Baby Daddy (Ongoing)

By RomanticCrap

214K 13.1K 4.2K

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Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51

Part 9

3.9K 225 52
By RomanticCrap

Rk walked into his room, defeated & slumped down on the couch putting his head in his hand and then he rubbed his face.

"Oh God! Madhu hates me!" Rk moaned loudly. "And I don't deserve her love!" he admitted the fact. "I should stop being a love stuck puppy & hover around her which will only make her hate me more... she is distancing herself from me because she sensed that I was trying to near her... near her heart & find a place in it. I should really stop expressing my feelings to her... I don't want to risk losing Ruhi..."

"Chief, you want a drink?" Bittuji asked seeing Rk talking out loudly to himself like a mad man.

"Sure thing, Bittuji. Bring me something strong."

Bittuji nodded his head & went to the cabinet where liquor bottles were stored.

"Chief, here" He walked back with two glasses of amber liquid in them.

"You alright, Chief?" Bittuji asked in concern. Rk didn't reply but gulped down the drink in one go.

"Chief, I know you are hurt..."

"Hurt? Me?" Rk's body shook with mirth. "It's me who hurt her, Bittuji... I hurt that poor girl, Madhu. She was so young... so innocent... so ambitious! I took advantage of her innocence & f**ked her life. Ahhh!!" he let out a scream in agony.

"Chief, Chief... control yourself. Take it easy!" Bittuji patted Rk's shoulder.

"Yeah, I got the grip." Rk said & with his fingers he pressed his eyes to keep the tears at bay.

"Chief, why don't you two start over again?" Bittuji suggested hopefully.

"She is not ready to trust me."

"May be it's too soon to ask for such a big thing. Trust!" Bittuji stressed the word Trust'. Yeah, Trust takes years to build, seconds to break & forever to repair!

"I know, Bittuji. You know what? The irony is when I didn't love her she trusted me so blindly... and now I am truly in love with her but she is not trusting me." Rk said in pained voice as he took a gulp directly from the bottle this time.

"I want to see her eyes brimming with love for me... I want her... and her love so badly!" Rk said almost pulling his hair off.

"Chief, you should hold some patience" Bittuji said calmly.

"RK & patience never go hand in hand" Rk shook his head.

"Then it won't work!" Bittuji blurted out. Rk looked at him for one good minute.

"Sorry, Chief. I guess I stepped out of the bar..."

"No, what you said was true. I should be patient but its getting really hard when Madhu behaves so cold to me..."

"But Chief..."


"You should keep loving her & prove your love to her. One day she will understand the depth of your love till then don't let yourself bother with the way she behaves or treats you... you should feel contented with your daughter for now & hope one day you will win your daughter's mother's love too..."

"Whoa whoa! What's wrong with you bittuji? When the hell you turned to a Love Guru?" Rk asked looking at him in shock. Bittuji blushed.

"Bittuji, wipe that blood damn blush off your face before I do it for you in my way!" Rk growled at him. "You are turning to a girl, Bittuji"

"Um... sorry, Chief... It's just..." Bittuji stammered.

"What? C'mon pop the bubble!"

"I'm in love!" Bittuji said nervously.

Rk looked at him with open mouth. "Don't tell me you are in love with ME!!!" Rk panicked & jumped up from the couch & walked three steps back, closer to the door ready to run if his answer was Yes'.

"No, Chief! I'm not a gay! I love you but like a little brother." Bittuji hurriedly said putting Rk in ease.

Rk heaved a huge sigh of relief before sitting beside him on the couch.

"You never told me you were in love?" Rk asked.

"I was so confused. I didn't know whether it was appropriate to love at this age so I didn't tell before I come to any conclusion."

"Oh Bittuji, you are just 42 years old... besides there is no age bar for love."

"So tell me who is she?"

"You know her."

"Oh! Who?" Rk wondered. "Wait, if your lover is in India then why you came with us leaving her there?" Rk asked.

"No, she is here, in Paris."

"Oh!" Rk frowned then his eyes went wide. "Don't tell it's that bitch who flirted with me in the lobby." Rk said in dread thinking about that 'check-my-boobs-and-kiss-my-ass' receptionist.

"Gah! No!" Bittuji made an Eeww' face.

"Then tell me who it is, dammit!"

