The Dead World I Live In

By BlackRose54

62.6K 1.2K 204

1: Ava Barns believes she is the last human left alive in a world full of zombies. She knows the cure, but ho... More

The Dead World I Live In (Prologue)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 1)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 2)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 3)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 4)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 5)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 6)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 7)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 8)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 9)
The Dead World I Live In (Chapter 10)
Authors SOS
The Dead I Live With (Prologue)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 1)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 2)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 3)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 4)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 5)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 6)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 7)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 8)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 9)
The Dead I Live With (Chase's Chapter 1)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 10)
The Dead I Live With (Chase's Chapter 2)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 11)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 12)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 13)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 14)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 15)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 16)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 17)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 18)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 19)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 20)
The Dead I Live With (Chapter 21)
The Dead I Give Life To (Prologue)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 1)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 2)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 3)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 4)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 5)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 6)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 7)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 8)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 9)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 10)
The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 11)

The Dead I Give Life To (Chapter 12)

1K 44 27
By BlackRose54

“Hey, April, you came!”

Smugly grinning, I walked up to the guy calling me April, and high five him. He grabs my hand and pulls me into towards him, and we fall to the ground.

He wraps his arms around me, and I wriggle, trying to escape. I can’t, and to be honest I really didn’t want to. I snuggle into his arms, and he laughs into my hair. “I missed you today April, didn’t see you”

“You wouldn’t because, unlike you, I was in class”

“That’s cause you’re a goody two shoes April, you gotta live more” He says, and I shake my head, lacing my fingers with his. He strokes my fingers with his thumb, and I sigh blissfully.

“I’m bad, that’s why you call me April”

“That’s true, but I’m still worse than you. I stick to my life of crime, but April, you’ve caved. You’ve given into the man and gone back to school” He mocked, and I rolled my eyes.

“No, it’s either that or I get expelled, and you’ll never see me again” I told him, and he scoffed

“So dramatic April” He told me, and I straddled him. I wrapped my arms around his neck, and pulled him closer to me.

The hill where we’d meet was secluded, sealed off from the rest of the world. We’d cut class just to sit for hours and watch the crimson sun disappear into the hills. The soft green grass beneath us and the blue sky above us, we thought life was perfect.

“Yeah, but you love me for it” I joked, pulling away from the hug to look at his face. Beautiful eyes, the amazing soul-searching eyes he looked at me with.

“I do” He wasn’t joking, there was only seriousness in his voice “I love you”

I gasped, and brought his lips to mine. The sweetness I felt in that kiss made up for everything wrong in my life. The way my parents hated my attitude towards school, the way my father was never home, the way all the teachers had given up on me and labelled me a lost cause.

All of that was made up for in that one kiss; the perfect 1st kiss.

“I love you too” I told him as I pulled away. He entangled his hands in my hair and cupped my face, and kissed me again.

“Yeah, but I love you more April” He whispered, and I giggled at his nickname for me. April.

He called me April because every day during the month of April we both had 2 hour after school detentions, for different reasons though. I got mine for getting revenge on a girl who had been bullying me at school, revenge in the form of a baseball bat.

He had gotten his for spray painting the answers to the science test his teacher told him he couldn’t do on the wall of the science block, and he was being forced to scrub it off himself as a form of punishment, as well as the detention. He was my beautiful nightmare, and I loved him.

“Ava, I didn’t kiss her! You know I didn’t!”

“But you did Kain, you freaking did! I saw you, and now you’re just lying to my face by saying you didn’t! I saw it! I SAW IT! I SAW YOU WITH HER! MY BEST FRIEND KAIN, YOU KISSED MY BEST FRIEND!” I sobbed, screaming at him.

I hurried down the path of the house I’d been partying at, hurrying away from Kain. My shoes were in my hands, and the brick floor was cold on my stocking feet. My cheeks were wet with tears, and undoubtedly my hair was a mess. I stopped for a moment, trying to collect myself. I shivered in my dress in the cold outside and hoped Kain had left me alone. He hadn’t, and Kain came up behind me and tried to hold on to me, but I struggled free.

