I have a child?! {z.m}

By _beaniezayn

708K 15.1K 6.6K

It was all a mystery until they were reunited. He disappeared and she made up lies. She was pregnant and he h... More

I have a child?! -Zayn Malik
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60

Chapter 23

10.3K 210 87
By _beaniezayn

Ariana's POV:

"Good morning, sunshine. Would you like a back massage?" Zayn said, grinning from beside me. The blanket lays lazily over his waist, exposing his toned, tattooed chest. His eyes are sleepy looking and I yawn and smile. "It's day one of a week of being your maid, shall I start it off with a nice, relaxing back massage?"

"That sound's incredible." I replied and he leans over me. Instead of flipping me on my stomach, he keeps me on my back and brings his lips close to my mine and I panic.

"Baby, Perrie means nothing to me, I swear. She won't mind us, okay? She won't care if we kiss and she won't know about it either." He said, reading my thoughts. I bite my lips in worry. Zayn uses his thumb to pull out my lip from in between my teeth. "Don't do that, love."

"I'm just scared, Zayn. I don't want to be called a cheater.. I don't want to go down that road again." I frowned and he presses his lips to my forehead and then pulls away.

"How about I call Perrie and--"

"You can't break up with her that way!" I said and he scowls at me.

"Would you let me finish a damn sentence? I was going to call her and ask to meet up so I can end things." He said and I sigh with a nod.

"What about management?"

"I can call them on the way to meet Perrie. One of them will meet us there and then we can go from there." He explained. "And do I recall kissing you last night without you worrying so much?"

He smiles. "Yes it's just- nevermind."

He rolls his eyes and leans down. He presses his lips onto mine and I automatically wrap my arms around his neck. As his tongue enters my mouth, he places a knee on either side of my hips. His hands hold himself up from either side of my head. "I love you so much." He murmured against my lips.

"I love you." I pulled back. "Now, how about that back massage?" I said, smirking. He smiles before getting off of me.

"Lay on your stomach, babe." He instructed and I immediately do so. I feel his soft hands run under my shirt and up and down my back. He presses down and my back pops. I moan in relaxation, he is good at this.


"Are you doing anything today?" Zayn asked as I stand up off the bed. I stretch and shrug. He walks over to the dresser and puts on some jeans over his boxers. He basically lives here now, which has caused some issues with paparazzi and fans. Apparently Zayn is a cheater now, which is sort of accurate.

We don't really pay attention to twitter or magazines anymore so it doesn't bother us much. Zayns management isn't too happy though. Mine isn't either but they can get over it.

"Well, I texted Perrie and she can meet up in a half hour. Cheryl, a member of our management has agreed to meet up then too." He said, slipping on a white T-shirt with a black jacket. I nod, running my fingers through my hair.

"Okay." I said and he walks over to me. With his hands around my waist, he tucks his head into the crook of my neck.

"Everything will work out, baby." He said and kisses my neck briefly. He pulls away and cups my cheeks. "I promise you."

"I hope so." I replied and he pecks my lips.

"I have to go now. I'll be back soon." He presses his lips to my forehead and walks to the doorway of my room. "Bye, love."

I give him a little wave and he exits the room. I decide to slip on some yoga pants and a sweatshirt and walk across the hall to my daughter's room. When I enter her room, I see her stretched across her bed. I chuckle lightly because this is the reason I don't really let her sleep with me anymore. She's a bed hog.

I gently shake her shoulders and call her name. Her eyes flutter open. "Good morning sweetie. It's 10am, time to get up."

She yawns and nods. I scrunch my eyebrows together when I notice that her cheeks are a shade of red. When she sits up, I cup her cheeks and realize that they're burning up. "Baby, are you feeling okay?"

She simply shrugs and I feel her forehead. "You're running a fever, Laney." I told her and she frowns. I lift her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. She's so small for a six year old, shes barely 40 pounds. Everyone is different, I guess. She's 38 inches tall too. Then again we run short in my family.

I carry her down the stairs and into the kitchen. I gently sit her on the counter and she rubs her eyes. I rummage through the medicine cabinet and grab the thermometer and some medicine to help her temperature go down. "Open up."

She does as told and I place the stick of the thermometer under her tongue. She eyes my face the entire time and I give her a little smile. I giggle when I realize that shes only wearing a big shirt and undies.

"Does your tummy hurt?" I asked and she shakes her head no. "Does anything hurt?"

Before she can answer, I pull the beeping thermometer out of her mouth and look at it. My eyes widen when I see that it says 102.2 temperature. "You're sick hun."

"My body hurts and I'm tired." She answered my question from before. I frown and wash off the thermometer. I place it back in the cabinet and then pour some liguid medicine into a little inch wide plastic cup that comes with the medicine container. This drained the rest of the container so I need to run out and get more later.

"Take this, boo." I bring it to her lips and she moves her lips away. The way her face scrunches up, reminds me that she hates this stuff. "C'mon, it will make you feel better. . ."

She frowns and shakes her head no. "Babe, you need to take this. You're sick and if your fever gets any higher, we will be taking a trip to the hospital. You don't want that, right?"

Her eyes widen and she shakes her head quickly. With her mouth opened, she points to it, motioning me to pour it in her mouth. I roll my eyes and pour it in. She swallows it and gags. "I'm sorry baby. Do you want some juice?"

She cries while sitting on the counter. She really hates that stuff and her body is hurting. Poor baby. I feel like she's always hurting but then again she does have a serious medical condition. I frown once I realize that I have to give her shots to her for her asthma. She's going to be crying even more.

