Dragon Shinobi [NARUTO] [KAKA...

By Phoenix__Quill

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When a freakishly large, flying dinosaur seemingly threatens Konoha under the command of a flashy foreigner... More

Flew a Little Too Far
What is This Kiss?
Foreign Policy Negotiations?
A Hated Memory
Sickening Humans
Demon Tamer of War
In A Snake's Interest
For the Demon
A Snake's Apprentice
The Past in the Present
Fera, Wuhen, Lilestra, Eiwah, and Weihei
The Satchel
Disappointing Hopes
A Human's Will
Immortal Play
When the Demons Really Don't Stop
Stranger Things
Traitorous Deceit
Descent Into Evil
Remember Me
Qualms of the Heart
Separate Ways, Separate Missions
Reigning in Fate
Wuhen Tumultus
Listen to the Rain
The Heck is a Faun?!
A Meeting of Fate
A/N: Question

Drunken Danger

326 30 15
By Phoenix__Quill

"That's it! Now manipulate the molded chakra with your lightning release." His eye was round in anticipation as his hands instructed my movements. I had successfully created a system for chakra, and it had drained me significantly. But it now ran correlative with my magic, and if needed, I would be able to switch back and forth until both reserves ran dry. Having successfully mastered chakra control, it was a simple task to mold it around my hand and combine it with lightning release. According to that slip of paper from earlier, I could use lightning and fire release, but my magic was more than enough to utilize fire. It was also more affective, seeing as it made fire more versatile rather than the fire my chakra would create.

But my magic was not one with lightning, and I never understood why. Other elves weren't harmed when attempting to use differing elements. They may not have been able to master them, but never were they injured. It was odd, yet a part of me knew the dark secret behind it. My mind wouldn't accept the possibility, so it stayed locked away. Now thanks to Hatake, I was able to utilize lightning to some degree. It may not have been my own lightning- made from my own magic- but it was still fulfilling. It still felt as if a piece of my mother was showing itself.

After multiple failed attempts, heavy amounts of sweat, shortness of breath, and intense concentration, a fear-striking nuance of death could be heard reverberating around the area, and everyone in the vicinity halted their actions - Naruto included. Linksys gamboled around as yips and adorable noises of happiness left his muzzle, his hind quarters shaking like that of a boisterous dog. I hadn't realized it, but a smile had subconsciously spread across my face as I watched the chirping lights dance over my hand without so much as heating it up. Nothing could display the joy I was currently feeling excite my body - not even the shades of pink taking over my eyes.

"Chidori." He said, taking my attention off my hand and to his defined face. His eye was closed as if in a smile, and his head was tilted slightly. This human bewildered me to no end.

Yamato yelled a congratulatory phrase from his spot in the middle of the pillars, and little did I know, Naruto had acquired a ghost of a smile as he pretended not to take notice. He couldn't deny the fact.

Cursing myself for even listening to a human, much less this one, I canceled the jutsu and gazed at Hatake sincerely. He flinched at the look in my eyes, averting his gaze and rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Not wanting to actually say it, I wrapped my arms around him and kept my face by his ear in attempts to hide my disgusted eyes.

"Thank you." I hadn't wanted it to. I had even tried to force a harshness, but my words were genuine and left my tongue in a breathless whisper. I really hated being indebted to anyone, much less a human, but he had made possible something I had given up on long ago. It was a task that had given me much grief and self-loathing. Now it was a weight much less heavy, and with further mastery, I could finally live up to my worthiness - the worthiness of being a mother's daughter.

He suddenly grimaced and subconsciously gripped my upper arms. I stepped back only to see Linksys on his other shoulder, licking Hatake's visible ear. I couldn't help the chuckle escaping me as he struggled to pacify the dragon. He finally grasped the reptile's small body gently and slowly handed him off to me. A smirk crawled up my face at his flustered expression, and I couldn't help but tease further.

"Sorry, Linksys," I propped him up on my shoulder, "Hatake only enjoys my lips." I stated casually, running a finger over his horned head. Humans were so easy to rile up, and it was fun toying with them. I didn't understand what was so embarrassing about lips, but it flustered the humans. And it was fun to tease about.

After numerous stutters and inaudible-almost words, Hatake finally uttered out a what from under his mask and flamed cheeks. My malicious laugh filled the air as my head reared back, and I could do nothing but turn away as I tried in vain to still my laughter. I could feel his tangible abhorrence in the air and almost thought he was going to burn holes through me with his glare.

