Just A Play [Jimin X Reader]

By SevenWho

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You and Jimin? Not on very good terms. Terrible terms, actually. But life brings it so that he needs your hel... More

Chapter 1- Write Them A Song
Chapter 2- Teenage Love Stories
Chapter 3- Stupid Essay
Chapter 4- And It Had To Rain, Didn't It?
Chapter 5-Musician's Block's Ass Got Kicked
Chapter 6- Sleepover Vol1
Chapter 7- Sleepover Vol2
Chapter 8- Sleepover Vol3
Chapter 9- Where's da damn chocolate? (Sleepover vol4)
Chapter 10- He's Scared?
Chapter 11- Time To Finish That Essay
Chapter 13- Freak Out
Chapter 14- Dance Studio
Chapter 15- I'm Ticklish There
Chapter 16- Revenge
Chapter 17- Backfire
Chapter 18- Ex?
Chapter 19- Let's just go.
Chapter 20- He Wants Ice Cream.
Chapter 21-Bad Luck
Chapter 22- The Word Is Out
Chapter 23- Do It Or Not Do It
Chapter 24- Cherry Flavored Syrup
Chapter 25- 12 Hour Long Sleep
Chapter 26- Cancel
Chapter 27- The Dress
Chapter 28- Get Out.
Chapter 29- The Party Vol1
Chapter 30- The Party Vol2
Chapter 31- The Party Vol3
Chapter 32- Balance
Chapter 33- Take Advantage Of Him?
Chapter 34- Sleep talking
Chapter 35- Bathrobe
Chapter 36- Phone
Chapter 37- Omma
Chapter 38- Tell Me
Chapter 39- Elevator
Chapter 40- New Decisions?
Chapter 41- New Deal
Chapter 42- Bring Her Clothes
Chapter 43- Airport
Chapter 44- Pair Of Brown Eyes
Chapter 45- Karma's A Bitch
Chapter 46- Pink Dance Master
Chapter 47- Misunderstood
Chapter 48- The Truth
Chapter 49- I'm Not A Piranha
Chapter 50- Interrupted
Chapter 51- Locked Door
Chapter 52- About Time
Chapter 53- Come Back To Me
54- Let's Stop Fighting
Chapter 55- I'll Race You
Chapter 56- What To Do?
Chapter 57- Worst Moment
Chapter 58- Talking Tree, Seagull And Horse
Chapter 59- Pack Your Bags
Chapter 60- Proud Father Jungkook
Chapter 61- Gift?
Chapter 62- I'll Call Lions On You
Chapter 63- Younger Brother
Chapter 64- Childhood Friend
Chapter 65- Suspicious?
Chapter 66- Dear Mom
Chapter 67- Your Love Life Is Dead
Chapter 68- The Mind Went There
Chapter 69- Backstory
Chapter 70- Corner Of The Sick
Chapter 71- Text Her Back
Chapter 72- Unknown Caller
Chapter 73- She Might Come
Chapter 74- Guests
Chapter 75- They Were Right
Chapter 76- Dying Of Laughter
Chapter 77- Sentimental
Chapter 78- Fireworks
Chapter 79- She's A Flirt
Chapter 80- Facebook Live
Chapter 81- Screenshots
Chapter 82- It's Over.
Chapter 83- Small Car
Chapter 84- Returning
Chapter 85- Friends...?
Chapter 86- Hair
Chapter 87- EunBi Is Gone
Chapter 88- Amusing Embarassment
Chapter 89- Hanging Out And Having Dinner
Chapter 90- Mr. Isleepshirtless
Chapter 91- Mornin'
Chapter 92- Have Mercy
Chapter 93- This Feeling Isn't Nice
Chapter 94- He's Overthinking
Chapter 95- What?

Chapter 12- Go To Sleep

8.1K 367 255
By SevenWho

Chapter 12- Go To Sleep

"Go open the door" Jimin says and snaps you back from your trace.  

"Y-yeah" you say and turn around to open the door to Cody. 

"Hiii!!" he says and enters the apartment, sliding his shoes off. 

You take the two coffees from his hand and step back to give Cody some space to undress his coat, and also be more comfortable while you check out what he's wearing, causal jeans and brown boots for the lower part, and a white button down shirt with a gray sweater above.

