
By Megan-Nicole

3.7K 64 56

All I want is to leave. To be free. I want to go away and never come back. but they wont let me. So, I tried... More

School, Work, and Everything Inbetween
Meeting The Boys
Introducing The Boys
Megan and Liam's Day
Miam Or Payzer?
Running Away
Realising The Truth
The Truth
What Is And What Shouldn't Be
Finding Her
Nandos With Niall
New Start
When the Unexpected Happens
I Promise
Just a Regular Day
Awkward Nude Party
The Search For Megan
Plane Trip
I Love You?
Best Friends or I Love You
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Family Reunion
Heaven at Last
Mommy, Daughter Day-Sort Of
Thank You!

Ending All The Pain

154 3 1
By Megan-Nicole

I look up at him. I knew I heard his voice before. Wait. Woah. I just took Harry Styles order. Okay Megan. Calm down.

"Interesting name sir." I say, scribbling it on his cup. He just chuckles again. I turn around and make his drink, and might I say that he has a good tongue because this drink is my favourite.

"Order for..." I start off really loud and he rushes over before I can finish.

"Just kidding" I say and laugh a little, "orders ready for ehm. Karen Shwenzer?" I try making up a name.

"Yea that was a fail. Here's your drink Mr. Styles." I say, giving it to him.

"Thanks. You're funny by the way. Why not be a comedian?" He asks, taking a seat at a nearby, but out of sight, table.

"Eh. Just not my thing. If I was a comedian I'd offend way to many people and probably be arrested the first hour." I say in thought.

"Well. I guess that isn't your thing. What's your name by the way?" He asks. Wow he wants to know my name? Score for Megan!

"Megan. But you can call me Meg. Or Megz. Or Megsy. Or just Megan. That's cool too." I say. I think I just realized that I talk way to much.

"Well It's nice to meet you Megan. You make amazing Mango Passion fruit ice blend's by the way. Wow that's a mouthful." He says.

"Why thank you. Try saying venti, sugar-free, non-fat, vanilla soy, double shot, decaf, no foam, extra hot, Peppermint White Chocolate Mocha with light whip and extra syrup" I say, remembering the longest order I have ever had to take.

"Somebody actually ordered that?" He asks in disbelief.

"Yep. I had someone order that like last week or something." I chuckle.

"Jesus. I feel bad for you." He says with a smile.

"Yep and then I had to repeat the whole thing when it was ready." I laugh.

"Wow. Well it was nice meeting you Megan. I should probably get going." He says, standing up from his chair.

"Oh one more thing. I know you probably get this a hundred times a day. But my friend Delaney is a pretty big fan of yours and I was wondering if you could sign something for her." I say, slightly embarrassed.

"No problem." He says. I look for something for him to sign then I get a perfect idea. I grab a venti cup and my marker.

"Just sign this. She'll thank me later." I laugh, handing it to him.

"Her names Delaney?" He makes sure.

"Yea. You can say Laney though." I say, glancing at the cup. After he's done writing he gets a picture with me. No, I did not ask. He wanted it. But I may have snuck one in with my phone too. Secretly, of course.

"Bye Megs!" He says, walking out the door.

"Bye Ha-Karen!" I say and he laughs. I guess I'll go by Laney's after work to give this to her.

My shift ends and I head over to Laney's flat. She lives by herself. She's from Yorkshire but she moved down here for school. I ring the bell and she answers a few seconds later.

"Hey Megz!" She says when she opens the door.

"Look what I brought you!" I say in a sing song voice and smile. I hold up the cup so she can't see the signature yet.

"Oh goody! Starbucks!" She yips, snatching it from my hand. Typical white girl.

"Wait! Look!" I say turning the cup so she see's the signature. She squints while she reads it then starts to make some noise between a moan, gasp and squeal.

"You didn't." She says happily.

"Oh but I did!" I smile, "It was actually very-interesting."

"Oh god. You scared him didn't you." She says with a serious face. Or maybe that was a scares face.

"No. I made him laugh with my first sentence. He even asked why I wasn't a comedian." I say proudly.

"How do I know you didn't just fake this signature." She says after putting a lot of thought into it. I pull out my phone and show her the picture.