"It's Roma"

"Oh that Noodles hair!" Rk couldn't help but burst out laughing. "She hates you, you know that right?" Rk asked amidst his laughter.

"That's curls not noodles!"

"Whatever! She is one funny yet annoying woman." Rk chuckled.

"Chief!" Bittuji said getting offended

"Oops! Sorry. You both will make one great pair. Good luck, Bittuji" "

"Thanks chief but I' sure she don't hate me."

"You seem so confident, Bittuji?"

"Look, Chief, you can never get so mad with a stranger... only you get mad or often bicker & end up fighting like cats & dogs with someone close to you... that clearly shows they have feelings for you but hiding it hard with the mask of anger..."

"Bullshit!" Rk muttered. He didn't get the damn logic behind it. "So this is what you were so high on from morning... no correction for the past two weeks?" Rk asked changing the topic.

Rk & Bittuji paid a visit to Paris two weeks back to finalize with some paper works for the house he bought for them. That time they met this lady named Roma & Bittuji broke his Brahmacharyam and fell in love with her.

"Why are you blushing so much since morning?"

"I saw her today in the Airport..." Now, Rk got the reason why Bittuji was behaving so weirdly.

"And from that moment you were dreaming about her & blushing like a new bride?" Rk asked teaaingly. "But then why you were literally jumping up and down when I suggested we could share a room?"

"That's because I was too excited to share this news with you & I also need your help, Chief?"

"My help? In what?"

"You know like how to impress a girl... how to woo her... how to make her fall in love with me... and stuffs like that..."

"Hold on!" Rk stopped him & glared at him.

"What, Chief?" Bittuji asked in confusion seeing the sudden change in Rk's expression.

"Are you mocking me?" Rk asked shooting his brow up.

"No, chief! I swear." Bittuji pinched his throat but Rk still gave him an incredulous look.

"If I had known to woo my girl, my Madhu... then I wouldn't be kicked out of the room by her & sitting here with you having this f**king chit-chat" Rk grumbled. Then Rk's phone bussed in his shirt pocket.

"Hello, Madhu? You okay? Is Ruhi crying?" Rk asked over the phone hearing Ruhi's loud cry.

"Come to our room!" She said & hung up the phone.

"Bittuji, I'm going. Ruhi is crying." Rk said as he raced to the front door.

"But Chief, wait!"


"Take a quick shower & go. You smell of alcohol!"

"Oh shit! She will surely kill me if I step closer to Ruhi like this." Rk said & hushed to the bathroom all the way stripping his cloths. He stood under the cold shower as water gushed over his body. He even gargled his mouth with Listerine mouth freshener. Not even bothering to wipe his wet body, he just threw his boxers, track pants & T-shirt over his body & rushed out.

"What took you so long to c'mere from the next door?" Madhu asked glaring at him as soon as she opened the door.

"I was in the shower. Sorry. Why she is crying?" Rk asked stepping in & made a beeline to the bedroom where he heard Ruhi's cry.

"Mon ange! Why are you crying? Are you hungry? " Rk asked as he sat on the bed next to her twitching her button nose. Her nose was running as a result of her crying. "Aww... Dirty girl!" Rk teased & wiped her nose with a baby wipes tissue.

"Now, it's better." Rk said with a smile & kissed her pretty pink button nose.

"Look, your Papa is here... so now you better stop your tantrums & lie down & sleep, Ruhi!" Madhu ordered her little girl holding her hands on her hips. Ruhi looked at her momma with puppy dog eyes.

"What, now?" Madhu asked raising her voice but in a playful tone.

Ruhi took her ball & showed it to Madhu indicating she wanna play.

"No, sleep" Madhu climbed up on the bed & tucked her under the covers.

But she sat up on the bed & turned to her dad with a mischievous smile.

"Oye, Missy! He is also going to sleep so no one is going to play with you." Madhu said.

Ruhi ignored her momma & looked at her dadda & smiled at him making him melt.

Actually his head started to throb as an after effect of drinking & he knew he will surely have a pretty bad hangover if he fail to sleep but still he wanted to play with his daughter.

He looked up at Madhu asking her permission.

"No, you are not going to play. She needs her sleep so do us. We had a long day right?"

"I know but ..." Rk trailed off.

