The Shy Ones.

By Nikki_H4

8K 211 32

The shy ones. Listen to the story of how Ella meet Michael. They get closer as friends, and maybe more. They... More

Chapter one. Steps.
Chapter two. My story.
Chapter three. Shock.
Chapter four. Wake up call.
Chapter five. The truth.
Chapter seven. My fairy tale.
Chapter eight. Well aren't we lucky.
Chapter nine. You have to catch me.
Chapter ten. New, um, friends?..

Chapter six. His story.

610 19 2
By Nikki_H4

Okay so it was now Saturday. A lot had happened over the last few days.

Diana got sent to the kids prison, or whatever it is. She has to stay there for a whole month, three weeks on good behavior. Her parents were heartbroken by her, they apologized to me for what she had done to me. But Diana still seemed really mad with me.

Aaron had started to date a girl call Mel, she was really sweet, and she was quite nice to me. But I don't know if Aaron really likes her or not...

Aaron and I have painted my room, it taken us most of today to do, I had to take down all of my photos, and now my room had two walls a blue-gray color and the other two plain white. I had to stay out of there until tomorrow so I was going to spend the night at Michael's as he was the only other person I knew. And Michael was the one to offer, anyway Aaron seemed fine by it. 

"Be careful, okay. Oh and don't sleep with him tonight." He smirked, Michael and I hadn't told anybody about the few kisses we had shared. "And don't say that you don't like each other, it's obvious."

"How?" I asked a bit embarrassed, which made my brother smile.

"The way you look at each other." He pointed out.

"Why how do we look at each other?"

"Well I don't know how you look at him, but his eyes light up when they lays eyes on you. When you woke up in the hospital. His eyes fill with love, Ella." He then left my newly painted room.

I quickly took my phone out my pocket and sent Michael a text.

"I just finished painting my room, I'll wait on the bench.x" I sent and like five seconds later I got a reply.

"Okay Koala, I'll be there in a few minutes.x"

So I picked up my bag and set off to the bench down by the lake. I shouted a quick goodbye, and only got a response from Aaron, not surprising that my mother didn't say anything.

And just like Michael had said, within a few minutes he was there.

"Hey Koala. How's your room going?" He took a seat next to me.

"It's finally finished, Aaron woke me up earlier than I wanted, He wanted me to take all my pictures down. So that took a while, but I can put them back up tomorrow." I smiled, remembering all my photos I had pilled up in the middle of my room now. That made Michael chuckle.

"Have you heard anything about Diana?" He now asked.

"No, not really." I shook my head.

Then we just sat there for a minute in silence.

"Are you sure Aaron's okay with you staying with me?" He turned to look at me now. And I couldn't help but look at his eyes, thinking of what Aaron had said to me. To me he looked at me just like I looked at him. Nothing different really to how he looked at everyone else.

"Yeah, he's fine with it, he said as long as we don't sleep together." I laughed, and Michael chuckled along too.

"Okay, are you ready to go?" He stood up now, holding out one of his hands for me to take. I wonder why he wants to leave so quick. Maybe he had to get back home, maybe his parents had told him to get there soon. Oh, well it didn't bother me

"Yeah sure." I now stood taking his hand. He then led us to his car.

The drive to his house was really quick, only a few minutes or so. When we got there it wasn't what I expected.

It was a small flat. Small but beautiful in it's own way. Nothing fancy, but not horrible or torn down stuff in it.

So he lived by himself? What about his parents? His family?

"It's nothing much but, it's better than staying in your brothers room right?" he looked around his living room. I dropped my bag by the sofa, and continued to look round, opening random doors, one for the kitchen, then down the hall one was a bathroom, then the final one was his bedroom. I steeped in and did a whole circle, it was amazing to me. It was a dark blue, only a few shades darker than my own, and the rest of the walls were gray. It had black furniture, a bed, wardrobe, table, all that sort of stuff.

I then managed my way back to the black and white living room, my eyes then landing on Michael.

"Nothing much? This place is awesome. I love it." I walked around his living room, stopping in front of a photo frame.

There was a picture of him and a girl, she only looked a year or so younger than him, she had wavy brown hair. She was stunning, I wonder who she is. I then placed the picture back down, and turned towards him. I was about to ask him about it but he beat me to it.

"Do you want anything? Something to eat, a drink?" He looked anywhere but me, he looked nerves.

"No I'm fine thanks. Michael are you okay?" I now moved to him and took both his hands in mine. "You look nerves, ever since I picked up that picture. Who is it? If you don't mind me asking." I now sat us both on the sofa.

He then let out a deep breath.

"Well, since you told me your life story, I might as well tell you mine." He looked me in the eye now.

"You don't have to, I mean, if you want to then I will listen but if you want to tell me another time it won't bother me." I squeezed both his hands.

"No I want to tell you." He smiled.

"Okay, I'll be quite from now on."

"I have no idea how to start so I'll just get it out." He let out a deep breath, and looked at me again.

