The Rodo Gang Series: Part 1

By atosh147

978 91 17

Asher and Liberty's life were changed forever when they met 4 attractive teenage boys (Zac, Luke, Will and Br... More

Meet Asher
Meet Liberty
Meet Brad
Meet Zac
Meet Luke
Authors Note
Meet Will
Meet Porter
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 1

89 6 0
By atosh147

"Asher you ready for the last day of school?" I heard a familiar voice call. "Yeah! I'm so ready!" I replied. Porter my best friend was here to pick me up like he does everyday. I opened the door to my bedroom so he knew I was done changing and he could come in. "Oh thanks," he said "so have you heard anymore about Will?" Will was in a rough spot in his life, battling depression and getting abused by his parents. My whole group of friends wanted him to move in with Luke and Zac so he could have a better life. Whenever he tried talking to his parents about him leaving they just decided to take their anger out on him by physically harming him. "No, I hope he decides to just move out already though." "No kidding, how much of his family can he take?" "Apparently more than we thought" I replied. "So are you ready to go pick up the others?" "Just let me brush my teeth real quick-like," I told him. "Okay I'll be in Peggy when you're ready!" I heard him yell out followed by the front screen door closing. I pulled my toothbrush out of the drawer along with my toothpaste. I wet down the brush and squeezed out the pale green paste. I wet down the brush again and quickly ran the brush over all of my teeth and tongue and decided to call it good. After putting  everything away I ran into my room and grabbed my black and white King's ropes hat and found my white hi-top Vans. I put my hat on backwards on top of my already brushed out red hair. And slipped on my Vans before unplugging my iPhone and slipping it into my back pocket.