"Elvinia of Tehlmar," a stoic, muffled voice was heard behind me, and I turned, thinking it was Hatake, "Tsunade-sama has requested your assistance in the apprehension of Akatsuki." It was a masked man with black ninja clothes. A sword showed protruding from a sheathe on his back. He was on a knee, fist to the ground and head bowed. I was about to walk toward him when Hatake's hand stopped me.

"You're here on Tsunade-sama's orders?" Hatake's suspicious tone made me wonder what was going on. This had to have something to do with these people's government if Hatake was taking caution.

"Hai," the man rose to his feet. I couldn't tell his expression, for the mask hindered me from reading him, "this is a file of the information you'll need. You are to leave tomorrow at sunrise." He instructed before disappearing in a whoosh. I looked at Hatake questioningly and then at the file in his hands. He sighed, hesitantly handing it to me. I opened it, hungrily taking in the details.

I was to make a rendezvous with one of the teams deployed by getting the scent of Shikamaru Nara and allowing Linksys to follow it. One of his items of clothing was included within the file. Supposedly, there would be two S-ranked criminals to apprehend, and I was to give assistance in their capture. However, in the event a capture became impossible, I was to eliminate them. Snapping the file shut, I sighed in indignation as Hatake rose a brow.

"I think it's happening." My words slipped before I could catch them. Now I was also confiding in a human. . . again.

"Your premonition?" He questioned knowingly, only to nod at my silence. "Take a seat by the tree and rest. I'm going to finish training Naruto, then I'll wake you." He ordered, ignoring my crimson eyes and forcing me to take a seat. Now I was taking orders from a human.

I'd let Linksys take care of it later, I thought before succumbing to sweet darkness.

The moon casted iridescent light over her features, shadowing the crevices of her perfectly defined physiognomy. Naruto and Yamato's interlocking snores seemed to be the only symphonies disturbing the calm whistle of the night breeze. Kakashi's eyes and ears took all this in as he squatted over the sleeping figure, almost thinking twice about waking her. She had just created a chakra circulatory system- something no ninja would ever dream of doing- and mastered a jutsu all in only one day. He had never seen the likes of such a feat. Not even Sasuke had mastered it within hours of learning about it. Of course she'd be exhausted.

But alas, his hands found their way to her shoulders, circumventing the sleeping reptile. He was certainly rather adorable in this state - vulnerability, glistening scales, and steaming breath coming from tiny nostrils. A gasp from her sleeping self caused the Jounin to snap his gaze to her face in a panic. She hadn't awoken, but her head swung from side to side in a rush as her features contorted into despair and trepidation. Little jolts of panic coursed through her shoulders every now and then, and grunts and restrained protests wandered from her throat. He finally snapped out of the initial shock and jostled her shoulders, Linksys shooting up in a flare and landing to the ground in a growl of surprise.

"Elvinia," Kakashi spoke in hushed whispers but with enough intensity to register his own worry, "you're dreaming!" He rasped out harshly before a hand caught his throat, and he was suddenly slammed to the ground, a weight on his hips. Their eyes met, and for a second, Kakashi felt a slither of absolute terror course through his chest at the crazed look in her gleaming ebony irises. Like a rabid dog, her breaths were labored and raspy, but her face was pale and eyes sunken in. It was as if she was presently being dominated by a dark sickness.

It wasn't until his hands squeezed her arms as if in response to the terror in his mind that the ebony melted from her eyes and was replaced by the innate blue they always seemed to be. Realization registered in her features, and her body tilted to the side as her grip loosened on his neck. She finally rocked off of him and to the grass beside him, keeping an arm over her face. They laid still in the silence save for the snores, Linksys having jumped to her stomach in worry.

"Bad dream. My bad." Her voice finally filled the air, and she sat up, face passive once more. Her fingers stroked Linksys in a soothing manner to calm him a bit more. Kakashi followed her actions, his eye scanning over her in what she perceived as either suspicion, thought, or worry. She couldn't tell and didn't have the energy to even try. However, a light of thought suddenly appeared deep within his expression. It was a suspicious light.

"Ah, some of us are going for drinks tonight. I thought you might like to join and- uh -" the man looked around a bit as if coming up with his next words, "meet some of my comrades." He held his hand up in a shrug, his words sounding more pensive than sincere.

Elvinia narrowed her eyes at him ambiguously, making him squirm uncomfortably. There was something behind his seemingly innocent inquiry that Elvinia was attempting to piece together. He had only trained her for reasons to benefit his village. What would drinking have to do with improving the status of the village? Beside that, she had a debt to break out of, which meant no money for drinks.

