Worlds Colliding (The Origina...

By heartofice97

28.3K 550 373

All rights go the creators of The Originals and the CW, except for the fanfiction characters and plots. hear... More

main character theme songs/ships & outfit links
chapter 1 - For the Next Millennium
chapter 2 - You Hung the Moon
chapter 3 - I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans
chapter 4 - A Walk on the Wild Side
chapter 5 - The Axeman's Letter
chapter 6 - Beautiful Mistake
chapter 7 - Out of the Easy
chapter 8 - The Other Girls in New Orleans
chapter 9 - Savior
chapter 10 - A Ghost Along the Mississippi
chapter 11 - Wild At Heart
chapter 12 - Dead Angels
chapter 13 - Heart Shaped Box
chapter 14 - Streetcar Named Desire
chapter 15 - An Old Friend Calls
chapter 16 - Alone With Everybody
chapter 17 - Behind the Black Horizon
chapter 18 - The Devil Comes Here and Sighs
chapter 19 - No More Heartbreaks
chapter 20 - Where Nothing Stays Buried
chapter 21 - Give 'Em Hell, Kid
chapter 22 - The Bloody Crown

characters & trailer

2.7K 24 3
By heartofice97

Name: Kassandra

Nickname: Kass or Sandra

Eye Color: Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Family: Mikaelson

Mikael and Esther - Parents

Dahlia - Aunt

Klaus, Elijah, Rebekah, Kol, Finn, Freya, Henrik - Brothers and Sisters

Hope - Niece

Species: Original Vampire

Character Creator: heartofice97


Name: Noah

Nickname: N

Eye Color: Green

Hair Color: Brunette

Family: Dumaine

Marcel, Auria, Caitlin and Noah are tied to the Mikaelsons due to the adoptive links

Species: Vampire (Klaus' sireline)

Fanfiction Books: Battle Series

1 - Battle

2 - Rebuild

3 - Changing Hands

4 - Heavy Head

5 - Final Battle

Character Creator: TVDlover97


Name: Caitlin

Nickname: C, Cait, Caitie...

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Light Red

Family: Harris

Marcel and Auria - Adoptive parents

Marcel, Auria, Caitlin and Noah are tied to the Mikaelsons due to the adoptive links

Species: Human (linked to Marcel)

Character Creator: heartofice97


Name: Mikayla

Nickname: Kayla

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Family: (biological) Labonair, (adoptive) Waters, (marriage) Labonair-Kenner

Hayley - Sister

Hope - Niece

The Mikaelsons - Extended Family

Jackson - Husband

Mary - Grandmother in law

Species: Hybrid

Character Creator: heartofice97


Name: Auria

Nickname: A

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black

Family: Rayvnne

Marcel and Auria take care of Caitlin and Davina like their adoptive parents

Marcel, Auria, Caitlin and Noah are tied to the Mikaelsons due to the adoptive links

Species: Witch

Fanfiction Books: Daring Spell Series

1 - Daring Spell

2 - Risky Reputation

3 - Every King Needs a Queen

4 - Lost It All

5 - Witch Hour's End

Character Creator: mysticfalls1997


Name: Kaylin

Nickname: Kay

Eye Color: Bright Blue

Hair Color: Blonde

Family: Salvatore 

Giuseppe and Lily - Parents

Stefan and Damon - Brothers

Nicola - Great-great-great-great niece

Distantly related to Tory and Donovan due to being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (brother and sister)

Species: Vampire

Fanfiction Books: Satisfy Series

1 - Satisfy

2 - Amists

3 - Insatiable

4 - Recondite

5 - Chaos

6 - Coalesce

7 - Apocalyptic

8 - Detached

9 - Resurrection

10 - Loathe Goodbyes

From Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries)

Character Creator: TVDlover97


Name: Nicola

Nickname: Nikki, Nik (family nicknames)

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Brunette

Family: Salvatore 

Giuseppe and Lily - Great-great-great-great-great grandparents

Stefan, Damon and Kaylin - Great-great-great-great uncles and aunt

Zach and Monica - Parents

Distantly related to Tory Donovan due to being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (Brother and sister)