“AVA, I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU BABY, PLEASE!” Kain begged, shouting in pain. He tried to grab onto me again, but I forced my way out.

“NO! IF YOU LOVED ME YOU WOULDN’T KISS MY BEST FRIEND!” I sobbed, hitting and punching him, hating him and loving him all at the same time.

I couldn’t believe he’d do that, he loved me. I loved him, and he loved me, yet he went and kissed my best friend. It wasn’t even a brief kiss, or a forced kiss. It was a wanted kiss, they’d both wanted it. I’d been watching them both at it for at least 10 minutes before I said something.

Screamed something might be more appropriate.

How had we come to this?

We’d been perfect. So happy, not a problem; sure we had fights, but nothing serious. I don’t understand why he’d do this to me, I thought he loved me. Evidently, he didn’t love me as much as I thought he did.

“Ava! Please, you know I love you please, baby, I’m sorry forgive me!” Kain begged his voice cracking. The dark night outside was illuminated with street lamps, and I saw Kain’s face, hurt written all over it. I might have forgiven him.

But his lips were covered in the very same red lipsticks I’d convinced my best friend to wear earlier that evening.

And he was covered in it. All over his face, neck, collar; stupid red lipstick that Kain hadn’t liked on me, but apparently he loved it on her! Maybe he loved her, and not me.

Maybe he doesn’t love me anymore.

Maybe he’d never loved me at all.

“Ava, sweetie, that boys at the door for you again, he says it’s urgent”

I lifted my head from the pillow to look at my mother, who was in turn looking at me with concern from the doorframe she was leaning on. She tilted her head at me, waiting for my response. I sat up in bed, moving my unwashed, unstraightened hair out of my face. I was a mess.

“I don’t want to see him, tell him to go away” I muttered, burying my head back in the pillow. My mum walked over to me and sat down on the bed, and began stroking my back.

“You need to cheer up Ava; it’s your birthday tomorrow! But sweetheart, you’re going to have to talk to him at some point.” At this I sat up again, flipping my hair. I looked at my mother and shook my head fiercely, annoyed at what she had just said.

“I don’t want to talk to him! I never want to see him again!” I exclaimed, throwing my hands in the air for effect. “Now, please” I lowered my voice to a hiss “Get rid of him!”

“Ava, it was one mistake, don’t you think-?”

“No, I don’t! He’s the reason I moved schools!” I shouted, outraged. My Mom is supposed to be on my side, yet she’s telling me to talk to the guy that broke my heart?!

My Mom glared at me, raising an eyebrow. She crossed her legs, right over left as always, and looked at me with a look of heavy disappointment. “No Ava, you were kicked out of school because you spray painted the words, in bright orange, on the side of the NEW science block: ‘Kain is a lying, cheating, scumbag who needs to shove his head up his own-!” My Mom stopped when she saw the pout on my face. “Need I go on?”

“No” I replied, scowling. Mom stood up from my bed, straightening out her skirt. She walked towards the door.

“Fine, I’ll go get rid of him. But you have to talk to him first” Mom announced, and suddenly a wave of anger washed over me.

“You know what?” I jumped up from my bed, and marched downstairs “I will talk to him!” I didn’t bother fixing my hair, or my clothes. The moment I reached the door, I swung it open, missiles ready to launch, all set to give my ex a piece of my mind.

Kain looked worse than I did.

His hair was all crumpled, unwashed and messy. His usual sparkly eyes were gone, replaced with blackness, and purple bags that hung like dead meat under his eyes. It looked like it was a struggle just to breathe.

My heart broke again.

I loved him. How could I bare to see him in such pain, such anguish, that I had caused? Except he had brought this on himself, and I had to remember that, otherwise I knew I’d go crawling back to him. And I couldn’t. It was only one kiss, but I’d never trust him again.

