Just A Play [Jimin X Reader]

By SevenWho

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You and Jimin? Not on very good terms. Terrible terms, actually. But life brings it so that he needs your hel... More

Chapter 1- Write Them A Song
Chapter 2- Teenage Love Stories
Chapter 3- Stupid Essay
Chapter 4- And It Had To Rain, Didn't It?
Chapter 5-Musician's Block's Ass Got Kicked
Chapter 6- Sleepover Vol1
Chapter 7- Sleepover Vol2
Chapter 8- Sleepover Vol3
Chapter 9- Where's da damn chocolate? (Sleepover vol4)
Chapter 10- He's Scared?
Chapter 11- Time To Finish That Essay
Chapter 12- Go To Sleep
Chapter 13- Freak Out
Chapter 14- Dance Studio
Chapter 15- I'm Ticklish There
Chapter 16- Revenge
Chapter 18- Ex?
Chapter 19- Let's just go.
Chapter 20- He Wants Ice Cream.
Chapter 21-Bad Luck
Chapter 22- The Word Is Out
Chapter 23- Do It Or Not Do It
Chapter 24- Cherry Flavored Syrup
Chapter 25- 12 Hour Long Sleep
Chapter 26- Cancel
Chapter 27- The Dress
Chapter 28- Get Out.
Chapter 29- The Party Vol1
Chapter 30- The Party Vol2
Chapter 31- The Party Vol3
Chapter 32- Balance
Chapter 33- Take Advantage Of Him?
Chapter 34- Sleep talking
Chapter 35- Bathrobe
Chapter 36- Phone
Chapter 37- Omma
Chapter 38- Tell Me
Chapter 39- Elevator
Chapter 40- New Decisions?
Chapter 41- New Deal
Chapter 42- Bring Her Clothes
Chapter 43- Airport
Chapter 44- Pair Of Brown Eyes
Chapter 45- Karma's A Bitch
Chapter 46- Pink Dance Master
Chapter 47- Misunderstood
Chapter 48- The Truth
Chapter 49- I'm Not A Piranha
Chapter 50- Interrupted
Chapter 51- Locked Door
Chapter 52- About Time
Chapter 53- Come Back To Me
54- Let's Stop Fighting
Chapter 55- I'll Race You
Chapter 56- What To Do?
Chapter 57- Worst Moment
Chapter 58- Talking Tree, Seagull And Horse
Chapter 59- Pack Your Bags
Chapter 60- Proud Father Jungkook
Chapter 61- Gift?
Chapter 62- I'll Call Lions On You
Chapter 63- Younger Brother
Chapter 64- Childhood Friend
Chapter 65- Suspicious?
Chapter 66- Dear Mom
Chapter 67- Your Love Life Is Dead
Chapter 68- The Mind Went There
Chapter 69- Backstory
Chapter 70- Corner Of The Sick
Chapter 71- Text Her Back
Chapter 72- Unknown Caller
Chapter 73- She Might Come
Chapter 74- Guests
Chapter 75- They Were Right
Chapter 76- Dying Of Laughter
Chapter 77- Sentimental
Chapter 78- Fireworks
Chapter 79- She's A Flirt
Chapter 80- Facebook Live
Chapter 81- Screenshots
Chapter 82- It's Over.
Chapter 83- Small Car
Chapter 84- Returning
Chapter 85- Friends...?
Chapter 86- Hair
Chapter 87- EunBi Is Gone
Chapter 88- Amusing Embarassment
Chapter 89- Hanging Out And Having Dinner
Chapter 90- Mr. Isleepshirtless
Chapter 91- Mornin'
Chapter 92- Have Mercy
Chapter 93- This Feeling Isn't Nice
Chapter 94- He's Overthinking
Chapter 95- What?

Chapter 17- Backfire

7.8K 359 236
By SevenWho

"Thank you for existing
Please call me, I’ll buy you food
I think I’m crazy these days" You read out loud the lyrics NamJoon has written, while sitting on the couch, leaning front and holding the paper in your hands. 

"I'll buy you food?" you raise an eyebrow and look at NamJoon who is casually sitting on the sofa. 

"What?" he asks clueless. 

"Have you ever used this as a pickup line?" you ask smiling at him. 

"Yes" he says furrowing his eyebrows.
"Did it work?"

"Yes" He says and purses his lips. 

"She must've really loved food then" you snicker and get back to reading the lyrics. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" he asks pouting. 

"I dunno, what do you want it to mean?" you continue playing with him. 

"You're awful" he playfully growls and it causes you to chuckle.

"Yaah, you two stop and focus" Yoongi says once he has finished reading the lyrics you wrote.

You turn to look at him, awaiting for his thoughts on the song. 

