Honey {Completed}

By jaeeeebaeeeee

29.8K 907 118

Can Jaden forget what happened and move on?? Her whole life she felt was so sour, that was until she found a... More

Epilogue - Before The Honey


376 17 3
By jaeeeebaeeeee

1 week later
Jaden's POV
Since Bey and I had fun in the car she's been distant. Like I'll call her and she'll be very distant on the phone, if she even picks up. And she hasn't been over in a while. I just miss my baby.

I haven't been out of bed for a week because she hasn't been returning my calls or answering my texts. What could she be doing that takes up her time 24/7 other than another bitch?

"Jaden, you need to get up. Stop being lazy." Z says as she peeks her head through my door.
"What's the point? I'll just die alone anyway. My own fiancée won't text me back." I sighed.
"Stop pouting about it and give her a reason to call you. Let's go to the club, dance on chicks and make sure paparazzi see. She'll be blowing up your phone after tonight." She said as she started twerking.

"Your not even 18 yet. Ma would kill me and serve me for Thanksgiving dinner." I laughed.
"I'll be 17 in two weeks. Let's go!" She yells as the nanny peeked her head in.
"Hey Rochelle. She's asleep right now." I said.
"Okay. You okay? You haven't been outta the house in a while." She said, noticing my boring patterns.

"Don't worry about her. I'm gonna get her out of you hair tonight. She's going to club. I'm gonna call Nick." Z said before dancing out of my room.

"Bey has been avoiding me. It's so weird, sleeping alone and not talking on the phone, like we do. I just miss her voice." I sighed, trying to hold back the tears.

"Well Z is right. My boyfriend was doing this and I went to the club and some of my friends took pictures of me and a dude that kept talking to me. He was so angry but I pointed out that he hadn't talked to me in a week." Rochelle comforted me as she sat on my bed.

Rochelle is a beautiful, tall black woman. She has an amazing body and personality, I like to believe it's because she has so much beauty in her heart. She has an amazing makeup talent and I'm thinking about having her be my makeup artist. She needs the money and Kyrah doesn't need a nanny. All Rochelle does is make sure the kid doesn't kill herself on accident and hangs out with Z. That's why Z is so good at makeup.

"You're right. If she's with some bitch then I'm gonna go find me one." I huffed.
"Thanks babe." I said before kissing Rochelle's cheek and running to the bathroom. I took a shower and started to beat my face. I wore Bey's favorite dress of mine and my white pumps.

"Bey is gonna be so jealous. Why she not talking to you anyway?" Nicki said as she invited herself into my room.
"I don't even know. But if she's with a hoe, this outfit alone should make her realize what she's missing." I said as I slipped on my heels.

"Well you look edible, babe." Rih complimented me as I grabbed my phone.
"Thanks. You both look smashing." I said in an English accent.
"Smashing, darling." We all mimicked in unison.

"Well let's get out of here!" Robyn yelled as she ran down the stairs.
"Time to babysit that one." Nicki and I laughed as we followed her.

We decided to go to Club 45. Its where all the top strippers are and the best alcohol is. As we walked in I could smell everything I've avoided in life. There were already men dogging on me and I just walked in.

"Hey Mami, where's your man?"
"You look good baby, you'd look better without it on."
"What are you doing here? You should be in my bed."
"I'm good, thank you." I smiled as I made my way to VIP.

"Jaden! We should go to a different club!" Nicki jumped in front of me.
"Yeah! This one doesn't have good strippers. Let's go!" Rih egged on.
"Guys, what's going on? Who's here?" I asked as I slipped from their grip. I wish I hadn't turned around. There was Bey, sitting in some dude's lap. Laughing, smiling, having a good time as if she wasn't engaged.

"You good?" Nicki asked as she stepped closer to me.
"I'm gonna be." I said as I stomped over to Bey.
"So! This is what you've been avoiding me for!" I yelled. Almost immediately the music got quiet and Bey looked at me, dumbfounded.

"Jaden! I haven't been avoiding you! What are you talking about?" She laughed nervously.
"Oh, okay. That's how it is I want your stuff out before the end of the weekend." I said before walking off.

Since I'm not the greatest in heels she caught up pretty quick before I was able to make it away.

"Baby! It's not what you see." She sighed in my ear. When she whispers in my ears I'm putty her hands. But I need to stay solid right now.
"Then what do I see Beyoncé!? Because I've been at home for the past week trying to call you and get you to come over. I see you proving a different side of yourself. Why are you here anyway?" I yelled.

"To get the money I'm owed. I was trying to keep you outta this deal. But you're too stubborn." She sighed as she held me tight.
"Yeah, sure Beyoncé. Just leave me out of it, doesn't mean you have to avoid me all week! I've been crying myself to sleep because I'm worried about your ass and whether or not you had a good day, got home safe, ate dinner. And your over here in some deal. I can't believe you ignored me over that. I'll see you at home." I said before slipping out of her grip and grabbing Nicki. Rih can call an uber, I need to get out of here.

"What'd she say?" Nicki asked as she sat in the back of the car with me.
"That she was trying to keep me outta some deal. Some sorry lie like that." I sighed.
"I don't think she was lying. Baby loves you and she was just protecting you. Niqqas be crazy and now that they see you and Bey they may go after you." She sighed as she popped open the champagne.

"Well being hunted ain't new to me so she could've told me." I huffed. I'm pissed and I'm probably gonna yell and scream at Bey when I see her but I love her.

She can't just disappear without a word and expect me not to hunt her ass down. I just wanna knock her out but hold her at the same time. She can't have me stressing.

"Well let's go to your place. I'm sure she'll end up there anyway, you should have seen her face when you walked away. You got her hooked, don't ya?" Nicki laughed.
"Yeah, she's got me hook too though. So I guess we're even." I laughed. We pulled up to my house and Rochelle greeted me at the top of the stairs.

