The Purge (You and Lauren)

By fortheloveof5h

55.1K 2K 765

Every year, y/n participates in the annual Purge. During the night of killing, she's known as Ms. Liberty. Th... More

Before You Read


4.2K 169 43
By fortheloveof5h

Day before the Purge.
9:00 P.M.

Your POV

"Hey mom."

"Oh hey sweetie! Come on in guys, make yourself at home."

The crew and I came over to my mom's house to have a family dinner together before the violent holiday. We do this so we can take our mind off of it and relax a little.

I looked around and didn't see my little brother in sight.

"Where's Brendan at?"

"He's in his room, he said he didn't feel good." She said while started making our plates.

"Ma'am, where's the bathroom at?" Zayn asked while crossing his legs so he won't pee on himself.

"Call me Ally, honey. Upstairs, last door on the right."

"Thank you!" He ran up the stairs as fast as he could and then down the hallway.

"I'll help you set the table, Ally." Camila offered. While they did that, I went upstairs to see what was really wrong with Brendan.

I walked down the hall and stood in his doorway. He was laying on the floor, playing with his toy cars and making engine sounds.

Knowing he didn't even notice me in his room, I walked over to him and sat down on the soft carpet, crossing my legs like a little kid.

"Hey, bud." I spoke in a soft, low tone.


"You okay?"

He nodded his head, but I wasn't buying it.

"I know you like the back of my hand, kid. C'mere, tell me what's up." I opened my arms out for him, and he quickly sat in my lap.

"Troy doesn't like me."

"What makes you say that?"

"Him and mommy got in a fight. I heard him say he doesn't like me and you."

Now that I know they still fight, I'll be talking to my mom later.

"Troy doesn't like anyone, that's why he's such a mean person. Plus, just because one person doesn't like you, that doesn't mean everyone doesn't like you. You wanna know what they call those mean people?"

He looked up at me with curious eyes.


"What's a hater?" He asked while scratching his nose.

"A hater is someone who doesn't like you because you're better than them. It sounds weird, but as you get older, you'll understand what I mean." He nodded his head.

There was a moment of silence until the little boy spoke his mind again.

"He doesn't like to do stuff with me or get me anything like mommy does."

"Like what?"

"Well, he doesn't like to play cars with me or watch movies with me like you do. He watches TV but not with me. At school, my friends get new toys because their parents get them, but I always bring my old toys."

Hearing all this from him broke my heart. I can't imagine what goes on inside his head.

"Listen little bro, once this holiday is over, I will buy you as many toys as you want. Whatever you want to get, I'll buy it for you, I promise."

He looked me dead in the eye and held out his pinkie. I wrapped mine around his and kissed my hand as he did the same.

"Also, if you ever want to watch a movie, tell mommy to call me and I'll be right over. If you don't want to watch them here, we can watch movies at my place, okay?"

He nodded his head happily and got up from my lap.

"Y/n! Brendan! Come eat!"

"Race you!" My little brother ran out his room with me right behind him. Once we get into the hallway, I so happen to bump into Troy.

"Why is it that you always have to start something with me everytime you come over, huh?"

"Why is it you're always the first one to say something to me when you can just walk away? Matter of fact why don't you just pack your shit and leave?"

He balled his fists and walked right up to me.

"You think you're so tough going out on Purge night, killing everyone, don't you?" I could feel his hot, crusty breath hit my face with every word he said.

"I don't think I'm the toughest person on the planet, but I know I can be the craziest bitch you'll ever meet."

"Y/n, I said come eat!" My mom yelled from downstairs. I pushed Troy off of me and walked down to the kitchen to get food.

This was going to be a long night.


After a big meal with my family, we all sat in the living room and watched the late night news. All they were talking about was the Purge and the president.

My brother fell asleep on the floor with his blanket on his back, my mom sat with Troy on the love seat, Zayn went outside to have a smoke, and the girls and I were on the couch together.

"Do you ever wonder what goes on inside side your brothers head?" Camila quietly asked me.

"Sometimes I do, but who knows what he could be thinking about."

"Probably thinking about toy cars and food." We both giggled and got a mean glare from Troy.

"Can ya'll shutup?"

"I love that suggestion, but I ain't gonna do it."

Annoying him wasn't the only fun part. Making him huff and puff with my remarks was hilarious. He knows he won't do nothing to me.

"Y/n, drop the attitude."

"I will once you drop your boyfriend."

Before I knew it, Troy stood up from his spot and pulled out a gun, pointing it straight at my chest.

His action made my mom get up and back away from him, and made my friends get up and point their weapons at him.

"Go ahead. Shoot me. Wake my baby brother up to his dead sister."

His hand started shaking from his nerves. He started to get red in the face.

"Once I put this gun down, you take you brother to bed, give your mom a hug, then take your friends and leave."

