Take Good Care Of My Baby-Seq...

By Footiequeen8

249K 5.2K 501

Cristiano had hoped, wanted and wished for one thing. A child of his own. After a series of up and downs, his... More

Chapter 1- Joy And Emotion
Chapter 2-You Know Who Isn't Here
Chapter 3- Glad Some Things Haven't Changed
Chapter 4-Remember That
Chapter 5- Good Decision
Chapter 6- Winners Kiss or Not
Chapter 7-Teaching Papa
Chapter 8- She's Just The Babysitter
Chapter 9- Who's Her Fave?
Chapter 10- I Can Handle Him
Chapter 11- Getting Too Close?
Chapter 12-I Was Always The One Who Could
Chapter 13-Betrayal
Chapter 14- Full Of Visitors Today
Chapter 15- Perfect Family?
Chapter 16- Fun Over Breakfast
Chapter 17- Muffin Man
Chapter 18- Just Go Ronaldo
Chapter 19- Are You Kidding Me?
Chapter 20- You Can Have What I Don't Want
Chapter 21- Bag Of Trouble
Chapter - Doesn't Want To Play With Me
Chapter 23- Play Fair
Chapter 24- Tension Starting?
Chapter 25- Stranger Than Usual
Chapter 26-Protecting Him
Chapter 27- Fit To Snap
Chapter 28- Not Some Dog
Chapter 29- Watch It
Chapter 30- Beginning To Wonder Why
Chapter 31- Go To Hell
Chapter 32- I Have Know One
Chapter 33- Not My Fault
Chapter 34- Home Truths From The Family
Chapter 35- I Know Why I'm Sorry
Chapter 36- Can We Get Past?
Chapter 37- She Hates Me
Chapter 38- Don't Ever Lie To Me
Chapter 39- That's What I Get?
Chapter 40- I Just Wish
Chapter 41- Childish Games
Chapter 42- You Should Do That More Often
Chapter 43-Feisty Girl
Chapter 44- Do I Like You That's Different
Chapter 45- Good Things Never Change
Chapter 46- Friends Ya?
Chapter 47- Playing Nicely
Chapter 48- I Won't Let Anyone Hurt You
Chapter 49- Could Be The Reason She Breaks
Chapter 50- Nothing To Worry About
Chapter 51- Ever Wish You Hadn't Picked?
Chapter 52- What Ever Normal Is
Chapter 53- Let The Games Begin
Chapter 54- Always Did Like
Chapter 55- A Blessing and Nearly A Curse
Chapter 56-Mind Your Eyes
Chapter 57- Tell Me What To Do
Chapter 58- How Do You Prepare?
Chapter 59- Hit A Nerve
Chapter 60- Let's Say It How It Is
Chapter 61- One Baby Step Forward and Three Backwards
Chapter 62-Papa's Foolish Thing
Chapter 63- Everyone's Friend But Mine Apparently
Chapter 64- Wait Is This?
Chapter 65- I Wouldn't Be Opposed To It
Chapter 66- Shopper Helper
Chapter 67- Feeling
Chapter 68- Just Like His Mothers
Chapter 69- Wasn't Cheap
Chapter 70- I Didn't Force
Chapter 71- Believe What You Want
Chapter 72- What's Bothering You?
Chapter 73- Needing To Tell Someone
Chapter 74-Something On Your Mind?
Chapter 75- Why Don't We
Chapter 76- Surprise
Chapter 77- I Doubt She'll Notice
Chapter 78- Learning Something Unexpected
Chapter 79- You're Biting Your Lip
Chapter 80- Breakfast With
Chapter 81- Is That A Problem?
Chapter 82- Pep Talks
Chapter 83- Photo Shoot Fun
Chapter 84- Take The Credit
Chapter 85- A Push In A English Direction
Chapter 86- Doubting Mind
Chapter 87- You Get Used To Things
Chapter 88- Protective or Controlling?
Chapter 89- Dinner With A Side Of Laughter
Chapter 90- A Smitten Rose
Chapter 91- In Need Of A Pep Talk
Chapter 92- What Could Be Better?
Chapter 93- Not Needed
Chapter 94- If You Go Down To The Lake Today
Chapter 95- Under The Stars
Chapter 96- Guess Who's Coming For Dinner
Chapter 97- Nothing Changes
Chapter 98- A Leading Question?
Chapter 99- What Is Best?
Chapter 100- Nothing Left To Say
Chapter 101- Time To Say Goodbye?
Chapter 102- First Night Away From Him Ever
Chapter 103- The Blame Game
Chapter 104- So Do I
Chapter 105- Remember What Is Truly Best
Chapter 106- I Can't Do Anything Right When It Comes To You
Chapter 107- On My Knees Asking
Chapter 108- They've Gone Where?
Chapter 109- Wish You Were Here
Chapter 111- Declaration