“Ava” Kain croaked, looking up at me. His eyes were sparkling with tears, suddenly alight. I stepped out, the first fresh air I’d had in weeks, and I sat down on the porch steps. Kain sat beside me.

“I can’t forgive you Kain. You hurt me, really badly, and I know I won’t be able to trust you again. I love you, you know I do, I do love you, but I just can’t”

“I understand, but maybe we can start anew? I mean, we’ll still see each other at school, and-!”

“No we won’t Kain. I got expelled. I’m going to another school. Its better that way, believe me. I’m sorry” Kain held up his hand to stop me, and cupped it around my face.

“You shouldn’t be apologising. I hurt you, and I’m sorry. I’ll always love you” Kain leaned in to kiss me, but I pulled away.

“Please don’t make this harder Kain” I told him.

I got to my feet, and walked towards the door. I took one sad look back at Kain, who had also gotten to his feet, and I stepped inside. I closed the door, and whispered “Goodbye Kain”.

The last time I thought I’d ever see him.

The blonde girl yanked my head up from the floor, and forced me to look at him. I felt more bile rising in my throat, and I bent down throwing up again. Nadia’s laugh was ringing in my ears, and the grip that the blonde had on my hair was causing me serious pain.

“Let her go Sophia” Nadia says Sophia’s name softly, she obviously cares for her. And that is more disgusting than what is in front of me.

I don’t dare look. Sophia releases, me and I fall to the floor, keeping my eyes there. I rub my head, trying to erase the image that I’ve just seen. It doesn’t vanish.

My mind floods back to the memories that first entered my head when I originally saw him. When I first saw Kain like that, all of our history, our breakup, our reunion, and then our second love story just came rushing back. But now none of it would continue.

Kain was dead.

He had been viciously, brutally, inhumanely murdered.

His head was lolled to one side on the chair that he was strapped to. How they’d managed to do that in the little time he was gone was a mystery, a sick twisted mystery that I didn’t want solving. His chest had been ripped open, leaving his innards exposed. Most of them had fallen onto the floor in a pool of blood when he had been turned around, and now the rest were slowly oozing out.

His face was the worst though.

His eyes had been ripped out of his skull. There was nothing left but two gaping holes in his face, flesh torn around the outside where they used to be. The beautiful shining eyes that I used to love were now gone, probably rolling around the floor of some dark cell in this horrible place.

“Why?” I croaked, “Why did you have to kill him?” I looked at Nadia with utter hatred. I wanted to kill her; I wanted to do to her what she did to Kain. I didn’t care anymore, I just didn’t care.

“Because he was horrible, mother, I liked my real father better, he was much nicer, and Mother he....” Nadia kept going, but I stopped listening, instead trapped inside of my own thoughts.

I remembered the penknife in my bag, and I slipped it out, and put it in my lap, out of sight. I made sure no-one was watching, they were all too busy listening to Nadia to pay any attention to me. I flicked the blade open, and decided to find the best time to strike. Nadia was too far away, but I could wound Sophia, that would give me something.

Because, as the old saying goes; an eye for an eye.

I gripped the blade in my hand, gripping it so tightly that my knuckles turned white. I had to wait until she was fully distracted. I tuned back into the words she was babbling.

“And now, he’s here Mummy, its Daddy!” Nadia announced, and turned her back on me to point to one of the cells. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that the cell was pitch black and that it looked like no-one was home.

Like a wild cat, I jumped to my feet, and jammed the blade into Sophia’s eye. She screamed, an ear-splitting racket, and I pulled the blade out. Her eye was stuck on the blade like a kebab, and I slid it off, throwing it to the floor.

“NO!” Nadia shrieked in anguish, and ran down the steps. She ran across to Sophia, who was on the floor, clutching her eye with her hand. Blood was spurting through the gaps in her fingers, and onto the floor. I grinned, and flicked the blade back in, before I pushed the knife down into my boot before it was stolen from me.