"The lyrics are beautiful," he comments, "What kind of music have you prepared for this?" 

"I have it in my phone, gimme a sec" You say and open your phone, pressing the pass code, and then start searching for the beat in your music library. 

Once you find it you press on it to play, and the sounds of a guitar softly playing begin and then slowly the drums joining it with other melodies as well. 

"You have rap parts for this, right?" NamJoon asks, wondering if you considered the fact that NamJoon, Hoseok and Yoongi are better at rapping that doing vocals. 

"Of course, who do you pass me for?" You ask playfully, and pressing on the 'pause'  symbol on you phone to stop the music. 

​​​​​​"For someone who plays sick jokes, obviously" You hear and angry voice come from behind NamJoon. 

You look up and you see Jimin, now wearing  black sweatpants and a black, as well,  t-shirt, holding the shampoo bottle you messed with. You snicker the moment you see Jimin's hair having a not so beautiful shade of red.  

Jimin sends you his most deathly glare. 

"Woaaah! What did you do to your hair?" Yoongi asks taken aback by the sudden change on Jimin's appearance. 

"It's.... Odd... " NamJoon says cautiously not trying to set his friend on edge.  

You sit still, trying to contain your laughter, barely succeeding. However, Jimin does one thing that sets you off into a fit of uncontrollable laughter; He simply huffs turning around and you see a big part off his hair still remaining brown and all the red circling it around in a very, very ugly manner. 

You are laughing so hard you fall off the couch, leaning face-down, but still laughing,  nonetheless. 

"Why did you do this?" Jimin asks very angry, his muscles flexing from now and then.

Yoongi and NamJoon look confused for a moment as they don't understand what you have to do with Jimin's red hair. Once they make out the connection, they realize that you pulled a prank on him, they start, as well, laughing at their arses off. 

"Ooohh, come on people! Are you serious?" Jimin stomps his foot.

​​​​​​"The back of your head" you say with a really high pitched voice, because of the lack of air in your lungs, "Looks" you try to take in a breath, "So hilarious"  you finally manage to say and literally roll on the floor laughing. 

Revenge is so sweet. 

"You should be careful from now on" Jimin threatens with an intense glare that made you worried for a second but it all washed away when he turned his back to you and he headed for his room. 

Jimin, is somehow relaxed now, he finally got something hostile from you. Something proving that you are not as caring. I mean,  you just dyed his hair without his permission, and the result is not that good. He'll have to go to a hair salon to fix this mess.

What he said earlier, about you watching your back, it still stands. Yes, some weight may have been lifted from his shoulders, (the fact that you've both gone back to being hostile towards each other, with the only difference that now you are more responsive) but still he's got to sort a few thingsout,  Like that unexpected and unwanted kiss... 

"Did you seriously do this to him?" NamJoon asks surprised referring to the prank you pulled on Jimin. 

"Well, I had to get back to him for that super spicy spaghetti. I have some limits to my patience you know" You say seriously, looking at NamJoon straight in the eyes. 

"You know he's not going to step back, right?"NamJoon's face darkens as he says those words. 

"Yeah well, I think I have stepped back enough times. It's high time I stopped that" you say. 

For some odd reason, the atmosphere feels a lot heavier than before, due to NamJoon taking this war between you and Jimin too seriously. You don't think of it that much, it's just going to be light pranks, like spicing up food and dying hair weird colors. I mean, you are not planning on taking very far. Hopefully, that sentence stands for Jimin as well. 

"Come on let's get back to the songs" You say releasing some of the tension held in the air, and the three of you dug into countless hours of improving the four songs. 

"AAAAAACHHHUUUUU" You give your loud sneeze and startle the two boys. 

"Woaah" says a startled NamJoon. 

"Did something explode?" Yoongi says with wide eyes looking up from the scribbles and pulling an ear bud out of his ear. 

"Nope" you say sniffling, "I sneezed" 
"Seriously? That's was loud!" Yoongi exclaims blinking a few times.
"Do you always sneeze like that?" NamJoon asks. 

"Nope, there are times where I sneeze like a man and others where I sneeze like a kitten," You purse your lips as you continue looking at the lyrics of 'Danger' 

"Your manly sneeze is kinda scary you know... " Yoongi says, and eyes you.

​​​​​​"I'm going out"  Jimin says, as he passes by you and hurriedly wears his shoes. 

You notice that he's wearing a beanie and smirk to yourself, "Why are you wearing a beanie? Show your beautiful hair to the people"  you tease him and bite your lower lip while stretching your neck higher so that you can get a full view of him. 

You hear him scoff at your mocking comment as he puts his shoes on, and when he stands up, he gives a death glare. 

