It's Gotta be Him

By escapeme

41.1K 511 160

FINISHED! Gabbie and Cat live in a tiny city in a relatively rural part of Australia. One Direction is perfor... More

Gotta be Him
I've got a Hangover, woah!
An Awkward Meeting
Pucker up, Gabbie :P
Smile and say 'Cheese!'
Running nude in the rain...
Zayn's Making Progress...
Go, Grease Lightning!
Um.. Wow
Cat's Pyrotechnics are SO accurate these days...
Mile High club
*Dead* Oh wait, Gabbie just fainted.
Chinese or Indian?
Gabbie, some teasing and some swimmers beside the pool...
F-a-c-k F-a-c-k fack, fack, facking FREAK-ME!
I'll find the words to say... if you leave me today <3
Cry me a River
Not a Movie Style Girlfriend...
Circles, we're going in circles....
Men. What are you gonna do?
Going, Going, Gone...
Get out, Get out, Get out of my Head...
It's a damn cold night... Part ONE
It's a Damn Cold Night.. Part TWO
Shocking Much?
Hey, Hey!

We turn into Bitches... what do you want?

1.2K 14 2
By escapeme

"Go! Go!" Niall yelled, leaning in closer off his seat with a huge smile.

"HE SCORES!" The boys bellow as a buzzer sounds from somewhere inside the TV.

Gabbie and Cat glare at the boys from across the room, not amused by the fact that they are yelling and laughing loudly at 9:30PM. Especially since they had an interview for The Project early the next morning.

"Would you shut up?" Gabbie snapped, turning the page of her Dolly magazine forcfully.

The boys ignored her and let out another round of crows, high fiving each other as they got heavily into Australian NRL. The Eels, Cat's favourite team, were versing the Dragons. The boys were divided. Harry, Louis and Liam for the Dragons; Niall and Zayn for the Eels. Gabbie was pissed off and Cat knew exaclty why. Worse still, she'd be the same by tomorrow.

"I SAID- SHUT UP!" Gabbie yelled as the boys went silent to watch the game again.

They looked at her, half amused, half taken-a-back by her snappy tone. "Why?" Louis cut in, averting his eyes for a second from the screen.

"BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Gabbie snapped.

Niall and Liam were about to tell Gabbie off when Cat cut in. "Leave her alone guys." she said, shaking her head. "She's in a sensitive mood."

"I'LL GIVE YOU SENSITIVE!" Gabbie snapped, slamming her magazine down on the coffe table with a humph.

Cat and Zayn glanced at each other, Cat trying desperatly to convey something without speaking. Zayn cocked his head to the side, taking in Cat's desperate stare and felt utterly confused. Cat sighed. She just hoped the boys would shut up a bit and not make it any worse. She loved Gabbie, but when it was her time of the month, Cat was ready to shoot her.

"Why don't you go outside or something then?" Harry offered in a sweet voice, his eyes softening as he looked at Gabbie.

Gabbie glowered at him. "Why don't cha!?" She threw back at him angrily. Harry flinched, bewlidered and confused.

"But I just-," He began again, looking totally lost.

Cat threw him a warning look and Harry bit his lip, looking back at the TV, which was flashing a Trojan Condom comercial. Cat nearly blushed as Zayn looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. Awkies.... Cat thought, before looking back at Gabbie.

Gabbie ws pissed off at everyone. At the world, at the NRL, at Cat and more importantly, she was pissed off at the boys. A lot. She felt the need to scream and rant bubbling up inside her.

"Why don't you go to bed, Gabs?" Cat offered slowly, looking worried that Gabbie might explode suddenly. "You look tired."

"Well," Gabbie said curtly, uncrossing her slim legs. "Maybe I wouldn't be so tired if you were such a horrible roommate!"

Cat narrowed her eyes at Gabbie. She couldn't help herself. She had the overwhelimg need to fight back. "You're the one that snores!"

"DO NOT!" Gabbie screeched back. "DON'T BE SUCH A BITCH TO ME!"

Cat laughed in mock-amusement. The boys were totally ridged on the couch, the NRL forgotten. They'd seen girls fight, but not like this. And right now it was both interesting and scary at the same time. They'd seen Cat nearly on edge before and it had scared the shit out of them. And she had been nearly on edge. They were all scared to see what on edge looked like. 

Gabbie was a whole other kettle of fish. She hadn't yelled, screamed or turned into a bitch since they'd known her, besides her little mock-fights with Cat. And they were totally worried about what was about to go down.

"What? I'm not a bitch! We aren't even talking about that!" Cat's eyes began to water.

Louis looked at Niall, wide eyed. "Is Cat... crying?" He whispered in shock.

"WHAT DOES IT LOOK LIKE DUMBASS!" Gabbie screamed at Louis. She'd heard what he'd said to Niall.

"Do-don't fight guys!" Cat wailed, looking helpless, like a little kid as she stood, crying against the wall. "Fightings bad!"

Gabbie spun around again to look at Cat with a sad smile. "I'm so sorry Cat!" Gabbie wailed back, running to embrace her friend. "You're not a bitch to me!"

The boys exchanged looks of wonder and confusion. What the hell was going on?