Her face a deathly glare, Nadia turned to face me. She raised her hand and slapped me across the face, a force so hard it reduced me to the floor. My whole eye felt like it was going to explode, and I grasped my face with my hand. I scowled at Nadia.

The pain was worth it though.

“Mummy appears to be acting like a little slapper, wouldn’t you think so Daddy?” Nadia turned back to Jesse, still bound on the floor. I’d forgotten about him because of Kain’s untimely death, but now all I could think about was him.

Nadia skipped over to Jesse, and ripped the filthy garment from his mouth. He coughed and spluttered, spitting on the floor to remove the taste. He looked up at me, and smiled a wry smile. My face was expressionless, who knew how long he’d been here?

I hoped it wasn’t long.

“Mummy, will you tell me how you met Daddy?” Nadia asked me, her voice like a young child’s again. I didn’t respond, so she turned her attention to Jesse. “Daddy, how did you meet my Mother?”

Jesse didn’t reply either.

“Looks like I’ll have to tell my own story then. So, Mummy’s blood was being used in a lab by Daddy...” Jesse was shaking his head “No? Go on then Daddy, tell the story”

“You” Jesse cleared his throat “You were created when the scientists at the lab mixed my blood with Ava’s, making me like her. And somehow the mixture was put into Ava, lying dormant in her ovary. It was only activated when she slept with that guy”

“Chase” I said quietly, the guilt of what I’d done to him hitting me. I went silent again, my heart thudding as Jesse continued his story. In my head I heard the bullet I’d fired into his leg shooting out of the gun. I could hear the shot.

“Yeah, him, and you were created. Should have been me that awakened you, maybe that’s why you’re so messed up” Jesse concluded.

Nadia giggled “I’m not messed up! Silly Daddy, I’m perfect!” Suddenly, Nadia slapped Jesse across the face, and he fell flat on his face. He groaned, and I saw the trickle of blood flood out. Beside me, Sophia began to stir, and she got to her feet. Nadia hurried over to her.

“I’ll fix you” Nadia whispered in her ear, and Sophia craned her neck, eager for Nadia to bite her again. It was all so vampire; with the blood transfer, the changing, and the perfection. But it wasn’t, it was something much worse, something darker and deader than anything a mythical vampire could have invented. This was done by science, and a freak accident with blood.

I turned away from the blood ritual in front of me. I had to get out of here. I had to get Jesse out, I had to get myself out, and I had to get us out alive. The likelihood of that happening though was very low.

Nadia pulled away from Sophia, and the blonde fell to the floor, grinning ear to ear because of the power Nadia had given her. Her eye had begun to heal over. A new eye was not growing, but a patch of skin covered it, making her still look beautiful.

“Now, I know the story of where I came from, I don’t have much use for you in this new world” Nadia said “And really, who wants their parents watching their every move?”

“NO!” A male voice echoed off the walls, and for a moment, one shining moment, I thought Kain was still alive. But I looked over my shoulder and saw his dead corpse, I realised it wasn’t. 

That meant it was.....

“Chase!” I gasped, his name escaping my mouth.

He ran out of the distance, with a long stick with a flickering flame on the end, and a gun in his other hand. Chase saw me and grinned, one of the smiles he used to give me, and my heart went light. But my heart dropped when I saw Nadia behind him with a knife.

“CHASE!” I screamed out, but it was too late. Nadia thrust the blade into his stomach, and Chase fell to the floor, holding the hole which blood was pouring out from. “NO!” I cried my voice cracking. I had shot him in the leg so he wouldn’t follow me and get himself hurt, but now he had.

“Ava! I love you, I’m sorry I followed you, I couldn’t let you get hurt” Chase told me, reaching out for me with his hands. I hurried over to him and threw myself to the floor next to him, and held his hands.

“You shouldn’t have followed me Chase; you’re going to die now! God sometimes I wish you weren’t so bipolar!” I gasped at what I’d just said. I wasn’t supposed to let on that I knew, even to this seemingly sane Chase.