However, you can not help but notice how good he is looking with that black beanie. All of his hair are tucked in it, exposing his entire forehead, that is rather good looking. 

Seriously.... Why does he hide that precious forehead under those bangs? 

You find yourself wondering and mentally slapping yourself for questioning that, it's non of your business and it shouldn't be. 

"Don't push it that far, foreigner" he growls and grabs his coat from the clothes hanger and leaving the house, slamming the door behind him. 

"Where's he going?" NamJoon asks looking at the empty spot Jimin was a few seconds ago. 

"Hair salon probably" Yoongi nonchalantly answers, "Now come on guys, we still have to fix some details on the music of the songs"  

"Yeah you're right, let's go to your studio... You have the equipment, right?" You ask, as you start gathering all the papers and utensils you guys used. 

The boys also have a small studio for them to create some music. It was actually Yoongi who gave you the idea of making that spare bedroom a studio for yourself. You would have left it as a guest room, had Yoongi not given you the idea. 

Good thing he did. That room is your very own personal space, like when you stay in there the hole world stops and it's only you creating taking a break from everything. 

Your jaw drops the moment you enter their studio.

It's so freaking lit.

All the equipment is really enhanced, and it looks dope under the blue lights. The room is not very big itself, there's barely enough room for the three of you, as most of the space is taken up by the instruments,  the computer's installation and the black couch they have. But of course, since boys are boys,  it's is messy as fuck. 
Papers, pencils, shoes(?), wires and whatnot are everywhere. 

"Ain't you boys clean" you say full of sarcasm. 

"Shut up. We've seen your room" Yoongi fires back. 

The moment he says that your eyes widen, you're not a messy person... Most of the time... When you are not too lazy to clean... Okay, yes you've had your messy times,but not always.

"It was one time" you say in defense, with a chuckle. 

"Psshh, lies, you're as lazy as we are to clean our rooms" NamJoon says and throws some of the papers, that covered the couch, away. 

"AAAAACHUUUUU!" You sneeze once again, startling the boys. 

"Bless you" Yoongi says. 

"Uuuh, thanks" you say in a weak manner, as a wave of dizziness washes over you making you lose your balance for a moment. 

"Are you okay?" NamJoon asks noticing your weird behavior. 

"I am kinda-" you try to say, but a coughing fit interrupts you once again, only this time you chocked on nothing, "I'm okay, I'm okay"  you repeat over and over again as you bury half your face in your shirt to keep any germs from jumping into the air, ready to intrude into another organism. 

"No,  you are not. Y/N,  you've been looking weird all day today. Don't tell me you're not sick. Did you run around wet in the cold to get sick or anything?"

Yoongi's question triggers you and you remember that two days ago you were running around like crazy, drenched under the rain, and let your hair dry on its own. 

Yep, you're definitely down with something. And the timing for it to show is actually pretty accurate. The virus has entered your system and your body now trying to fight it off, therefore giving you fever, coughing fits, lots of sneezing, light dizziness and headache. 

Great, getting sick is just what  you needed.

"Actually, yes... I got caught in the rain a two days ago" you purse your lips and you get a sudden piercing wave of pain on the left half of your head. 

"AAAAACHUUUUU" You sneeze this time louder than ever, and your head hurts even more from the pressure. 

"Hey,  Y/N, sit down I'll bring you some water and some aspirin" NamJoon says and dashes to the kitchen. 

"Well that's a sudden change...you weren't that bad a few minutes ago" Yoongi comments, sitting beside you. 

"Don't sit near me," you say and place your head in your hands as your elbows rest on your knees. 

"Ppsshh, I'm scared of no germs. I got swag" Yoongi says and you fall into a fit of laughter only to make your head hurt slightly more. 

"Are you laughing at my swag?" Yoongi asks playfully raising an eyebrow. 

Out of the blue, NamJoon shows up, knocking over a guitar while holding a glass of water with a pill.
He hurriedly hands them over to you and rushes to place the guitar back to where it was. Thankfully he succeeds at doing it without destroying anything.

"Thanks, Joon" you say after you gulp down the pill with some water a day then place the glass on the small coffee table in front of you. 

Guess all this unnoticeable discomfort you've been feeling all day was because of this. Your body has been trying to fight against the virus and it still is, but as it looks like the virus has managed to knock down another wall of your protection and make you feel worse. 

"Uuhh, give me a second you guys and we'll continue with the music" you mumble, waiting for the headache to decrease just a little bit so that you can actually do some work.
"Hmm,  you sure?"Yoongi asks, cautiously looking at you. 

​​​​​​"Yep" you says popping the 'p'  and you look up once you gather enough strength to continue, "Okay, let's continue"  you clap your hands and walk over to the computer, taking your USB flash out of your pocket and connecting it to the computer. 

