt faint.

"Why am I doing this again?" Cat groaned as she checked the price tag on a rose coloured silk dress. 

"To impress Zayn!" Gabbie piped up from the otherside of the large boutique. 

Cat rolled her eyes. "Don't you mean the photographers?" She gasped at the price on the next dress and held it up to her body. "Jeez, the more you pay, the less of the dress there is!" She turned around, pulling the hem of the dress. "It barely covers anything."

Gabbie laughed and held up a pair of denium shorts- or what people were calling denium shorts these days. "You remember casual day, end of year nine?"

Cat scoffed as Gabbie walked up to her and held up the shorts. She took them between her hands and leveled them with her wide hips. "Mary?"

"The facebook like?"

Cat burst out laughing and slung the 'shorts' back onto the rack with the dresses. She wasn't one for putting things back where they belonged. "That was hilarious. 'Mary: Didn't know you could get denium underwear!' That had to be the funniest like of my life."

Cat squinted into the rack and then smiled, pulling out a light green halter dress. "This is so you."

Gabbie frowned. "I dunno." She fingered the sheer material.

Cat shoved it into Gabbies hands and forced her forwards, towards the change rooms. "Bitch, please."

Gabbie stuck her tongue out, totally unamused with Cat and slipped into the dressing room, drawing the curtain with a huff. Cat laughed and continued to browes the racks for something- ANYTHING- she could wear to the One Direction Concert tomorrow. Gabbie had convinced her she had to buy a new dress. They had made the boys drop them off ealier this morning on their way to their interview. 

Gabbie and Cat still found it totally amuesing that they tiptoed around them all the time. Sure they had been totally moody when they'd gotten their periods, but they had played it up alot. No harm in that right?

Louis was still dodging them like they had the plague; Niall had moved to the other side of the table from Cat; Liam had started sitting on the balcony A LOT. It seemed only Zayn and Harry put up with the girls horrible moods. But even Cat could see them gritting their teeth and baring it. Although the girls couldn't help it, Cat felt they should try and tone it down as best they could when they were around the guys. Liam seemed to be the most 'understanding' even though he was the first to leave a room when the girls entered.

When the boys had reminded the girls of their interview, Cat had, stupidly, declared they couldn't attend cause they were shopping. Cat hated shopping. Hated shopping so much, she would have rathered gone and stood outside the childrens ward at the hospital (Which, by the way, makes her cry for hours afterwards). She would have rathered gone skinny dipping with sharks; boxed a Kangaroo or even gone searching for Drop-Bears. But no, she had to say shopping.

"How's it going in there?" Cat called as she examined a reasonably priced white and blue dress. It was $50, with blue silk straps and a tie around the waist.

"I look like a zucini." Gabbie groaned in reply, yanking back the curtains.

She was right. "A sexy zucini." Cat winked, holding up her dress. "Thoughts?"

Gabbie squealed loudly before pulling a soar face. "Cramps!" She cried., her knees buckling. "I'm just going to... lie down.."

Cat stared at her friend as she lay spread eagle on the ground, her eyes clenched shut. "O-kay." Cat laughed. "I'm going to try this on... don't... go anywhere."

Gabbie gave her a weak thumbs up and Cat lept over her and into the dressing room. A minute later, she emerged to see Gabbie had rolled across the floor and was now lying on the ground under one of the sofas. Cat chuckled.

"OMG, It's Harry Styles!" Cat yelled.

Gabbie's head shot up, smacking into the base of the couch. "Son of a bi-,"

Cat laughed her head off, a huge smile on her face. "Sucked in."

Gabbie glared at her. "S-M-O!"

Cat frowned. "Huh?"

"Suck My Ovaries."

Cat made a face. "I'd rather not, actually." She twirled. "You like?"

Gabbie peered at her through watery eyes, rubbing her forehead, which had a large red print on it, from where it had connected with the couch. "You look like a whore."

"So, like you then?" Cat smirked.





Gabbie paused and then glared at Cat, clearly having nothing. "S-M-O. I repeat: S-M-O!"

Cat glared. "So original. So originaI." She held her hand out. "Hand over my fiver." 

Gabbie threw the pruple note at Cat with a huff. "I'm still hotter than you."

"Ha, you wish."

Gabbie laughed, rolling out from under the couch. "I totally just realised this conversation is going no where."

Cat smirked. "Okay, well, I'm getting this, so lets go." She turned and walked back into the change rooms, getting changed in record speed that would put anybody to shame. 

"But I haven't bought anything yet!" Gabbie whined, rolling about on the floor.

Cat smirked. "How about you just wear my silver halter and we get out of here."

"YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOU HAD THAT!" Gabbie yelled, sprinting into the change rooms.

"I did so."


Cat rolled her eyes. "Whatever."


Gabbie watched as all the boys patted thier pockets. Louis and Harry had made everyone coordianted with a blood red colour (Louis wearing skinny jeans, Harry wearing a bow-tie) and everyone else followed with red somewhere on their outfit. Liam was still fixing his hair, and it had only taken him this long because Zayn had been hogging the mirror in order to get his hair done for nearly an hour.

"Yep." Everyone said in unison.

