Conflict Of Interest

By Skillet_5FDP_A7x

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Mia is a waitress at a local restaurant where she met her not so local boyfriend who seemed to be the slick... More

Conflict Of Interest
Chapter 2: Reality
Chapter 3: What We Used To Be
Chapter 5: Conflicts
Chapter 6: Realization
Chapter 7: Run Away
Chapter 8: Safe Haven Or Sweet Hell?
Chapter 9: Make Me Fall
Chapter 10: My Eyes
Chapter 11: New Victim
Chapter 12: Wasted Time
Chapter 13: Waking Up To A Lump In My Bed
Chapter 14: The CEO Chair
Chapter 15: A Breath Of Fresh Air
Chapter 16: Will Everything Be Okay?
Chapter 17: Fight For Your Life
Chapter 18: Forced Betrayal
Chapter 19: Forever Mine
Chapter 20: Cracking Down
Chapter 21: "Love Is Not Always Fair."
Chapter 22: Too Late
Chapter 23: Lost It all
Chapter 24: Nightmare Brought To Life
Chapter 25: Plot Twist
Chapter 26: "Then Who Is He?"
Chapter 27: Trial Preparations
Chapter 28: "We Call Mia Jonhston To The Stand.."
Chapter 29: "We Find The Defendant.."
Chapter 30: Last Chapter

Chapter 4: Help Me

53 2 0
By Skillet_5FDP_A7x

Chapter 4......... Help Me

After a long two hours of passing the time, it was now 11 and my shift was over. I went to my locker and I got changed. After I was finished I rushed back out to make sure that Dave was still sitting at the table. At first I didn't see him and my heart started to race. And that's when I seen his head pop into sight. I sighed with relief. I walked up to him, I wanted to talk but it had to be anywhere but here. People listen even when they shouldn't, especially here. I sat down at the table and before he could open his mouth I started talking

"Could we go somewhere else?" I asked

"Sure." He said

He got up and he walked out, I followed. We walked to a near by coffee shop not too far from where I worked, but far enough to not catch any attention from my coworkers. He opened the door for me and I smiled

"Thanks." I said

I sat down at a table, far from the window. I wanted to be careful at what I was doing, Scott has come after me before when I've worked a shift like this. He spy's on me sometimes. I was scared that he could come looking for me and if he finds me where with Dave after my shift instead of me coming home, he will hurt me. No doubt. No words were exchanged until he asked me a question

"Do you want anything?" He asked

"Yes a chocolate chip muffin and an ice coffee please."

"Sure." He said 

He nodded then turned and walked away. For the first time since I started dating Scott I realized that I still have feelings for Dave. I'm faithful in a relationship but I'm going to call it off with Scott. The abuse it's too much. But I need help. I can't do it on my own. Maybe Dave will help me. I really looked at Dave and honestly he wasn't bad looking in fact he was hot. He was close to Scott's height, he was slender but had a muscular build, he had husky blue eyes and dirty blonde hair

In high school Dave was the popular jock and I was the not so popular out cast. I didn't fit in with the preppy, slutty girls, I stood out. Something Dave went crazy for but our groups made us stay apart. Plus I never had time for anything besides family or school. We knew we liked each other and rumors went around. But that was high school. This is now. I sighed. While Dave was at the counter getting our food and drinks, I pulled out my phone. I quickly looked at myself to see if my makeup was gone. It was a bit faded but it still covered it

"Here." He said

He placed my ice coffee and muffin in front of me. I was so tied into my thoughts I didn't realize that he already ordered our things and got them. I held my phone then I tossed my hair around a bit, then I placed my phone down on the table like nothing was wrong

"Thanks." I said

"So what do I owe this lovely run in." He said as he laughed

"I wanted to catch up with you." I said

"Hmm seems fair." He said

"So how's your uh girlfriend?" I asked

I'm being awkward and intruding but I wanted to know. I wanted to know if he was single. But since I was not, why would it be so important

"We split up over a year ago." He said calm and collective

"Oh I'm sorry to hear." I said

"It's okay, I caught her cheating, when I called her out on it she told me some not so nice words." He said

"Wow I'm sorry to hear and I hope you find someone better." I said

"I did but." He paused

"But what?" I asked

He shook his head

"She's with someone else." He said sadly

"Oh." Was all I could say

I wondered who it was that he was talking about or was it me? I don't know it's been a while for all I know he could have lost his feelings for me. I guess I will never know. Or will I

"So how are you and Scott?" He asked trying to lift up the conversation

"Uh that's what I wanted to talk to you about." I said looking down

"Why what's wrong?" He asked

I could hear the concern and fear behind his voice. I have to show him the mark, so that means I have to go to the bathroom to wash off  the cover up makeup

"Just give me a sec."

