The Touch Of an Angel (Girl x...

By UnstoppablePancake

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Allison and Sam are everyone's dream couple theyre young and full of new curious love. Until something happen... More

Chapter one
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen

Chapter six

1.2K 43 3
By UnstoppablePancake

~~~Sam's Point of View~~~

I watched her sleep peacefully for about an hour. She was flawless, even attached to what seemed like a hundred wires that all served different jobs. I was only hoping we could bring her back to her own home soon. She clearly was very uncomfortable, which is understandable, the bed wasn't hers, the room smelled of cleaner, and heck, she couldn't even get up to go to the bathroom. And that girl pees more than a puppy. I would glance down at my book for several minutes at a time but look back up at even the smallest sound of sheets crinkling. I looked at the time on my phone what felt like every hour was only a few minutes from the last time I checked the clock. Time seemed to be going slowly only to irritate me. It was around 6:30 am now. 2 hours since I woke up to go get coffee and snacks for my now sleeping girlfriend.

Around 7:15 a doctor came in to check Allie's vital signs and said she was looking good. She changed the date and put what I assumed was her own name on the dry erase board across from Allie's bed. When she had finally left I decided to switch on the television, maybe it would make time pass by a little quicker. The tvwas hard to maneuver but I managed to get to the movie channel, this being a children's hospital there were children's movies playing at all times. It took me a second to realize that Finding Nemo was playing which had always been my favorite movie. I turned the subtitles on and the sound off, careful not to wake Allie, she needed her sleep after all.  

Somewhere within watching the movie I fell asleep and woke up again at about 8. Allie was just staring at the television blankly. No emotion crossed her face whatsoever. I wasn't sure if she was awake or just sleeping with her eyes open. Until she turned her head and gave me a weak, but adorable smile. I reached over and pushed the hair out of her face with the back of my fingers. 

"Good morning my love. How ya feeling?" I asked in a hushed tone although all three of us were awake. 

"My stomach hurts." Her voice was soft and you could tell she was in pain. 

"Oh darling, do you want me to get you a nurse, she can bring you medicine."

"I'll be fine." It was clear she was lying as she grabbed her stomach and adjusted her legs 

"I'll go get a nurse for you baby." I began to stand up when Mrs.Anders offered to go for me.

"Thanks mom." Allie thanked her mom as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

"Did you get me candy." She turned her head to the side with a smirk on her face.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't." 

"Sammmmyyyy" She groaned

"What?" I asked teasingly

"CANDY!" she shouted quietly

"Nope." I said, popping the P.

"Sit me up" I hit a button on the side of her bed putting her in an upright position.

"Now candy." she demanded

"after breakfast."

"SAM!" she groaned, lightly smacking my arm

"Just wait baby, I don't want you throwing it up, you said your stomach hurts." 

"It'll taste better than throwing up the nothing I ate yesterday."

"Fine. Just a couple." I gave in and went to walk across the room to grab the bag when I heard her yell

"Shit Sam, get a bow-" I grabbed the bowl that was right next to the candy and although I ran over to her as fast as I could she still puked everywhere. She began to cry as she noticed what had happened. Mrs. Anders and a nurse walked in. 

"I'll go grab some clean sheets don't move please." The nurse instructed.

"I thought." she swallowed and coughed "I thought they said I was better." she began sobbing as Mrs. Anders I took the vomit soaked blankets off of her legs rolling them up to keep the puke from getting anywhere else. I felt horrible forcing her to sit in her own vomit and wanted to move her so badly. The doctor came in just in time with a wheelchair and sheets stacked on top of it. She took the sheets off of the wheelchair and placed them on the counter top and brought the wheelchair over to the bedside.

"We're going to help you out of bed. We have to be careful not to snag any of your tubes." the nurse held her hand behind Allie as she slowly turned leaving her feet dangling off the side of the bed. 

"You're doing great! now just hop onto this chair and you'll be just fine." Allison slowly stood up and turned around to sit in the chair. I don't understand the big deal her heart is having trouble not her legs.

"Why can't I just stand?" Allie sounded irritated, probably because she was covered in vomit and only wanted to get out of her clothes.

"We can't allow you to stand until 24 hours after the surgery, we're trying to keep all pressure off your heart that we can." 

"Can we put clean clothes on her" Mrs. Anders asked, I looked up at the nurse, I was curious to the answer of that question as well.

"If you have them with you feel free to get them out we should shower her first." A look of relief washed over Allie's face. 

After changing the sheets the nurse left to get 'shower supplies'

"I have to get to work now." Mrs. Anders said checking her phone. She put her hands on either side of my face. "You call me if anything happens. I'll call every few hours to check unless you just wanna send me updates. I'll be back at 5 and I'll bring some clothes for you guys." She dropped her hands and grabbed her bag

"Bring my pink shorts please." Allie asked. 

"Right, send me a list of anything else you think of during the day I love you sweetie, you're being so strong" Mrs. Anders left the room. and the nurse came back in 

"Okay we're going to shower you. Can you take your top off please." she paused. Allie had always been self conscious, she had no reason to.

"Do you need her to leave." she asked gesturing towards me. Allie and I looked at each other, she awkwardly smiled at the nurse. 

"Actually is there any way you could leave and I could wash myself?" Her and I both knew that wouldn't happen.

"How about you get undressed. andd-" she reached into a cupboard and pulled out a hospital gown. "and put this on and I will turn my back while you shower. I do have to put a cover on your dressing." 

"My wha?" 

"The bandage they have over the stitches darling."  Allison took her top off with the realization that she was going to be seen naked by that nurse either way. The nurse took out a thing that looked like tape but was white on the edges and put it over the stitches in-between her breasts. 

"Okay! I'll take all these darn wires off of you now and we'll get you into the bath." The nurse began removing all the wires and detached the I.V. but left the port in her hand. She was wheeled into the shower and placed on a stool that was in the tub. 

"Sam." she hinted for me to help her. 

"You guys are so sweet. I wish my sister was this helpful with me when I was your age."  Allie and I laughed at the comment we looked nothing alike and were clearly the same age. 

"Wait. Are you guys-" The nurse got an awkward look on her face. "I am so sorry. Oh my god. I feel silly now." she laughed

"It's fine, It happens all the time." Allie lied. I love how she always tried to make people feel comfortable even when they messed up a bit. I let out Allie's braid which was now a mess and began washing her hair, careful not to get any in her eyes. When she was finally cleaned up the nurse helped her dry off and I put her into clean pajamas. 

"Can I eat now?" She asked for what felt like the billionth time

"We'll bring you something light. The medicine you're taking makes you nauseous, you're actually doing quite well, most kids would have vomited at least 3 or 4 times by now." We got Allie settled into bed and I brought over some candy for her and allowed her to pick some.

"Sheesh Sammy, I asked for SOME candy, not the whole store." she grabbed the gummy worms, her original choice, and set the bag on the table next to her.

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