Baby Daddy (Ongoing)

By RomanticCrap

214K 13.1K 4.2K

"If you are reading this story on any other platform other than Wattpad you are very likely to be at risk of... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32
Part 33
Part 34
Part 35
Part 36
Part 37
Part 38
Part 39
Part 40
Part 41
Part 42
Part 43
Part 44
Part 45
Part 46
Part 47
Part 48
Part 49
Part 50
Part 51

Part 7

5.1K 252 79
By RomanticCrap

"Superstar RK Quits movies!!"
"Superstar RK says Sayonara to his fans!!"
"Superstar RK kissing away his stardom!!"
"Superstar Rk Out! Then who is the new superstar?"
Those were the captions or headlines on all magazines & newspapers. 

"Bittuji! Bittuji! Mangesh! Patil! Where the hell are you guys?" Rk shouted throwing the film magazines & newspapers in his hand & switching off the TV. Since past two days, the moment he let the world know about his decision to leave the industry, in every single newspaper his face was stuck on the front page & every news channel was debating his sudden decision to quit acting career. 

"Chief" Bittuji rushed to the living room followed by the servants Mangesh & Patil. 

"I want you to clear everything now. I don't want to see any newspapers or magazines... take them out of my sight & burn them." Rk ordered & turned away as he ran his fingers through his messy hair. 

Then Rk felt a slight pull on his pants & felt small hands wrapping his leg. Instantly he calmed down as he knew it was none other than his precious baby girl. Rk looked down & she was looking up at her dad with a fearful eyes. Rk thought she was in the bedroom playing with her mother. He looked over his shoulder & found Madhu standing at a distance seeing him with an impassive look. She might have walked out hearing his shouting with their daughter.

"Papa" Ruhi pushed out her bottom lips as she whimpered & her eyes stung with tears. 

"Oh baby!" Rk picked up his angel in his arms & cooed loving words & kissed her cheeks over & over again. Then Ruhi wriggled from his hold insisting him to put her down as something caught her eyes. 

Rk reluctantly placed her down to stand on her wobbly legs but she sat down & crawled as that way she could move faster. Rk's eyes followed her wondering what she was doing. Ruhi took a paper from the floor & showed it to Rk.

"Papa... Papa..." She squealed & jumped up & down her bum. She smiled her baby smile seeing her dad's photo on the newspaper. She trailed her hand over the photo & then looked up at her dad. 

"What?" Rk asked Patil with a glare who was standing by Ruhi's side ready to snatch the paper & burn it as it was his Chief's order.

"That paper, Chief." Patil said nervously.

"Can't you see my daughter is seeing that paper? and now, give all the magazines & papers for her to see." Patil nodded his head & quickly placed the magazines on the floor beside Ruhi. Ruhi looked up at Patil curiously & then looked at her dad. Rk smiled & she smiled back cutely. 

"If you pile up the magazines how she will see? Spread them up." Rk barked at him but not too loudly not wanting to startle his baby girl.When Patil spread the newspapers & magazines for Ruhi's easy view, Ruhi got so excited & started squealing. 

"Papa... Papa... Papa... Papa..." Ruhi pointed on each & every picture of Rk's & picked up one magazine & kissed it, then showed it to her dad for him to kiss. 

Rk sat down on the floor... He didn't know when he last sat on floor. His skin felt cold sitting on the marble floor. If it was cold to him then what about Ruhi? He quickly scooped her in his arms & placed her on his lap. 

She again forwarded the magazine for him to kiss. Instead of kissing the stupid magazine he kissed his daughter's cheek lovingly & she wiped off the kiss from her cheek giggling. 

Rk didn't leave, he again kissed her cheek & she again wiped it. Then she slapped her tiny hand on his face wanting him to stop kissing her. 

"My baby got angry hun?" Rk asked twitching Ruhi's soft little nose. Rk fished out his phone from his pocket & took a picture of Ruhi in his mobile camera. He changed it to selfie mode & pulled Ruhi closer to him & holding his phone up, he took a selfie of him & his daughter. 

Ruhi curiously looked at the flat rectangular thing & then looked at her father in confusion. "Say cheese" Rk said showing all his well aligned teeth. 

Ruhi imitated his action & grinning widely showing her upper four teeth & lower four teeth. When Rk pouted looking at the camera, Ruhi pouted too. 

Her cute pink lips pushed forward forming a little 'O'When Rk stuck his tongue out, Ruhi laughed & poked her tongue out. 

When Rk winked, Ruhi tried her best but couldn't shrink one eye but close both her eyes tightly which only made her more cute. 

Rk couldn't help but quickly snap every expressions of his daughter. She was just damn cute & adorable. He was surprised seeing the myriad of expressions on little Ruhi's face. 