"Okay, I've officially decided- they're both bi-polar!"  Louis declared as the girls chatted happily to each other in thier bed room, the door slightly ajar. "Thats the only explanation for..." He gestured to where they had been standing, hugging and crying only ten minutes ago. "Whatever that was." 

"They're not bi-polar." Zayn said with an eyeroll. "They're... hungry?"

"Food?" Niall questioned sleepily, stretching his arms over his head. "No way. We ate the most pizza in the world after we checked in. I swear I'll never eat again." The boys looked at him. "Until tomorrow." Niall corrected with a smile. 

"Maybe they have behavioural problems?" Harry put in, shaking his head at Niall, who was listing the things he was craving to eat.

Liam laughed. "Ah, no. Try something a bit more centeral to the female population, guys."

They looked at him blankly. Liam rolled his eyes. "I didn't sign up to be the smart one."

"Good thing your not then!" Louis said, puffing his chest out and pushing up imaginary glasses on his nose. "I AM!"

Zayn laughe, slapping Louis on the back. 'Yeah, yeah. All hail Louis."

"Damn straight." Louis laughed. He frowned. "But seriously, what the hell is going on?" He jerked his thumb at Gabbie and Cat's room.

Liam laughed. "For a smart guy, you sure suck at figuring things out, hey Louis."

Liam got up, ditching his cup on the table. With a yawn, he shuffled off to bed with a smile on his face.

"Hey!" Louis called, jumping up to follow him. "TELL ME!"


"Morning Zayn!" Cat chirped fromher spot on the table. A broad smile washed over her face as she hugged him tightly. "How did you sleep?"

Zayn frowned at her happiness. Not even twelve hours ago she was crying and yelling. Girls. "Good. And you?"

"Fine." She jumped off her seat. "I made pancakes. How many do you want?"

"Ugh?" Zayn scratched the back of his neck, totally lost. Mood swings weren't his speciality.

Niall, Liam and Harry came into the room, still in their pajamas, although Harry had put on clothes, thankfully. Zayn smiled at them, slipping into the seat Cat had just vacated. The boys shot worried glances at Cat , glancing at Zayn for help.

He waved them away. "She's good." He whispered with a smile. He looked at Cat, whose hair was in  messy bun, eyes wide and alert, silly mismatched Pajamas on.

"Whipped." Harry hissed at him, wiggling his eyebrows.

Zayn slapped his arm. "Your one to talk!

Liam accepted a steaming plate of six pancakes from Cat, as did everyone else. The brunette smiled and literally skipped back into the kitchen. The boys raised their eyebrows as Louis walked into the room, looking scared. "Gabbie's.. crying."

Harry got up out of his seat immediatly and followed a stunned Louis into Gabbie's room. Cat ws still singing in the kitchen.

"Gabbie, whats wrong?"

"I CAN'T FIND MY HAIR BRUSH!" Gabbie wailed.

Harry paused, looking around the room. "Um. It's on the night stand?" 

Gabbie peered at the night stand through her tears. "Oh." She smiled sweetly, her  tears almost totally drying up. "Thanks Harry!"


Harry stiffened, swivling around slightly in the passenger seat. Louis was driving, Zayn, Niall, Liam Cat and Gabbie all squished together in the back. Cat had informed them earlier, when her happy mood still existed that it was extremely illegal in Australia to do something like this.

"Um, yeah?" 

Everyone paused and waited for Cat to answer. They were all tip toeing around the girls like they were freaking time bombs, seconds from exploding. Cat had gone off at them for not eating their pancakes; for leaving the toilet seat up; for not picking up thier clothes; for getting too close to her in the elevator; for opening the car door for her and a bunch of other things that confused and frustrated the guys too no end.

"Why'd you date Caroline Flack?"

Gabbie's eyes shot up from Cat's iPod, which she had been using to play a vigorous game of Angry Birds.


"Yeah, Harry. Tell us why." Gabbie said in a firm voice, disgaurding the game on Cat's lap, on which she was half sitting. 

Harry gluped and looked a Louis. Louis shrugged and kept his eyes on the road. They all seemed to find something totally distracting in his time of need. Niall was looking out the window at all the resurants and Cafe's that zoomed past, Liam was texting Daniella, or making it look like he was and Zayn was tracing circles on the back of Cat's hand, although she seemed to be oblivious to it all.

Gabbie was burning holes in Harry's head and Cat was staring at him blankly, like all those airy blondes in cliched movies.

"Because, shes hot." Harry offered with a shrug.

"You think she's hotter than me!" Gabbie shrieked, causing Liam to fumble and drop his phone.

"No, I never-,"

"YES YOU DO! Now I see it! Omg, how had I never noticed it before!" Gabbie cried. "How could you! After everything we've been through! Everything!"

Harry's eyes widened. "What, No. Gabbie, I seriously don't believe that-,"

"SAVE IT!" She yelled, putting her nose in the air. "For someone who cares!"

Harry shook his head, totally at loss for words. He officially hated when girls got their period. Ugh.


Okay, so this chapter is just totally random and pathetic, but it's Gabbie's Birthday today!

So I decided it would be fun to have a go at her with all of this, in the true Birthday spirit.

Happy Birthday Gabbie! I love you bub! Have a great 15th and I will see you tonight at your Party! Yew! ily x 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

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