"I hope you're buying." Were her only words as she stood proudly, carrying Linksys like a posh pooch as her armor shined in that bright light once more. Kakashi flinched in regret at her words as he watched in disbelief while she conceitedly walked away. The light died down to reveal a set of ninja garb that revealed her mid-drift. It was dark clothing, and it reminded Kakashi of something Ino would wear.

She suddenly turned to face him, sending him a playful wink to which he immediately grew suspicious.

"Where are those from?" He finally popped the question as he strode to meet her pace. The black, sleeveless top sprouted a collar that encircled her neck only to open a bit at the chest and fold like a kimono over the breasts. It stopped underneath, a mesh material hugging around her waist.

"I bought them." She responded casually, struggling to keep the devious smile from lining her lips at Kakashi's pondering expression. She wanted to know if he'd figure it out, and she couldn't wait for the satisfaction.

"With what?" He narrowed an eye at her with imminent venom in his tone. At this point, she was now struggling to stifle the laugh, forgetting about the helpless smile giving her away.

"It's not hard to steal from a sleeping man." Giving up, she finally burst into a tearful laughter as he stopped abruptly, shock and confusion all over his face. It was then that a familiar, orange book appeared in the woman's hands, her face clearly enjoying the amusement. Kakashi couldn't contain his anger as he flipped through a slightly more empty wallet, hell contorting his features. That was when he suddenly stopped shaking, a scary calmness conquering his expression. Elvinia widened her eyes in response, cocking her head to the side, for it was now her turn to be confused.

"Elvinia," his voice was a deadly kindness, but Elvinia would not falter.

"Yes, Kakashi?" She responded with a chirp to her voice - eyes innocent yet playful and imbued with a golden yellow.

"This will be in my possession until I have been returned my things and given an apology." A very familiar satchel was suddenly hanging from Kakashi's outstretched hand, a genuine smile under his mask. Elvinia immediately gasped, Linksys letting out a yelp in surprise as he flew up to one of the branches to hide from the danger.

"How?! It's been in my reservoir!" She shrieked in a mixture of horror and anger as her yellow eyes faded into crimson. It was now Kakashi's turn to bellow a mocking laugh. He then shot her a daring gaze to which she finally snapped. Her fists clenched, and her brow twitched. Handing him the book, she was suddenly upon him, quick enough to trap him to the tree behind them. Her hands traveled up his sides and to his arms in a teasing manner before her grip trapped his wrists in a deadlock.

"That's funny because," her lashes hid her eyes until she gazed up into his shocked face, a passionate purple lining her sultry gaze, "I didn't think you'd actually hold it against me." She whispered as her lips curled up in satisfaction. Her fingers had almost reached the satchel when Kakashi snapped out of his shock and escaped from her trap.

"Geez, what a dangerous woman you are. I can't tell if you're naive or faking it." He breathed in astonishment as he tucked the satchel away safely into his jacket. "That was close." He mumbled as he attempted to even his breathing. "Now." He quickly grew serious, glaring at a disappointed Elvinia. Her cheeks inflated in an indignant pout as she snootily turned away, crossing her arms.

"Don't look at me like that. You're the one that fell asleep." She stated casually as she opened her crimson eyes to stare off into space. Kakashi huffed in disbelief as he snatched her by the arm.

"Let's go." He ordered as he ignored her protests to let go. "And stop taking advantage of me, you elf. I won't be so lenient next time." He chastised in a gruff manner as they walked down the streets of the village, bickering the entire way.

"Yo, Kakashi!" Boisterous greetings were sent Kakashi's way as the pair entered the restaurant, and Elvinia made sure to keep behind him. After all, this was a gathering of humans. She'd rather be caught dead. A man ran his arm around Kakashi's neck and guided him to a back table surrounded by many people. However, one single woman caught her eye. It was the woman from days ago- the woman with child. Her crimson eyes met with Elvinia's, and intrigue immediately lined the woman's features.

"Who's this, Kakashi?" She pondered aloud. As if in a vacuum, the air seemed to still as the group's voices halted and attention set on Elvinia.

"Uh," Kakashi began but was rudely interrupted.

"Beaten again?! I've got to catch up too!" The man that had guided them through had suddenly busted out in a panic, his big eyes practically bursting from his head. His green jumpsuit gleamed in the light as his silky, bowl-cut hair bounced around. All the while, Kakashi had seemed slightly nervous and was waving his hands in protest.

