Killer Betrayals

By eflagella

261K 2.5K 646

Anna St. Clair was only fifteen when tragedy struck her home and ripped her family apart. It is also what se... More

Killer Betrayals chapter 1 (pic of Anna on side)
Killer Betrayals chapter 2 (pic of Reece on side)
Killer Betrayals chapter 3 (pic of Debbie)
Killer Betrayals chapter 4 (pic of Jordan)
Killer Betrayals chapter 5 (pic of Stacy)
Killer Betrayals chapter 6 (pics of Derek and Liam on side)
Killer Betrayals chapter 7 (pic of Reece)
Killer Betrayals chapter 8 (pic of Liam)
Killer Betrayals chapter 9 (pic of Hailey on side)
Killer Betrayals chapter 10 (pic of Anna on side)
Killer Betrayals chapter 11 (pic of Reece)
Killer Betrayals chapter 12 (pic of Jose)
Killer Betrayals chapter 14 (pic of Liam)
Killer Betrayals chapter 15 (slideshow)
Killer Betrayals chapter 16
Killer Betrayals chapter 17
Killer Betrayals chapter 18
Killer Betrayals chapter 19
Killer Betrayals chapter 20
Killer Betrayals chapter 21
Killer Betrayals chapter 22
Killer Betrayals chapter 23
Killer Betrayals chapter 24 (pic of Reece)
Killer Betrayals chapter 25

Killer Betrayals chapter 13 (pic of Reece)

10K 76 9
By eflagella

Anna’s POV

Jerking away in surprise I watched as Reece’s body tensed and his jaw clenched.  As I was trying to get a handle on the situation, another tap sounded on the window, steadily becoming more and more persistent.  For some reason I didn’t want to turn around; I didn’t want this moment to end. 

But knowing that all good things must end I sucked in a breath, closed my eyes gathering the courage to face whoever was having such a negative effect on Reece and slowly turned around while cracking my eyes open.  Upon doing so I came face to face with a red head that I had completely forgotten about, and she looked furious. 

I guess if I just caught my fiancée in a position such as this I’d be pretty pissed too.  How could I forget that he was engaged?

Reaching for the door handle I jerked it open and stumbled out.  I felt a brush against the fabric of my shirt as if he was trying to stop me, and heard him call my name as I swiftly walked straight to my car, not looking back and not acknowledging the red head in any way.  My only thought was of home.

*                *                      *                      *                      *

The feel of my feet pounding against the pavement in a steady thwack thwack thwack was like a soothing balm against my soul.  The freedom of running, of feeling the wind in my hair and the air rush past my face was the closest thing to heaven for me.  It revived me.  It cleared my head in a way nothing else could.  It was just me and the path I chose, and the music from my iPod playing steadily in my ears. 

After returning home, and attempting to get past the humiliation I felt at giving in to temptation, I realized that the only thing that would clear my mind was this.  There was nothing like this feeling.  I could feel the adrenaline coursing through my body, and the burning in my lungs as I ran impossibly faster, and I welcomed the pain that burning sensation caused.  It was cathartic.

Deciding to take stock of my surroundings, I saw that I was only a few minutes from home, and upped my speed again pumping my arms and legs even faster.  Not only running physically but mentally and emotionally as well. 

Reaching my home I looked proudly upon the house that was mine and felt a sense of pride, and of accomplishment.  This was mine, no one else’s.

Slowing my pace to a jog I made my way up the brick pathway to my bright blue door.  I studied it for a moment knowing that something seemed off, but putting it down to paranoia and a really shitastic day, I continued until I reached the door.  My only thought was of getting to my shower as soon as humanly possible to wash this day away.  Or at least the part with Reece, I was ecstatic that Jose was pulling through alright.  He didn’t deserve everything he had gone through recently.

Walking through my door towards the stairs to the second floor, I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t hear the sound of someone approaching me from behind until it was too late.

There was a bright hot flash of pain that radiated through my head before everything slipped away and turned black.  I was out before my body hit the floor.

Reece’s POV

Damn Hailey.  Why the hell couldn’t she just leave me alone?  It was like having my own personal stalker, the chick was seriously certifiable. 

