Every Second [COMPLETED]

Da joymoment

2.5M 136K 35.9K

"Honestly one of the best books I've read" - mywayforme "I'll take it from here," Sebastian said. "Ms. Dawson... Altro

Dang! Check out that cast!
OH NO! 😱 Author's Note! Run for it!
Chapter 2 - "The last album failed."
Chapter 3 - "Is this even real?"
Chapter 4 - "I would look terrible with facial hair."
Chapter 5 - "I'm a cat lady!"
Chapter 6 - "Your parents must be really proud."
Chapter 7 - "Hey troublemaker."
Chapter 8 - "Sebastian is not here."
Chapter 9 - "Who is this fool?"
Chapter 10 - "I'm off to face my death."
Chapter 11 - "I believe in you and I'll wear ear plugs."
Chapter 12 - "Can I ask you a question?"
Chapter 13 - "He still has a girlfriend."
Chapter 14 - "You two are a bit too dramatic."
Chapter 15 - "I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Lennon Kayhill."
Chapter 16 - "What happened?"
Chapter 17 - "Do you want to throw on a shirt and we can get working?"
Chapter 18 - "You done?"
Chapter 19 - "Sebastian-"
Chapter 20 - "It's a long story."
Chapter 21 - "Would it help if I ran at you?"
Chapter 22 - "I've decided my only option is to go mad."
Chapter 23 - "How'd you escape?"
Chapter 24 - "I don't know why. Maybe it was my fault."
Chapter 25 - "You're forcing our friendship?"
Chapter 26 - "Hey Farewell!"
Chapter 27 - "And welcome home, I guess."
Chapter 28 - "How many girlfriends have you had?"
Chapter 29 - "Aims, I'll take your company in whatever form I can have it."
Chapter 30 - "I just forgot that, he's Sebastian Colfax."
Chapter 31 - "I didn't want to look too eager."
Chapter 32 - "Show offs."
Chapter 33 - "Say something."
Chapter 34 - "I did the right thing?"
Chapter 35 - "Dance with me."
Chapter 36 - "Smooth. I give it a ten out of ten for tact."
Chapter 37 - "Aims, I don't want you to get hurt."
Chapter 38 - "I never wanted this!"
Chapter 39 - "I can't! You don't understand. I can't do this!"
Chapter 40 - "I wouldn't bail."
Chapter 41 - "What are you doing here?"
Chapter 42 - "Five months isn't that long."
Chapter 43 - "Priorities change."
Chapter 44 - "I miss you, Aims."
Chapter 45 - "I actually don't believe you."
Chapter 46 - "Don't forget me."
Chapter 47 - "Only forty days left until I see you again."
Chapter 48 - "Was it worth waiting five months?"
Chapter 49 - "Aims. I have a confession to make."
An Honest Thank You!
When Amelia Met Will (Deleted Scene)
Amelia's Final Work Day with Sebastian (Deleted Scene)
Amelia meeting Charlie in D.C. over tour (Deleted Scene)

Chapter 1 - "Well, it's about time!"

90.7K 3.2K 1K
Da joymoment

Quick note! This first chapter is edited down from two chapters into one. So I just want to warn you it moves so fast you might get motion sickness. By the second chapter it settles! Enjoy and try it to throw up on your screen! 😄😄


"Twenty minutes to stage."

Music raced down the hallway, joining with thundering footsteps, and spilled into the dressing room. Amelia's foot kept time, her drum sticks beating the rhythm on her leg.

"Amelia, do you have any more questions?" Todd, the lead guitarist, asked.

"I'm playing the interlude between Midnight Drive and Journey Through The Night, correct?" Amelia asked.

"Correct. I'll signal you. Anything else?"

"Nope. I got it."

"Thanks you so much again for stepping in. I can't tell you how lucky we are to have you," Todd said.

"It's no problem. I'm happy to do it."

Todd turned away, talking with the rest of the band.

"Nervous?" Poppy asked.

Poppy usually looked perfect, but even more so for the concert. Her flawlessly styled light brown hair fell over her dark shoulders and her chocolate eyes were alight with excitement.

Amelia shrugged, nerves ricochetting through her body.