“You know?” He croaked, and I nodded. Jesse was staring at me, his golden eyes blazing.

“Yes, why didn’t you tell me yourself?” Tears were rolling down my cheeks, and Chase reached up to wipe them away. 

“I didn’t want you to know” Chase revealed, and I stab of guilt hit me in the stomach. I’d felt something similar with what was going on with Jesse. I had to tell him, he had to know before he died. It was obvious that his death was coming. Chase was losing so much blood, and his heartbeat was becoming weaker by the second.

“I need to tell you something. The baby’s not yours, its Jesse’s. I didn’t cheat on you, it was a science thing. But I did cheat on you with Kain. It just happened. You were too out of it to know, and you scared me towards the end Chase. But I love you, I still love you.”

“I know, I saw you talking to Jesse, I saw you sneaking out to meet him. And I guessed with Kain. I saw it when you saw him. You looked like you were going to die on the spot. And its ok, I love you too” Chase coughed, blood coming from his mouth and running down the sides.

“And maybe that’s why I never warmed to the baby, maybe I knew, even in my crazy phases. I love you Ava I-!” Chase’s eyes opened wide, and he suddenly screamed loudly. I released his hands immediately and scrabbled away from him.

“What’s wrong with him?!” Nadia asked, her voice more of a scoff than a panicked tone.

“I don’t know! He’s bipolar; it’s one of his phases!” I shouted over Chase’s screaming. He stopped and looked directly at Nadia, pointing one of his blood stained fists at her.

“IT’S YOU! THE DARK PRINCESS, THE DESTROYER OF THE WORLD! YOU SHALL DROWN IN THE POOLS OF YOUR OWN DARK EYES UNTIL YOU SEE THE WORLD THAT YOU HAVE CREATED! YOU DARK GIRL! YOU HORRIFIC DARK GIRL! HE SHALL NOT LOVE YOU UNTIL YOU LOVE YOURSELF!” Chase screeched, and Nadia took a step back. She looked scared. She looked like she did the first time I met her properly, and when she saw Paulie get shot when the army open fired.

But then the fear in her eyes turned to malice.

“Kill him” Nadia ordered, and I saw Mary slink forwards.

“NO! DON’T DO IT, PLEASE! NOOO!” I screamed, but Mary stamped down on Chase’s face, shattering his brain and his head. Nadia laughed, and her girl’s joined in. My fist clenched and I shuffled over to Jesse. I untied his hands and feet, and he wrapped his arms around me for comfort.

“Shhh, its ok” Jesse soothed, his voice tickling the back of my neck. I couldn’t cry; there was nothing left inside of me. I’d already lost Kain, now Chase, I had no idea where the dogs were, and there was nothing else left to do.

I looked at Nadia with empty eyes, directly into the dark black pools of her eyes. For a moment I thought I saw a flicker of humanity, but it vanished quicker than I could confirm it, almost like it had never been there.

It probably hadn’t, I was seeing things.

“I’m sorry about that Mommy, it’s just I really didn’t have any use for him anymore. He was so mad, all screaming and that. It disrupted the peace you see” Nadia laughed at her own joke, and pointed to the mutilated bodies strewn around the room.

“Darling, Mary got the things needed for tonight” Sophia announced, suddenly looking fine. It was like the incident never happened; aside from the left eye she had missing.

“Oh goody!” Nadia cheered, and skipped around the room. She walked over to Jesse and I, and roughly pulled us to our feet. She pushed me forwards, and Mary caught me in a tight grip. She pushed Jesse, who stumbled from the suffering his legs had endured whilst in Nadia’s company, into Sophia, who caught him, smiling evilly.

“Take their clothes off” Nadia commanded, and placed her hands over his eyes. “Hurry up now”

Without warning, Mary ripped my clothes off, turning them into shreds of fabric, and I saw Sophia do the same to Jesse. Sophia then placed something over my head, and forced my body into the clothes she was putting on me. She removed my boots, and I cursed inside my head as both my knife and spare gun were tipped out of my boots.