You and the boys continue working on the songs for another hour, trying out different melodies, ways to sing the songs or giving and taking advices on the rapping parts. 

That until your face reddens too much and your  headache becomes to painful. 

"Uuuh, guys... I think I'm going to head home, I'm not feeling very well" You say and look up to the two boys with tired eyes. 

"You look awful," Yoongi says with no shame. 

"Geez, thanks for boosting my confidence" you say sarcastically. 

"Hey, guys" Taehyung peeks through the door. 

"Hey, Tae" the three of you say at the same time. 

"Is there anyone else home?" he asks, as he fully enters the room, "Me and Jimin came right now, he dyed his hair red! Can you believe it?" 

As much as you want to laugh and correct Taehyung and tell him that you pulled a prank on Jimin, you can't 'cause your headache makes you too weak.

Heeell, how did it escalate so fast? 

However, before you or the boys can answer Jimin enters the room and you notice his hair is a way better and shiny shade of red than before, and it's also styled in a whole different way. No more bangs, his hair is split, in a very handsome manner, showing off his forehead. 

Boy, red hair suits him a lot. 

"Wooaahh, You died your hair red? Like actually went to a hair salon to dye it?" Yoongi asks shocked. He wasn't expecting the younger one to dye his hair in his own will. 

"oh, well, at first I went there to somehow get it removed but then I looked at the mirror and thought a change would be nice, don't you agree,  foreigner?" Jimin says catching you off guard and staring at him. 

Damn, your plan backfired. Not only did the prank not infuriate him as much as you secretly hoped for but it also resulted into making him look even better. 

And now he's caught you staring.

What is he going to think? That your a creepy freak? 


Since when do you care about what he might think? And he already thinks your weird and odd, so adding freaky and creepy to the list should be no bother to you. 

Yet, it feels like you shouldn't do anything to make him worse of you.
"Uuuhh, yeah, changes are ni-" you're about to go the easy way and simply agree, but you catch yourself off guard and you sneeze two times. 
"Achu!"The first one comes out all short and cute like a kitten's one. 
"AAAACHUUU" The second one that comes right after though comes out like the previous one's; manly and loud. 

The boys blink at you for a second, really confused especially Tae, and as NamJoon says "Bless you",  Jimin bursts out laughing at your sneezes. 

"What's so funny?" you look at him through tired eyes. 

"What's wrong with your sneeze?  Do you have a split personality or something?" he asks through his fit of laughter. 

After you register his words, you feel your stomach drop and a huge cloud of sadness stopping over your head to rain its negativity on you. 

Your face turns serious, not feeling like responding to him. You just want to go home, drink some tea, relax in your bed and fall asleep. 

God, you feel so tired right now. You can doze off on the floor. How did you get drained that soon? You feel like you've intensely worked out for three hours after running two miles. 

"I'm going home, I'll text you guys later" you say to NamJoon, Yoongi and Tae as you walk past them giving them a tired,  but apologetic for leaving, look  and then past Jimin not even giving him a single glance.

"Can you go alone?" NamJoon asks, following you to the entrance hall, as you take your coat and scarf off he hanger.

"Yes, Joon. Please let me go alone, I have some thinking to do" you lie, giving him a reason to not be put to bother and come with you out to the cold. Also on the way to your house NamJoon will definitely want to chat about something and you're definitely not in the right state to keep up with the conversation. 

"You sure?" NamJoon asks once again just to make sure. 

"Yes, I'm not bleeding to death, NamJoon, I will survive a walk and bus ride to my apartment" You say playfully patting NamJoon's shoulder.
He and the boys- except Chims of course- have been a little protective over you ever since you started coming closer and becoming really good friends. You were kinda hesitant to trust them all at first, but their cheerfulness, kindness, help and care they've shown towards you really makes you feel welcomed therfore making it easier for you to let them in.

"As you say then... If you die it's on you" He says playfully and you hit his arm. 

"I'll come to haunt you if I die" you respond and put your shoes on opening the door afterwards, "Bye"  you wave and he closes the door.

You fix your scarf better around your neck and then zip up your coat and you shiver from the cold. You start walking faster and faster in order make yourself get warmer but you stop once you feel a hand on your shoulder turning you around completely. 

You look up at the person,  only to be met with Jimin's face. His cheeks are red, he's lightly heaving; chest rising up and down, as he takes in and lets out hot breaths that turn into most once their met with the air's cold temperature. 

"Why are you going so fast?" he asks, once his breathing as become more stable. 

"To keep me warm, now what do you want?" you ask sternly. 

He lets out an interested 'huf' but lightly smirks while doing so, "You forgot your phone and backpack"  he says, and raises you backpack to your range of vision.

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