"Blimey! How are you not nervous?" Poppy said, her accent thicker with nerves, waving her hands about.

"I do this all the time," Amelia said. "Though instead of 200 people it's 20,000. Instead of a beer soaked venue it's Madison Square Garden. And instead of a no name Indie band, it's Sebastian Colfax. But you know. I got this."

Her words tumbled out.

"You're not nervous? Because I'm dying here," Poppy said.

Amelia gripped Poppy's thin shoulders.

"Pops! I get to play Madison Square Garden tonight! Of course I'm nervous!"

Poppy laughed.

"Right, of course. You tell Charlie yet?"

"Shoot! No."

Amelia stood, pulling her phone from her pocket. She paced, drumsticks keeping time on her leg.

"Aims, correct me if I'm wrong, which I should remind you is a thing that I never am, but aren't you suppose to be in the middle of a concert?" Charlie answered. "Cringing as thousands of teenage girls scream and weep over some singer or other."

Amelia shook her head, smiling.

"You are correct," Amelia said, "but there's been a change of plans."

"Enlighten me."

"I am going to be playing the drums for said concert."

The line went silent.

"Sorry Aims, it sounded like you just said that you would be playing the drums for Sebastian Colfax's concert," Charlie said.

"That is correct."

There was a pause. Amelia could picture Charlie's stunned face.

"Well it's about time!" he said.

Amelia laughed.

"Not that I'm shocked," he said. "I've known you were the best drummer in New York since you nearly deafened me at age 4."

"Well, that's what you get when your sister's a drummer."

"I have always been a proud, if not slightly deaf, big brother. How did this happen?"

"Well, my professor at Juilliard knows the manager of MSG. He got a call when Sebastian's drummer smashed his hand in a car door."

"No back up drummer?"

"In Seattle with a pregnant wife. So I got a call. Lucky for them, Poppy dragged me here 4 hours early."

"I didn't drag you!" Poppy yelled.

Amelia chuckled.

"Aims, that is amazing! When do you go on?" Charlie asked.

A crew men stepped into the room.

"Now! Bye Charlie."

Poppy rushed over as Amelia pocketed her phone and flung her arms around her.

"Be brilliant!" Poppy said.

Amelia smiled and followed the band out of the dressing room; her small frame looking even more so in the all black attire. The roar of the audience grew louder as they were lead to a cramped area beneath the stage. Every inch of Amelia's body was buzzing. She gripped her drumsticks, breathing in and out.

As the lights went out the crowd erupted into a cacophony of screams. Amelia was guided out from under the stage and to her drum set. As instructed her, she pulled her hood over her head, covering her brown hair that was pulled back into a ponytail. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the blacked out stadium. Every where pinpricks of light shone like stars in the night sky. She heard a scratching noise in her ear and then the tour manager's voice.

"Alright, Amelia, on my count, 1...2...3...now."

Amelia breathed out as her foot started playing a steady beat on the bass drum. The sound thundering around the stadium. Layer after layer of instruments joined in, the sound energizing Amelia. Then Sebastian's voice rang through the stadium bringing every vocal cord into action as every seat was emptied.

"Take my hand
Let us dance
Cause for one night
I got the chance."

Sebastian's voice was low and clear, as the words filled every inch of the building. The lights blazed as he finished the chorus and was slowly raised up from beneath the stage. Amelia looked out to see the stadium was a blur with faceless bodies.

As the concert progressed, Sebastian seamlessly moved from one song to the next, his voice electrifying the crowd. Amelia took her cues from Todd, becoming more comfortable with each song she played.

Halfway through the show, Sebastian cut off the last note of the song and quickly ducked under the stage. Todd nodded to Amelia, his serious expression falling away. Behind it was a small smile with a hint of expectation for her drum solo interlude.

Amelia smiled. Keeping the steady beat she added layer after layer on top of it. Her hands were blurs as she moved, building up the intensity of the interlude with everything second. After a wild minute, Amelia looked to Todd and he gave her another nod. With one final rapid fire sequence she brought the drums back to a single beat. She effortlessly transitioned to the next song as Sebastian walked back out onto the stage. He glanced back at Amelia before he started singing again.


