error!sans and reader sibling...

By errortale-fanperson

74K 1.4K 7K

THIS IS NOT INCEST. - the first 5 oneshots are older so they're really cringey - sfw (safe for work) - whole... More

suggest oneshots!
meeting new people!
When you get a 'Boo-Boo'
Error doesn't want you to grow up!
nightmares and cuddles
multiple oneshots!
teaching little error abc's

Meeting Your Brothers

12.1K 215 1.1K
By errortale-fanperson

You are a skeleton in this chapter.



> Error Sans < > Siblings: You, Fresh, and Geno <

> Fresh Sans (oh god this is gonna be hard for his dialogue XD) <


> Geno Sans <

> Cross Sans <

> You! < > Age: 8.5

Please read:

So, only for this chapter the ppl will be you siblings. Not others, unless I put it in :V




Lez do this

(Wait . . . Is geno/fresh Errors brother? I have a feeling that ain't true, because, I think fresh has a timeline, idk about Geno, because EVERYONES GIVING ME MESSED UP SHEIT ABOUT HIM--)


"Who are we gonna meet again? I forgot," You asked, holding Errors hand as you walked through an AU that . . Isn't an AU. It doesn't have anyone in it. It looks exactly like the original Timeline, but with no one there. It's an AU where all the Sans' (and some Papyrus') can visit and hang out. It was dangerous to hang out with the same person from another AU and have someone see you. The entire timeline would be ruined. Unless there was a True Reset. (Does that even exist? XD)


"We're going to meet some people, or, more like family," sighed Error, spotting a Mansion from afar.

"FAMILY?!" You gasped, squeezing your doll that looks like Error, which you had begged him to make incase you ever get lost. Error nodded, looking down at you. He then slowly looked forwards.

'Oh god . . . This is the first time I've ever gone to this place . . . What will they think of me? And (Y/N)? What if fresh or geno said something about me coming . . . Oh my god . .'

" E R R 0 R ! ! " you glitched, shaking Error. Error snapped out of his thoughts, and noticed that they were already outside the mansion.

((To lazy to give a description, and, plus, I'm on my (NEW :D) phone rn; so it's harder anyway. Sorry ;-; ))

Horrortale!Sans must have heard you from inside, because he had he door wide open, his left eye glowing furiously, and he had a glare so hard and scary, it could most likely shoot through a million diamonds if he really tried.



You turned to look at the Sans behind you, and when you saw horror, you screamed a high-pitched scream,


Then Your instincts act up, and you threw your Error doll at horror, but missed. Without wording from the killer, he summoned 2 Gaster Blasters, awaiting their last words. Error inhaled quickly, taking a step back and using his free arm to badly cover himself. You were doing the same.

" I t ' s t i m e t o e r a s e t h e g l i t c h e s . . "

Horror chuckled darkly, balling his fist up, the Gaster Blasters humming growing louder, indicating that they were going to attack.

It happened . . .

It happened to . .

. . Fast.

A young, glitched scream of utter pain was unleashed from a young one, heard from miles away. Only the slightest whisper of pain slipped from the older male, working with a smaller amount of pain as it's younger one.

A cold, dark laugh rumbled throughout both of the siblings skulls.

Silently, tears fell to the ground from the young, un-describable pain showering through the body from the shoulder that . . .

Was once there.

Silently, the hurt male turned its pained gaze to their attacker, attempting to ignore the throbbing pain from their half-arm.

Silently, the attacker grinned devilishly, a shadow casting over their eyes, enjoying their pain.

Silently . . .

Silently, the siblings clung onto the little determination they had left.

. . .

A calm, yet pissed tune showed itself to reality, breaking the wall of the pained silence . . .

"That was . . ."

. . . Along with a deep voice,

"Very. Un. Radical."


The killer was gone.

"ERROR!" The two voices yelled, two figures dashing over to the in-pain Error. The child was still standing in place, in pure pain. . .

And fear.

((Sorry, i went to deep XD I'll stop. Sorry, i like going for feels sOmetiems XD))

Geno rushed to your shaking, crying, screaming in pain figure, trying to calm her down. The only words that Geno could under stand was 'Error' and 'Okay', when Geno picked her up and was already running into the house with confused Sans'.

Geno glanced at the passed out Error. Fresh was healing him, but slowly. He snapped backed his skull to the scared child.

