The Search For Cinderella: Se...

By alexisgracexo

936K 38.4K 9.8K

(CAN BE READ AS A STAND ALONE) Taylor Grace lives with crazy step-mother and sisters in her Beverley Hills ma... More

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c h a p t e r 9

28.5K 1.2K 154
By alexisgracexo

You can probably say that I was terrified to go for a run around the campsite the next morning. Stupid Beatrice and her stupid story. Instead, I headed for the main area and just sat on the log around the burnt out bonfire, all that remained was charcoals. I had brought out my notebook and was putting together a few ideas for my next blog post when I heard heavy footsteps. I look up and there was Noah running out from the bush panting heavily, like he'd just gone on a run. Charlie threw him a water bottle and he caught it without flinching, "Thanks man."

He was looking around the campsite till his eyes landed on me. I looked away, not meaning to stare and went back to writing in my notebook. Until I felt someone's presence next to me. I shut my notebook quickly and looked up and was soon entrapped in his gaze. My heart was performing gymnastics in my chest, flipping and tumbling over and over.

"Good morning," he casually said in his puffed but husky voice, "You're up early."

I laughed a little bit, "Yeah, I normally get up to go for a run, but I couldn't after last night."

He smirked, flipping smirked, "Scared of ghosts?"

"No! I don't know," I grumbled and he just chuckled.

Before I could defend myself Charlie walked over, "Hey Taylor," I smiled at him, "Noah, girls are starting to get up, you got to go get ready."

"Yes sir," Noah said jumping up ready to leave then he turned back to me, "Nice talking to you, scaredy cat."

I gave him an evil look which he just laughed at as he jogged off to wherever he was staying.

Charlie was right though, girls were starting to trickle out and the big cameras were up and rolling. I'm kind of glad they weren't ready when Noah and I were talking. It was between us and not the whole entire world.

You know those moments when you just want to chuck someone or something into water or even better, lava. That person being Marcus and his blasted air horn, especially when he decided to blast it when he was standing right behind me without me knowing. I jumped and threw my notebook up in the air and he freaking laughs at me with all the producers. It was a big bellowing laugh and it kind of looked like he was having a fit.

I marched away to put my notebook back as I didn't really want any of the girls to find it to be honest.

After breakfast which was bland porridge which looked like slop, the park ranger whose name is Alfonso, broke us up into group. Those who were doing the activity and those who were not. I think some girls did not enjoy hiking at all, especially when they didn't get to spend as much time with Noah as they thought they would.

Tara and I had joined the group who were doing an activity and we followed the group along a track until we reached a clearing. There was the most beautiful natural lake I had seen with a small wooden cabin behind it. Waiting on the bench was Marcus, Noah and a few cameramen already in action.

Marcus greeted us while we filtered in standing around the set up. Alfonso grinned and said, "Ladies, today we will be going kayaking!" There were a few groans here and there but not as much as yesterday.

Soon, we were suited up with lifejackets and has picked up our kayaks, one for each girl and Noah of course. We were in the water in no time and it was somewhat therapeutic with the water splashing onto our warm skin being heated up by the lovely sunshine. It was funny when some girls capsized into the water, drenching themselves.

The rest of the day was relaxed as we floated around. They filmed all of us and when Noah talked to a few girls to catch different interactions.

We were heading back to the campsite as the sun was beginning to set to start preparing dinner. After dinner we were just hanging around the campsite, talking to one another, singing songs and playing guitar. It was so nice and peaceful, well other then copping glares from my stepsisters every so often but that wasn't so rare.

The next morning, I was woken up for once. Someone outside my tent right next to my head kept repeating my name which, to be honest, was quite irritating. Like a mosquito which keeps buzzing or a drone which just does not end.

"Taylor. Taylor. Taylor. Taylor."

I rolled over in bed and moaned and the voice outside chuckled, "I know you're up, come on!"

The voice was deep and husky and the only males here was Noah, Charlie and the other producers. But the only person it sounded like was Noah.

I crawled out of my tent trying to wake myself up a little bit. There he stood in all of his morning glory, and then me in old tracksuit pants and a hoodie.

"Come on, let's go!" He said.

"Um, what where?"

"You're scared to go running alone, so I'll come with you."

Oh. I could definitely feel my face heating up, my cheeks red for sure, "Ok, one sec."

I crawled back in the tent and quickly changed into some running shoes and a singlet. Once I was ready we were off on our run. I stayed behind him, just following his path. We ended up running in a few laps around the forest and ended up back at the campsite before breakfast.

"Where did you guys run off to?" Asked Marcus while lifting an eyebrow with a half smirk. He literally appeared out of nowhere.

Noah shook his head amused and kept walking past before saying, "See you later Taylor!" And he was off to wherever he was staying in the campsite.

The rest of the week was a routine of waking up, participating in an activity whether it be swimming or archery, snorkeling, horse riding or abseiling. It kept the week interesting as well as exhausting. The rest of the week, Noah and I went on our secret morning runs, we didn't talk much but the company was nice.

Finally, on the last day, we boarded the bus back to the hotel and I think we were all ready for a real shower. I was excited to be back in civilization in a real bed even though it was really nice to just disconnect and embrace the nature. Although, I wasn't too sure how long I'd be in Florida for, with eliminations just around the corner.

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