The concert ended after a three song encore, which Amelia had been told to expect. She followed the band backstage, her body feeling heavy with exhaustion.

"It was a pleasure playing with you tonight," Todd said. "I have never seen anyone play as well as you did with so little time to practice."

He offered her his hand.

"Thanks, the pleasures all mine," Amelia said.

The rest of the band congratulated her. As she entered the green room, she was bulled over by a flying Poppy.

"Oh my gosh, Aims! You were brilliant! I knew you could do it but it was better than I've ever heard you play before!" Poppy said, talking a mile a minute.

"Thanks, Pops. It was amazing. Come on let's go home," Amelia said

"Wait? We're not going to stay and party it up?"

"Since when have you known me to party it up?"

"I thought tonight would be an exception."

"No. Come on."

Amelia reached the door as it opened and she found herself face to face with Sebastian. They both stepped back in surprise.

"Sorry," Amelia said.

Puzzlement flashed through Sebastian's deep blue eyes as they met Amelia's hazel ones. His dark brown hair was styled and his features though handsome still held a hint of boyish charm.

Chuck, Sebastian's manager Amelia had met earlier, stepped forward.

"Amelia, I'm glad you're still here. Sebastian this is Amelia-" Chuck started

"Dawson," Amelia finished.

"Amelia Dawson," Chuck said. "She took Keith's place for tonight's performance."

"That was you playing?" Sebastian asked, surprised.

Amelia bit back her irritation.

"Yes, that was me," she said.

"Well, thank you," Sebastian said.

"You're welcome." Amelia said, every inch of her tired. "Now, if you'll excuse us, we were just about to leave."

"Right," Sebastian said.

"Ms. Dawson, please don't feel like you need to leave," Chuck said. "You and your friend are more than welcome to stay."

"Thanks, but -" Amelia started to say.

"Okay. We'd love to," Poppy said. "We would hate to be rude and turn down such a generous offer. I'm Poppy Watson by the way.

She offered Sebastian her hand.

"It's a pleasure to-"

A phone began to ring. Sebastian pulled one from his pocket.

"Excuse me," he said, as he walked away from them.

A second later his phone was to his ear and Amelia heard him answer the phone with an excited, "Hi."

"Thanks again, Ms. Dawson," Chuck said, trying to cover up Sebastian's sudden exit.

"Of course. Bye."

Amelia stepped into the hallway.

"Aims, hold on." Poppy tugged on Amelia's arm. "Are we really going to give up the chance to party with a rockstar?"

"Yes. Well, I am," Amelia said. "Stay if you want Pops, this isn't my scene."

"You won't think I'm bailing on my best mate?"

"Of course not. Have fun, but not too much."

"Thanks!" Poppy said, hugging Amelia.

Poppy quickly bounced back into the green room and Amelia was left, shaking her head.


Monday morning the walls of Juilliard rang with vocal warm ups, tunings, voices chattering and the ever present clatter of footsteps. Amelia sat at a desk, bent over a book, when a shadow fell across her and it's body took the seat beside her.

"How was your weekend?" Reynolds asked.

Dark brown eyes smirked at her, framed by good looking features and a mane of black messy hair.

"Dull and uneventful," Amelia replied, evenly.

"I understand, turning down a chance to see me perform usually has that effect on a person's weekend," he said. "The performance at Tucker Hall was a smashing hit, since I'm sure you're dying to know."

Amelia thought about feigning surprise at Reynolds's announcement, but didn't think his ego would take it as sarcasm. Reynolds seemed on the verge of a long story about the event when professor Mathews called Amelia over.

"Morning professor." Amelia said.

"Amelia, I want to tell you that your performance Saturday was excellent. I'm glad I got to watch it," he said, his voice filled with pride.

"Thank you. And thanks for giving me a call."

"Of course. You were the first person on my list."

Amelia smiled and headed back to her seat as he called the class to attention.

"Alright let's get started," Professor Mathews said.

Fifteen minutes into Percussion Lab, there was a knock on the door and the Dean stepped into the room.

"Sorry to interrupt your class Mathews," the Dean said, his voice low. "But I have some people out here who want to offer you thanks."