"Oh my god! You really met Harry Styles!" She yelps.

"Yea! It was awesome!" I say.


"And then I said 'Bye Ha-Karen!' and he laughed again." I say, finishing up my story.

"Dude you are so lucky!" She says in praise.

"I probably would've passed out." She says.

"Yea. I could see that happening." I say truthfully.

"Well It's getting late I should probably go." I say, getting up.

"Okay bye." She says, walking me to the door.

"Bye Lanes." I say, giving her a long hug. I close my eyes and savor this moment. I may never hug her again. I walk out the door and drive home. I park my car and go up the stairs to our flat.

"Mum! I'm home!" I call out.

"Hey honey! How was school and work?" She asks.

"School was boring but work was interesting." I say with a smile.

"Oo. What happened?" She asks, curiously as we sit down on the couch.

"Well I met Harry Styles." I say.

"You mean, 'The' Harry Styles?" She asks. Yes she knows who they are. She keeps up with the younger generation.

"Yep and he thought I was funny. He even asked for a picture with me! He asked me!" I squeal.

"Really? Ah!" She fangirls. I tell her what happened and she goes all fangirl on me. After that I walk up to my room and get my already prepared bag and walk back downstairs.

"I'm gonna take a walk." I say, heading for the front door.

"Okay. Be safe. Love you!" She says.

"Okay I will! I love you too mum!" I say, walking out the door. I head towards the bridge and think about everything. I swear I hear someone walking behind me. I turn around and there's nothing but a dark empty street. Weird. Must be my mind running wild again. I ignore any sounds I hear after that. I make it to the bridge. Where all my pain is going to end. The place I always knew it would end. Where I want it to end. I always told myself I want to see something beautiful as I die. And this is it. I walk to the middle of the bridge. I hook my bag across my chest so I know it won't fall off. I laminated the note I wrote so it won't get ruined. Let's jut say that I put a lot of thought into this. I take a deep breath before holding onto the railing and stepping over.

"Is this what you want? Huh? You want me to leave? Well you got what you wished for you bastards!" I yell into the sky. My vision becomes a blur and I quickly rub my eyes. I don't care anymore. It's all going to go away very soon. I lean forward looking down at my fate. The water crashing against the dark rocks. The moon light reflecting off the water. Nothing could be more perfect. And nothing can ruin this moment. Or so I thought.

"Goodbye mum! Bye Stan! Bye my bastard of a father! Bye Laney! Bye sons of bitches at school!" I yell out. I'm about to let go and free-fall when I hear a voice.

"Miss. What the hell are you doing?" A friendly voice asks in a panicky tone.

"What the hell does it look like." I ask, my gaze still hooked on the rushing water below my feet.

"Please come back over." He says in a pleading tone.

"Why do you care whether I kill myself?" I ask in a harsh tone.

"Because. Nobody deserves to have the need to end it like this. Now please come back over." He says once again, his voice getting closer.

"Nobody cares. You probably don't even know me so don't you even say you care if you don't know me." I spit. Why does something always have to happen?

"I might not know you. But I know there is someone out there who cares about you. Whether you know it or not. I also know you really don't want to do this. You just think it's the only way. It's not. If you give me a chance. I can help you. I will get to know you and I will care about you. I will help you through this." He says. I start to cry even more. Mostly because I know he's right about not wanting it. I don't want to do this, but I know I have to.

"I'm sorry." I say, barely audible. I let go of the rails and fall forward, closing my eyes.

"No!" I hear him yell.

I expect to feel the empty space between me and the water diminish. I expect the water against my skin but it doesn't come. All I feel are two strong arms around my waist. I open my eyes and see the starry night sky.

"What the hell!" I yell, getting up.

"Why would you do that?" I scream at the person.

"Because I couldn't let you do that." He says quietly. I fall to the ground sobbing. I feel the same strong arms wrap around me.

"Shh. It's okay. Everything's going to be alright." He whispers into my hair.

I look up to see brown eyes piercing into mine. I look at their face and I can finally see who it is. Two in one day? What a coincidence. Wait. Liam Payne just saved my life.


So? What do ya think? Good so far? Or no? Comment and vote if you think I should keep going. If you don't...then comment and tell me.

Megan xxx

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