I gave him a nod and he slowly put his arm down.

My friends put their weapons up while I got my brother and took him upstairs. I walked into his room and put him on his bed. Usually we hug goodbye, but since he was asleep, I grabbed some paper and a nearby crayon.

I wrote the little note and kissed him on his forehead. I walked back downstairs and seen my mom standing by the door.

Once I stood in front of her, she practically fell into my arms and hugged me tight.

"Please stay safe out there. Text me as much as possible."

She stepped back and stood on her toes to kiss my forehead. We hugged one last time then I was out the door.

This was either a normal goodbye or my last goodbye.


Laurens POV

"Here we are. The room where you guys will be staying in."

My mom and dad wanted us girls to come to the bank the day before the holiday, that way we have everything we need for three days. She made sure to keep us in the very back rooms just in case something did happen.

"Your father and I will be across the hall in the security room keeping an eye on the outside. For now, we'll be out to go get an ice chest for drinks." She gave me a kiss on the cheek and was out the door.

"At least the rooms are big. No TV, but it'll do." Brad spoke, breaking the silence.

"It's a bank, not a movie theater."

"Dinah, play nice." I told her, trying to lighten the mood.

We all picked a spot in the room and dropped our bags there. We brought clothes that way we can at least change since there's no shower here.

"Dammit! Stupid phone won't get service around here." Ariana's friend Jade said.

"Girl, you better get on T Mobile."

Jade gave Ariana a mean look, then continued to find some service around the room.

"Oh please, just let me cash my check real quick and I'll let you close, please!"

All of us looked at one another and made our way to the door. Since I was closer, I told everyone to back up and just let Dinah and I see what was going on.

"Alright, fine. Just you, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

Dinah and I walked up behind my mom and then looked at the three people in front of us.

"Everything alright, mom?"

"Yes we're fine. I'm just gonna cash this young lady's check real quick and then close the doors. Your father already went ahead to get the ice chest."

The girl behind the desk smiled and looked at all of us. She brought two other people who were just doing their own thing.

The first girl had black, curly hair and stood as tall as me. Beautiful woman, pretty facial features, nice body, and looked like she made good money. She had on a white crop top that showed a lot of skin and some cleavage. I seen her eyeing Dinah a few times and bit her lip some.

On the right was another girl who stood there on her phone. She had straight, dark brown hair and stood just a little taller than me. Had on some glasses and a red beanie. She was so focused on her phone she had no idea I was starring.

The last female was sitting in a chair with a sketch pad and a pencil. She had wavy, black hair that fell over her shoulders. She was wearing some all black heals with some ripped skinny jeans, black sports bra, and a black bomber jacket.

I was starring at them so long that I felt a throbbing pain on my arm.

"Ouch. What was that for?"

"I asked you if you can get me a pen." My mom told me. As soon as I was about to go hunt one down, Dinah spoke up.

"Here's one!" She hands my mom the pen and looks up at the curly headed woman.

"I don't mean to make anyone uncomfortable, but I just wanted to tell you that you're so gorgeous."

She girl looked straight at Dinah with a cheeky smile and a tilted head. I look over at my tall friend and seen her face get pink.

"Oh, uh, thank you. You're not so bad yourself." Dinah nervously gave her a smile and tried her best to hide her face.

"Is it alright if I get your number? I kinda need to meet new people in order to know my way around town."

"You're new here?" Dinah asked as she got a sticky note and another nearby pen.

"Yeah, me and my sister got here about four days ago. My friend, who's sitting over there, helped me get a job and they handed me my first check today. It was pay day and my boss went ahead and gave me a check since I was working so hard."

"Oh wow! You like it here so far?" My mom joined in.

"I love it here. Some of the people are kinda rude but it'll be fine."

The girl from the chair walked up to the counter with a smile on her face.

"Sorry to jump in, but I need some opinions. How's this?" She turned her note pad around with a beautiful rose drawn up.

"My art professor asked me if I can draw something for his tattoo shop. I'm not much of a tattoo gal but I did my best."

"That's amazing, you're wonderful. Keep that up and you'll get a good job one day." My mom told her.

I liked the fact the girls were nice, but they seemed too nice for my liking. On the bright side, Dinah got herself a crush and possibly a future girlfriend.

"Alright, here's your cash and your sticky note. You three stay safe out there."

"Thank you. I'll text you later." She gave Dinah a wink and walked out of the building. Something didn't feel right to me, but I just let it go.

Dinah and I walked back to the room with an angry Brad and a jaw dropped Ariana.

"Who's twisted your balls this time?" Dinah laughed.

"So you're just gonna let anyone flirt with you now? Okay."

"Me!? She was talking to Dinah first of all. Second, like you don't let any girl flirt with you when you go places. How many times have you cheated?" I snapped back at him.