The sweater really makes his broad back and shoulders stand out.  He must be lifting weights at the gym.

Damn that's hot. 

You think and mentally slap yourself for thinking of Cody wearing a tank top and lifting weights.  Blame the hormones for this. First you couldn't chose whether you should be mad at Jimin for wearing your clothes or think that he looks damn hot in them.

And now here you are checking out Cody. What the hell is this period doing to you? 

"Um... Y/N?" Cody waves his hand in front of you. 

You've been staring at his shoes like a fool. Man, you zoned out again. 
Seriously, when is this going to end? 

"Uh" you shake your head and blink your eyes a few time, "Yeah, sorry I just zoned out"  you smile and turn around to greet Jimin to Cody but he's nowhere to be seen. 

Your eyebrows furrow in confusion, but you think that Jimin is being his rude self again.
Well,  as long as he doesn't bother you, you don't mind. 

But do you really not mind?
​​​​​​Your subconscious shoots you with this question but you
shake it off, blaming it on the upset hormones. Once they calm down your slight excitement for a friendship with Jimin will be over and so will be the excitement with Cody.

"Come on, let's go to the kitchen. That's where we'll work" you say and motion Cody to follow you. 

He obeys to your words and follows you suit to the kitchen. Once you enter you see Jimin sitting on a stool, leaning on the table, while munching on an Apple, still wearing your clothes. First thing you notice is how his neck muscles tense and relax and as he munches and gulps.

Again, because of the hormones​​​​​.

However, a smile finds its way on your lips as you see his small fingers being curled around that apple. 
Seriously, girl how can you go from thinking his neck is sexy, to how cute his fingers are? 

Is it really completely  because of the hormones? Personally I don't think so.

I think that the old will to become Jimin's friend is making its way up the surface again. You've taken a small taste of how it is to spend time with a not-so-rude-and-hostile Jimin and it has made you to want to get to know him even more.

However you're  subconsciously scared. Scared of the fact that he'll once again push you away. You'll have fallen for his 3-hour-long polite acting and once again try befriending him only to be met with his cold side once again, making you the fool that fall for his stupid act. Your ego can never let that happen.  You've already tried, you failed, by his actions it's obvious that he wants nothing to do with you, he even stated it earlier that he's not planning on being nice to you, that these three hours, in total, just happened to be so,  out of personal benefit and tiredness. 

So, yeah, it'd be really stupid to believe he's giving you hints that he wants to get to know you when he's clearly saying right in your face that he doesn't want it. 

"Hey, Jimin, this is Cody," you tell Jimin and motion your hand to the male standing behind you, a little too close for anyone's liking, might I add, "Cody this is Jimin" you tell Cody and smile at him as you step aside feeling uncomfortable at the closeness between you and Cody. 

"Anyounghaseyo" Cody tries to say in Korean and does a small bow to Jimin. 

Jimin successful throws the now eaten apple in the bin, stands up and fiercely looks at Cody, slightly cocking his head to the side, his facial expression gives away some not positive things about the blue eyed male in front of him,

"Hey​​​​​," Jimin says nonchalantly in English, and shoves his hands in the pockets of your sweats, that he is wearing.  

You widen your eyes as you feel your body tense up at Jimin speaking English, he seems like he's got a good accent. 

​​​​​Cody smiles at Jimin, but Jimin doesn't respond, he keeps starting in Cody's eyes, with so much hatred and anger built up inside him. He's had a past with Cody and he ain't forgetting it, however Cody acts like he has never met the guy before.

The tension around in the kitchen keeps getting heavier and heavier, no one speaks, though. You are in your own tensed up and messed up world and you keep blaming your hormones for everything, you haven't noticed the showdown going down between the two males that are occupying your mind right now. 

However, as Eun-bi enters the room all the tension breaks, you snap out from your haze and the boys turn to look at her, "Cody!! Hi!!" she says with a huge smile and slightly bows to him. 

Cody smiles too and mutually greets her, while he does so Jimin finds the perfect moment to slip out and go to your room. You don't question his actions and let him be. 

"Um... Cody, shall we get started? I want to go to sleep as soon as we finish with that thing" you say referring to your essay. 

