Her sons best friend (Aka Cou...

By DezertFlower

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Text copyright © Dezertflower ™ 2013, 2014 All rights reserved WARNING! ADULT CONTENT. ONLY SUITABLE FOR TH... More

Chapter 1. Pontiac Firebird -68
Chapter 2. Easy on the beer
Chapter 3. All of that in reverse order
Chapter 4. Opportunity on a silver plate
Chapter 5. That would probably turn some heads.
Chapter 6. Dressed to kill
Chapter 7. Stockings and garters?
Chapter 8. Oh heavenly chaos!
Chapter 9. You want the list?
Chapter 10. Patience is a virtue
Chapter 11. What every man wants
Chapter 12. Cars, motorcycles and girls.
Chapter 13. Kissable? Oh certainly yes!
Chapter 14. Oh Please ground, swallow me up!
Chapter 15. Stop the bloody echo!
Chapter 16. You are MINE. You hear me? MINE!
Chapter 17. Some sort of magical remedy
Chapter 18. To meet in secrecy
Chapter 19. It's just a button.
Chapter 20. Screw mom's supper.
Chapter 21. High on speed.
Chapter 22. Sense of serenity.
Chapter 23. You can thank me later.
Chapter 24. Some god forsaken bad excuse
Chapter 25. Any day, any night, any time. . .
Chapter 27. Contrary to expectation
Chapter 28. I just had a realization.
Chapter 29. A perfectly awesome bitch.
Chapter 30. A void of cold darkness.
Chapter 31. Caught up in your web.
Chapter 32. The least desirable place to be.
Chapter 33. Game on, baby! (The end)
Chapter 34. Cougartown Wattpad Trailer

Chapter 26. Necking is probably just the tip of the iceberg

33.3K 814 123
By DezertFlower

Go for it, all of you. . vote if you like it and comment if you got something to say.

Both Laura and Cody turned their heads and found themselves staring straight into Lance's and Phil's cold and dark eyes. The temperature in the room  dropped to subzero in a second. Both of them stood in the door opening to the living room, their postures stiff and their faces distorted in cross grimaces. 

 Cody turned around completely and moved in front of Laura, making himself as big as possible, in an attempt to hide her from her sons' visible anger. This was all his fault, his doing.  He was to blame.

 Lance took a step forward, his fist clenched hard and tight next to his body. This was just too much for him. He was in shock.

 Okay. He had expected that he and his brother would walk into something. . .but THIS!

 Their mom and their best friend . . . seriously necking. Oh god.

 And . . . knowing Cody Warner and his ways as well as they do, necking is probably just the tip of the iceberg. Oh sweet mother of god.

 "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING CODY?" Lance yelled so hard his voice cracked, he held one of his hands to his forehead in a desperate gesture. "MY GOD!"

 Phil just stood beside him with his mouth wide agape, staring at them like he'd seen a ghost or an alien or something. Every now and then he just shook his head.

 "SO THIS IS THE WAY THAT YOU'RE TAKING CARE OF OUR MOTHER?" Lance's voice turned into falsetto with anger as he suddenly lunged forward towards Cody.

 Somehow deep inside, Cody thought that maybe he deserved a real good slug from Lance. He saw that he had his fist clenched hard and it was coming his way, but then again, he just could not stand still and just let him punch him blind, now could he?

 Now some of the martial art practice he had those years ago when he was abroad came well in handy. He just hoped he remembered all of it and that his moves would not be as rusty as he thought they might be..

 With a quick move he pushed Laura gently out of the way, then he blocked the clenched fist that came flying through the air at him, by grabbing Lance's arm and then bending it roughly up behind his back as he pushed him face forward into the wall. The thud when he connected with the wall was low but hearable.

 "Sorry Lance, "Cody  mumbled as he held his struggling friend in a tight grip, "I may deserve a hard blow to my chin, but I don't fancy that right now. Maybe later, but not now, okay?" For a second his eyes diverted over to where Phil was standing, just to check that he wasn't about to jump him too.

 Laura stood at the side and watched with her eyes wide in horror. Oh god, what a nightmare.

"Please Lance, cool down.  .  ." Laura pleaded in a fragile voice. This was not good.

 "COOL DOWN?" he squealed in reply as Cody still held him against the wall, "This fucker was all over you, god damn it Mom!" he struggled the best he could to try and get out of Cody's grip, but it was in vain," Damn you, Cody. Let me go, you bastard. . ." he growled through gritted teeth.

 "Only if you cool down, "Cody said in a cool and low voice, his grip firm. He glanced over at Laura with sorrow in his eyes as he shook his head, "I'm so sorry babe."

 "BABE?" Lance sputtered out in shock and glared at his mother as he still kept on struggling in Cody's  iron grip, "You're his BABE now? Now that's just priceless! Unbelievable."

 The venom in his voice made Laura take a step back and she stared at him with hurt. The fact that they, Lance first and foremost, looked at both her and Cody with such disgust, made her so deeply sad.

 It was more or less a very eminent hint that what she and Cody shared would  most likely not be accepted by them.