She was just a baby but very smart & expressive. He smiled proudly. He snapped his head back hearing Madhu clear her throat. 

"If you both are quite done with your... your... Coochi cooing... & selfie segment... um... I would like to put Ruhi to bed for her noon nap." Madhu said trying & failing to hide her jealousy. Yeah, she was jealous of Ruhi & Rk's closeness. 

"Ruhi, baby, come." Madhu held her hand out for her to take. Ruhi shook her head in no & tried to extricate Rk's goggles which was hanging on the V of his shirt. 

"Ruhi!" Madhu called little loudly making Ruhi jump in fear. 

"Madhu! What's wrong? Why are you taking that tone with her?..."

"You don't teach me how I should talk with my daughter."

"I am not saying... Leave it. You go. I will bring her to you when she feels sleepy."

"No! I want my daughter now!" Madhu said gritting her teeth. Rk sighed & picked Ruhi in his arms & passed her to Madhu. 

Madhu clutched her closer to her chest & taking long strides she matched to the bedroom. 

Once they were out of the sight, Rk made a call to his P.A Bittuji & instructed him to arrange for a press meet. 

"Madhu..." Rk walked into the room & stopped in track seeing his daughter sleeping in Madhu's arms. Madhu was also sleeping with her cheek resting on Ruhi's head. He smiled a little but his heart was filled with guilt for what he did to the two most beautiful women of his life. He should do something big for them to make them forgive him but still it will be insignificant when compared to his sin he committed. 

All he can do now is keep them happy & never hurt them ever again in his life time. He sighed & looked at Ruhi who had shifted her position & now burying her face deep under Madhu's arm pit. 

Rk's gaze traveled up to see Madhu sleeping with a frown. Rk couldn't help but smooth his fingers over her forehead gently making ease her frown. Then he looked at her rose petal like lips tempting him to kiss her. So Rk slowly moved forward to kiss her but to his disappointment, Ruhi threw her hand over her momma's mouth covering her lips with her palm. 

Rk chuckled & kissed Ruhi's back head. 

Then he slipped beside them on the bed & closed his eyes feeling contented having them so close to him.


"Rk Sir, what is the reason behind you quitting acting?"

"Rk Sir, do you think your market is gone in this industry?" 

"Rk Sir, with you decision you have upset all your fans so what you are gonna say to them? To your fans who made you? Who gave you the superstar status?"

"Don't you think you are being disloyal to your fans?" 

"Rk Sir, why are you not answering our question? This press meet is to hear your actual reason instead of hearing from the rumor mill right?" All the press reporters cooped up in his mansion hall hounded him with series of questions for which Rk gave only his trademark smirk.

"Rk Sir..." 

"Pause guys! Pause for a second! If you all question at a time then how will he reply?" Bittuji cut the reporters off. 

"Well..." Rk cleared his throat. "... I already declared I am quitting this industry... And there is no change in my decision. No more of movies from my side... No more of Superstar Rk... It's just Rishab." 

"But what about your fans?"

"I know... My fans will be hurt... It's really difficult for me to take the decision of leaving all my fans... And I know it will be difficult for them to accept it too"

"The reason?" One curious reporter asked.

"Hmm... You..." Rk pointed to a reporter. "It's absolutely not the reason that I don't have market in film industry or people to watch my movies. Four of my movies are in tow to release. In a snap of fingers, I can sign the next movie project..." Rk answered arrogantly to the reporter who asked whether Rk's market was gone in the industry.

"Then why such hasty decision?"

"This is not a hasty decision... This is gonna be the best decision ever I have taken." Rk said with a genuine smile. 

Right then Madhu walked out to the living room carrying Ruhi in her arms. 

Ruhi was busy playing with her Barbie doll in her hand. Everyone present in the hall snapped at their direction & quickly the photographers took multiple pictures of Madhu & Ruhi. 

While Madhu covered her face with the back of her fingers to hide from the flashing, Ruhi squealed in excitement. 

Rk stood up from his seat & walked towards them to escort them to his place. "You are going to tell them that Ruhi is your daughter?" Madhu asked in a whisper.

"Yep!" Rk said with a smile & picked Ruhi in his arms. 

"You sure?" Madhu asked. 

"Cent percent" He said & taking Madhu's hand, ignoring her protest he dragged her to the sofa and made her sit beside him. 

"Rk Sir, this baby..." A lady reporter asked pointing to Ruhi who was sitting on Rk's lap so oblivious to her surrounding, happily playing with her doll. 

"My daughter!" Rk said proudly & kissed the top of Ruhi's head making her to tilt her head up & grin at her dad. 

"And this is my wife, Madhubala" Rk added as he put his arm around Madhu shoulder & pulled her closer to him. Madhu was stunned hearing him say she was his wife. 

