i'll make this feel like home...

By SRWritesStuff

228K 6.6K 3.3K

book two four years after finding each other again, louis wants more and harry will do anything to make his b... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two **
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven **
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen **
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen **
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Nineteen

7.1K 261 145
By SRWritesStuff

Twenty-Six Weeks

Louis was content. He was wrapped warmly in the arms of the man who loved him. It was just after four in the morning when Louis woke to use the restroom. He did his business, washed his hands, and started to head back to bed. That's when he heard the text tone on Harry's phone.

He went over to see if it was someone important. It was Jason, Harry's business partner that he hadn't met yet. Harry had his messages notifications blocked on his lock screen, so it just stated that it was a picture message.

Louis was curious of what it was and thought it wouldn't hurt to see what it was. He typed in the passcode, which was 1-2-2-4, and the picture popped up. At first, he couldn't tell exactly what it was. So he tapped for the full picture.

Harry's face. Eyes closed. Mouth wrapped around a stranger, Jason's, penis. A caption that read, "Miss these sugar lips". Revolting. Absolute revulsion hurled through Louis' body.

Disgust. Betrayal. Anger. It pulsated through his veins. He felt like he was going to vomit. He felt like he was going to murder Harry. He felt like he wanted the Earth below him to swallow him up whole. Because Harry had cheated on him. Holy fuck, Louis thought as a sob grabbed at his throat. He couldn't believe it.

How many times did this happen? How many times did Harry come home and kiss him on the mouth after he sucked off another man? Was this the reason why they had just had sex for the first time in almost two months? He was already satisfied elsewhere, he didn't need Louis. Louis' hands shook with anger and loss. He never felt this before. This utter... betrayal before.

The noises and sobs coming from Louis must've woken up Harry. Louis heard him rustle in the sheets and ask gingerly, "Louis, what's wrong?"

Louis whirled around and threw Harry's phone at him, yelling, "This!" It landed by his knee and Harry picked up the phone. Louis walked around the bed to his side and grabbed his pregnancy book, twins edition. He gripped it so hard that he started to fear his fingers would break.

Harry's eyes widened at the picture and lifted after a moment of looking at the picture. There was no remorse or regret. It only fueled Louis, fueled his anger.

"Lou-" Harry begun, but Louis snapped internally. He threw the book at Harry. It nearly hit him, knocking over the lamp on the bedside table. Harry got out of the bed, raising his hands, "Stop it!"

"No!" Louis yelled, his voice shook and he didn't know if he had the strength to finish. He was heartbroken, completely broken in two. "You fucking cheat! How could you do this to me? To our family? Fuck you!"

Before Harry could sweet talk him, he left the room. He needed to be out of there. God, Louis thought as he paced the halls. How could Harry destroy their family? How could Louis bring two babies into this world that he shared with a cheater?

God. He was going to have children with someone who cheated on him. How could they ever have be able to push pass this for their children? Louis couldn't think straight. He was devastated. He couldn't breathe as the walls around him almost felt like they were suffocating him. He needed out of here.

He went into Olivia's room and decided that he was taking her. He grabbed a piece of paper on her drawing table and wrote, "Fuck. You."

Louis pulled Olivia from her bed, taking her sheets with her. Louis grabbed his keys from the entryway and a pair of shoes and left the home he had built with a cheat.

Louis drove around, Olivia sound asleep in the back. What were they going to do? Where were they going to go? Louis held back his sobs, he felt so lost. He found himself in front of Liam and Zayn's. He hated to wake them up at four-thirty in the morning, but they had nowhere to go.

Louis cuddled Olivia up to him and went up to their front door. He knocked. Nothing. He rang the doorbell. He heard shuffling and then Liam opened the door. His eyes were tired, guarded, and curious. He asked, "What's wrong? Why do you have Olivia with you?"

"H... Harry cheated on me," Louis announced.

"Shut the fuck up," Liam said, eyes large. "Wow... Come in, come in."

Louis walked in, feeling guilty. He didn't know what to do, but coming here made him feel guilty. Liam took Olivia, making Louis feel more lost inside and said, "I'm going to put her in Luka's bed, okay?"