You look at the two coffee's and take the one that has (favorite coffee) written on it and take a big chug out of it. You need all the energy you can get.

"I'll go hang out with Jimin, in your bedroom, Y/N, we won't break anything, I promise" Eun-bi says and leaves you and Cody alone. 

"Okay," you breath out, "Set your laptop, I'll bring my notes

Cody nods and opens up his laptop's bag as you head to take your backpack and bring it to the kitchen as it has all the books you need in it. 

When you come back with your slow zombie-like pace you see Cody has everything set up, he has even spread out his books and notes. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, "When did you-?  Ahhh never mind, let's get started"  you say and sit on the the stool next to him, taking another sip from your coffee. 

"Okay," Cody chuckles and a black, thick pair of Ray-Ban vision glasses. 

"wow! Since when are you wearing glasses?" you ask taken aback by sudden change of his face. 

You gotta admit he looks handsome, and boys with glasses may or may not be one of your weaknesses. 

"I use glasses for about three years now... But I don't like wearing them, that's why I settle with eye-contacts" he explains and you nod, still looking at his face. 

"You should wear them more often, you look good" you say absent mindedly, and as you realize what you've said your cheeks redden. 

Damn those hormonneesssssss!!!! 

You think again, making a slightly bothered and angry face, and Cody chuckles. 

"Okay, okay, let's get to work, I don't want you falling asleep on the spot" he says and the two of you start working on your essay. 

After two hours of endless brain squeezing you finally finish. Within those two hours you face asleep once and Cody had to flick your forehead to wake you up.

To be honest, Cody is the one who did most of the job, you just kept on nodding and adding a few sentences here and there. Also, an hour after you started working Eun-bi left the apartment to go to the gym, she told you that Jimin has fallen asleep on your bed, so, if you want to sleep afterwards you should take her room.  
You didn't even hear what she said, you were too fussed by the D.N.A.'s Central Dogma and you just yelled an 'okay'  at her before she left. 

"Here you go!" Cody smiles and he hands you the precious flash drive your essay is saved in, after you wake up from the sleep, that is only a few moments away,  your going to print it. 

"Thanks a lot, I know I wasn't much help today, sorry"​​​​, you say as you lean on the door frame of your hallway. 

"Oh, please,  You don't have to be sorry for anything.  It's my fault you were forced to write again"​​​​​​. He purses his lips and chuckles afterwards. 

For a moment he looks down and rubs his neck as he nervously  looks up at you again, "Would you like to hang out after this? N-not anything romantic, just as friends if you want,  I-I really enjoy your company" he stutters and nervously smiles. 

You look at him with a blank expression on your face for a moment to process what he has said to you.

You blink a couple of times. 

You actually enjoyed spending time with him as well, and he said he's not intentending on anything romantic unless you want, so why the hell not? 
"Yeah, sure, I like spending time with you as well" you say, not having thought of this decision thoroughly, but what the heck, you have got to make some spontaneous decisions at some point in your life, and wherever may they lead you, you'll accept their outcomes. 

"Aah",  he sighs in relief,  "I thought you were going to say no for a moment and I almost freaked out" ​​​​​he chuckles.

You simply laugh, not knowing what else to do. 

"Anyways, I'll let you rest. You look super tired go sleep"​​He gives you a warm smile and shoves his hands in his pockets as he turns around and leaves. 

Once you close the door his phone rings and he answers, 
"Yeah, everything is going swell, I'm getting closer to her" he smirks and closes his phone and shoves it back in his jean pocket.
The moment you closed the door, you sighed in relief,  "Finally, I get to have some sleep!" you fist the air and happily go to your bedroom.
You don't pay attention to anything else, you just jump on your bed, and feel the heavenly mattress under you, the silk covers, and something very big and fluffy, that makes you want to hug it. As you reach for it, it reaches back for you and takes you in its embrace. For a moment you think it is weird for a thing to be moving on its own, but you shake the thought away, as you feel utterly relaxed and safe in the embrace of that thing and let yourself fall into endless dreams. 

That thing being, Jimin, who is already asleep has no idea what he's doing, had he been awake, he wouldn't have dared to do something like that, but now since he's past the stage of dreams, and really deep into his sleep, his subconscious has taken over and does things he hasn't realized he may want to do. 

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