Darkness Rises

By Alexandriaottey

61 10 2

In a world where the rich and powerful trample on the weak it is filled with darkness... and for Malena it cr... More

The Little Wicth / Chapter one
In The Eyes Of Sin /Chapter two
In The Eyes Of The Darklord/Chapter four
The Forsaken Lands/Chapter five
A Hawk's Eye Veiw/Chapter six
Terror in Oxyen/Chapter seven
Ravashing In Red/ Chapter eight
The Red Rose On The Forest Floor/Chapter nine
Fallen/ Chapter ten
A Rose With Out Throns/Chapter Eleven
The Fascade Of Interductions/ Chapter tweleve
The kisses of Dawn/ Chapter Threeteen

Where Sarrow Dwell / Chapter three

6 2 0
By Alexandriaottey

Malena's fingers ached as she clawed at the wall,climbing up in agonizing slowness, each movement caused great pain Malena blinked as black spots dotted at her vison, she was not sure how much more of this she could take "stop!" Malena froze in mid climb trembling at the deep male voice, her shadow falling on the wall by the torch light he carried "get down here" he said his voice but a soft wispher of anger, Malena made no efforts to move her muscels felt numb "get down here lass or i swear i shoot you down" Malena stiffed as she heard the click of his cross bow.

slowly climbing back down the wall Malena's heart pounded painfully she had been so close,so close to her freedom,she stood facing the wall not dearing to turn around "your that girl from this morning" Malena breath hicthed in panic "turn around" Malena shook her head long hair knotted "turn around now!" The soilder barked making her jump and sob. Malena did so timidly keeping her gaze to the ground as her grabed her by the front of her dress glearing at her "you caused a lot of trouble girl" he all but growled pulling her relucantly anlong Malena struggled sobbing uncontrolably "shhhh girl im not taking you to the palace " Malena stared up at him watery eyed and started to walk with him -then where was he taking her? And could she even trust him?

(At the far side of Maria's wall)

The heavy beat of horse hoofs shook the ground as the dark lord rode towards the wall in the cover of mystic fog they advaced the the kingdom of maria, a place he loathed with his entire being.. full of idels and stuckup bastards that didnt know any thing but rainbows and sun shine the very thought made him ill thinking of the happy- go -lucky fools. His right hand man rode up beside him his hawk perched on his shoulder "what do you see micheal?" He wacthed in fascination as micheal's eyes turned milky white and the hawk flew off over the massive wall slowly circling it a few times before before returning to his master "sixty soilders to the north gate..twenty to the south" micheal answered blinking eyes returning to normal, a crule smile formed on the dark lords lips "Today we tear down the walls and dreams of maria may her streets be always filled with blood!"

Shouts of praise and laughter form the army went into the air from both man and demons as they raced to wards the wall... the bell ring to warn the city but it was far too late the walls had alrady started to fall all those years of blood magic gone to waste..the Dark lord laughed at their pointless sacrefices this would prove to be entertaining.

Malena screamed as the walls started to blow apart, "what the hell?" The man said looking around wide eyed "shit the wall - hes attacking now?!" Malena trembled as war crys sounded in the night who was attacking now? "Hurry girl!" He shouted pulling her along quickly the screams of women making her stomach churn, a roar ripped through the night as a huge creature landed in their path towards the east gate malena noticed momentarily that the once sparkling walls were now coverd in crimson red and people lay around lifeless,some ripped apart.

she shakely returned her gaze to the creature and fear gripped her, it was black and misty looking like it had no physical form its beady red eyes locked with her wide teal ones blood dripping from its mouth, it's large yellow teeth showed as it snearled, malena gripped the soilder who pulled out his sword slowly-eyes never leaving the creature "listen to me lass when i say run you run like a bat outta hell you understand me? I cant let the dark lord get his filthy hands on you do you understand?!
Your gunna run and hide i promised you father i would take care of you didnt do a fine job so far" malena clucthed him crying he knew her father? What was happening? who was the dark lord and why did she have to hide from him? She didnt understand at all.

The creature growled suddenly charging malena yelped as the man pushed her away tackling the beast to the ground holding it off with his sword as it snapped its jaws at him "run! Run now!" Malena ran heart breaking she left him left another to die she stopped panting fist clucthes she couldnt do this, she couldnt run away again she stared at the gapimg hole in the east gate her freedom awaited but at what price? She bit her lip shaking what should she do?

Malena stared down at the arm lenght sword infront of her she knew what she would have to do grabing it she ran from where just escaped the raising sun behind her. atleast in this she would have peace of mind she turned the corner screams still in the air and the smell of burning flesh, malena jumped on to the thing still ontop of the soilder stabing the short sword deep in its back it howled throwing her off an to the ground making her cry out in pain before it slumped to the ground black blood and smoking seeping from it.

Malena rolled onto her side, black hooves of a horse were meters away from her face, she suddenly felt a thick darkness around her as she lowly looked up at the rider of the black stallion, he was breath taking long black hair fell to his broad shoulders, his tonned muscled body covered in blood stained armour, his tonned legs hidden also his face was roughly handsome, his strong jawline and a a stubble of hair in his chin , eyebrows perfectly arched and full kissable pale pink lips, however his eyes.

Malena shuddered his eyes were completely black like the darkest depths of hell, he held her stare as the sun rose fully iluminating them in its rays in only one night everything had been sweept away- morning had come and maria had fallen.

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