"Okay," Louis weakly agreed. He waddled over to their couch and sunk down. The weight everything crashed down around him. He broke down in inconsolable sobs. He barely registered the arms of Liam wrapping around him. He just cried until there was no more tears to cry. This was unfathomable

Since he was eighteen, Louis loved Harry Styles. He never tried to love anyone else, because his heart only wanted to love Harry Styles. He went into depression because of Harry Styles. His health was jeopardized multiple times because of Harry Styles. He killed a human being for Harry Styles. Louis' life revolved around Harry Styles. Yet, this act of infidelity made him question every choice he ever made.

Louis calmed himself down after a while and told Liam to go back to bed, that he was fine. Liam nodded and headed to his bedroom. Louis laid down on an uncomfortable couch and curled up into the pillow Liam lent him, a clean unfamiliar scent. He drug the blanket up over his belly and fell into a deep slumber. He dreamt of green eyes and broken hearts.

In the morning, which was only two and half hours later, Louis woke up to Zayn yelling, "We only told you to come here for Olivia's school clothes and some fresh clothes for Louis!"

Louis heard Harry's pleading voice, "I didn't do it. I didn't cheat on him."

"Thanks for the clothes, fucking cheater" Zayn said, slamming the door and locking it. Louis walked into the entryway and there was Zayn and Liam. Liam had a duffle bag of clothes and a sad smile. Zayn tried to cheer Louis up, "Hi sunshine."

"Why was he here?" Louis asked, taking the bag from Liam.

"Olivia has school today, she needed her clothes," Zayn said. "I told him that he wasn't going to see you and not to even ask."

"But he got here and tried to barge through the doorway like a madman. He almost knocked Zayn over," Liam said, shaking his head. "Called in a sub, figured you wouldn't be up for teaching today."

"You'd be right," Louis sighed.

"Well, we preggos can spend the day together then," Zayn said. "I'm not working today either."

"Sure," Louis agreed, not even trying to muster up a fake smile. He wasn't himself anymore. He shuffled to Luka's room, seeing the two girls play and laugh. Olivia looked up at Louis, a striking resemblance of her father. Tears pricked at his eyes and Louis murmured, softly, "Time to get ready for school, nugget."

"Why are we here, Papa?" Olivia asked, coming up to her father. Louis felt guilty again. He stripped his daughter from her home. He felt like a terrible parent in this moment.

"No reason," Louis said, not sure what to tell her.

He opened the bag to see Olivia's hair brush, tooth brush, school clothes, and shoes. There was even another pair of pajamas. Harry was just letting them slip through his fingers then, Louis thought sadly. He handed over Olivia her clothes and she went to change. She didn't need help with that.

The pregnant lad shuffled to living room and sitting on the couch. He started to see what Harry had packed for Louis. Underneath Louis' jumper folded inside was a note. Louis' heart pounded, was this going to be a denial or confession note? He unfolded it, clearing his throat.

It read, "Louis William Tomlinson, you are the father of three of our children. I've loved you since I was eighteen. Yes, I've been with other men. BUT NOT WHILE WE'VE BEEN TOGETHER. You were gone for years in America. I was in London. I dated Kyle. I had random hookups as well. There was a period of time in between Kyle and I being broken up and getting back together. In that period, I had a drunken hook-up with Jason. I don't remember it, as I don't even remember this...picture. This picture is from YEARS AGO. If you don't believe me, I'll do whatever in my power to prove to you that I'VE BEEN ONE HUNDRED PERCENT FAITHFUL TO YOU.

"I'll be at the lawyer offices on Second Street today. We'll be in Meeting Room #24. I have a meeting around noon. It shouldn't take too long, so I'd like to see you. I'll wait for you. I'll always wait for you. I love you so much. I can't imagine a life without you. I'm not letting this ruin us. I'm not letting this ruin our family. Tell Olivia I love and miss her. I'm not mad that you took her with you, either. I understand it. Tell Reece and Amelia that I love and miss them as well. I'm missing their morning kicks... I love you. Don't let this stupid fucker ruin us.

"Always and forever yours, Harry Edward Styles."

Louis stayed quiet about the letter until after Liam and Olivia left for school. He went up to Zayn, one of the babies kicking him hard. He said, "I'm going to talk to Harry. Want to come with me?"

Zayn looked almost shocked and asked, "Are you sure?"

"Yeah," Louis said, his hand making circles on his belly. He handed over the letter to Zayn. "I don't know what to believe. What if I overreacted?"

The other pregnant lad unfolded the letter and read it. He looked up at Louis and said, "Well... I'm coming along."

