Will You Find Me?

By irvncap

196K 7.1K 5K

(Sequel to Dance With Me. If you have not read the first book, I suggest you do that.) You and Dean were... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six


7.7K 311 114
By irvncap

      You slowly opened your eyes, feeling very disoriented. Weren't you just in your backyard with Dean? But then every one of your memories from your real life came back, including everything you heard when you were in the coma. And it hurt, it hurt like hell because you now knew what fake Dean meant when he said you would wish the fake life were real. You looked up and saw Sam and Dean looking down at you, a little worried. 

    "Dean." You said, tears pooling in your eyes. You lunged into his arms, sobbing into his flannel shirt. Dean held you back, comforting you. 

  "It was so perfect. We had three kids, and a house with a big backyard and you were  doctor and I was a cafe owner, and Sam and Jess were together and they had a baby girl. It was so perfect." You sobbed, wishing for nothing more than to go back into that fake world. 

   "Y/n, what are you talking about? I'm confused." Dean said, and you pulled away to lay back down on the hospital bed. You groaned, you hadn't moved in two months and that lunge had taken a lot out of you. 

    "In my subconscious, I had this life. You and I were married, and we had three kids. Cassia, she was ten and loved dance. Aiden, he was seven and loved dirt, and Eadlyn, she was four and loved pink. Sam was married to Jess and they had a baby girl named Marie. Everything was so perfect. You were a doctor, and Sam was a lawyer." You explained, tears pooling again in your eyes. 

  "Y/n, that- I don't even know what to say. I'm so sorry." Sam said, and you nodded in acknowledgement. 

    "Thanks Sam. Wait, what happened with Parker? Did they catch him or did he get away?" You asked. 

  "He's in jail, hopefully he will be for the rest of his miserable life." Dean said, clenching his jaw and fists. A small smile played on your lips before you suddenly coughed so ferociously that you were pretty sure your ribs were out of place. 

  "Here you go." Dean said, handing you some water. You gulped it down gratefully, sighing at the way it made the scratchiness of your throat go away. Soon, too soon, your eyelids were drooping heavily. Because even though you had been asleep for two months, your body needed more to heal. 

   "You go to sleep, we'll be here when you wake up." Dean said softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. You nodded and finally let fatigue take over. 

  When you woke up, you were alone in the room. You panicked, not knowing what to do. Suddenly, a doctor walked in. He smiled at you and checked the machines you were hooked to before sitting next to you. 

   "Miss y/l/n, how are you feeling? You've been under for quite some time." He said, tapping his pen on the railing of the bed. 

  "Where's Sam and Dean? They said they would be here when I woke up." You said earnestly, you had something to tell Dean and you couldn't wait any longer. 

   "Those two men? They're down in the cafeteria, they told me to keep an eye on you in case you woke up. Which you did, they'll be back soon. I promise. Now how are you feeling?" The doctor replied. 

   "I feel fine, a little sore, but other than that I feel okay." You replied, and the doctor nodded. He jotted something down on his clipboard, handed you some water, and walked out of the room. A few minutes later the two Winchesters walked in, and you grinned at them. 

  "Dean, can we go for a walk?" You asked, and Dean looked at you with a questioning look. 

 "Y/n, you can't walk." Dean replied, and you sighed in return. "Then you can push me in a wheelchair, let's go." You said, and Dean complied. While he went to get it, you and Sam talked. 

  "Dean never left your side you know? No matter how hard I tried." Sam said, and you had to correct him. 

  "Not true, you told me while I was unconscious that you made Dean go back to the hotel. But I am grateful that you did that. Also, thanks for taking care of him while I was, um, unavailable." You said, and Sam nodded. 

   "Here we go." Dean said, a grin on his face and a wheelchair in front of him. After the brothers helped you into it, Dean rolled you to the elevator. The two of you walked out into the slightly chilly air, and you pulled your robe tighter around yourself. 

   "Let's go this way." You said, pointing to a path that lead to a fountain with a bench. Dean complied and started walking down the path. 

 "So why didn't you want Sam to come?" Dean asked nonchalantly. "Because I have something to say and Big Bird doesn't need to hear it." You replied, earning a laugh from Dean. You smiled but didn't look back at him. He pulled up to the bench and sat down, turning your wheelchair so you were facing him. 

   "Now what did you want to say that you don't want Sam hearing?" Dean asked, and you sighed before speaking. You didn't think you would be this nervous. 

   "Dean Winchester- Bad ass hunter, all-time whiskey drinking champ, the guy with the eyes that you can't get out of your mind. You may look all mean and cold, but you have the kindest, most loving heart I've ever seen." You started, "And I made a big mistake leaving you all those months ago. I love you, more than I'm comfortable with. And it was a real bitchy move leaving. So, here's my proposition. If you'll have me, I'd like to be with you again. Let's get married, let's have a giant wedding and invite every single person we can think off. We can shove cake, or pie if you really hate cake that much, into each other's faces and dance until our feet hurt. I know you might not want to because of the decisions I made, but if you will, I'd be happy to become Mrs. Winchester. And, I know we can't have kids, but we'll still have each other, and that's all I need." You finished off. 

    Dean sat in silence for a second before he reached up to his collar and pulled out a necklace he had under his shirt, on the end of it was hanging your engagement ring, the one you had abandoned all that time ago. He took it off and slid it onto your finger. 

  "I would love that, that's all I ever wanted. And even though your choice may not have been right, that doesn't change how I feel about you." Dean said, and you smiled. You leaned forward before grabbing his face and pulling his lips to yours. 

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