"When I was 15, my mum, my sister and I were in a house fire. When my dad had come home, only just as the fire had started, well five minutes after. He came to try and save us. But he only managed to get me out before the house blew, my mum and my sister in there." He glanced at me, tears coming to my eyes.

"They were pronounced dead at the scene, they had both burned to death. My dad didn't talk to me because he said it was all my fault, how I didn't try to save either of them. But I would of if I could. He made me feel responsible for not saving them. Then when he remarried, I didn't get along with my new step-mum. We got into a fight, then when he accused me of there death, I accused him for replacing mum with some bimbo. That's why I'm here, he said he'd buy me a flat and give me money for whatever I wanted, but I was to never see him again."

He looked from his feet to me, his face softened as he saw that I was now crying my eyes out. His hands tightening around mine.

"I-Is that whose in the ph-photo with you?" I sobbed. And he simply nodded not even looking to the photo. "Sh-she's beautiful."

"She was." He agreed. "She was my best friend, I loved her to bits. But now she's gone, and I'm the one to blame."

I took my hands out of his and put the either side of his face, making him now look at me.

"It's not your fault babe, you couldn't have done anything. And I bet you they're happy you're here, you're safe, and you have someone that cares about you." He looked me straight in the eye when I said the last bit. "I will always be here for you, just like you were for me." Another tear falling down my face.

Before I knew it his lips smashed to mine, shocking me and I lost my balance falling back so my back was now on the sofa and Michael now leaning over me. One of his hands moved to my hips and another under the top of my thigh, one of mine in his hair and the other on his chest. My heart melted. Our lips moving in sync with one another.

We were kissing for quite some time. Until he pulled away but resting his forehead against mine. His eyes still closed and we were both out of breath.

"That made telling my life story so much better." He smiled. I blushed and giggled back at him, since he was still over the top of me it made me blush even more. He gave me another kiss, not as long thought this time but it still made my heart flutter. He then sat up, pulling me up too.

"Is there anything else you want to know about me?" He adjusted how he was sat so that he was now comfy.

I thought about it for a moment. "What was her name? Your sister's."

"Roxanne." he simply said.

"That's a beautiful name." I smiled, and I was telling the truth it really was a beautiful name.

"My mum always said she we both had a bit of her best friends name in ours, Michael and Roxanne cause her best friend's called Rachael." He explained.

"That's my mum's name, she said that to me and Aaron, that we both have parts of her name in ours. her friends name was Ariël." I smiled, I then looked at Michael to see the shock on his face.

"That was my mums name." he whispered.

We had no idea what to say or do we just looked at each other for so long.

"That's. So. Freaky. I have no idea what to say, Michael. Aaron and I are named after your mum. and you and Roxanne are name after mine."

"Yeah I figured that one out by myself." He laughed, grabbing both my hands, and pulling me closer to him. now sat on his lap with his head resting on my shoulder. We sat like that for about five to ten minutes.

"Have you ever been in love?" He whispered to me.

That's an answer I had to think about. my min traveled to the photo I had on my wall, well had on my wall. the picture of me when I was 7, I was with my bests reins who was a boy, but when my dad died that same year, I forgot about him cause he'd moved out of town with his family, and I could never remember his name, my mum then turned alcoholic so she never spoke to me and Aaron couldn't remember either.

"Yeah, I have." I nodded, it took him by surprise.

"With the guy last year?" He asked lifting his head from my shoulder.

"No, no. I just really liked him. It was when I was younger about 7 I had a best friend who was a boy my dad always use to say we would marry one day." I smiled at the memory. "What about you?" I looked at him.

"A childhood love yeah..." He said. "I still have a photo o us somewhere. Should I go get it?" I nodded and moved off his lap so he could get back up.

He disappeared for a minute and came back with a photo in his hand.

"Here." he passed it to me and sat down and moved me back to sitting on his lap.

I looked at the photo and instantly recognized it as the one I was thinking of from my room.

"That's me." I whispered.


"That's me. I have the exact same photo. in my room on my wall." I said a bit louder, freezing on the spot.

"That's how I recognized that photo in your room." He now looked shocked. I tried turning around to look at him but did archive that so easy.

I tried turning around to face him but failed miserably. I did eventually so I was still on his lap but now facing him, so I was kind of straddling him. It was a bit awkward but, oh well.

I just couldn't stop thinking about that photo. I was are I had the exact same one in my room, and he had even seen it. We Ha finally found each other, but only because we loved each other when we were younger, but did that mean anything now? Cause if he told me he loved me now, I don't know how I'd respond. I mean I had only really known him for a few weeks.

My mind quickly traveled back to the photo; we both stood next to one another, even though we were young, he had his arm around my shoulders and I had my hand on his waist. I was wearing a short pink dress, I looked almost like a ballerina and he was in a little tuxedo, his tie was the same color pink as my dress. If I remember correctly re reason we were dressed like that was because we were at a wedding.

"I don't know what to say." I then again looked at the picture in my hand.