"Oh?" Another man at the table rose a brow, a deep scar going over his nose. "Kakashi has a girlfriend?" His question was innocent and only meant as harmless, but Elvinia wouldn't take it so lightly.

"Him? Haha," she laughed mockingly, massaging the bridge of her nose, "never in a million years would I-"

"Yes, just for tonight." Kakashi slapped a hand over her mouth as he pushed her to the booth and sat across from her. He smiled warmly, taking joy in the crimson glare and threatening kicks coming from under the table.

"Well, can't say you lost out there." The boisterous man from before commented lightly as he joined the rest, sitting next to Kakashi.

"So," the gentle, calming voice of the woman next to Elvinia commenced the conversation, "what's your name?" She smiled warmly as her hand caressed her small stomach.

"Elvinia." The elf responded lightly as she rested her chin in a hand.

"Wait," the man with the scar suddenly grew rather suspicious, "you mean the foreigner that destroyed most of the village?"

As if on queue, tiny squeals were heard coming from the entrance along with shouts from the humans and a plate clattering to the ground here and there. A small, white figure was seen bouncing on the ground as it neared their table only to jump to Elvinia's shoulder and cower behind her hair in terror.

"Yes," she answered plainly, grabbing Linksys and setting him in her lap to stroke the panic out of him. Ignoring his accusatory glare, she continued, "but in my defense, I was being cornered by you petty humans. It was a simple attempt of escape. Your buildings just happened to be in the way."

Iruka was about to shoot up in rage until a hearty laugh filled the air, and all heads turned to Kurenai who was wiping the tears from her eyes. She calmed a bit only to smile at a bewildered Elvinia. The elf had only meant to infuriate, so this woman laughing was doing her no good. Elvinia didn't need humans. She wanted to distance herself from them as quickly as possible.

"I like that." The woman said through another chuckle.

"Kurenai? Have you lost it?!" Iruka bellowed in disbelief as the woman rolled her eyes.

"She's working to pay off her debt, no? There's nothing wrong with a little bit of saltiness here and there." Kurenai shrugged as she picked up her bottle of water to take another sip. It was good she wasn't partaking in the spirits like the men were. Elvinia sighed in weariness as she felt her heart slightly warm. It was doing her no good, but the woman's nonchalant attitude and kind defense was stifling to Elvinia. She would never understand humans' capriciousness.

Sensing the aggravation, Kakashi chimed in, "the crowd's smaller today." He curved the subject expertly, taking in notice the only three people out of the normal six that showed.

"Well, Asuma's on the mission to apprehend Akatsuki, so I assume that's where Kotetsu and Izumo are." Kurenai replied, her crimson gaze taking in the lack of people as well.

"How's Asuma been doing with the news?" Guy questioned as he finished giving his order to a waiter. This restaurant wasn't exactly high class, but it wasn't that of a bar or tavern either. The style was foreign to Elvinia, but the dim lights and tranquil atmosphere was inviting.

"He's enjoying the aspect of being a father. Between that and Shikamaru, he's even taken on the incentive of throwing away the cigarettes for good." She chuckled sweetly at the thought before taking another sip of water. Elvinia tilted her head in curiosity at the conversation. A man named Asuma was to be the father. She was intrigued to know who he was. Guy nodded his head in a congratulatory manner as the waiter came to set a small vase-looking cup in front of him.

"What's that?" Elvina voluntarily spoke for the first time as she watched him pour the liquid into a small, saucer-like plate and sip from it.

"Sake." Iruka answered calmly as he too ordered some. Elvinia's eyes morphed from their normal blue to a more cyan blue, making Kakashi sigh as he perceived her confusion.

"It's alcohol." He confirmed, making her snap her eyes up in annoyance as they faded to a boysenberry. Her attention was thwarted as Guy slammed his bottle down with a sigh of contentment as his cheeks slightly flushed. It must not have taken much for him to become rather influenced.

"Yea, it probably wouldn't be a good idea for you, considering you've most likely never had any." Kakashi commented as he signalled for the waiter. Elvina sat up, her eyebrows raising as her eyes became a yellow once more.

"Is that a challenge?" She inquired venomously as Kakashi shrank back nervously.

"N-no," he laughed awkwardly, "I was just warning you." He shrugged nonchalantly, his composure set again.

"Well, buy me a drink and let's find out."

"Who would have thought the great Elvinia could be defeated by sake?" Kakashi chuckled as he trudged down the streets of the village. She had only had one bottle, and privy to Kakashi's warning, she indeed had become overwhelmed. Linksys sat atop the woman's head as she slumped over Kakashi's back, completely bubbly.