The pregnant lads ate breakfast, Louis was mostly pushing things around on his plate. He mostly ate the meat on his plate, knowing that he needed protein for the twins. Just because he was sad and heartbroken didn't mean he was going to starve his unborn children.

When it came time to leave, all three of them changed, Zayn packed some things up for Luka, got into the car. Louis decided to try and catch Harry before he went into the meeting.

They arrived, it was a more modern building in the area and Louis was unfamiliar with it. He went in and there was a large lobby. There was two sets of elevators that brought a person up to the second level, a level that was open. There was about thirty large doors on the second level.

They sat down on the couch in the waiting room and waited for Harry to come in. Luka was being cute, so it helped pass the time. She looked like Liam on this specific day, she tended to reflect one of her parents on different days. She babbled to Louis when the door opened.

Louis looked over, reflexively, and saw Harry walking in with a man. Even to Louis, he kind of resembled... Louis. His heart fluttered, was this Jason?

Harry stood there frozen when he saw Louis sitting in the waiting area. He almost ran to him, cutting off the man he walked in with. He grabbed Louis' hand and helped him stand up. Harry asked, voice thick, "What are you doing here?"

"You told me to come here, Harry," Louis answered, dryly, glancing at the man who was now standing close behind Harry.

"I thought if you would've come, it would've been afterward," Harry told his fiancé, his hand squeezing Louis' tightly.

"Why is it an issue?" Louis asked, pulling his hand away. Harry didn't answer, he just swallowed audibly and shrugged his shoulders. A cold, angry feeling drifted over Louis. His eyes slowly looked over to the man and he questioned, "Are you Jason?"

"Yeah," the man answered, crossing his arms. Louis looked over Harry, anger pulsating through him like it had earlier that morning.

Louis pushed Harry out of his way and with fury and purpose, he rose his right arm and socked Jason in the nose. Blood spurted out of his nose, over his white button-up shirt. In shock, he stumbled back. He groaned as he held his bleeding nose.

"That's what you get for sleeping with my fiancé," Louis spat, feeling his arms being pinned behind his back.


Harry was broken. He didn't do anything wrong, but the weight of this situation was heavy. He pulled up to his meeting, dreading to see Jason's face. He was going to tell him off, just not now before this important meeting they were about to go into.

He got out of his car and he instantly heard Jason's voice. He yelled out toward Harry, "Hey, wait up!"

Harry froze up and felt a pair of hands grab him at the shoulders. The touch was a hot jolt of anger, burning him like poison. He snapped out, "Don't fucking touch me."

"What crawled up your arse?" Jason asked, removing his hands.

"We're having a serious discussion after this meeting. Understood?" Harry said, walking toward the building.

"Sure," Jason agreed. They entered the building and Harry heard a baby giggle and babble. He looked to see Zayn sitting on the couch. Louis was at his side, looking straight at Jason. Harry's heart fell to the floor. His fiancé looked like hell, looked like he had been crying all night long. Harry wanted to cuddle him right up.

He approached him, grabbing his arm to help him stand up. He felt like he was going to break down crying. He didn't want to do this now. He wanted to do this after he had his meeting, after he told Jason off. He asked, "What are you doing here?"

"You told me to come here, Harry," Louis answered with a dry tone. Harry saw his eyes look behind him. He realized that it was Jason behind him. Why did he have to be here? Harry squeezed Louis' hand, like he couldn't believe he was actually here right now.

"I thought if you would've come, it would've been afterward," Harry explained. He wanted him to leave before he realized that the man with him was Jason. They needed to talk in private, not in front of Zayn or Jason.

"Why is it an issue?" Louis asked, pulling his hand away. Harry couldn't answer without spilling his true meaning, without letting it know that Jason was here. His sad, beautiful eyes slowly looked over to Jason and he questioned in his sassy, mad way, "Are you Jason?"

"Yeah," Jason answered, sounding almost bored.

What happened next was a blur. Harry felt Louis' hands press against his chest with a force. He stumbled away and when he looked over at his pregnant fiancé, he was punching Jason in the face. Harry's heart raced in shock as he rushed over and pinned Louis' arms behind his back before he could try to punch again.

Jason's face was bleeding all over his shirt and groaning in pain. Louis yelled, "That's what you get for sleeping with my fiancé!"