Mary picked up the gun and threw it to Nadia, who caught it easily, and placed it in the gap between her top and her skirt. Mary kicked the knife into the shadows, so that was no help to me. My Dad gave me that knife; the same Dad that implanted a monster into me, and purposely caused this apocalypse.

Then, Mary zipped me up at the back of the dress, and pushed me towards Jesse, who was also ready. He caught me, and held me to his chest, his arms firmly around my waist. We both looked at Nadia, feeling our hearts thudding against our chest.

Nadia removed her hands from her eyes “Good, you’re decent, and ready for the event to begin. I mean, that’s gross, who wants to see their parents in their underwear? And worse still, even though you’re my parents, my body is older than both of you, because body-wise, I’m 18, and you guys are at least only 15, 16. I matured fast, huh?” She asked Sophia and Mary, who nodded at her, looking at her like they were undressing Nadia with their eyes. It was a disturbing, sickening thought.

But Nadia was 18, that fact was true. Her body had grown at an alarming rate, and she had gone from being in her early teens to being almost an adult. But she hadn’t grown up right, she’d barely started living, and she was already a cold blooded killer.

“What’s the event?” Jesse spat, his arms still around me. Nadia shook her head at us, and skipped in between us. Powerfully, she pushed us apart, using so much force that I fell to the floor. I couldn’t get up because of the long dress Mary had put me in, and so Mary came over and pulled me to my feet.

Her grip on my upper arms was unbearable; Mary was purposely digging her nails in. I yelped, and Mary pushed me away, but this time I stood to my feet. I was standing at the bottom of a large staircase, one of the two. It was like those in posh houses, it had a balcony and two staircases going either side. I was at the bottom of one, and Jesse was at the bottom of another.

Like the music conductor, Nadia was stood on the balcony in the middle, watching the piece she’d directed unfold.

I didn’t understand how she knew so much. It was like she was older in her mind than she actually was, because age wise she might only have been a few days old. But she was so experienced already, so old. I didn’t know how, and I probably never would.

“Now, it’s time for Mom and Dad to meet” Nadia announced, and snapped her fingers, the sound echoing in the concrete room. The jail cell was a dismal place, but the way Nadia spoke and acted about it made me think that maybe she saw it differently. Maybe she thought of it as a haven, a heaven for her to play her sick little games in.

Mary pushed me towards the stairs, and I began to walk them. My breathing was becoming faster, and as I walked. My eye caught Jesse’s as he also walked up the stairs, and his golden eyes were calm. I followed his example, and my breathing had already slowed. We reached the top, and Nadia twirled the gun she had just plucked from her skirt and looked at it.

“It’s nice” She said to me, and looked at the silencer “And it’ll keep quiet too” Nadia began to hum ‘Here come the bride’. How did she know about silencers, and how did she know the tune to the wedding song? Where had she gotten her information?

“Aren’t I clever, knowing that song?” Nadia announced, pointing the gun at me. It’s like she knew what I was thinking, and that thought unnerved me more than anything. But, I kept still, attempting to keep my breathing steady. She was going to kill me.

I knew it now. Nadia was going to kill me; there was no doubt about it. I wasn’t going to walk away from this, and strangely I was alright with it. I had lost everyone dear to me, and my run in the dead world was becoming more and more painful. I wanted her to end it, so she’d have to live with the guilt of killing her own mother.

I lived with the guilt of all the people I had killed. And the death toll was mounting. But it would stop now. When Nadia put the bullet through my head all the pain would stop.

“Aww, it’s lovely to see you two crazy kids together again. Go on Jesse, give her a smooch!” Nadia taunted, but Jesse and I remained still. Nadia clicked the gun and pointed it at Jesse’s head. Jesse looked in my eyes for permission, and I gave a small nod of my head.

