The Royal Two

By daydreamh0bi

55 20 0

with a war hanging above their heads, a prince goes search of his future bride to unite to lands and expand h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 11

1 1 0
By daydreamh0bi

John stood at the top of the hill, his sword still clashing with Ido Matsuda’s blade. Below them, a battle waged on, a few hundred on both side had already passed away, either from blood loss or stab wounds.

Then he arrived, the dark haired, tanned prince from Albon, Ryde Song.
He raised his sword as the second part of the Middle kingdom's army came flowing over the hill, screaming their battle cries as they came down on the Southern Kingdom's army.

John grinned as he held his own against Ido, “You should just surrender! You have no hopes now.”

Ryde jumped down from his horse and made his way towards Ido.
He pulled his blade out of its hold and slayed down any man that dared to stay in his way.
He cut the men down like a hot knife cutting through butter.

Ido’s eyes glazed at Ryde before turning back to the man before him.
The king of the south swore under his breath.
“I won't surrender! I'd much rather die!”

Ryde stepped forward and held his blade out to Ido, “I will gladly grant such a wish for you.”

The three men stood, the two Princes staring down the king of the south.

Ryde took a swing at Ido,his sword just missing him, but managing to catch his shirt, tearing at the material.
“I'll make you pay for the lives you have taken!” Ryde growled, his eyes fueled with hatred and his sword granting the execution.
“I'll make you pay for what you did to her!”
Ryde took another swing, his blade clashing against Ido’s.

“Her? You mean Isabella Rose Winston? Or rather… Isabella Matsuda.” Ido’s eyes filled with laughter as he taunted the beast inside Ryde.

And it worked.

Ryde began to slash out, his mind focusing on killing Ido, his swings were less controlled and only aiming for his head.
He looks like a madman with a sword.

“I pounded her from here to Christmas! Her skin was like silk! Such a pretty Virgin!” Ido laughed as he crashed his sword back with Ryde’s.

Ryde felt the hatred increase, he moved his sword back and swung again, missing.

However, he began to feel pain. There was a gap in his armour, his chest plate wasn't fitted properly and seemed to have disconnected during his recent movements.
There,between the bottom of the chest place and the top of his lower cover, was a slice.
Ido had managed to cut Ryde. His blade not reaching deep, but enough for Ryde to stagger back for a moment.

“Will it cause you more despair if I told you I married her so I could have technical rights to the middle kingdom.” Ido grinned as he continued, “All I really have to do is kill John Hughes and the current king and I've got myself the middle kingdom.”
The man laughed, holding his sword up and pointing to the two of them, “You will die by my hand.”

Izzy was taken to a nearby village and bandaged up before the Knight Robert could take the weak woman to the city. He had taken her around the battlefield and to a village that had not yet seen the terrors of Ido Matsuda.

Izzy was cleaned up quickly and bandaged up, her legs and arms covered in the white bandages, she then was given some clean commoners clothes.
“My lady, that dress is filthy, we couldn’t send you away in that and covered in bandages.” said an old lady has she held out a set of clothes.

Izzy changed into them, the clothes just about fit her. A pair of black trousers and a white v shirt, with strings loosely holding the v together.
Izzy tied her hair back into a clip and cleaned off her bruised face.

Once she was finished, she thanked the ladies and gentlemen that had helped her. The young woman was given a pony from the stables behind one of the houses, “We would have given the horse to the soldiers, but she isn’t great to control… The girl is still learning.” the old man said, as he helped Izzy up onto the bare back of the pony. The black haired young woman nodded her head, “It’s okay, I will be sure to pay you all back for your help!” She shouted as the horse heeled up into the air and shook about before running ahead.

Izzy raced ahead, before the knight could realise she had. The knight climbed up and galloped after her, watching her run and manage the horse, using its mane to control it.
The young woman leant forward and stroked its face as she turned across the dirt, heading towards the battle.

The knight sped his own horse up and cut diagonally across the field to catch up with her.
“Princess!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! WE MUST RETURN TO THE PALACE!” Robert shouted over the sounds of the horses hoofs hitting the hard ground.

Izzy didn’t reply, she just reached her hand over to the knight, her feet kicked the back of the horse, to speed it up as he hand grabbed onto the knight's sword. She pulled the sword with her and continued to race ahead as she yelled, “Dakota!” She yelled.
The knight's horse stopped dead in its tracks, sending the knight over in his surprise.

“No wonder the prince is smitten with her.” Robert laughed as he climbed back up onto the horse. His heel dug into the back of the horse as he said, “Giddie-up”.

Following behind the Princess with some distance between the two of them.


Ryde shook his head, and swung his sword, the blade came crashing down and jabbed into Ido’s shoulder.
“Aw come on!” The dark haired man laughed, his arm was falling and his own life flashing as Ryde swung his blade around, slashing at Ido’s skin.

“All I did was rape-- You know, I think it stopped being rape when she start enjoying my touch.” Ido chuckled. Ryde dropped his sword, his face contorted and his angry rose.

Ryde’s armor had smashed and his stomach was cut, bleed out through his blue suit, creating a dark patch. He moved himself closer to Ido, his hand outstretched to reach for the man’s throat.
John was behind him, his own sword clashing with those left of Ido’s army. The man’s face was cut and his own armour covered in blood and scratches.

“Ryde no!” John shouted to his friend as ryde stepped closer to the man with the shoulder wound.

“I… I want to kill him with my hands, my bare hands!” Ryde growled.

However, Ido had other plans, he held up his blade and ran forward, the blade pointing out and heading for Rydes chest.

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