"Okay, feel free to let them in."

The Dean opened the door wider and Chuck walked through, followed closely by Sebastian. A murmur of surprise swept through the room.

"What is he doing here?" Reynolds asked, under his breath.

Sebastian's gaze wandered over the room, pausing for a second longer as they landed on Amelia.

"Mr. Mathews, Wallace told me you were the one that found the replacement drummer for the concert Saturday," Chuck said. "I wanted to thank you personally for your help."

Professor Mathews accepted his hand with an easy smile.

"It was nothing. I was happy to help," Professor Matthews said.

"Thank you," Sebastian said.

Professor Matthews hesitated for a moment before he spoke up.

"I hate to ask you this, but I know my daughters would kill me if they knew you were here and I didn't get you to sign something. Do you mind?"

Sebastian gave a small smile and obliged. Chuck's eyes found Amelia and he opened his mouth as if to acknowledge her as well. Amelia quickly shook her head. He gave her a curious look. Amelia shook head again and looked down.

"Well, thanks again," Chuck said, nodding at Professor Matthews. "We'll get out of your hair so you can continue teaching."

They left the room, but the Dean paused at the door.

"Ms. Dawson, if you will follow me, I want a word," the Dean said.

Amelia stood up, all eyes watching as she departed.

In the hallway the Dean, Chuck and Sebastian were waiting for her. Sebastian wore a neutral look as he gazed up and down at her. His eyes stopped on The Cranberries t-shirt she wore. Amelia felt her face go warm and she looked over to Chuck for understanding.

"Ms. Dawson if you have a moment, we would like to talk to you," Chuck said.

"Yeah, sure," Amelia said.

"Good. Is there a place we can talk?" Chuck asked the Dean.

The Dean led the way to an empty classroom and said goodbye.

"Ms. Dawson," Chuck said. "Before I get to the reason we are here, I want to clear up the matter of payment for your services Saturday night."

His hand slipped into his pocket pulling out a white business card.

"This is the number of Midnight Record's accountant-" he said.

"Don't worry about it. It was my pleasure," Amelia said, cutting him off.

"Right. Then Ms. Dawson, I will cut to the chase," he said. "We have an opportunity for you but before I tell you about it, I would like to know a little more about you and your skills."

"Okay," Amelia said. "Currently, I'm on course to graduate next year. I'm the number one percussionist at Juilliard. I've held this position since my second semester here. I've been involved in over twenty different projects with various students and professors. I also work with three different concert halls filling in for drummers when needed. I can't tell you exactly how many times I've filled in, but it's somewhere over thirty. I started filling in the beginning of last year."

She stated her accomplishments matter-of-factly.

"Good, then what we wanted to talk to you-" Chuck said.

"I'll take it from here," Sebastian interrupted. "Ms. Dawson, I re-watched your interlude performance from Saturday and I was impressed with you drumming ability. I'm about to start work on my next album. I'm putting together a creative team to develop how the album will sound and I want to extend an invitation to you."

Startled by the offer, Amelia's mind went blank. All words slipped from her brain, her thoughts became a jumbled mess pooled at her feet.

"Ms. Dawson?" Sebastian prompted.

Amelia blinked

"Yes, of course. I would love to be a part of your team!" Amelia said.

"Good. Our first meeting is this Saturday," Sebastian said. "Chuck will email you all the details. Thank for your time."

"Ms. Dawson, here's my card. I'll be in touch," Chuck said.

As they left the classroom, Amelia called out, "Thank you!"

Once alone, she stared down at Chuck's card, a stunned smile spreading across her lips. 


Dearest Chum!

I feel like it has been forever since I've seen you! Oh we should never be apart for this long! I miss you terribly! Okay, sorry that got a bit dramatic. It's not that I'm not happy to see you, which I am, I just got carried away! Any who! If you were to live anywhere for just a month, you know to try it out, where would it be? I always thought Hawaii would be great for a month!

Also I imagined Amelia playing the drums with a skill equal to Josh Dun's (Twenty One Pilots)

Vote, comment, follow! Know that I'm so happy to see you again!

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