"Defeated? Defeated?! I handled that demon like yesterday's meal!" She raised her arm in a victory salute before it fell limply over Kakashi's chest once more. Kakashi could do nothing but sigh and shake his head as he continued along in the darkness.

"And where does Elvinia even live?" He pondered aloud as he stopped along one of the main streets, waiting for her to point the way.

"Elvinia lives in Tehlmar, stupid horse!" She kneed his sides, making him double over slightly. "Away stallion!" She pointed off into the distance with a determined glare.

"Linksys," Kakashi's eyebrow twitched, "waveh yui du ta onwiveh?" (Will you do the honors?) He gritted his teeth as she continued to bounce up and down on his back, thinking he was some sort of horse.

The dragon yipped in glee as he bounded off the elf's head and into the sky, doing a few aerial flips before flapping in front of Kakashi's face. A sort of smile pulled at his muzzle before he flipped around and began at a leisurely pace down the road away from the apartments. Kakashi sighed as he hesitantly followed the reptile, wondering if the animal had even understood him. Somehow- someway- he had been able to utilize the elf's language, and he had deduced that was the only language her pet knew. He hoped he had translated correctly, and the dragon wasn't taking him to Tehlmar - wherever that was.

The reptile eventually alighted to a tree branch that jutted out into a clearing of the surrounding forest. The silent wisps of night air created slight ripples over the lake in the center of the clearing. With a full moon, white light revealed everything to the eye, while hiding other corners in the dark. Snapping out of his daze, Kakashi sighed as he lowered Elvinia's feet to the ground.

"This isn't an apartment." He mumbled as he rubbed the side of his face. Linksys had curled up and was now snoring slightly as his tail swung in the breeze.

"Of course not, Stupid," the elf stumbled slightly as she parted from the ninja, "this is my house!" She spread her arms out in glee as she spun around in circles, eventually falling over her feet and into the unmanaged grass. Giggles erupted from her playful form as she rolled around. Coming to a sudden stop, her head shot up to reveal matted, white hair. "Now I'm dirty!" She exclaimed incredulously, as if shocked the ground had gotten her dirty.

Kakashi face-palmed himself as he watched her body light up. As the brightness faded, she was revealed wearing another casual dress that flowed to her bare feet. The material was diaphanous and free flowing. She pushed to her wobbly feet and pranced over to the lake, falling to her knees only to make odd gurgling sounds at her image in the water.

"Lavinia?!" She bellowed in a tone that betrayed the happiness on her face. She slapped at the water as her expression fell and eyes pooled to black. "No. Dead." Her fists clenched the sand in the shallows as she bowed her trembling form to the shore. Feeling slightly perturbed at the new behavior, Kakashi quickly made his way over as he mulled over how to console a drunken elf. But as he knelt, her quick hands had already grappled onto his vest, her desperate face calling to him for help. The look overwhelmed him. It reminded him of his father.

"Oi." He attempted to pry her hands off, but they were like welded iron - never to be separated.

"So many faces." She whispered as her endless eyes searched around a fantastical place - not at the actual person they were trained on. "Lavinia. . . Rexus. . . Melphina. . . must. . . not. . . slip. . ." Shaking uncontrollably, her body finally gave out, her iron grip suddenly gone. Lying motionless as the water lapped at her hair, her gaze seemed to return and finally fixated on a shocked Kakashi. "Hatake," the sudden attention made him stiffen, and she took the chance to grab his left hand, "should the time come, would you be able to kill me?" It was as if she was questioning herself, assessing his hand as if to size him up. "You must take out my heart." She gripped his wrist, plummeting his hand to the area above her heart.

"What are you getting at?!" Being sent to the past, he found the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he snatched away from her. The thought was morbid, and he caressed his head as he painfully suppressed the memory. "Asking that," he winced, "you must be insane." He breathed heavily as his mind reminded him of composure, so he attempted to calm himself as sweat poured from his brow.

"No. No." She shook her head dramatically. "Knowing this pain - the pain of killing them is so," her hands shot to hide her face as the sobs wracked her body, "they were so young! So many!" Her body convulsed as she pulled at her hair in utter misery. Shocked and highly upset, Kakashi pinned her arms to the side as he straddled her to keep her from damaging her body further. The ground was unforgiving, after all.

"W-who?!" Was all he could think to say. "Who did you kill?!" He grunted as she almost broke away, her strength quite surmountable.