I couldn’t be responsible for Jesse’s death too.

He came forwards, and placed his lips to mine for a brief kiss. He tried to pull away, but Nadia held his head there, and forced us to kiss.

“That’s better, see? Isn’t that nice?” Nadia cooed sadistically, and I wanted to kill her. I could have happily wrapped my hands around her neck and throttled her until she turned blue. I would have done, if it wasn’t for the gun in her hands.

It was funny; I had risked my life for the person I now wanted to kill.

She eventually released Jesse and me, and we both panted because of lack of oxygen. I kept a straight face at Nadia, who was smiling the whole time. I hated her. I could see in Jesse’s eyes he felt the same. We weren’t proud parent’s, we were devil hunter’s wanting to kill the offspring.

I noticed Mary and Sophia slinking up the stairs, one on either staircase. They were watching Nadia, like they were waiting for something. It looked to me like they were waiting for a signal.

Mary threw a pair of pink fluffy handcuffs to Nadia, who caught them giggling. Sophia giggled too, an irritating girlish laugh that Nadia looked to find adorable. I felt my stomach turn.

Nadia strapped one on to Jesse, wrapped it under the balcony railing and attached the other one to me. That meant we were trapped to the railings, and trapped to each other. Nadia kissed us both on the cheek, and descended down the stairs.

I pulled on the handcuffs, and realised that they weren’t budging. I pulled harder, as did Jesse, but we were trapped. I looked at him in worry, and he looked at me the same. I didn’t feel I had the strength to break free.

I hadn’t felt like I had real strength since I had Nadia. Maybe she had all the power I had. I doubted I could heal people anymore too.

Nadia stood on the edge of the shadows, one foot in, one foot out. She was going to disappear any second now, leaving us trapped.

However, unlike Nadia, Mary and Sophia had gone over to double doors and had their hands on the door knobs. The whole room fell silent, and that’s when I heard them, for the first time.

I heard a low chorus of growls, rumbling out and echoing around the room. Howls and wails and whimpers; the serenade of starvation. The undead were coming, waiting outside the doors. The howling and growling undead were waiting for Nadia to give the command for them to be let in.

“NO! NADIA YOU CAN’T!” My voice was hysterical, a high pitched scream running around the walls of the room and jumping into the ears of anyone close enough to hear. A bullet to the head, that was a better death than some I’d witnessed, some I’d caused.

But Nadia was going to leave Jesse and I to be ripped apart by the monsters that had been created from us. Jesse began shouting to Nadia too, both of us begging and screaming and pleading with her to let us go.


“Goodbye Father, it was nice having your blood on the floor.” Nadia turned to walk away, but stopped herself before she disappeared into the shadows. “Oh, and Mother?”

“What?!” I snarled through gritted teeth

“You’re bleeding” She replied, and fired the gun.

The bullet hit my left side, and I fell immediately. My hand was still being held in the air by the handcuff, and the pain in my stomach was overwhelming. With my spare hand I pressed down on my wound, and grimaced as soul-sucking pain shot through my entire body. I could feel the blood soaking through my dress, and I heard it dribble onto the floor.

I heard it begin to drip from the balcony.

The howls and growls from outside became louder, and they began to bang their undead fists on the door. They could smell the blood, and their body’s yearned for it, they lusted after it, in a similar way like Nadia lusted after power.

I could feel my body shutting down on me. My eyes were straining to stay open, and my whole body shook frighteningly as I resisted what my body naturally told me to do. Jesse held my body, and tried to keep me calm.

“Shhh Ava, darling, it’s ok, I’m here.” Jesse pressed his lips to my forehead, but I moved them to my lips. Jesse pulled away, looking at me shocked.

“I-I had to know w-what it felt like, properly” I told Jesse with a weak smile, and he chuckled, and pressed his lips back to mine. He realised me, and I coughed and spluttered, causing more blood to spurt out from my wound.