"He's fine . ." He reassured. Geno ran into the health room, or, H.R, with Ink behind trailing behind, hearing the commotion from upstairs. Geno placed the injured on a bed, scrambling around to find something to heal you with. Right now, you were uncontrollably sobbing, clenching the sides of the bed, probably close to crunching it to Adams. (Is that how you spell it? Or is it spelled differently? Oh god, i sound like an idiot. ;-;) ink claimed that he was going to get his paintbrush, seeing if it could heal you.

Meanwhile, Fresh had succeeded healing his brother, and he had woken up.

"Where is she?!" Screamed Error, weakly getting up. Fresh lead him to the H.R, and on the way Error had grabbed your doll. When Error saw you crying, holding onto the bed in pain, and saw Geno scrambling around to find something to heal you with, he was terrified. He ran to you, handed the doll and tried to get you to look at him.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)! I'm g0ing t0 try s0mething, d-d0n't m0ve!"

You nodded continually, and quickly, wanting to stop the pain and fear. You faced Error and awaited his actions.

((OH GOD HERE COMES THE JUCIY STUFF OH YA! . . . No, not lemon kind of stuff, you sinners D:< YOUR A CHILD--))

Error brought out two of his hands, putting it in front of your chest, dark blue magic pulsing off it. Little waves of magic surrounded you, then suddenly, by the looks of it, harshly pushed itself into your dying body. Your body turned completely black, along with your clothes, kinda looking like a silhouette. Not for long, though. Soon your body was surrounded with--



The numbers Spiraling around you, a screen came out, a very large, transparent one. On it was your statuses, like you're health and you soul rate (idk). Error turned to his right, his left hand still giving off magic. With Errors right hand, he swiped up, revealing a black and blue computer, typed in a code, a couple moments later, a little light blue chip appeared (not the food), and Error grabbed it and threw it at the large screen. Swiping back down, the computer hid itself from existence. Error fully turned around, and slowly summoned the large screen to disappear. When it was, all there was a terrified child, in the same position from before the commotion of healing.

"ERROR-R-R!" You glitched, jumping to hug him. He grabbed you and accepted the hug, and put you back on the bed, your back against the soft sheets.

You passed out.

"0h my g0d . ." Mumbled Error shakily, burying his skull into his hands.

"WOWIE!!" Gasped a voice behind Error, making him snap his head around.

Probably every Sans and Papyrus in the building was there, gawking at Error. Well, besides Ink, Geno, Fresh, and . . . Cross?

"D . . . Did you just save someone?" Outertale asked slowly, pointing to you.

"W . . Wha . ." Gawked Dancetale!Sans. "What? Why? Saving?"

Error was loaded with questions, but he didn't listen. Silently, he was scanning your body for any more cuts. He found none. That when he turned to the ground and saw a upper-half-doll of him. He gasped, and picked it up.

"0h g0d! She's g0ing t0 kill me!" Groaned Error. He quickly took his hand off his forehead and stuck his hand in his pocket, then pulled out a needle. Using his magic, Error somehow sewed the outline of the original doll, and used his magic to recreate it. When it wasn't as glitchy as before, Error sat the doll next to your sleeping figure.

"Okay . . . You have some talking to do," Mumbled Geno, who had put a hand on Errors shoulder. Geno, Fresh, and Error teleported to another room in the mansion.

"BRO!! SINCE WHEN COULD YOU DO THAT?!" Screamed Geno, throwing his hands in the air.

"Since when did you get so much energy?"

"RIGHT NOW!! MY BRO JUST DID SOMETHING REALLY, REALLY COOL AND I NEVER KNEW ABOUT IT! . . . . and I'm also a little hurt that you didn't say anything about that kiddo . . Who was she?"

Error smiled.

"She's (Y/N)," Error said simply.


"She's our sister," Error grinned, awaiting their reaction.

. . .


". . .um, what?"

"Hi ink."

"Uh, hi . . Why does Geno and Fresh look like they've just saw a living blanket," Ink pointed to Geno and Fresh, their eyes wide open, and there wide mouths open to.

"Y'know that really radical-wicked-AWEsome thingy-ma-jig scene-o-re-no that just legit happened not long ago? And that little-itty skele that toats looked like Error?"



"She's our sibling . ."

