Saviour || A Naruto Fanfic

By KhaulaMujahid

235K 6.6K 1.8K

At some point, she saved everyone. Everyone had something to thank her for, for bringing her out of the darkn... More

Chapter One : Disowned
Chapter Two : Naruto Otsutsuki
Chapter Three : Nawaki
Chapter Four : Tobirama
Chapter Five : Training
Chapter Six : Attacked
Chapter Seven : Godaime
Chapter Eight : Not Letting Go
Chapter 9 : She Saved Me [Tobirama]
Chapter Ten : The Uchiha Jutsus
Chapter 11 : Your New Teacher Is...
Chapter Twelve : Genjutsu - Accomplished!!
Chapter Thirteen : A Friend In Need is a Friend Indeed
Chapter Fourteen : She Saved Me [Tsunade]
Chapter Fifteen : Madara Uchiha
Chapter Sixteen : Realisation Dawns
Chapter Seventeen : The Villagers' Attack
Chapter Nineteen: A Violent Reaction.
Chapter Twenty: The War of Truth
Author's Note: Important
Author's Note: Important

Chapter Eighteen : The Godaime Instated

7.7K 276 40
By KhaulaMujahid

They reached the Senju after sunset. Naruto was cuddled into Madara's arms, with Arashi now snuggled in her embrace. The Uchiha was flanked on his right by Hashirama and in his left by Tobirama, both of who looked content.

"Shodaime-sama?!" Hiruzen ground out in pure shock, as he recognised the man with the Kage.

"Hiruzen," Tobirama replied calmly. "We will be accommodating Madara in the Senju for quite some time. I entrust the arrangements to you."

"V-very well." Hiruzen swallowed. "On a side note, Tsunade will be made Hokage tomorrow."

"And the outcome of the Yondaime? He has two other children, I believe?" Hashirama queried.

"They will be banished to Kirigakure," Hiruzen smirked. "On the orders of the newly instated Godaime-sama and approval of the T&I."

"Very well. Madara's reinstatement as a Konoha Shinobi will also be announced tomorrow. Make sure that Tsunade is informed of this at once," Tobirama instructed, sighing softly.

"Tomorrow is going to be a big day," his elder brother commented, smiling as his gaze washed over the sleeping blonde in his friend's arms.


"And thus, the Godaime Hokage shall be Tsunade Senju!" Shikaku Nara shouted to the crowd.

Applause filled the air as the platinum blonde stepped forward, wearing the traditional caped hat of the village leader, and their protector.

"I've got a lot of moves," she announced confidently, "a lot of laws to put down. A lot of improvement for the medical nins. I've got many announcements to make in this one hour."

"My first move will be the banishment of the former Hokage, along with his family, to the Spring Country. I have obtained their permission and obliterated our truce with them for this. In recognition of whatever efforts the Yondaime put in for the sake of Konoha, I will be sending him to Kirigakure with an ANBU escort."

"The next move will be allowing the T&I to be far more liberal with their punishment and other interrogation methods than they are now. The reason capturing prisoners yields no effort is partly because you're not allowed to push them to and beyond their limits, if necessary."

"Third. The current system of council shall be completely abolished. Civilians have no need of a say in shinobi matters. There will be two separate councils, and I will be the head of both. The civilian council will be elected by the civilians in the next week. As for now, I will call out the names of our shinobi clans, and I need a name for who will represent each clan. There can only be one representative per clan. Nara!"

"Shikaku Nara," the clan head replied boredly.

"Yamanaka!" "Inoichi Yamanaka."

"Uchiha!" "Fugaku Uchiha."

"Akimichi!" "Choza Akimichi."

"Hyuga!" "Hiashi Hyuga."

"Aburame!" "Shibi Aburame."

"Inuzuka!" "Tsume Inuzuka!"

"Senju!" "To-Hashirama Senju."

"Sarutobi!" "Hiruzen Sarutobi."

"Okay! Now for the next change. I'm going to be checking through my ANBU. Anyone who has not taken the T&I training US disqualified. Anyone who hasn't reached at least jounin level is similarly disqualified. Those who still wish to remain in ANBU should go for whichever of these two methods are more preferable to them."

"On the same topic, there will be no more need for ANBU Root. The sect will be disbanded. Any Root members will be allowed to enrol as genin shinobi, and will have to work their way up."

"Danzo, on account of his numerous shady movements will be removed of his status as a Konoha shinobi. Koharu and Homura will be allowed to run as candidates for the civilian coucil. Ibiki Morino will be the head of T&I, the sole head. Inoichi Yamanaka and Shikaku Nara should be consulted before any torture inflicted."

"My advisory consulate will definitely be a topic of concern for you now? Not to worry. As per the Daimyo's requirement, I will have ten advisors. Jiraiya Myoboku, Orochimaru Mitarashi, Hiruzen Sarutobi as the immediates. Also, I will be consulting with Shizune Deon, Shikaku Nara, Ibiki Morino, Inoichi Yamanaka, Itachi Uchiha, Hashirama Senju and another certain shinobi."

"Also, while I'm at it, I'll run through our allies and foes at the same time. Sunagakure is allied to us. I have broken our truce with Kirigakure. Yukigakure is allied to us. Akigakure is one of our trade routes. Amegakure and Uzugakure have neither alliances nor wars with us. Kumogakure is also neutral as of yet. Yurasugakure is the same yet Iwagakure is our foe. That's not good."

"My immediate attention will be on training more worthy genin to make our shinobi forces stronger. Civilian children will henceforth be allowed to enrol at the Academy. All noteworthy ANBU who were disqualified by my requirements will be accepted as jounin or as their skill level dictates, Chunin. They have the option of working as senseis for the juniors."

"My last announcement. I have to introduce to all of you the last member of my advisory consulate. Anyone treating him with anything less than the due respect will be handed over directly to Ibiki with no need for consultation... He is also the primary bodyguard of my uh cousin, Naruto Otsutsuki... MADARA UCHIHA!"

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