"Hey babe." She said as she glanced at Nicki.
"Don't worry, I'm sober." I sighed as I walked into my room.
"Okay, just looking out." She said before following Nicki and I.
"Thank you. Here's 450 for all week." I said as I handed Rochelle her pay.

"Babe, this is 200 more. Why?" She laughed.
"Because at least you act happy to see me." I scoffed. Nicki laughed as she took her makeup off.
"Do you need a hug?" Nicki asked as Rochelle took the money.
"Yeah." I pouted, making my bottom lip poke out.

She stood taller because I wasn't in heels and she was. As I sat my head in her surprisingly comfortable boobs she wrapped her arms around my shoulders.
"You're gonna be okay. She loves you." She assured me.
"I know, but I need to at least know she's alive. A week Nick!" I cried.

"She loves you." She repeated.
"And I love her so much. I wanna kill her." I sighed making more tears fall.
"I hope you don't. I need to see you stop crying first." I heard Bey's voice call.

I lifted out of Nicki's chest to see Bey standing in my bedroom door frame.
I ran and jumped into her arms. I love her so much.
"I love you so much." I sighed into her chest.
"I love you more." She said before kissing the top of my head. I pulled away and punched her arm causing her to look at me with the most confused expression.

"How dare you! Not talk to me for a week! You could've died! And Z has been trying to call you too! Kyrah has no idea where her mother is! You have responsibilities Beyoncé!" I yelled.
"I'm gonna go. Thank you for the extra pay, babe." Rochelle said as she walked towards the door.
"If I don't see you next week I'll send a search party." She joked in Bey's ear.
"Thanks boo." Bey laughed. And with that Rochelle pranced down the stairs.

"Still want me in here?" Nicki asked from behind me.
"Yes. I need to make sure I don't do anything too stupid." I sighed before looking Bey in her eyes.
"You're such a bitch! How could you leave me with a kid, your kid!? I was worried sick about you! Tonight was my first night out of this room! And what do I see!? You! I see you sitting on some dude's lap! I hope you know he was staring at your tits and he had his legs open! I know you hate that! But you don't care what I know!  You only care about what I don't know! I need to know all the secrets you aren't telling me! And if I find out you lied!? I'll kill you slowly!" I yelled.

"Babe, please calm down. Kyrah's sleeping and your gonna make yourself have an anxiety attack." She tried to come closer but I backed away.
"Don't touch me, Beyoncé. I need answers and I need them now." I growled.

"And I want you to have them but you completely blew it earlier. Niqqas are ruthless when it comes to deals, and I didn't want them to even know you existed." She sighed. I could tell she was disappointed in herself but I was so enraged. I had too many emotions going through me all at once.

"I love you, Beyoncé." I sighed, trying to hold back the tears.
"And love means you worry. Did it not pass your mind to just tell me? If so I would've just let you do your dirty work and tell Kyrah something believable."

"And I'll never forgive myself. I'm so sorry for putting you through that." Bey sighed.
There was silence, tension between us that could kill.

"Baby loves you too much to put you through that babe. She's after the trophy but coming home to you is the real prize." Nicki said as she grabbed my hand.
She placed my hand on Bey's shoulder and took Bey's hand to my hip.

"Now y'all can see what you really want. Babe, you obviously want baby to come home and sleep with you every night.
And baby, bab- what do you want baby?" Nicki asked as she realized she didn't know the answer.
"I want to come home every night to you and Z and Ky. I want you and your beautiful soul." She said as she looked into my eyes.

"I'm gonna use that one. You sure are smooth, Beyoncé." I laughed.
"I can be smooth as chocolate when I need to." She shrugged, not breaking the eye contact.
"You both know what the other wants. And I know that you both are about to have some bomb makeup sex. So I'll go hang with Z." Nicki said as she left the room. Bey grabbed my waist and pulled me to her.

"I don't want makeup sex. I just want to hold you." She said into my neck.
"And I want Mariah Carey to admit her boobs are fake. Too bad we don't get what we want." I giggled before pushing her onto the bed.
"But baby! I'm tired!" She whined.
"I don't know what you complaining for! I need to shower before I throw up." I sighed as I walked to the closet.

"I like your dress." She complimented.
"Thank you. I didn't think I was gonna see you but I had to be petty." I teased.
"And what was your plan?" She giggled.
"To go throw money at the strippers and make sure to paparazzi saw me. Ya know... just petty things." I shrugged.

"Wow. What did you do when people cheated?" She asked.
"Well once I walked in on my girl with a man. I was hella petty so after they did the deed I pulled his ass out by his dick. And proceeded to burn his clothes." I laughed, remembering that night very clearly.
"Well what'd you do about the girl?" She asked, very into the story line.
"Let's just say, it took her a while to pick all her shirts outta the fireplace." I winked before walking into the bathroom.

"I'm joining!" Bey yelled as she dropped her clothes. When she walked through the curtain I smiled at my beautiful fiancée who forgot to take off her makeup.

"Babe, ya look like a raccoon. Why do you have so much damn make up?" I laughed.
"Because I let Solonge do it." She pouted.
"Aw baby, come here." I said in a baby voice. She walked closer to me and I wiped her face.

"There, now you look nice." I said as I wiped her eyes.
"I didn't look nice before!?" She freaked.
"What!? You- you looked great!" I lied in a high pitch voice.
"Thanks baby." She laughed before pulling our hips together.
"I know you're lying but I love you too much to be mad." She sighed against my neck.
"I love you too. Now let's go to bed. I'm tired." I complained.

Edited A/N
I would've been SCREAMING at her..... a week and no call, damn. We feel the love, we feel it😂

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