Error sent a look at Ink that said: 'act-surprised-or-else-I-will-END-you-even-if-you-already-know,-I-Cant-make-my-brothers-feel-bad'.


Ink was surprised at Errors actions.

"Listen, i don't want to leave (Y/N) downstairs with everyone . . And when she wakes up, she'll be terrified," Error explained, a pleading expression on his face.

"Cross is watching her," Ink explained simply.

"Still," Error begged.

"But mah dude, plz!" Begged Fresh. "Please?" Geno added.

Error let out a grunt of defeat.


"How old is she?"

"Eight and a half. Don't forget the half, she gets mad when people forget. Well, more like me."

"Alright-ys, how riggity-iggity long have you been wih dah little-ittle-skele?"

"I don't know," Error shrugged.


"I don't know.

"Hmmm. Well, I don't have any more questions. Do you, Fresh?" Geno turned his head. Fresh shook his head no.

"Now can I go see (Y/N)?" Sighed Error, waiting for their response. Geno and Fresh nodded, and they all teleported to the place they were before. You were awake. You gasped and hopped off the bed, even if your legs were sore.

"Biiiggg brrooooo!!" You squeal, hugging Errors legs because you were Smol. Cross walker over to Error.

"She's full of--"

"--Energy. Yeah. She's tiring."

Cross chuckled in response.

Fell stomped in and glared at Error. You noticed this, and started speaking before fell did.

"It's rude glare at someone, big red person!" You nagged, pointing your left index finger at fell and putting the other hand on your waist. Fells eyes widened.

"Who on earth taught you that?!"

You pointed to Error.

"What's an 'Eeeerth'?" You questioned, tilting your head to the side.

"Something I will teach you later," Error chuckled.

//time skip to when you finally meet everyone because RN I don't feel like writing a million paragraphs xP\
((You haven't met your brothers yet)

"HIIII!!!" You giggled, waving your hand back and forth quickly, smiling at fresh.

"I'm (Y/N) and I'm seve-- I mean eight and a half! I'm Errors little sis!! Error told me your family!! Are you my grandpa or something (i had to lmao)?!" You greeted enthusiastically, smiling wide. Fresh crouched down to your height.

"Yo, my radical broskiette! I'm Sansy Fresh, or Fresh!Sans, but you can call meh Fresh, an' I'm yer radical older brother, butttttt younger than Our BROther Error," Fresh smiled.

Your eyes went wide.

"REALLY?!" You gasped loudly, jumping up and down, earning chuckles from from other Sans' watching. Fresh nodded. He Then stepped to the side so Geno could introduce himself. Geno took a slow step towards you, worry filled in his eye sockets.

"Ohhhh," you gawked, then giggled. "You look super cool!" You complimented, your eye sockets shining with observant and awe. Practically everyone's soul melted at your reaction. Geno stood there in shock. He had expected her to freak out! This is probably his favorite sibling. After you scanning Geno's body, you introduced yourself.

"I'm (Y/N)!! And I'm 8!! What's your name?!"

Geno smiled genuinely, which surprised Error and Fresh because this depressed skeleton barely actually smiles.

"Heh. I'm Aftertale!Sans (right? Or is it Genocide (or something like that)? WHAT IS ITT UHHHHWJGEUDD), but call me Geno. Or something else that isn't ridiculous. And I'm older than you, but younger than fresh."

You smiled wide, then asked,

"Can I hug you?!"

Geno was surprised at your sudden question, but didn't make a large deal of it. Geno nodded and you gasped, jumping up to hug your new bro. Geno was stunned at how fast you hugged him, so he ended up hugging you 10 seconds after you did.

After meeting your new brothers, you hung out with the other sanses, still clinging onto Errors side. You held his hand basically the entire time you were there, only because you had an uneasy feeling being with the sans' and Papyrus'. You'll hopefully warm up to them soon. But, out of all the Sans (Except for your new brothers), Ink and cross stood out to you. Ink was really sweet to you, and he was funny. Cross? Something about him stood out. Maybe it was because Chata was sealed into him? Who knows.

. . .

Woah, woah, woahh . . .

You felt yourself lose balance, and you began swaying back and forth without much effort. What was this feeling again? Oh yeah!

"Brwo? I'm slweepy . . ." Your words squashed together, you were finding it harder to say things. Error turned down to you and saw your tired expression, and, wait, a flushed face?









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