Madhu just shook her head & switched off the bed side lamp hoping Ruhi will sleep now as it was fully dark & she won't dare to sneak out of the bed & go play while they both had slept.

"Ahhh..." Ruhi cried an ear piercing cry making Rk & Madhu to jump off the bed.

When Rk switched on the lights Ruhi threw the ball in her hand at Madhu angrily.

"Oh my! She has a temper." Rk said in a whisper fearing Ruhi will hear him & hit him with another ball.


"Mama!" Ruhi shouted back in her sweet baby voice.


"Nah!" She stuck her tongue out making her momma angry & her Papa to laugh out loud.

"Girls! Girls! Girls! Stop fighting. Madhu you sleep. I will play with her in the hall till she falls asleep." Rk stopped them from glaring at each other.

"You are not my daughter! You are my mother in law!" Madhu scowled at her daughter. Ruhi pouted her pretty pink lips & opened her arms for her father to pick her up.

"She will sleep throughout the day & at night times she will stay awake & torture us!" Madhu mumbled & tiredly laid on the bed while Rk took Ruhi to the living room. He set Ruhi on the floor & spread all her toys around her for her to play. He turned on the TV & reduced its volume so that he won't disturb Madhu sleeping in the other room.

"Papa" Ruhi patted the floor asking him to sit closer to her & not to sit on the couch. Her wish was his command!

Ruhi had wrapped her Papa in her little finger. Period.

Rk flipped the channels & stopped at cartoon network and started watching Tom & Jerry'. Ruhi was playing with her building blocks when she heard her dad's soft laugh. She looked up at him & then at the TV, then back at her dad & started laugh just because her dad was laughing though she didn't understand why Tom was chasing Jerry. Rk scooped Ruhi up & cradled her to his chest.

"She didn't sleep yet?" Madhu asked walking out of the room.

"You didn't sleep yet?" Rk asked back.

"I couldn't sleep. Come to bed..."

"Me?" Rk asked in surprise with a wide grin.

"With Ruhi" Madhu clarified that she wasn't inviting him to bed... well, not alone!

"Baby, shall we go to bed?" Rk cooed at Ruhi as he kissed her temple. She shook her head in no.

"Play, Papa play!" she bounced on his lap, shaking her fist hands in the air.

Rk looked up at Madhu, helplessly. Madhu sighed & walked towards him & jumped up on the couch, curling herself to a ball.



"Can we stay in here, in the suite room tomorrow... um, I mean today?" she corrected as it was almost 4 in the morning. "I don't think I have the energy to get ready and go out... I'm hell tight so can we reschedule our sightseeing for some other day?"

"Okay, my love. We will simply cuddle in the bed." Rk said grinning staring at the TV but he knew she was boring her blazing eyes at him from behind.

"Don't call me that!" Madhu said through gritted teeth. She hated it when he called my love' or she forced herself to believe that she hated it.

Rk glanced back & smirked at her. Madhu shook her head & went back to watch the TV.

After sometimes, Rk suddenly woke up from his sleep. He didn't know when sleep took over him. He was still on the floor & the TV was still on. He took the remote & switched off the TV and looked at his side to find Ruhi sleeping on the floor with the hands & legs wide spread looking like a star fish. Rk chuckled & brushed the lock of hair off her forehead & kissed it. Then he looked over his shoulder to find Madhu sleeping peacefully on the couch, she too had her hair sprawled over her face. Rk slowly moved the strand of hair & tucked it behind her soft ear. He couldn't resist himself but kiss her, well not on her forehead like how he kissed Ruhi but on her soft pulpy lips. To his surprise Madhu kissed him back in her sleep.

"Oh god! She tastes so sweet." Rk moaned softly. He felt her lips as manna from heaven! He wanted to shove his tongue in her mouth & drink in her sweetness.

Before losing his control he stood up & first picked Ruhi from the floor & took her to the bedroom & gently placed her on the crib attached to the bed. Then he came back to the hall & cautiously lifted Madhu in his arms without waking her up & walked to the room & settled her gently on the bed next to Ruhi & then he slipped in beside her. Rk gave a gently tug to her hand & Madhu instantly rolled over & rested her head on his chest and Rk wrapped his arm around her shoulder, hugging her closer to him, he went to deep slumber.

... To be continued!!!

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