"Neither do I." He chuckled, taking to photo out of my hands and placing it on the arm of the sofa. He then placed his hands over mine, which made me look at him, he was already straining at me, I instantly blushed but still not taking my eyes of him.

"I just can't believe that it's you." He now smiled.

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yes! I just can't believe that after all those years, that I found you." He then surprised me by pulling on my hands bringing me closer to him, our lips crashing together. He placed his hand on the side of my face causing me to quickly pull away as a shot of pain rushed to me head.

"Oh sorry, sorry babe." He quickly apologized.

"It's fine, it just hurt a little bit." I smiled and then leaned forward placing my lips to his once again. Both his hands went to the small of my back, pulling my body closer to his, both my hands rested on his waist and chest.

We stayed there making out for what felt like hours but in reality was only like 10-15 minutes. We finally separated when the apartment got dark, cause we hadn't put the lights on. 

 I looked at the clock and it read 20.29pm, then I look back at Michael and blush when I realized he was looking straight at me. When he realized that I caught him he looked away, blushing himself. 

 "I should make you some food." He smiled. 

 "Wow, you can cook?" I joked.

 "Well I had to learn when I came here. Why do I not look like a guy that can cook?"

 "Nope, maybe a guy that can put a pizza in an oven and not burn it, but other than that..." I smirked and got off his lap. 

 "Well then it's a good job I got pizza for the two of us then isn't it." He raised both his eyebrows at me. "What kind of topping would you like madame?" He stood and walked to the kitchen, and I followed. 

 "How about..." I had to think... "Have you got any chicken?" I opened his fridge to see that it wasn't to full, it had beers, Coca-Cola, milk, butter, some vegetables, and some meat, and a few other bits and bobs. I continued looking and found some chicken and mushrooms. 

 "Okay looks like we're having chicken and mushroom pizza." I placed them down on the work top. "You need to fry them a bit first though, you get the pan and I'll chop them." I ordered, he didn't say anything, just chuckled and got me a frying pan. After I chopped up the chicken and the mushrooms I cooked them and then put them on the pizza and put it in the oven. 

 "You can't even cook pizza." I joked. "I had to do everything whilst you watched me." I giggled, and walked up to where he was stood against the counter. I lent against the counter opposite him. 

 "I was watching how you do it." He furrowed his eyebrows together. "Now I know for next time." He smiled. "Anyway I'll be the one to take it out before it burns." 

 "Let's see if you can do that then shall we." I raised both my eyebrows at him. 

 "We'll see." He now put both his hands on my hips and moved in closer. His lips brushing mine, but he wouldn't kiss me, was he teasing me? So I then put my hand in his hair, and pulled his head that bit closer so our lips would properly touch. 

 The kiss was soft and slow, his hands on my hips, he lifted me onto the kitchen counter and stood in between my legs.  After a while a broke away from the kiss and put my lips to his ear. "You failed at not burning the pizza." I pulled back smirking, he now realized what I had said and pulled himself away from me. 

 "Shit!" He cursed, "this is your fault you know, you kissed me." He took a tea-towel to get the pizza out. It wasn't completely burnt but it wasn't far off. I started laughing at him, he was trying to blame me as well, for kissing him, but really he was the one teasing me by brushing his lips over mine. 

 We ate the pizza whilst watching a scary movie, which I hate by the way. And because I hate blood too it makes it even worse. I clung to Michael for the whole movie. When it had finally finish I still clung to him cause I was scared. 

 "Koala, your death grip is killing me, and anyway the movies over." 

 "That's what you get for picking a movie like that, I hate scary movies." I hit him with one of the custions from the sofa. He just started laughing at me. 

 "Come, on Koala, time to get you to bed. I'll sleep here." He patted the sofa, that made me kind of sad, he was going to let me sleep in his bed and anyway I kind of wanted him there. 

 "But, but I'm scared.." I cuddled up to him again. "Can you not stay with me?" I looked up at him. 

  "If you're sure that you want me there." He smiled, all I did was nod. "Okay then." He got up, grabbing my hand. 

 We got to his room and he took out a t-shirt a some sweatpants, he gave them to me and I went to change in the bathroom, and I also brushed my teeth. 

 When I got back to his room he didn't have on a t-shirt, only bottoms. That made me even happier. 

 We climbed in the covers, facing each other. He pulled my body closer to his, our lags tangled together, my head resting on the top bit of his arm, my hands against his bare chat, and his other hand on my hip, our eyes just starting at each others. 

 "Oh I wanted to ask if you'd come with me somewhere next Saturday?"He asked me. 


 "You'll have to wait to find out?" He smirked. "So will you?" 

 "Uh-huh, sure." I smiled. "So... This might not be the right moment, but are we like boyfriend and girlfriend now or...?" I trailed off and a smile made it's way on his face. 

 "I guess so Koala." He smiled. 

 "Good." I whispered, and quickly press my lips to his another time tonight.

 Okay, that's that chapter no Michale's P.O.V but I might do one for next time, I don't know yet. So... Vote, comment..... 

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