Life in Soul Eater (an X Read...

By GivenYouTheStars

41.5K 1K 123

An X Reader fanfic about the reader's adventure in Soul Eater. This is a Death the Kid X Reader, Soul X Maka... More

A Long Night's Run
Meeting the Gang
First Day of School
Independent Soul Resonance
Black Star
Crona (ft. Ragnarok)
Liz and Patty
Death the Kid (Part 1)
Death the Kid (Part 2)
The Meeting in the Death Room
The Day of the Party (Part 1)
The Day of The Party (Part 2)
The Students who Took Out the Kishin
White Mask
Chaos in the DMWA
A Moment in Time
Confession Time
Rescue Team
Maka Chop
Buried Nightmares
Wavelengths of the Tsukinos
Oh, Come on!
The Reaper's Secret (Part 1)
The Reaper's Secret (Part 2)
Fallen Assassin
Fallen Petals
The Assassin and The Flower
The Scientist and The Hidden Light
Not Over Yet, Not Even Close
Caught Between a Door and a Cold Place
Her Choice
Black Diamond
Rescuing A Friend
Soul Resonance
Rhythm of Our Souls
The Yuki Onna's Vessel
Reaching Out
Ivory Dance
Struggle Against the Yuki Onna
The True Story
The True Story (Part 2)
Scarlet Flowers in The Snow
Going Home
A Happy Ending?
Swords and Camellia Blossoms
The Pianist and The Angel
Death and Moonlight


498 10 8
By GivenYouTheStars

Reader's POV

"Good morning!" two voices yelled at the same time. I turned to see my two seven-year-old children, Akiya and Mizuki running down the hallway, still dressed in pajamas. They jump into my arms, nearly knocking me over. Geez, I just got out of bed two minutes ago and being ambushed by two quickly growing children is the first thing that happens? Their father stands a few feet away, the familiar three white stripes running around his head. In the fifteen years after the fight against the Yuki Onna, Kid had become a full shinigami and married me. He was so happy when we had fraternal twins that the entire DMWA had to keep him from shooting into the sky and exploding with joy. 

Akiya and Mizuki looked exactly the same except for the three white stripes on the right side of Akiya's head and the three white stripes on the left side of Mizuki's head (and the fact that Akiya is a girl and Mizuki is a boy of course). Both were prodigies at school. 

"Oh no! (Y/n), did you move that table again?" screamed Kid. "You're right, Dad! It is a little bit to the right!" shrieked an equally hysterical Mizuki, the older twin who inherited his father's OCD. Even though I was the wife, I barely had to tidy up anything because of these two symmetry-obsessed boys. 

"Hmph! Boys..." said Akiya, crossing her arms and rolling her eyes. But she didn't realise that I was watching as she quietly moved the table a bit more to the left. Although she tried not to make it obvious, Akiya's love of symmetry did not go unnoticed by those who were close to her. 

"We met Uncle Justin and Ms. Lucy yesterday at school," my daughter said. Lucy is Stein and Marie's daughter. My cousin, Justin became her godfather. He chose the name Lucy because it meant 'light', which was what Marie was to Stein. "We had to stop Ms Lucy from dissecting another endangered bird again," continued Akiya. I sweatdropped. Maybe 'Lucy' didn't quite fit her after all. 

"Hey, Mom? Why are the windows all fogged up?" asked Mizuki. The twins rushed to the window and wiped away the droplets of water. "Mom! It's snowing!" he cried excitedly. I looked out of the window then threw open the front door. Not only was it snowing, the city had been covered in a thick layer of snow overnight. Death City is not know for having snow in winter but lately, the weather has been colder, probably because of climate change. 

The twins walked out of the door, hands stretched towards the sky to catch the white snowflakes whirling down towards the city. I could see people going out of their houses to marvel at the beautiful sight. Even Akiya wasn't able to hide the wonder in her eyes. I watched the twins playing in the snow. "Yui..." I thought silently. A hand touched my shoulder. I looked up to meet Kid's eyes. His smile told me that he knew what was on my mind. 

I returned the warm smile for a few seconds before my mouth twisted into a mischievous smirk. I leapt at Kid and tackled him. We landed on the snow, a heap of laughing woman and slightly frozen reaper. An 'oof' escaped my lips as our children joined in the pile. 

"HYAHOO!" yelled an all too familiar voice. Black Star crashed in front of us, spraying snow everywhere. "Maka chop!"  The not so silent assassin was knocked out cold by a 300 page novel. "Oh hi, (y/n)!" greeted Maka. Soul muttered something like, " Not cool at all," while Tsubaki sighed at her partner's antics. How she's managed to keep her sanity while staying with him all these years is a mystery to me. 

A bright blonde head approached us. "Justin!" I called. He smiled and took off his earphones as he got closer to us. He greeted me and affectionately messed up my already messy bedhead. I stared up at the grey sky. I still had that lock of hair in my drawer. Everyday, I still tie it in my hair. As I watch the white snowflakes that were quickly coming down, I thought of the little white-haired girl who I can never forget. Yui, did you find your family?

"(Y/n)?" asked Kid. I smiled at him before smashing a snowball on top of his head. "Nothing. By the way, you look very asymmetrical," I said. We all laughed as Kid had another one of his symmetry attacks. I relaxed and lay my head on his chest. I could feel Kid glancing down at me in surprise. I already knew the answer to my previous question. The snowy morning felt like a gift from the happy little girl that I know is with her family now. 

I felt Kid relax and rest a hand on my back. Yui, I'm glad you found your family, because I certainly found mine.

Author's Note

I hope it wasn't too bad. I kind of meant this as a Christmas special, you know, with the snow and everything. Anyway, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to my readers! (Even though it's still early)

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