"Don't start."

"No, I will start. You always have shit to say when you're proven wrong. To answer my own question for you, you've cheated one too many times. Stop acting like you're all that when really you're a damn pussy, I would not be surprised if you wanted to go home tomorrow. Either you straighten up, or leave."

With every word I said, I stood my ground and made him back up with every step I took. Without him arguing back, he simply moved out of my way and sat against the wall on the floor.

"How about I lighten the mood by saying a girl asked for my number."

"Who?!" Ariana asked wanting the details.

"Dinah I don't know. Something didn't feel right about them." I always knew when something didn't feel right, and what just happened wasn't just a normal situation.

"It was kind of weird, but c'mon, the girl is new around here. Plus we've never seen them before, right?"



Your POV

"We're back." Normani, Camila, and Zendaya walked in our little hide out spot with paper work.

I sent them three to the Maza Bank, the one I chose to rob, so they can scope out the place. Normani was the distraction. With the help of Zendaya, she used another person's account to take out some money so we can find some finger prints from the people who work there. Zendaya used her hacking skills and got into the banks security cameras, passwords, and some extra accounts from other workers. Last, Camila used her artwork the sketch out the perimeter and area of the building. I told her to bring a backup drawing just in case someone got nosey with her work.

"It was so easy, Mani got a girls number." Camila teased.

"I saw my shot and took it. Besides, she was cute."

"Anyway, since you guys are back we're gonna go over the plans for the next three days."

Zayn got our attention by rolling out a large sheet of paper that had the top view of the bank.

"Now that we have every view, we can now set up our positions. It's not gonna be easy with just us five, so I called in a few more people to help us out, you'll meet them here tomorrow morning."

Since I was the one who chose the location, Zayn always made the plans for us to follow. None of them failed.

"On the top of the building, there's different windows and vents. Once Zendaya has the cameras loaded up on her computer, we'll figure out which vent leads to which room."

"Um, guys. We might have a problem." Zendaya turned her computer screen around to us and showed each security camera. The problem was that the people they seen are still there with more people.


"Zayn, do we still have those knock out gas bombs?" I asked him.

"I think so, but only like three left. Why?"

"If we can figure out which rooms all of them are staying in through the vents, we can drop each of those in there that way we don't get killed. They'll never know we were even there."

They all looked at one another, but gave in and nodded their heads in unison.

"But if they're staying there for three days, then they'll most likely have security surrounding the bank."

"The guys I called up can take them out. They can get on top of buildings and snipe out all the guards they can find." Zayn pulled out his phone and quickly started typing away.

"While I talk to these guys, you all go and grab all the weapons and equipment we need. If we do this right, we'll be untouchable."

Us girls went to the utility room and opened up everything that had equipment in it. Of course we get our signature masks, mine being the Statue of Liberty, Zendaya's was a full face ski mask, Normani's mask was a white mask that said 'kiss me' across the forehead, Camila's was a skull face with red and white stripes painted on it, and Zayn's being an all white mask the says 'god' on the forehead part. We also grabbed grappling claws, gloves, and the knock out gas.

Last, we grabbed our weapons. I grabbed my bat, hand gun, and pocket knife. Normani and Camila both carried machetes. Zayn and Zendaya carried light weight machine guns so they can move around faster.

Since I had everything I needed, I was about to leave until Camila stopped my tracks.

"Hey, y/n. Have you told your mom about all this?"

I knew that was coming. As much as I wanted to tell my mother what was going on, I couldn't do it. She would freak out and probably send Troy over and stop me from what I'm doing.

"No and we're gonna keep it that way, got it?"

She nodded her head and continued to pack her things. I walked out the room and threw my bag on the floor near the wall and sat down. Knowing Zayn, he puts up his phone and walks over to me.

"I know you're stressed, we all are. Just don't think about it too much and just do it. We got a plan, we got backup, we got weapons. Everything is gonna be fine."

"It's not the fact that I'm stressed, it's the fact that I'm doing this behind my moms back without her knowing if it's dangerous or not. If I tell her she'll freak out, I know she will."

He nodded his head, understanding where I'm coming from. He stuck out his hand and I took it to get up, then gave me a pat on the back.

"Alright guys let's go! The Purge starts at 6 o'clock sharp, we need to have everything set up before hand!"

We all ran out to our back up vehicle and threw our bags in the trunk. Once we got in car, I pulled out my phone and texted my mom.

To: Momma Bear -
(Y) Goodnight mom. I love you guys. If you need me for anything, don't hesitate to text or call me.

I knew she would still be up because of stress. She was never a Purge mom. I went ahead and put my phone away and starred out the window, looking at the city lights.

This should be fun.

A/n: look at me, back at it again with the slow updates.

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