Chapter 110- What Will The Night Bring?

1.9K 32 10
By Footiequeen8

  "You sure?" Olga asked Cristiano for the fifth time as she buttoned up her jacket. "Yes you go with your friend. Have fun. You are aloud an evening off. I want to spend time with Junior anyway" Cristiano said. "But I think Ms. Irina not like" Olga said. "It's fine. You go meet your friend. And If you have people visiting again just tell me and I'll make other arrangements it's no bother" Cristiano said as Junior rested his head against his father's shoulder. "If you sure" Olga said.

"Yes I am. If you could just be back to watch him in the morning, you can have the rest of the day off then. I'm taking him out for the day" Cristiano said smiling at his tired son. "Ok" she replied. "Has he been like this all weekend?" he asked her. "Baby fine. Just tired" Olga said. "He's a bit warm" Cristiano frowned. "Baby fine. You just holding too close" Olga said before turning on her heel and rushing out of the house. "She can be very odd" he mumbled to his son.

Dolores and Elma had left for Lisbon earlier in the day and Irina was out somewhere. Her sister was coming tomorrow and she was busy planning apparently. At least she would be busy tomorrow he thought. "You must have had a fun weekend without me cutie" he said to Junior as he took a seat on the couch. "If you are this tired. Huh" he said as he sat Junior on his lap. "Well you better sleep tonight cos you have a big day ahead tomorrow. We are going to the zoo" he said tickling the boy who began to cry. "Aww it's ok. I'm sorry I shouldn't annoy you when you are cranky" he laughed rubbing his son's back. "You're just like Molly when you're tired" Cristiano smiled but frowning when he realised what he had said.

"Enjoying the peace?" Nuno asked as he came into the living room. "Well it's not like they were exactly talking to me much anyway" Cristiano said. "You're lucky any of us are talking to after what you did" Nuno said. "I know you are mad she moved out" Cristiano said. "Moved out? You told her to leave. And if it wasn't for Jorge more or less guilty tripping her into the staying than she would have left Madrid. She would have left and neither you, I nor anyone would have known where she was" he said. "I know I could have handled the Olga situation better" Cristiano said. "It's more than the Olga situation that you could have handled better" Nuno said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Cristiano asked. "If you have to ask me, then you deserve to me told the answer" Nuno snapped. "I apologised to Molly" he said. "How many apologies are you up to now?" Nuno snapped. "Her parents moved and didn't tell her" Cristiano said. "Huh?" Nuno asked confused at the topic change.

"She went to visit her parents yesterday, but they had moved. They had packed up and hadn't told her" he said. "Oh. Jezz poor Molly. What is wrong with them?" Nuno asked. "She phoned me in tears. It was awful to listen to her like that. And this comes after what happened the other week with us. All the things I said to her. If she was in tears yesterday, I don't want to think about how she was when she left here" Cristiano sighed. "Not good wouldn't even remotely cover it. So Dolores was telling the truth when she said that you and Molly were talking again" Nuno said. "I took Junior to see her on Thursday" Cristiano said smiling at his son who was resting against his chest. "Only took you over a week" Nuno snapped. "I was giving her space" Cristiano said.