"Lavinia! Rexus! Melphina!" She cried, tears spilling into the waters. "My brother and sisters! Triplets!" Her breathing was ragged as her hands rolled and jerked. Her feet dug into the ground as her back arched for leverage. "They were just the start. . ." her movements suddenly calmed, her puffy, black eyes motionless and almost dead-like.

A stark silence filled the area. Not even the wind dared to disturb the eerie stillness. It was as if the surrounding nature had been measuring her crimes, and now that they were out, the verdict had been given. Darkness swept over the blades of grass as even the moon cowered behind the foreboding clouds.

Kakashi felt the words. He felt his next sentence, but it wasn't coming out. Something had taken ahold of his throat and lit a fire. But there was nothing there - at least, nothing tangible. He then realized it was Elvinia. Elvinia had done this. Those involuntary kisses hadn't just been to her benefit, however unbeknownst to her. The same thing had happened with learning the language. She learned his, and he picked up a few things from her. Except, this feeling was different.

He wanted to cry.

"For what reason?" The words suddenly slipped from his mouth as if coached by an unknown force. He knew he shouldn't just assume she had done it for fun. It was obvious that wasn't the case based off of the extensive guilt she had been displaying. But he also knew from experience. Murder wasn't always intended and/or baseless.

"Ca-can't say the name." Trembling once more, she seemed to gulp down her previously intended words. It was only then Kakashi grew eager, curious, and suspicious all at once. He was expecting the worse, but nothing could be more alerting than a circumvention. He didn't want to believe it, but he might have trained a murderer.

And all would be Tsunade's fault once more.

But something told him that was not the case. Elvinia was not a murderer. She had never once attempted to intentionally harm one of the villagers; she had practically sacrificed herself to save the village before, and she voluntarily helped with Naruto's training- even if she had claimed it was out of consideration for the kyuubi. That meant it was time to put a little more faith in the capricious, drunken elf.

"Elvinia?" Kakashi stared down at her, registering the lethargic look in her cold eyes. "Whatever it is you have done, it is in the past. One mustn't dwell for too long. Your life has been long, so for you to weigh your future based on your past would be all for naught. Why waste your time for recompense by honing in on your sins when you could be brightening up the world with your talents?" Kakashi addressed the woman with a stern, chastising tone. This made her pout like a child, former depravity vanishing. "Although, you'll probably forget all of this." Kakashi sat up, resting his weight on his hips as he sighed wearily.

Elvinia stared back at him, as if actually taking in his words. No emotion could be seen, but he knew she was dealing with a tumult of feelings.

"For a human, you sure have dealt with much, yes?" Her words were resigned yet serene, and her hand found its way gracefully to Kakashi's cheek. "Thank you. . . Kakashi." At the use of his name, her hand fell away, and her gaze averted to the side. The heat was unstoppable as it bombarded his face, and he had to bless the mask that hid the majority of his discomfort.

"A-anyway," he stood up, offering a hand as he helped her up as well, "there's something you must know. Sober enough to listen?" He asked casually, ignoring the fact that she was presently attempting to hold conversation with a nearby weed. Clearing his throat, he grabbed her by the shoulders in attempts to force her to listen and comprehend.

Not releasing his hold, he continued, "because the villagers are wary of you for your initial destructive behavior, if you aren't seen doing something good, Lady Tsunade's image will tarnish, considering the fact that it was originally her wish to keep you here." He quickly explained, keeping eye contact with the elf and making sure her attention didn't wander. "That's why I trained you with a chakra technique. If you really are as strong as Yamato has claimed, I have faith that adding skills to your set will increase your performance." Kakashi watched as Elvinia's expression darkened, and her hands swatted his away.

"I tried to warn her. Why should I help her? This is her own demise." She waved it away nonchalantly as her tone took a more apathetic turn, followed by a tiny hiccup. Kakashi couldn't help but stifle a chuckle as his brain screamed at him to take the matter seriously.

"Elvinia, Tsunade may be the villain to you, but there are much worse candidates for Hokage out there. If she were to ever lose her standing, I'd fear for Konoha's safety under the next reign of Hokage. You must understand." Kakashi almost cursed himself for pleading, but this tenacious woman called for it. He was starting to regret his decision for ever believing in a drunken personage, let alone an elf.

However, her muscles tensed under the fabric of her dress as she halted her steps to the water. Silence followed as light steadily crept over the physiognomy of the land, and a subtle breeze fluttered the ends of her skirt.

"If it may help you and Naruto, then I will gladly lay down my life."

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