I had finally done it.  I had made my move with Anna.  It was meant to comfort her at first, at least that’s what I was telling myself to appease my conscious as to not feel like a total douche for having taken advantage of her vulnerability.

I tried not to I really did, but she just looked so lost, and I just wanted to fix her.  When my lips met hers it was the most amazing sensation I have ever felt.  I wanted to absorb every part of her, of that moment into my being.  Her taste, her smell, the feel of her breath against my face, the touch of her skin igniting against mine was honestly the most memorable and thrilling moment of my life.  Everything about her drove me crazy, and pulled me further under her spell.  I felt like I was drowning in her, and was alright with that.

But then Hailey had come and ruined it as she seemed to ruin everything good in my life.  She was my curse that I couldn’t seem to rid myself of.  No matter how hard I tried to avoid her, to make her see that we would never be together again, she just wouldn’t let go.  If anything she just kept trying to hold on tighter, digging her talons in desperate for a foothold.  It was driving me nuts. 

When I heard the tapping against the window, I was all for ignoring it and was doing a good job of it.  But then I felt Anna jerk away and when I opened my eyes and saw Hailey standing there, I felt rage like I have never felt before.  Even in my rage I could see the jealousy in her eyes, and the smirk plastered across her smug face.

She knew exactly what she was doing.  In her mind she was eliminating her competition in a cold, calculating manner.  She would play the wounded, forgiving party perfectly.  It would be her word against mine, and Anna already had trust issues with me.  The winner in the game that Hailey had created was clear. 

As Anna jerked open the door to make her escape, I tried to reach out to her but she was just out of my grasp.  I watched as she stalked off, knowing it would take a miracle to ever get her to trust in me now.

Her figure became smaller as she got further away, my eyes never leaving her back, so I was taken by surprise when Hailey’s face appeared before mine.  I felt myself shift from the hurt I felt from Anna’s withdrawal to the raging inferno that was my anger towards Hailey.

“What do you want now Hailey?” I ground out between clenched teeth.  Telling myself over and over that not only could I not hit her because she was a female, but also because I was an officer of the law as I attempted to calm myself. 

I watched the triumph in her eyes glow into mine right before she said, “That,” with satisfaction ringing in her tone.

It took only a second to understand what ‘that’ was.

She had managed to shatter any chance of happiness I would ever have.  She had made Anna leave, and wedged a chasm between us that I wasn’t sure I would ever be able to breach.

Anna’s POV

I awoke on the hardwood floor, cold and stiff with no recollection of what I was doing there.  My head was pounding and as I moved my face slightly I could feel something wet against my cheek.  Lifting my hand to my face it came away sticky and red, smelling of copper. 

Gagging slightly I felt my stomach pitch, and fervently prayed that I would keep the contents of my stomach down. 

I could feel a frown forming on my face as I tried to remember what the hell happened, but was still drawing a blank. 

Slowly and shakily I brought myself to a sitting position before slamming my eyes shut in a futile attempt to stop the room from spinning.  I’m not sure how long I sat there before there was a knock at the door

Feeling absolutely no desire to move, let alone play hostess, I lie back down on the cold hard floor and let the darkness wash over me once again.  Too tired for once to fight.

There’s chapter 14, hope you enjoyed!!! Please vote if you liked it, comment if you have any likes, dislikes, suggestions, and possibly fan? :) 

 I have a new story called Persuade Me that you guys should give a try, I guess it could be considered romance/'s a bit of a student/teacher deal, only the teacher is a college professor whom we'll meet soon :)

Also I would really appreciate it if you guys would check out my friend’s story.  She’s new on here, and is in need of some love! :)  Here’s the synopsis:


"Some things should only be spoken in the afternoon, when beings of a more sinister nature are still kept at bay by the sunlight."

 Twelve year old Violet loved her Grandmother's stories. One in particular was her favorite of all. It seemed to slightly change with each telling, becoming more magical and intriguing, yet still staying familiar.  It was never used as a bed time story for Grandmother would not tell it after dark, until one autumn evening.

Violet never expected that Grandmother’s age old tale could hold truth…and danger.

*This is Fantasy/ Adventure and her username is SunnyKirby :)

Oh! Pic of Reece.... :p '----------------------->

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