"You were being a wimp. Oh sorry that's what you are around Irina" Nuno said. "Hey" Cristiano said. "You know someday you won't get so lucky with Molly accepting your apologises. And don't come looking at me when you relize what you've really messed up" Nuno said. "I'm trying ok Nuno" Cristiano said. "Well try opening you eyes and seeing what's right in front of you" Nuno said. "Huh? You're in front of me" Cristiano said confused. "I'm going out" Nuno said rolling his eyes. "Wait" Cristiano called out. "I'm going out and I won't be back till late. Have a nice family time with your son and girlfriend" Nuno said with his back turned to Cristiano and he headed down the hallway.

"Looks like you aren't the only grumpy one today Junior" Cristiano said holding Junior up in the air. He began to cry and Cristiano frowned. "Hey buddy it's ok. Come on let's get your dinner and then you can go to bed. You have to be in a better mood for the zoo tomorrow" Cristiano said as he stood and walked to the kitchen. Junior kept crying and Cristiano rubbed his back. Olga had given him a bath that morning and had told Cristiano that there was no need to give him another. While Cristiano had being disappointed at that news at first he was starting to be glad now as Junior clearly wouldn't be in good form.

He had just finished feeding Junior when Irina came into the kitchen followed by four strangers carrying platers. "What's going on?" Cristiano asked as the strangers moved around his kitchen. "We are having a party" Irina said placing a kiss on his cheek. "Excuse me?" Cristiano asked. "I asked some of your teammates over. If I want to get to know them better than I have to spend time with them sweetie" she smiled. "When did you decided this?" he asked.

"Yesterday. Now that we have a free house since your mother has finally left, we can actual have fun" she huffed. "Yesterday. Wait Irina" he called out as he followed out of the kitchen and towards the stairs. "I thought you would want to spend some time together before your sister comes since we have the place to ourselves" Cristiano said. "We can do that anytime. Plus you are the one who wants me to get to your friends better. I'm doing all of this for you. Do you have any idea how stressful it is to organise something at such short notice?" she pouted. "I would have helped you if I had known. And my friends?" he asked.

"I bumped into Clarice yesterday during my job. Well actually she bumped into me. Silly girl needs glasses if she can't run without bumping into someone" Irina said. "Irina" Cristiano said. "Well naturally we had to make small talk. And seriously Cris where do your teammates find these girls? She's really not that interesting to talk to" Irina said. "Clarice is lovely and don't say anything otherwise when you don't know her" Cristiano snapped as Junior squirmed in his arms. "Hence why she and the others are coming over this evening for drinks and nibbles. Apparently the last get together you all had was so much fun" Irina said rolling her eyes.

"Last time?" Cristiano asked confused. "Clarice said she was thinking of hosting another game night" Irina said. "Oh that" Cristiano said. "Yes that. I think we can leave the games to the children though. Tonight is sophistication. Now give him to Olga" she said nodding to Junior "and go make sure none of those people steal anything before they leave. Although I could suggest a few things they could take that won't be missed. We really should go house shopping Cris. There are so many better houses" Irina said. "The house is fine" he said. "Oh please" she said. "We can discuss it when you live here full term until then it's fine and I gave Olga the night off" he said.

"What" she yelled and Junior let out a screech. "Careful" Cristiano said to Irina as he tried to calm his son. "Why would you give her the night off?" the model asked. "Cos she hasn't had one since you hired her and I thought it was just going to be the three of us" he said. "Well just put him to bed and hopefully he will behave himself" she said. "He's tired. He's not in a great mood" Cristiano frowned looking at his son. "Well put him to bed then. People will be here soon and all of this talking is delaying me from getting ready so you can entertain people if they come" she said turning and walking up the stairs. "Let's go check on the food then Junior" Cristiano mumbled to himself as he headed back to the kitchen to find the table covered in a white table cloth and glasses and trays off food laid out.