The one arm he had free he wrapped around me, and held me close to his chest. My breathing became raspy, and I could feel my chest shutting down on me. I was dying, and I just hoped it was before the zombies came in. I felt sorry for Jesse, he was going to watch me die, and then be torn to shreds. Only the way I was leaving wouldn’t be as painful. Suddenly, Jesse released me and stood to his feet, and spat down from the balcony at Nadia.

“SHOOT ME YOU LITTLE BI-!” Jesse shouted at Nadia, and she fired the gun. Jesse fell to the floor beside me, grinning like the Cheshire cat, despite the pain he was obviously in. “Now we’re matching” He answered, and I couldn’t help but grin a little at his logic.

“Wow, wasn’t that fun. But now, you’re going to die” Nadia paused for a moment, tapping the gun on her chin. I hoped in a freak accident it went off and blew her face off, but unfortunately there was no such luck. “Huh, you’re both gonna die so soon. Oh, that’s gloomy” Nadia snapped her fingers, and then wiggled them at Jesse and I. “Goodbye”

Nadia disappeared into the shadows, swishing her hips as she went. She walked like a she-devil into hell, and that would be the last time I ever saw her. She fired a shot, and it echoed. Almost robotically, Mary and Sophia opened the door, and Jesse and I saw the horde outside.

There were hundreds, maybe even a thousand.

Manically, they poured into the rusty building, dragging their broken bodies with them. Some of them barely had heads, one feeble blow and they’d hit the ground. Others were almost fully intact, just bleeding from the bite wounds.

It didn’t matter what they looked like though really.

They all had one goal, one thing in common. Something that kept them going, that light at the end of the tunnel. The one thing they treasured more than anything. They wanted Jesse and me.

And because we were both chained to a balcony, and both mortally wounded, we were easy pickings for a group of zombies this big.

“I’ll see you on the other side” I said to Jesse with a wry smile.

I looked to my side, to see Jesse slumped on the balcony with his eyes closed and his head rested on the railings. He’d already gone. My eyes closed in remorse.

I dreaded for myself now. They were piling in fast, and most of them had already spotted me. I was stronger than Jesse; my body hadn’t given up yet. So maybe the zombies would get me after all. That was a horrible way to go.

I leaned against the balcony, and looked down at my wound. I lifted my hand, and looked down at the pool of crimson, scarlet and burgundy. The zombies were already shuffling up the stairs. No escape left; it was officially the end.

I hated going out like this as well. I’d given up without a fight. I let Nadia put the handcuffs on Jesse and me. I should have fought.  But I didn’t. After seeing what happened with Kain, and then Chase, I couldn’t take anymore. I had given up.

And now the curtains were closing on me.

I had no gun, no trusty pen knife, and no ideas. All I had was a hole in my side and several hundred zombies running up the stairs to consume my flesh. This was one cloud without a silver lining. Maybe it was better like this.

I wouldn’t have to worry anymore. There’d be no more anything. And on the other side, I’d meet everyone I loved again. My Mom, Tim- my younger brother, Dad, Jeff-the nice boy at my original base camp, Paulie, Kain, Chase, Isu and Coco. I hoped I’d see them all soon.

My heart was slowing down. The zombies were almost at the top of the stairs. I blew a kiss to them weakly, and my eyes closed. My brain was stopping, thoughts were becoming impossible to make. I stopped moving.

Goodbye, the dead world that I used to live in.

......THE END.....


TISSUES AT THE READY!!! So, did the story have a good end or bad end? Did you think that she made it out, or did she die? Or did someone come and save her at the end? What do we think happened!! COMMENT AND TELL MEEEE!!!!

I have attached a picture of a staircase (no, not because I’m weird) but because that’s the idea of the staircase and balcony that I wanted, only imagine it all grey and horrible, like a jail cell. You don’t have to imagine the dead body though; in fact I’d rather you didn’t!! So that’s all folks!

And if you have any unanswered questions, please leave them in the comment bit below, although I think I covered everything!








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