"Fuck!" Jason exclaimed. By the sight of how much blood was pouring out of his nose, Louis probably broke his nose. Shit.

"Louis, what the hell?" Harry said, pulling him away. "I didn't cheat on you with him, I told you that!"

Louis wiggled against Harry and growled out, "He deserved it."

"He did," Harry agreed. Jason was an asshole, a complete dick. "But, you cannot punch people for things that haven't happened in over six years."

"Let go of me!" Louis said, starting to thrash.

"I'm not letting go of you again, Louis Tomlinson. Sorry," Harry said. "Don't be fucking stubborn and listen to me."

Louis seemed to settle after a few deep breaths. Harry held him to his chest, feeling the pregnant boy's heart settle. Harry let Louis turn, they were face-to-face. Harry stated, "I did not cheat on you. I have never thought about it."

"But that picture," Louis said, his eyes filling up with tears. Harry's heart broke all over again.

"It was from the past. Over six years ago," Harry said. "You're everything I have ever wanted, Louis. I love you, with everything in my being. I don't need anything else, but you. I just need you."

"I'm sorry," Louis said, breaking down in sobs. Harry grabbed him again, bringing him into his chest. Between sobs, he continued, "I-I don't deserve y-you."

"Stop," Harry told him, whispering softly in his ear.

"I-I hate that when I'm angry, I run away. It's what my dad used to do when my parents fought. They never really could end a serious argument without my dad leaving. It's just how I thought people fought," Louis told Harry. It wasn't the first time Harry had heard this before. He knew that he had a different example with relationships, like Harry.

"I know, love," Harry said. "Go home with Zayn, I'll deal with Jason."

"I love you," Louis told him. Harry pressed a kiss to the smaller boy's forehead. Louis and Zayn scurried out of the building before he went to start damage control. A police officer was standing with Jason when Harry approached him.

"Are you gonna punch me as well?" Jason asked, wiping away the blood with a bunch of wet paper towels.

"No," Harry said, crossing his arms tightly around his chest. "I want to apologize. That was my fiancé, as he said. He saw that picture you sent me last night. He thought you and I were having an affair. He was beyond angry."

"I-I," Jason said. "I'm in love with you, Harry. I-I wanted you to remember what we had. You never gave us a shot. You slept with me, then went back with that asshole Kyle. Then when you guys broke up, I went to your flat and found out you moved here, Doncaster. I tried to move on from you, but I never did. I thought working together would spark something... Because I moved here for you. But you were engaged, had a kid, expecting more kids... I thought the picture would...help."

"I think I'm going to dissolve my part of this company, Jason," Harry said, looking at this man he thought was his friend. He was in love with Harry, but they never had something together to begin with. It was one drunken night that Jason was holding on to. This guy was slightly crazy. "I appreciate this company... But I can't do this with you when you're purposely trying to end my relationship."

Jason nodded, "Fine. I'm not pressing charges. I guess I deserved this by sending that picture."

"Thank you," Harry said, extending his hand to Jason. They shook hands and Harry left to go back home.

Harry couldn't help but think about all the money he was going to miss out on. But money was nothing when he didn't have his family. He could just continue working with the University, it paid well enough. He just needed to make sure that his family was financially secure. Especially with the twins coming.

When Harry got home, Louis was in their bed. He was in his pajamas, had an ice pack on his fist, and was sleeping soundly. Harry crawled in behind Louis. He didn't need sleep, just Louis in his arms. This was all he needed, not that business. He needed Louis and their children.

Louis stirred awake a little while later and asked, "How did your meeting go? You know, after I punched your business partner in the face."

"I'm backing out of the business," Harry told him.

"Are you sure?" Louis asked, turning onto his back. His belly was peeking out from under his shirt and Harry's hand touched the area gently. "I... I don't want you to leave two jobs because of me."

"You're all I need, Louis," Harry said. "It probably wouldn't have worked out in the long run. But, I'll never jeopardize this." And Harry meant it.

A/N: here you go!

What did you think of Jason's reasonings? What did you of Louis punching him? What do you think is next for Harry, Louis, Olivia, and the twins? Please feel to leave a comment and/or prediction! I love reading through them all!

Also, pretty please read my new story "UNTIL YOU", it's a Larry MPreg. The prologue is up and today is my birthday. I'd appreciate it very much!

See you all in the next one! :)
- SRWS xx

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