"Wow this looks nice" he said and the woman at the table jumped. "Sorry didn't mean to sneak up on you. I do that more then I should" he smiled thinking about all the times Molly gave out to him for sneaking up on her. "It's ok Sir. Everything is set. You just have to remove the covering from the trays when you would like to serve the food" she said. "Thank you. Thank you all of you" he said to the others as they backed up some things and headed to the door. He peaked under the cover of one of the trays and frowned when he found a healthy food. He hoped there was something sweet in the other trays. He had a feeling he would need something nice to get him through the night. But he had to appreciate that Irina was making an effort with his teammates and friends. He just hoped she wouldn't say anything she shouldn't. Especially if Ana was coming tonight. He didn't need Ana getting angry and losing her temper and saying things she shouldn't. Things he didn't want anyone to hear.

Cristiano put Junior down for the night in his room and quickly got changed before taking a seat in the living room as he awaited his guests arrival. He took his phone out of his pocket and went through his messages. Nothing new since the last time he had looked he thought. He hadn't heard anything from Molly since lunch time when she had replied to his text asking how she was. She had replied that she was fine and going for lunch with Luke and he hadn't heard anything from her since. He opened a blank message and started to type when a cry came from the monitor on the coffee table. He didn't know why Junior was been so grumpy. He just hoped his son would sleep and be in good form for their day out tomorrow he thought as he stood from the couch. "What do you think?" he heard Irina ask and he looked up to see her twirling around in a short cut out orange dress.

"Lovely" he replied. "Lovely. Is that all?" she asked annoyed. "It's the only word I could think of since you look so good I'm struggling for words" he smiled. "Thank you" she smiled walking towards him. "And you're even ready before people arrive" he said as she kissed his cheek. "That's because they are late. How rude" she said. "I'm sure they'll be here soon. You know they probably all want to be fashionable late" he joked. "I guess" she shrugged. "Oh I forgot my bracelet. I'll be back in a second" she said." Can you check on Junior for me please?" he asked. "Why?" she asked and he held up the monitor. "He just started crying. He probably just kicked off his blanket" he said as the doorbell rang. "Urgh" she said. "Or I'll go to him and you answer the door then" he said. "I can't answer the door when I'm not ready. You do it. I'll see to him" she snapped before storming out of the room. He shook his head as the doorbell rang again and Junior kept crying.

He placed the monitor on the coffee table and headed to the door. "Óle" he smiled as he opened the door fully. "Hey Ronnie" Marcelo grinned stepping over the threshold. "Did ye all pick a time for all of you to arrive?" he asked as he spotted everyone. "This way you only have to open the door once. So you should be thanking us" Ana said coming into the house. "But thank you for inviting us" Pepe smiled. "No problem. You all know the way" Cristiano smiled as he hugged Anderia hello. "It is nice of Irina to invite us all though" she said.

"Oh God, now Anderia is taking a page out the Molly's being too nice when she shouldn't handbook" Ana groaned not wanting to be anywhere near this house. "Maybe you should too. Come on and let's get a drink" Nagore said linking arms with Anderia and Ana. "Are you sure that it's a good idea to give the alcohol?" Fabio asked. "Ana is just in one of her moods. Ignore her" Pepe said. "At least Sara couldn't come" Sergio said. "And what's you problem with my girlfriend?" Iker asked annoyed. "Nothing. I love her. I just didn't fancy being the odd one out tonight with all the couples. Now I'm starved" Sergio said clapping his hands and walked down the hall.

"Ana is just still annoyed about the whole Olga thing. Ignore her" Pepe said to Cristiano when they were alone. "Irina isn't exactly her favourite person. Even before that" Cristiano said. "Well it's nice that Irina wants to get to know us all better" Pepe shrugged. "The only person who wants to be here right now is my girlfriend. There is no way tonight is going to end well. Knowing my luck our women will have a cat fight in the middle of living room" he said and Pepe laughed. "It's not funny. Irina is nice but she just says silly things at times" Cristiano said. "Then we probably should be in there and not standing here then. If we are going to make sure everyone plays nicely. We've already had that discussion before we knocked" Pepe said.

"Oh great everyone has to try and get on with my girlfriend" Cristiano said. "Because you're our friend and you would do the same for us. Now move" Pepe said shoving his teammate to move. A couple of long hours later and everyone was mingling with each other and there hadn't been any incidents thankfully for Cristiano. In fact Nagore and Irina had found a common interest in clothes design.

