Alpha Obsession

By blitzguy347

1.2M 61.3K 10.3K

Before school even begins, 17-year-old Jake Kent is attacked by an enormous gray wolf. He's saved by a myster... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20.5
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chatper 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 40.5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45.5
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter: Final
Scorching Bonds!!!

Chapter 15

25.7K 1.3K 69
By blitzguy347

Then came the demons

Through sheer force of will and a bit of obsession, I survived a full week of coach Clinton's training. It was a full seven days in a row of turning myself into a sweaty mess. He instructed me to come back to the school on the weekends to continue while other students were in to make up work. Over those seven days, I ate like a monster, denied myself time for play, and added over a hundred miles to my record. When the next week of school came around, it felt like there had been no break at all.

I sat down in Miss Sin's class and nearly fell asleep before she started talking. "We've got another set of new students coming in today. It looks like we'll be adding twins to our classroom. They're running late, but I want you all to treat them better than you treat each other." It was a very similar line to the one she gave when I first transferred. Oh, how the time flew. There was a knock on the door and a few seconds later it opened. A pair of soft-faced teenagers walked in wearing some school's white and blue uniform. Miss Sin literally growled at the sight of them. "OUT!" the kids flinched, and the smaller female took a frightened step back.

The entire room went silent. Miss Sin seemed to have transformed into a completely new person that no one else in the class recognized. Her hair fell out of its bun, and her expression turned fierce and hostile. Her stance was as tense as a coiled spring. The newcomers were an interesting pair on their own. The sister was a dark-skinned blonde with amber eyes and hair that fell down in beautiful waves over her shoulders. Combined with the white dress shirt and light blue skirt, she was an exotic masterpiece. Her brother was tall with short curly black hair and broad shoulders. He was well defined, and his posture was rigid. His skin was a slightly darker shade of brown than his sister's, but his expression wasn't as tense.

"Are the wrong room?" asked the brother. For the first time since they entered, Miss Sin seemed to remember the rest of the room. She grimaced and immediately tied her hair back into a bun while composing herself. She coughed slightly and turned away from the new students.

"No, not at all. Oh my, I must still have a sore throat. Jake, would you mind fetching me a couple cough drops from the teacher's lounge?" I paled. Suddenly dozens of angry glares turned my way. They thought I was responsible for her fake sickness! Why was I being punished!? "Quickly now, Jake. Don't come back until you find blueberry flavored ones." I wanted to protest, but how could I? It was my fault for forgetting how unpredictable my biology teacher could be. I'd nearly forgotten the night she brought a raging werewolf under control with brute force.

I scrambled out of the room before she could bury me further. As I turned around the corner outside, I nearly crashed into the younger Sin. He looked frantic and held me tightly for a few moments. "What happened? Where's Nicole?" it occurred to me that he must have felt my distress and left his own classroom.

"Nothing. She freaked out a bit over the new kids and sent me to find some cough drops," I grumbled while avoiding his gaze. He was holding me too tightly for comfort.

"Blueberry ones?" he asked as he let go of my arms. I nodded, and his expression grew wilder. "Fucking hell! They reacted too quickly. I'm not ready for them." He knew how confused I was but apparently decided not to bother explaining. The cough drops were obviously some sort of code that I was sent out to pass. "How many?" I wasn't sure if he was referring to the cough drops or the newcomers. But it occurred to me that it didn't matter.

"Two." I had to watch as Hunter's bright blonde hair grew duller as he got angrier. I noticed gray hairs mixing with the rest. "Should I be worried? At least give me a head start if you're about to go crazy on me, Wolfe."

"Idiot, of course not. Look, just head back to class, pretend to hand her the drops, then lay low. And I mean low! In fact, go to sleep and stay the hell down until next class. Don't mess with those demons! Don't draw their attention. Actually...just go home. Yeah...that's the smartest call. Nicole will understand." He was rambling to himself just as much to me. I considered his demand for a moment. If I left now, I could sleep in my bed, but I'd miss out on training. The fact that I was being underestimated right now was just a sign that I couldn't just give up now. I shook my head and started walking back to class.

Hunter grabbed my arm and pulled me back around like a toy. He growled, "Jake, don't be stupid. You can do your shitty exercise at home. Just-" he stopped talking instantly. I'd reached over to grab his hand, and his expression changed. He stared at me like he couldn't remember what he was about to say a moment ago. It was enough confusion for me to pull away and run back to class. I didn't want to continue that exchange any longer than I had to.

Miss Sin looked at me with barely restrained surprise when I returned. "Oh my, that was fast...very fast. Did you get the drops?" I walked up to her and pretended to hand her some imaginary drops in front of the class. She looked like she wanted to say something else, but she simply nodded. "Alright, thank you. You look tired, so why don't you take a rest?" if both Sins want me to sleep so badly, then it's fine by me.

Just when I got to put my head down, I heard the new student's soft voice come from somewhere in the room. He said it loud enough for the words to reach me as well, "did you know that we eat wolves where I'm from? They grow pretty big in my town, so we find the biggest ones for feasts. I wonder if there are any big wolves around here." Holy hell! Then the person said something that made sleep even more difficult for me.

"What!? What kind of monsters would eat a poor wolf!?" the vegetarian, Amy, gasped. But I could guess the answer. If werewolves existed, then why not other things. First, there were werewolves, then came the demons that ate them?

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