Before I get that stuff out, I walk to the fridge and grab a juice box. I scurry back over to her crying little self and hand it over. Still crying, she takes it from me. I leave her by herself as I walk around the corner and into the living room. When I spot my purse, I grab it and walk back into the kitchen.

Delaney sits on the counter, drinking her juice to help get rid of the yucky taste of medicine. I search through my purse and find her little bag filled with shots. I pull it out and place my purse on the kitchen table. Her eyes spot it in my hand and she cries loudly. My heart sinks as I walk over to her.

"This will be quick, babe. You know the routine. . ." I said and she nods, sniffling. I take out the shot and she whimpers. I quickly get it together and move the sleeve of her shirt off her upper arm. I wipe a alcohol slip across the skin, cleaning it. "You know what to do, sing babe. Like you always do to keep your mind off the fact that this is happening."

Every time I give her this shot, she sings and it's adorable. I feel like she's going to become a really talented singer one day.

As she starts to sing twinkle twinkle little star, I turn her head away from me and press the needle into her skin, pushing the medication into her arm, causing her to scream bloody murder. We've been doing this for years, yet she isn't use to it.

Her sobs are loud and upsetting so I quickly put the needle away and place a bandaid over the area. She squirms, trying to get the pain to go away, which it already has. But she likes to make a point that she hates that by crying and I don't blame her.

"Come here, baby. I'm sorry but you will be okay today." I said, referring to her asthma and she knows. I lift her tired body in my arms and she wraps her small legs around my torso. She wraps her arms around my neck, loosely and lays her head on my shoulder, sniffling. I hold her up with my hands connected under her bum.

I walk us into the living room and sit down. I guess the remaining of my guests are still asleep, which is sort of nice. Delaney still lays in my arms but her cries are soft. "Close your eyes baby and go to sleep. You need it."

Before I know it, her eyes are closed and her breathing is steady. Within minutes of that, both of us are in a deep, refreshing sleep.


I yawn and open my eyes. Delaney lays beside me with her big eyes glued to the TV. She must have turned that on. Or Safaa or Waliyha because they're sitting here too. I hear walking and talking in the kitchen so the adults must be in there.

I look back at Laney and feel her forehead. My eye's scrunch and my stomach fills with worry. She's still burning up and we are all out of medicine. "Baby, you're still burning up. . ."

Delaney turns to look at me and frowns. "I'm going to go to the store to get you some more, do you want anything?"

She shakes her head no but I am still going to get her something besides medicine to help her feel better. I'm still getting her medicine, duh, but maybe a little something will make her happy.

I peck her forehead and walk into the kitchen where my mother, brother Zayn's parents, Lexi's parents, and Lexi are. Zayn must still be gone.. It's nearly 2pm so why isn't he back?

Did Delaney and I really take a 4 hour nap?!

"I'm going to go out and get Delaney medicine. She's been running a fever since this morning. I gave her some earlier but I guess it didn't help." I said, worriedly.

"She does look a little flustered, I noticed when I walked through the living room earlier." My mother said, sitting at the kitchen table with everyone. She frowns and brings her mug, which I assume is coffee, to her lips.

"I can go take care of her while you are gone." Lexi volunteered and I nod, smiling a little.

"That would be great, thank you." I replied, grabbing my purse I left on the table, that is now placed on an empty chair.

"Drive safely and be careful." My mother reminded me. "Be extra careful because you don't have your body guard with you. . ."

"I will." I answered, slinging my purse over my shoulder. I say goodbye and walk out of the kitchen, with Lexi following, who makes her way to Delaney. I slip on some shoes and head out the door.


I got some medicine for Delaney's fever and some cookies because I know those always make her feel better. I decided to also get her a nice fleece blanket for her to cuddle with. I really hope she feels better. She's my baby and to know she isn't feeling well makes me really sad.

Feeling like I got everything I need, I pay for everything and walk out of the store. I am surprised that no one has recognized me. I know the cashier did because the look on his face was absolutely priceless. Its just really strange not to see paparazzi. I'm sure they've already seen me but I haven't seen them and I am grateful for that.

I guess I spoke too soon because when I take my second step out of the store, dozens of girls charge up at me. I don't think I have ever felt so uncomfortable in my life because if you could see their faces right now, they aren't welcoming. All I am wondering is how did they all just appear here within seconds.. Maybe they knew I was here but didn't come in and just waited outside.

The glaring from (most) of their eyes is intimidating. They look absolutely angry and I couldn't imagine why. As they gather around me, eliminating any way of escaping, I grow scared.

I haven't been mobbed with this many people before and I'm not even sure if I am getting mobbed. Every time I look around, I see more and more people gathering.

I don't know whats going on or why they look angry. All I know is this isn't going to end well. Especially when I feel a kick in my shin but that was only the start. It seemed as if every girl here wanted a turn to hurt me and I guess their wish was granted because before I know it, I'm crying in pain that I have no idea why I deserve.






ooooooooh what's going to happen? haha!

I'm going to get to working on the next chapter ASAP because I'm excited to write it.

I'm depressed because winter break is over which means I had school this last week..ew.

I literally hate everyone there lol.

Pleaseeeeee vote and comment guys, it really makes me feel good.




okay,  bye bye! ttyl! Next update is soon btw!

oh yeah check out my other fanfics k thanks aha :)


-Mackenzie xoxo

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