I ran out the door and instantly smiled at the sound of the booming bass coming from Peggy. I hopped in the passengers seat. Porter looked out his rear view mirror and side mirrors checking for cars before he stomped on the gas and spun out of my driveway. Porter lives less than a minute away from me at a small farm house just a pasture away from us. "To Liberty's house we go!" I yelled. "Yee yee!" He screeched. I smiled and held on for dear life as he sped to Libb's house. "Alright go ahead and choose the next song" he said. I picked his phone up from the dashboard and unlocked it with my fingerprint. Everyone in the friend circle had each other's thumbprint on each other's phone because we all trust each other. I played "Ride" by Twenty øne Pilots and turned up the volume dial. We turned into her driveway and she walked out from her house in blue denim jeans tucked in her cowgirl boots. She wore a pink tee shirt that had the Fox symbol on it. Porter rolled down his window enough for her too hear the song playing. "Looking good Libb!" I hollered over the music. She laughed, "thanks Asher." "Oh, I'm falling so I'm taking my time on my riiide. Taking my time on my ride," we all sang along to the catchy song. We picked up Luke, Zac and Will at Luke and Zac's house that they shared. Will always walks to their house early in the morning so he can get away a that much more from his family. He tells us that it only takes him an hour. All of us get out for this stop and greet each other. Porter and Zac shake hand in a bro hug kind of manner. While Will and Luke hug me a Liberty and we all get in the van. Porter is still driving while I'm in the passengers seat and Luke and Will are in the far back and Liberty and Zac are in the middle row. "How's everybody doing on this fine morning?" I Zac asked us all. "Zac, buddy," Porter said, "I'm wonderful!" Everyone laughed at the comment. A few jamming songs later we pulled into Brad's driveway. He was no where to be seen. "Hey Asher why don't you go find your boyfriend?" Luke asked. "If I do, I don't think I'll want to come back," I said turning around to face them. The car erupted with laughter and I got out to find him. I went right towards the barn, looked down the stalls. No Brad. Looked in the office, no Brad. I called out for him, "Brad you here?" "Yeah I'm out in the paddock!" I heard him reply. I ran down the concrete out the other end of the barn and exited it until I came to a paneled fence. This was the paddock. I looked to my left and found him feeding an apple to his black heeling horse "Rockstar". I ran over to him as fast as I could and jumped on his back. "Hey babe!" I said kissing his cheek. He caught my legs on each of his sides with his arm. He chuckled and turned his head closer to mine so he could see me. "How's my Asher?" He asked. "Asher's great thanks for asking," I replied anxiously. "You're in a good mood, what's up?" He asked cautiously before taking another apple out of his hoodie pocket and feeding it to Rockstar. "I'm just excited it's the last day of school!" I almost yelled. He set me down after Rockstar finished his apple. And pulled me in front of him so my back was against the panels. "I love you," he said. "Love you too Brad," I said heartfully. He looked at my lips and back to my eyes signaling he was going to go in for a kiss. I smiled and closed my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. After 0.01 seconds of waiting, I couldn't wait so I leaned forward meeting his lips halfway there. He wrapped his arms around my back and I noticed my hands slightly pulling on his soft light brown hair. He pulled back quickly for air. I took this moment to take a breath as well before our lips locked again. His tongue licked my bottom lip asking for entrance. I opened my mouth enough for his tongue to meet mine. A few seconds later we heard a car honk. We pulled away from each other and quickly kissed before deciding to go back to the car. I looked down and noticed that Brad was holding me up backwards piggy back style. I laughed not even noticing he did that. "This man is going to be the death of me!" I thought. "Time to go to school?" He asked. "Yeah as long as you carry me to the car this way," I said referring to how he was holding me. "Always," he countered. He turned on his heel and walked back to Peggy. I heard several whoops and hollers coming from the Van. "Get some!" Shouted Luke. And several "oooooooooh's," from the rest. I caught a glance at Brad's eyes and he gave a small smile before both of our cheeks started to turn pink. Once we reached the car he moved one of his hands that was carrying me and used it to open the Vans door. "Hey only one person is made to be in that seat," Zac said jokingly. Brad sat down carefully making sure not to hit my head as he sat us down. I was now facing the whole back part of the car. I looked Zac straight in the eyes and said, "rules are made to be broken!" He couldn't help but let out a smile and shook his head. Porter turned on "Teenagers" by My Chemical Romance. We all started singing along. "Cause Teenagers scare the living shyt out of me, they could care less as long as someone will bleed. So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose maybe they'll leave you alone but not me!" We finally made our last stop at Alyson's house. She was waiting outside on her front steps. She ran to the left side of the mini van since the right sliding door is broke and is forced shut. Liberty opened the door. Alyson looked for Luke in the crowded van and soothed him on the right side in the back seat. "Watch your head Libb," she says. Zac took this as an excuse to pull Liberty onto his lap. Aly swiftly climbs in the back of the van to sit next to her boyfriend Luke. Porter jumps out and closes the door so Liberty and Zac can have their moment. "Hey Will," Aly said. "Hey, how are you?" he was able to get out. " I'm good thanks for asking," she replies. He just nodded yes.
Porter just entered the school grounds and drove to the senior parking lot which was right up against the school. I checked time on my phone and it read 7:45. "Alright guys we have 15 minutes until school starts." I let everyone know. Porter cranked up the music when "Outlaw Bucker" by Cat Clifford came on making everyone walking in school wishing they were us. We rolled down our windows and opened the left sliding door and sang as loud as we could. Megan, Will's girlfriend pulled up next to us in her Jeep before she ran over and hopped in the middle seat. Will leaned over over the seat and whispered something in her ear. She looked up at his smile and hugged him. He pulled her away so he could peck her on the lips. They were celebrating about something that none of us seemed to know about. I was still laying on top of Brad who had his hands resting on the low bottom of my back- Okay, okay! His hands were actually on my butt but I didn't care! I looked around the van at the several couples. Alyson was cuddled up against Luke who had his arm around her. Zac still had Liberty on his lap. She had her back to him and her legs sat up on the seat. Will and Megan were talking about something: her chin resting on her hands that were sitting on the top of the seat in front of Will. Ring! The school bell rung and we all groaned and decided to get out of Peggy. I looked at Brad and kissed him one more time before rolling over and setting my feet down on the gravel of the parking lot. The whole gang was walking in together. Each of the couples holding hands. Porter ran and held the door for us since he was single and was a gentleman. "Thanks!" I said at his kind gesture. "No problem!" He said smiling. As we were walking down the hall to our lockers there was an announcement. "Attention students and staff, please excuse the interruption: we will be having a half day today as this is the last day of school!" Students lets out tons of cheers expressing their happiness for the day. The announcer chuckled before continuing. "So as I was saying, we will be having a half day until 1:30 and then we will be handing out this year's yearbooks for all of those who ordered them. We will also be having an ice cream social in the cafeteria until 3:00 so you can get as many signatures as you would like during that time. Thank you for listening, have a great last day Tatanka's!" (This was our mascot) Everyone cheered. Before heading to our first class.

Hey guys! Thanks for reading my first chapter! Hope you guys enjoyed it! After writing this chapter it's really making me wish summer vacation was here already! You may have noticed that I updated the parts that you met the characters. I changed a couple of things only: Liberty is not going to be home schooled, Will is not living with Zac and Luke YET! And Porter and Zac don't live together anymore.

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