Species: Vampire / Potential Huntress 

Fanfiction Books: Zach's Daughter Series

1 - Zach's Daughter

2 - Trouble

3 - Reverse Psychology

4 - Potential

5 - Bad Feelings

6 - Visitation

7 - My Return

8 - Never Let Me Go

9 - Huntress in New Orleans

10 - Fighting Fate

Character Creator: PLLTWTVD1997


With Guest Appearances from Worlds Colliding (The Vampire Diaries) in the crossovers 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", 3.03 "I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans", 3.05 "The Axeman's Letter", 3.14 "Streetcar Named Desire" and/or 3.17 "Behind the Black Horizon" 

Rosalita (immortal psychic Doppelganger) (guest appearances in flashbacks in 3.01 For the Next Millennium, 3.03 I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans, 3.05 The Axeman's Letter)

Rosalita's Family:

Tory and Luna - Descendants/Doppelgangers

Amelia, Ash and Michael Donovan - Dead Descendants

Stefan, Damon, Kaylin, Nicola Salvatore - Distantly related nephews and nieces

Alex Gilbert (vampire Wraith linked to Klaus) (3.14 Streetcar Named Desire)


Amara/Poppy (sisters) / The first Doppelganger and Wraith of the Petrova line - Ancestors

Tatia/Clara (sisters) / The second Doppelganger and Wraith of the Petrova line - Ancestors

Katherine/Valentina (sisters) / The third Doppelganger and Wraith of the Petrova line - Ancestors

Elena - Sister

Liv - Sister/cousin

Jeremy - Brother/cousin

Miranda and Grayson - Adoptive parents/aunt and uncle

John and Isobel - Real parents

Jenna - Aunt

Alaric - Surrogate father

Kacie Lockwood (Hybrid) (3.17 Behind the Black Horizon)


Carol and Richard - Parents

Mason - Uncle

Tyler - Brother

Tory - Half sister

Ash and Michael - Dead half brothers

Liv Gilbert (Vampire) (3.14 Streetcar Named Desire)


Miranda and Grayson - Parents

Jeremy - Brother

Elena and Alex - Sisters/Cousins

Jenna - Aunt

John - Uncle

Alaric - Surrogate Father

Cristian Hunter (Vampire) (3.14 Streetcar Named Desire)


Dead parents

Pearl - Aunt

Anna - Cousin

Lindsey Davis (Doppelganger Witch) (3.17 Behind the Black Horizon)


Ovisona (Qetsiyah's sister) - Ancestor/Lindsey is the Doppelganger of Ovisona

Qetsiyah - Ancestral Aunt

Mercy Davis - Ancestor/Lindsey and Mercy are the Doppelgangers of Ovisona

Courtney and Daniel Davis - Parents

Distantly related to the Bennetts through being descendants of Ovisona and Qetsiyah

Tory Donovan (Doppelganger Witch, Werewolf) (3.14 Streetcar Named Desire & 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon)


Rosalita - The originator of the Luna Doppelgangers, Ancestor

Silas - Rosalita's brother, distant uncle

Luna - The second known Luna Doppelganger (the line named after her)

Amelia Donovan and Richard Lockwood - Parents

Kelly Donovan and Mason Lockwood - Aunt/Uncle

Kacie and Tyler Lockwood - Half siblings

Ash and Michael Donovan - Dead brothers

Matt and Vicki - Cousins

Distantly related to the Salvatores due to being descendants of Silas and Rosalita (brother and sister)

Luke Thompson (Hybrid) (3.14 Streetcar Named Desire & 3.17 Behind the Black Horizon)


Emma and Malik Thompson - Parents

Ryan - Brother

Ryan Thompson (Werewolf) (3.17 Behind the Black Horizon)


Emma and Malik Thompson - Parents

Luke - Brother



Indiana Evans - Kassandra Mikaelson

Nolan Gerard Funk - Noah Dumaine

Katherine McNamara - Caitlin Harris

Emeraude Toubia - Mikayla Labonair-Kenner

Meagan Tandy - Auria Rayvnne

Ashley Benson - Kaylin Salvatore

Zoey Deutch  - Nicola Salvatore

Maia Mitchell - Tory Donovan & Rosalita 

Lucy Hale - Kacie Lockwood

Jessica Parker Kennedy - Lindsey Davis

Tyler Posey - Luke Thompson

Tyler Hoechlin - Ryan Thompson 

Victoria Justice - Alex Gilbert

Cher Lloyd - Liv Gilbert

Sterling Beaumon - Cristian Hunter

Bella Lotz - Rae Salvatore (Kaylin's Dream Daughter in 3.07 Out of the Easy)



From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the compound, Klaus was standing at his family portraits. "Always and forever indeed."