 "Please do not say anything you will regret Lance, " she said silently, "And do NOT blame Cody for this. . ."

 Phil stepped forward all of a sudden, making Cody react. But Phil was not interested in jumping him. . .he looked surprisingly calm all of a sudden. But his whole revelation was the one of a huge question mark. He stared at his friend shaking his head barely visible. His arms were hanging like in defeat against his body.

 "But Cody. . .what about that girl of yours you've been ranting on about?" Phil then threw out his arms just to make a point.

 A tiny and sly grin tugged at Cody's lips as he gave Phil his best and most talkative 'duh' stare. Come on Phil!

 "Are you really going to spoil that by . . ." Phil started, but then when he saw the stare from Cody he cut himself off as his face fell completely, " Oh. . . .Oh, you got to be kidding me?"

 His eyes bulged and he actually had to steady himself against the living room table. Now even Lance calmed down a little,  but just slightly. Cody could feel him stop struggling when the meaning of it sunk in, and he slowly and carefully let go of the grip he had on him.

 With his hand to his forehead, Lance backed off and joined his brother by the living room table.

 Simultaneously they both sat down on each chair, staring in both shock and dismay at their mother and Cody.

"Oh my god! So you are telling us that MOM is the girl?" Phil hissed, addressing his words to Cody  as he kept on shaking his head.

 "Yes," Cody said and nodded towards both of them, "I just did not want you to find out this way."

 "My god!" Lance blurted out, "How the fuck did you want us to find out?" he paused, pondering it for a second,  "No, giving it some thought. . . please do NOT tell us."

 Somehow that comment from Lance, combined with the look she saw on Cody's face, made Laura chuckle a little despite the situation. She put her hand to her mouth in order to kill it, but she couldn't, and it escaped her lips.

 Both Lance and Phil snapped their heads at her, their eyes bulging as they stared her down.

 "For crying out loud, mom. How long has this been going on?"

 Cody moved to stand beside her, and he slowly put a protective arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

 "Since the barbeque. . ." Cody told them flatly, the look on his face all serious. Then with a satisfied smirk he could feel Laura's arm snake around his own waist with just a slight hesitation.

 "The barbeque?" Phil echoed. Then both he and his brother started to count backwards.

 "Yes," Cody said.

 For a brief second, Cody and Laura gazed at each other, their eyes caressing each other with tenderness.  Both Lance and Phil caught on to that, and both of them sighed heavily.

 "Oh god," Phil huffed out.

 He could not even hide his resignation.

 Somehow, all of this had become much too much to process for him. . .AND  for his brother.

 Their best friend . . . and their mother. Oh for heaven's sake. Was it even allowed?

 "Oh Jesus Christ!" Lance hissed under his breath as he closed his eyes hard, "Can you please be at least a little bit more discrete . . .okay?" he was breathing quite heavily as it was right now.

 An atomic bomb could have detonated more discretely than this. . . THIS!

 Phil's eyes settled from bulging to just being widened  as he stared both his mother and Cody down. He gave out a huge outdrawn and deflated sigh.

 Laura shivered slightly . The way her sons looked at their friend was eating at her heart. They looked so betrayed and hurt.

 Trying to be as agile as possible, she carefully eased herself out of Cody's grip and with a frown he looked questioning at her as he reluctantly released her.

 "You know boys, " she said loud and clear for them to hear, "None of this is Cody's fault. I think you should know about that. "

Cody snapped his head at her and it took him all his concentration as to not let his jaw fall smack down onto the floor. What the heck was she doing?

 Both Lance and Phil also stared at her with open mouths.

 "So, you are saying?" Phil was the one that got his speech back first.

 "That it is not his fault," Laura sighed. She really did not want to elaborate further into that.

 "Yeah, you said that." Lance stated with his voice strained." We all heard it."

 He slowly motioned for her to continue. He saw that she was reluctant to do so, but he did not care. Not now. Dammit!  It felt like he and his brother had been caught smack in the middle of an emotional avalanche with no chance to escape.

 "It's all my fault." she said, her voice low.

That comment coming from her made Cody raise his brows.  Oh yeah! Don't think so.

 "Oh yeah. . ." Phil said and sent a dark glare Cody's way, "Really?"  It was quite obvious that they did NOT believe that their mother had been the initiator in this. . .situation.

 "So you are telling us that Cody does not know the meaning of the word NO and how to say it?" Lance almost laughed out. "And you are the one that. . that. ."

 "I'm telling you that I was the one who started it, and . . ." Laura tried.

 "GET REAL. . ." Cody blurted out and took a step towards her, "You are so full of bullshit right now Laura, that even I am amazed. Do you really think they will believe it?" he threw out his arms, gesturing towards Phil and Lance by the table. Laura winced slightly at his outburst.

 There was a collective shake of both Lance's and Phil's heads and Cody actually thought for a second that  he saw a slight smile tug at Lance's lips. But it was gone as fast. He could not really expect them to be smiling right now, now could he?