"I am not your wife..." Madhu hissed at him & tried to push his hand off her shoulder but he gripped tightly. 

"Keep quiet! I will explain later."

"Rk sir, the other day when you were spotted with the same kid and the lady in the ice cream parlor you said..." 

"Hold on... I didn't deny that day she wasn't my daughter. My wife was angry with me then so she said whatever she said." Rk said nonchalantly. He was still pissed at Madhu for saying to the reporters the other day that Ruhi wasn't his and they didn't even know each other before they accidentally met in the mall. 

"Rk, man, you cant blame her or be angry on her. She just kept her promise of not letting any one know that you are the father of the child" Rk's inner voice reminded him.

"So this baby is yours?"

"Any doubt? Look at my daughter and you will see mini Rk in her" Rk smirked and kissed Ruhi's head

"Rk Sir, when you got married? And you have a daughter too but you kept it a secret why?" The surprise was evident in the voice of the reporter. Even all the other reporters in the room had a shocked expression & started whispering among themselves.

"Two years ago, I secretly married the love of my life... My Madhu. We were so happy... But then we got into a fight..."

"What fight?" A reporter asked as he quickly jotted down whatever Rk said in his notepad. 

"Nosy bas***d!" Rk muttered under his breathe. 

"My wife told me she was pregnant with my child... I wasn't ready to have a child then... I cared for my stardom. I thought we just got married & it was too early to have a child & worried that will spoil my career... I didn't want my own child... and one thing lead to another & we got separated... After two years, the other day in the mall I met my baby girl for the first time." Rk took a deep breathe. Whatever he said wasn't a lie but just said in a modified way. He decided to stick closer to the truth. "... So from that moment, I fell in love with my child, my Ruhi. Baby, say hi to them." Rk cooed at Ruhi's ear & took her hand & waved at the camera. 

"Yaahii..." Ruhi said waving her hand & went back attend with her barbie doll.

"I want my family back... My wife & my child." Rk said in utter sincerity drawing Madhu & Ruhi closer to him. 

"My family suffered a lot without me being by their side. I know my Madhu is strong enough to raise our child without me... She had done that so far... But not any more... I don't want my child to grow without her father..." 

"Is Madhubalaji the reason for you quitting from cine industry?" That nosy stupid reporter poked again.

"No! Not at all." Rk said gritting his teeth & his hand fist to a ball. 

"My family... I mean my wife & my daughter lives in abroad... So I am moving in with them." He lied. Though soon he will move along with them to some other country which they hadn't figured yet. 

"I finally wanna get settled with my family... And lead an ordinary life." Rk said as a way of explanation for his decision.

"Where do they live?" A reporter asked.

"I don't think that question is relevant to this press meet."

"Won't you miss acting? Won't you miss your fans?"

"Of course I will..." His voice trailed off. Acting wasn't just his profession but his passion & he loved & respect his fans because they made him... They made him a superstar but his profession & fans were just a part of his life... Not his life! His life ... He kissed Ruhi's head & gripped Madhu's hand earning a glare from her. 

"Will you make a come back in a year or two?" A lady reporter asked with eyes full of hope. She must be one of Rk's hardened fan. Rk glanced at Madhu & she was looking down at her feet. 

"No. I. Quit." He emphasized the words again.

"One word for your fans?" Rk cocked his eye brow. Why such stinginess? Just one word? Okay!

 "Sayonara!" Rk said looking at the camera & gave a flying kiss. 


"Why the hell you told the press people that I am your wife?" Madhu asked angrily when Rk marched to the bedroom after waving his hand & sending his love to his fans who were stalled outside his mansion. 

"I don't want my daughter to be tagged as an illegitimate child." Rk said with a shrug. But then he truly wanted to make her his wife. Madhu couldn't argue after hearing what he said. It would kill her if any one call her daughter a bas***d child. Without a word she just turned around & walked to the bed where Ruhi was sitting like a queen & singing. Her singing was more like gargling. 

"My baby is singing hun? Choo chweet.." Madhu cooed at Ruhi making her feel shy."Have you decided which country you want us to go & settle?" Rk asked following her to the bed. 

"I am confused." 

"Me too... That's why I thought we will let Ruhi to decide."

"How?" Madhu asked in confusion. 

"I have written few countries name in these chits. Let Ruhi pick one & we will go there."

"Okay!" Madhu agreed. Rk took out some squarely folded papers & put them in front of Ruhi. Ruhi looked at those chits, then at her parents not getting what they want her to do. 

"Take one, darling." Rk acted as if picking one. Ruhi smiled understanding the game & picked one chit & scrunched it with her fingers. Madhu quickly extricated the paper from Ruhi's fist hand & read it loudly 


"Bittuji!" Rk shouted from the room & in seconds his P.A walked in.