"Hey man we are going to head home" Fabio said to Cristiano. "But it's still early" Cristiano said. "Victoria is teething so we want to check on her" he replied. "What he means is that he wants to get some sleep before he ignores her crying during the night" Anderia said. "Kick him in the shins. It always worked for me" Nagore smirked from her seat next to Irina. "Don't be giving her ideas" Fabio said. "Well you probably need more sleep than me. Especially now the wrinkles are starting to show" Anderia smiled at her husband. "I don't have wrinkles" Fabio said making everyone laugh. "Anyway thanks for tonight but I should go check on my baby" Anderia said placing a kiss on Cristiano's cheek.

"Mine is out for the count. He was very cranky and tired earlier. He hasn't stirred since you all came. And he was fine then. Ya Irina?" Cristiano. "Just fussy likes his papa" she smiled back.

"Did my invite get lost in the post?" a voice asked and everyone turned in surprise and found Jorge entering the room. "Hi Jorge" both Ana and Anderia smiled. "What are you doing here?" Cristiano asked. "We came back early. I have a meeting in the morning and I need some stuff from the office here" Jorge said. "How did you get in?" Irina asked. "A holder of a key let me in" Jorge smiled at the model.

"I found all but one and I told you these had to be looked at weeks ago" Molly said as she entered holding a small brown box. "Oh hi" she froze when she saw everyone. "Hey Mols" Sergio and Ana smiled at her. "What one are you missing?" Jorge asked. "Can I get you something to eat?" Cristiano asked walking towards Molly. "We ate before leaving Manchester" she said to him placing the box on the ground. "And which one do you think?" she said to Jorge. "We are in the middle of something here" Irina said. "The more the merrier though. Come tells us about your trip Mols" Nagore said. "Ya sit and I'll get you both drink" Cristiano said heading to dining table. "We aren't staying Irina" Jorge said. "And we are already half way through you ten minutes Jorge" Molly said tapping her watch. "Ronaldo where is that document that I gave you last week?" Jorge asked. "Ammm" the footballer thought.

"Can you go into the office and find it please? We have work to do" Jorge said. "Ya about that" Cristiano mumbled. "Jorge" Molly smiled as she moved to walk out of the room. "Where are you going?" Irina asked. "Getting the document so we can leave you get back to your lovely party" Molly said as she left the room. "Why does she still have a key to the house?" Irina asked her boyfriend. "And that's now two bets I've lost. Thanks Cris" Jorge groaned. "Sorry if she actually knows me" the footballer shrugged. "Ya come on Jorge. He can't help it if Molly knows him too well" Ana said from her seat.

"I left it on the dresser upstairs. Plus she's only using it as an excuse to peek into Junior's room" Cristiano said ignoring the glares coming from both his girlfriend and Ana. "I left it on your dresser last week" Jorge mumbled. "How about a glass or wine?" Cristiano asked. "Now I'm really happy I didn't make another bet with Molly. I'll take a small glass" Jorge said. "How long are you in Madrid for Jorge?" Ana asked. "A couple of days. Any ideas how to persuade Molly to come back to Lisbon for a few days?" Jorge asked Ana. "Ice cream" Sergio, Pepe, Ana and Xabi all said. "But she only just got back" Cristiano said as he moved to pick up a glass. "And she can go again. She does have her own life Cris" Irina snapped.

"What are you planning on doing with your sister this week Irina?" Nagore asked getting the feeling that the model wasn't happy right now. "How has she being? After everything that happened with her parents? She didn't answer any of my messages" Cristiano said quietly as he handed Jorge the glass. "She was busy" Jorge replied. "That's it?" Cristiano asked. "I think you should be more worried about your girlfriend's apparent mood than Molly's" Jorge said as Cristiano poured the red wine into the glass that he held. "You weren't the one she phoned first Jorge, so I have every right to know if she is ok" Cristiano said. Jorge was about to speak before an earth shattering scream filled the house.

"JUNIOR" Molly screamed sending a shiver through Cristiano's body before the bottle in his hand crashed to the floor.  

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