 He and their mother had more or less dropped the bomb of the century on them just by kissing, well necking. And he could see in their faces that they knew him all but too well, knowing that he had taken it A LOT further than just kissing.

Now he just waited to be bombarded . . . but he had no idea with what, questions or clenched fists?

~     ~      ~

Neal stood by the window and watched the sun set in the distant. He saw all the streetlights turn on as it became darker and darker outside. The satisfaction from the phone call to Diane still lingered in his body and it made him smile an evil smile as he thought about it.

 But . . .

 He had not been like this from the start. It was that woman's fault. Suddenly a sad and dark shadow flickered across his face.

 She had made him like this.

 He tried to suppress the thoughts of her furthest back in his head. . .he did not want to think of her at all, she was a plague stricken thought, period.

 He closed his eyes hard and breathed in a deep breath,  he then walked over to the bed where he had put his suitcase and he started to neatly fold his clothes, one by one, putting them in the suitcase.

 And then, in an blink of an eye, the image of her was back.

 Gritting his teeth hard, he tried not to react on the violent feelings that surged like crazy through his body. It was not easy.

 Then when they slowly subsided, he realized that he'd trashed the whole damned suitcase.


 Buying another one would take some time. . not much, but . . some time. He needed a damn suitcase. Cursing under his breath, he tried to collect and suppress his feelings of rage. Then when he felt calm enough, he grabbed his wallet and jacket and was out from the room in a flash.

~    ~     ~     ~

He was prepared for the worst. But somehow that never happened. The clenched fists that Cody had expected to receive, never came flying his way.

 Even the questions did not occur.

 Instead, Lance and Phil sat all calm by the table with bleak faces, scratching their heads.

 "This is fuckin' unbelievable. . ." Phil muttered and glared with sulking eyes at Cody, " Our mother." Then his eyes diverted over at Laura where she stood.

 "Mom. . what the hell?"

 Laura swallowed down the large boulder she had in her throat.  She had no idea what to tell her sons. That she was sorry?

 She couldn't, because she was not sorry for what had happened between her and Cody.

 She was thrilled. He made her so happy, and he made her feel loved.

 She was not sorry at all.

 But the word slipped out anyway, but not because of that.

"I am sorry that you both feel this way, " she said with a steady voice, her eyes fixed at her sons, " We never planned for this to happen. It just did."

 Cody gave her a loving glance, closing the gap between them once more.

 "But Cody. . come on, throw the dog a bone here, " Lance muttered and gestured with his hands across the table.

 "Hey man. Your mother is one hell of a good looking woman. . .can you really blame me?" Cody said with a low voice, giving Laura a slow seductive wink.

 Both Lance and Phil saw the intensity between them.

 "Oh please Cody," Phil moaned with his head in his hands, "Tell me this is just an unconsidered act of yours, please. . . "

 Cody gave Phil a brief look, then his eyes were drawn to Laura's again as he shook his head slightly. He stared into her beautiful eyes and smiled a warm smile at her.

 "No, I'm sorry, Phil." he started, then he turned over to him and his brother, leaning on the table, facing them "But I am so very much in love with your mother. I've been for the last two years."

 Both Phil and Lance gasped in unison, their jaws practically landing on the table.

 "Two years?" both of them said in shock as they realized what that meant.

 Cody nodded to them and sat down by the table opposite them. He motioned for Laura to come closer.

 "Let me just talk to them alone for a while, okay?" he said to her and smiled reassuring to her, "Go fix us some coffee, then we'll join you in the kitchen, okay?"

 Laura gave him an unsure look, she then gazed at her sons. They both nodded to her, giving her their okay's. She straightened her stance and gave them a strained smile.

 "Okay. . .there will be coffee." she then said with a slight tone of petulance, before turning around and walking into the kitchen.

 Laura bit her lip as she stepped into the kitchen, She felt really annoyed, but deep inside she knew that Cody had to deal with his friends his way, and not to have her interfere. Heck, he knew them better than she did, their own mother.

 She shook her head at the thought.

 The same second she was about to start up the coffee machine, there was a hard knock on the kitchen door. Laura moved over to the window to check outside. Given her history in opening that door to the wrong kind of people, she thought it might be wise to check first.

 Hey, she knew that she had checked before she had opened to Neal. But who was she to know that he was a complete nutcase, huh?

 Oh! She did not know whether to smile or get seriously alarmed as she saw Diane standing on her porch outside, knowing what the boys were discussing in the living room. Taking a deep breath, she collected herself and opened the door slowly, giving Diane a broad smile.

"Well, hi Diane. What brings you. . . .? was all Laura managed to say before Diane lunged herself at her, planting a hard clenched fist right in her face, making her stumble backwards and fall down on her back.

 "What the. .?" Laura mumbled as she felt blood pour out from her nose, her hands reached up to protect it as she laid sprawled on the kitchen floor.

 "You keep your nasty hands off of my boy, YOU FUCKIN'  SLUT!" Laura heard Diane scream at her, before she aimed another hard slug at her, making everything turn completely black and silent.

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