"We all are shifting to France. Make arrangements for the Visa & stuffs. And I also want you to contact to a retailer there in France & buy a mansion with all latest amenities. You can also sell all my immovable assets here in India & pool the money to meet our needs."


"Are you gonna sell this mansion too?" 

"Yeah... We wont be coming back here... So what's the use in having this mansion..." Rk said unsure. His mansion was the first thing he bought after becoming a hero. He loved his mansion. 

"But Chief..." 

"Just do what I say, Bittuji." Rk ordered. Nodding his head, bittuji walked out of the room.

"Bittuji is also coming with us?" Madhu asked.

"Oh yeah! Sorry... I didn't talk about this to you before... Madhu, can we please take him with us? He has always been with me... Both in my good times & bad times... He is more like a brother to me... So I will be happy if you let him come with us."

"Sure. I like him. He is very kind & very protective for yes!" 

"Thanks, Madhu." Rk smiled & picked Ruhi from the bed & kissed her cheek & placed her on his lap. He knew he couldn't kiss Madhu so he always kiss Ruhi because she will pass it to her mother later.

"I was playing with her." Madhu said rudely & took Ruhi off his lap & placed by her side on the bed. Getting pissed at her childish act, he decided to act childish too. 

He lifted Ruhi like a rag doll & place nearer to him. Soon Ruhi was in a tug of war. Ruhi had enough of being dragged from one side to other by her kiddish parents so she started screaming & crying. 

When Rk & Madhu both came to lift her she swatted both their hands & crawled to the foot of the bed far away from her parents, she put her head on the bed muffling her cry, her bum was lifted up in the air. 

Rk & Madhu felt bad for Ruhi. They made her cry with their silly immature fight. 

"You take her." Rk gave in. 

"No, you take her. You will easily stop her cry." 

"No, Madhu... When she is crying she will always search for you so you take her." 


"Okay, we both will pick her up & console her okay. It hurts to see her in tears." Rk said in a hurtful voice. 

"Okay" Madhu agreed and slowly Rk & Madhu held Ruhi's body & pulled her up & made her sit in between them on the bed, and then Rk & Madhu kissed her on either side of Ruhi's cheek. 

"Sorry, Darling" both of them cooed her but Ruhi looked so upset. She hung her head down & whimpered softly. RK quickly took a chocolate bar from his pocket & unwrapping it, he gave the chocolate to Ruhi. 

Finally they were blessed with Ruhi's baby smile seeing the chocolate bar & she grabbed it with both her hands.

Ruhi ate half of the chocolate bar & then thought to feed her parents some. 

"Papa" she stretched her hand with the chocolate bar to Rk asking him to take a bite. Rk with a smile nibbled the chocolate & ate a little portion. Then Ruhi offered some to her momma. Madhu hesitated to eat the chocolate where Rk's lips just touched. 

"Mama..." Ruhi insisted & scraped the chocolate bar roughly over Madhu's mouth. Rk groaned inwardly wanting to lick the smudged chocolate from her mouth. 

"Hmm... What's the smell?" Rk ask scrunching his nose & sniffing. 

"I guess she pooped."

"Oh!" Rk said & made a face but controlled himself from saying "Eewww"

"Go, clean her." Madhu ordered. 

"What?" Rk shouted & jumped out off the bed. 

"I said clean her poopy bum" 

"Madhu... How... I... You please do that... I don't know to..."

"You play with her... Put her to sleep... you almost do everything to her then why cant you clean her?"


"From now on you are clean her & change her diapers."

"If I say no then what you will do?" Rk challenged.

"Then the deal is off." She threatened. Though both of them knew it was an empty threat. She will never call off their arrangements. Ruhi needs Rk so Madhu will never take her away from him. She did once & she saw where it lead to. Ruhi in hospital bed. 

"Madhu..." He whined.

"You didn't feel this much when I asked you to quit your acting career? Is cleaning your own daughter's poop is harder than leaving your stardom?" Madhu asked in shock.

"Madhu... I can do anything for Ruhi..."

"Then do this." 

"You said only two conditions?" Rk reminded her. 

"This is not a condition. This is an order." Madhu said folding her arms over her chest & glaring at Rk. 

"Okay!" Rk grudgingly agreed & took Ruhi in his arms & headed to the bathroom to clean her & change her diapers. 

"I will dip you in jasmine bath water & wash you with sandalwood, baby... Then you will smell good" Rk said more to himself than to Ruhi. 

Half of the time cleaning Ruhi, Rk had his eyes half shut but then he managed to clean Ruhi well & also put her diaper perfectly though he struggled a bit in making Ruhi stand still in her place. 

... to be continued

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