I got up from the table and walked to the girls bathroom. I opened the door and no one else was there, so I went in and I looked in the mirror to see myself. I looked closely at my face to see faint marks from before. I took my hair tie and carelessly tied my hair back. I turned on the water and splashed my face to wash off my makeup. After a few splashes I dried my face, let my long hair flow against me again and headed back out. I walked back and I sat down at the table again

"What's wrong?" He asked again

"How was Scott with other women, behaviour wise?" I asked

"In the time I knew him before he met you he only had one other girlfriend and was only with her for two months." He said

"Okay. Did she ever say anything about him in a bad way?" I asked

"Not really. Come to think of it she didn't talk to me much after they were together for almost 3 weeks." He said rubbing his chin

I sighed as I took a sip of my ice coffee and a bite of my muffin and I swallowed

"Any marks, bruises, anything?" I asked

"Yeah she had a few, some were on her face, and some were on arms they were all in different stages of healing. She told me that she was clumsy."

"Did Scott's attitude change towards her when you were around?"

"No not at all. Mia why are you asking me these questions?" He asked

I turned my face slowly to show the marks still left on my face

"Is that, what I think it is?"

"It's a hand print." I said

"Who's?" He asked

I could hear the anger and rage building in his voice. He reached out to touch my face and I flinched, then he paused

"Wait don't tell me." He said

"Scott." I whispered

"Oh my God." He said

He gently caressed my face where the hand print was. His touch was gentle and I didn't flinch

"Mia if I knew I wouldn't have set you up with him."

"Dave it's not your fault."

"That's hard to believe." He said

He continued to caress my face

"I'm so sorry. What else has he done?"

"He physically abuses me, he verbally abuses me and emotionally abuses me. He drinks and everything intensifies." I said

He took his hand off my face and I turned my head back his eyes glistened with tears and showed anger

"Don't blame yourself Dave."

He just looked at me

"Here, I'll take you back with me. You can say hi to Scott and catch up with him." I said

"But what would happen when I leave?" He asked

"I'm not sure." I said honestly

"I can't do that to you."

"Please I just want to show you who he really is." I said

"I can't let you get hurt again. And I believe you."

"It's going to happen anyways. It has been for the past year and a half. If I go back there by myself or if you come over then leave, the outcomes are going to be the same."


"Dave. Help me." I said

I couldn't take it anymore, I need help and fast because every day I fear that I may not make it to the next day or I'll end up in the hospital. Tears rolled down my face. The emotions finally coming out

"Okay Mia." He said

I knew he was giving into my pleas for help. We sat in silence after that. We left after we finished are drinks and food. He followed me back home, block after block we got closer and closer

"Here were are." I said

We stood at the door to the building. I placed my key into the lock and opened the door. We walked to the elevator and we went to the 5th floor and got off

"Follow me." I said

We walked down the hall to the apartment, unit 520. It was only about 1:30 so Scott hasn't started drinking yet, so I hope. I opened the door and it creaked

"Scott honey I'm home, and I brought a friend." I said as I stepped in the door

"Who did you bring sweetheart?" He asked

he got out of his chair to walk to the door. I hate that word, sweetheart

"Dave." I said

His actions and attitude towards me were like when we started dating. He came up and gave me a hug and a welcome home kiss. Trust me I wanted to be sick. He went over to Dave and shook his hand

"Hey buddy." He said

"Hey Scott."

"You guys catch up, I'll be back." I said

I went to change from my day clothes into fancy pyjamas and I hid 2 cameras around my room so I would catch the drama tonight. I hope that nothing really bad happens. Scott never knew I had these cameras, it's good that he doesn't. I have had these cameras for years, but I don't know why I didn't think of this idea sooner. I guess that's because I believed that there was no way out. But now Dave is my only hope

"Would you guys like some snacks? Dave would you like pop?" I asked

"Snacks would be awesome honey." Scott said

"Pepsi will be fine." Dave said

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed the snacks and pop. I wanted to throw up because of Scott's words 'snacks would be awesome honey' blah. I placed a mini camera in the kitchen and I brought the boys the snacks

"Thanks babe." Scott said

They talked and caught up and while after Dave had to leave. I didn't want him to, I wanted him to stay

"Thanks guys it was nice seeing you again. See you around." He said as he started to walk out the door

"No problem." I said

Scott sat back down on his chair

"Coffee shop 12." I said very quietly

He nodded and gave me a weak smile and left. I closed the door waiting for my fate. I turned around to see Scott getting up and coming close to me. 'Here we go' I thought

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