By countryreb020

134K 6.3K 191

She use to living by herself with no one around her for miles. No one messes with her and they keep their dis... More

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5.5K 307 10
By countryreb020

I stood up on my own and counted the steps to the bathroom door like always. Light snoring told me that Riley was asleep somewhere in the room. I felt the wall and door before closing it.

I counted the steps to the toilet and found it accordingly. I did my business and washed my hands. Then returned to the bed. I sat there in pitch black. Riley told me the room had a small light on so he could see where he was going, but I was in total darkness.

A phone rang I recognized it as mine and easily found it by hearing. As if by memory I found the answer key. "Hello?"
"Becky why didn't you answer in your usual tone?" My mom said.
"I kinda had a small accident with a colt and now I can't see a thing. Including the phone screen to do anything." I told her.
"Why didn't you call us!!" Seriously I didn't even know it was my parents calling let alone read the screen!

"Mom I can't see the friging screen. I can't find my contacts, it's impossible for me to call you when I'm blind." I told her now upset.

I felt the bed dip behind me before two hands rested on my shoulders. I didn't realize I had tears falling down my face until I felt something like a Kleenex touch my face.

"Where are you?" She asked.
"I'm at the hospital." I answered.
"When do you leave?" She asked.
"Tomorrow. I'm blind, I can't see anything but darkness. This isn't temporary. It's for the rest of my life." I told her.
"Do you have anything helping you walk around?" She asked.
"My friend is helping me at the moment." I told her.
"Don't worry we'll help you out for the rest of your life." She said before handing up.

"When can I get a seeing eye animal?" I asked Riley. "As soon as you need it. Whiching is when you leave the hospital." He answered. "Could we go get breakfast?" I asked him.

"Sure. I'm guessing you want to walk there?" He asked. I nodded. "Least your in sweats and a long sleeve." He said leading me to the door. We walked the halls to the cafeteria.

He knew what I always wanted for breakfast. We sat down at a table. I could eat normally and do other things that I could do when I wasn't like this. The nurses and doctors allowed me to get up and move around so I could keep my strength.

After eating I brushed my teeth and sat back on the bed. The doctor came in and checked my vitals once more. He checked my eyes once more. "I think it'll be fine if you were released early. As in today." He said.

I nodded. It was impossible for me to write my signature. So I shortened it to my initials. Riley helped me out of the hospital to the truck he drove.

The familiar smell of leather and hay told me it was a ranch truck. I sat there as he drove. Once back at the ranch he got out leaving me in the truck without saying a word.

He then opened my door and helped me out. "Reach your hand out." He said. I reached out and felt something velvety. Then a nicker. I reached up feeling the name plate. Caliber was engraved in the brass plate.

I scratched his forehead and he put his head to my torso. I ran my hand along his neck. "Would you mind if he helped you out until you got a seeing eye pet?" Riley asked. "No. I wouldn't mind." I said.

"He sure could use some exercise. He didn't mind me riding him around the ranch showing him around. He knows the buildings well so if you need anything I'll tell you which building I'll be at and you can ride him there." He said.

I nodded. Cal walked with me down to Riley's house with him driving his truck behind us. Once there he led me out of the way letting Riley go by before we went back to my house.

He led me into the stable and turned. "We in the tack room?" I asked him. He bobbed his head. "Show me to your tack." I told him. He led me to it and stood still and patient as I found my way around the bridle.

He led me back out and knelt. I got onto his back and he rose. He started for somewhere. Good thing I taught him how to read and answer yes or no questions.

He turned to the right. I trusted my horse he knew where he was going. Once he stopped he knelt letting me off. He stood and continued to lead me. I felt a hand brush mine.

"How was it?" Riley's voice filled the air. "Where exactly are we?" I asked. "My parents house. I'll lead you inside." He said. I took his arm. He started walking leading me inside.

I heard a door open then close a few seconds later. "Go ahead and take your boots and coat off." He said. After my boots and coat were off he led me to another place. The tile floor told me it was the kitchen.

He stopped. And placed his hands on my hips before lifting me up and setting me on what I thought was the counter. "Hang on for just one second." He said. That was the last of his voice.

I waited for a few minutes before becoming curious. I slid down realizing the drop before finding the floor. It was a larger drop than I thought.

I found my way to the door backtracking. A horse like snort scared me. I jumped and looked in the direction. Then the clop of small hooves filled my ears. I moved in the direction. Something small nudged my knee.

I reached down feeling a velvety muzzle and a halter. I felt my way along its back feeling a contraption. I found a handle and gripped it. The small horse nudged me before leading me to my boots and coat.

I put them on before it led me to the door. I opened it and went out closing the door behind me. I heard Caliber nicker then felt his breath on me.

"Do you like him?" I heard Riley say. "He's compact size so I can take him anywhere." I said.

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