(Song:) Dangerous Game - Juliet Roberts 


From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in Rousseau's, Klaus and Cami were talking.

"You're scared," Cami told him. "Because the people you love are angry with you."

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the bayou, Elijah was standing in the woods at night, holding Hope.

Hayley transformed into human, standing to face him.

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in a club, Kassandra was dancing on the bar.

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the French Quarter, Mikayla transformed into human, confused as to how she got there.

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in St. Anne's Church/gym, Noah and Caitlin were training in the ring.

Marcel stood outside of the ring, watching them.

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the French Quarter, Auria walked into the Quarter to see a gathering of witches hurting Hayley and Mikayla. She walked closer angrily. "Enough!"

Auria caused a pain infliction spell on all of the witches, making them stop their spell on Hayley and Mikayla, making them all fall to their knees.


From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the Quarter, Hayley and Mikayla fought against the witches that attacked them.


From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the club, Kassandra jumped off the bar next to a man. "Klaus told me that you were dead."


From 3.03 "I'll See You in Hell or New Orleans", in a secret headquarters, Kaylin Salvatore woke up, chained up with either of her arms to her side, the shackles attached to the walls on either side of her. 

A man in a suit stood in front of her. "Kaylin Salvatore."

A woman punched Kaylin in the face. "I'd watch your wise mouth."

"Sorry," Kaylin told them, not sorry at all. "Watching what I say is not exactly a habit nor a priority of mine."

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the club, Kassandra and a man were talking.

"What are you really doing in New Orleans?" Kassandra asked. "Can't be just to catch up with an old flame."

"'Old flame'?" the man repeated in amusement. "Try first love. Try sire." He put a hand on her cheek. "Try savior."

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in a hotel, the man led Kassandra to an expensive, dramatic apartment complex toward a pair of ornately carved and decorated doors. 

Man: (voice over from 3.01 For the Next Millennium) "There's a growing conflict..."

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the French Quarter, in an alley, Cami and Auria were standing next to a crime scene.

Man: (voice over from 3.01 For the Next Millennium) "Growing between the sirelines."

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the compound, Hayley, covered in blood, was fighting with Klaus.


From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in a penthouse, Klaus, Elijah and Jackson were speaking to the man.

"We cannot be killed," Elijah told him.

"You're wrong," the man told them.

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the bayou, Elijah was standing in the woods at night. Red laser lights pointed at his chest.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.01 For the Next Millennium) "You would come all this way to tell me about the war of the sirelines..."

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the Rayvnne tomb, Davina and Auria were trying to cast a spell the Ancestors wouldn't allow them to cast, making blood stream down their cheeks like tears of blood.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.01 For the Next Millennium) "And then tell me that I can't even trust my own family, but you."

From 3.04 "A Walk on the Wild Side", in a mansion's ball, Caitlin walked in, dressed to the best.

Noah was across the party, watching her, stunned by her appearance.

Kassandra: (voice over from 3.01 For the Next Millennium) "And only you."

From 3.04 "A Walk On the Wild Side", in a room of the mansion, Marcel and another vampire were fighting.

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the penthouse, Jackson tackled the man to the floor, biting him.

From 3.02 "You Hung the Moon", in the compound, Freya had blood trickling down from her ear. She sounded very grim. "You will all fall."

From 3.01 "For the Next Millennium", in the penthouse, Kassandra and the man were talking.

Kassandra stepped closer, putting a hand on his cheek. "Sweetheart, anything I felt outside of my family died a long time ago. And that means what I felt for you."

Kassandra turned around fiercely, walking out, leaving.

From 3.03 "I'll See You in Hell Or New Orleans", in a locked room of a mansion, Kaylin was chained up, looking at her captors sarcastically. "I never could resist a good spoiler."


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