Gabbie turned to Cat with a raised eyebrow. Cat pushed her hand inside the top of her dress and fished out her phone, waving it at Gabbie.

"Where in the hell did you get that from?" Louis laughed, shaking his head.

"Narnia." Cat answered with a wink.

Gabbie rolled her eyes, glancing at the clock. "Okay, I think the Limo shoul be here soon." She opened the window on her right and nearly had her eardrums blown out by the loud screaming fans from below. "But we may have a little trouble getting to it."

Harry glanced out the window. "TWITTER!" He yelled, whiping out his phone. The other guys followd suit.Cat and Gabbie shared dumbfounded looks before cracking up. Harry raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"Oh nothing," Gabbie laughed.

"We just used to stalk you guys on Twitter." Cat smiled.She cracked up again, shaking her head. "We were so jealous of those girls you replied too."

 Harry shook his head. "We never replied to you guys? Harsh."

Cat waved him away with a classic eyeroll. "Please, I grew up in Kyogle, nothing disappoints me."

"Kyogle?" Niall asked through a mouth-full of chips.

"Don't even get her started!" Gabbie yelled, shutting the window tightly on all the one direction fans. "Cat's a proud Kyoglian."

"Damn straight bitches." Cat laughed, fist pumping. She shook her head. "Anyways..."

Niall cracked up, spitting flakes of soggy chips everywhere. "Nice."

Zayn walked towards the window again and yanked it open.

"HAVE MY BABIES HARRY!" Someone screamed through a megaphone below.

Gabbie rolled her eyes. "Please, bitches. As if."


Louis laughed, shaking his head before walking towards the window. He peered out, squinting. "Anyone see if she was hot or not?" The boys laughed as Louis doubled back with a huge smile, doging the pillow Cat had thrown at him for his comment. "You know, I'm surprised I haven't recieved any Carrots yet."

Cat looked up at him. "Actually, you did. I used them in the soup the other day."

"You. My-carrots. You chopped-! Cat-," He fell backwards on the couch. "AHH!" He pressed a pillow into his face wth a huge sigh.

Cat chuckled, her phone buzzing from the folds of her dress. She peered down at it with a smile. "Limo's here!" She sang.

The boys jumped up. "Excellent!" They crowed, barging past the girls and towards the elevator.

Like always, he boys toppled off the stage mid-show drenched in sweat to refuel. This time, Gabbie kept a safe distance from Liam as he wandered past with a huge smile on her face. She was in no mood to get Liam's sweat on her again.

"So, what do you think of the show?" Zayn said, throwing his arms around Cat, despite the fact he was sweaty. 

Cat rolled her eyes and squeezed his hand. "Amazing, actually. I think it's better from backstage." She winked and slipped out from under his arms, heading towards the vending machine for a drink.

"Speaking of backstage," Harry said, walking back into the room with a huge water bottle under his arm. "Apparently our Manager failed to mention that there was a competion on. There were two backstage passes given  out."

"What?" Liam yelled. "Are you kidding me? Why doesn't anyone tell us this!"

One of the huge body guards that seemed to always lumber about unoticed cleared his throat and shuffled into the room. "Back on stage boys." He grunted. "You'll have five minutes after the show before the winners get here." He narrowed his small eyes. "Be ready."

As the guy left Niall turned to Cat wide eyed. "Okay, that guy is creepy as."

Cat wiggled her eyebrows, nudging Gabbie. 'Did you see his muscles? Drool."

Gabbie laughed. "Totally tap that shit." She said, pretending to swoon.

Harry flexed his muscles then winked at Gabbie. "Eh, eh. Pretty good, right?"

Gabbie rolled her eyes. "Just get back on stage."

Harry stuck his tongue out and hearded the boys towards the stage as the music to 'I Want' started blaring, the vibrations making the floor jump wildly.


Naill shook his arms out while Louis made random sounds, shaking his head around madly. "Lets do this." He yelled with a random crooked smile.

Cat laughed and hooked her arm around Zayn's waist as he pulled her closer, planting a kiss on her forehead. Harry captured Gabbie's lips and Cat looked away, pretending to gag much to the amuesment of the rest of the band.

"Ew." Louis laughedas Harry and Gabbie broke away. "Anyone would think that you were actually dating."

Harry frowned. "What?"

Liam laughed. 'Yeah, you guys are only faking it, right?"

Gabbie smiled. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

"It would be hard to remember when your tongue was down Harry's throat." Cat said with a smirk as Gabbie flushed bright red.

Harry pushed his unruly curls from his eyes as he gazed at his friends with a smile. "Oh yeah." He turned to Gabbie. "Gabbie West, will you be my girlfriend? For real this time?"

Everyone watched with amuesment as Gabbie fainted, falling backwards onto the couch.

"Thank god she was standing so close." Cat laughed, burying her head into Zayn's chest.

Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I'll go get her some water."


Happy Birthday Gabbie! I love you heaps my gorgeous girl! Have an awesome 15th Birthday party! Enjoy your presents and enjoy being older than me. I hate you. JKS! I LOVE YOU GORGEOUS!


Hope you enjoyed with Chapter. There is another Chapter before this one that I uploaded for Gabbie's birthday aswell, just encase you missed it. So head back there and read that shit.

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Love Kate

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