The Shadow Knight

By Speed360

49.7K 1.2K 901

After returning from Ludos Castle and defeating Toffee, Star and Marco are now dealing with new problems such... More

The Next Day
The Next Day Part 2
Guess Who's Back?
Thank You
A Day Off?
Long Time No See
Falling Star
Round 2
Twin Shadows Part 1
Twin Shadows Part 2
Future Plans
Star's Training
AN: What Do You Want?
The New Kid
Shady Business
The big 100!
Time to Prepare
Moving On
Where I've Been

Twin Shadows Part 3

1.1K 39 25
By Speed360

Marco and Jenna wasted no time and charged at each other. Jenna's shadow charged ahead of her. Marco easily sidestepped the shadow and went straight for Jenna. The shadow that passed him turned around and thrusted. Marco sensed this behind him and dodged but took his focus off Jenna. When he turned around, he was about to get slugged in the face. Luckily his shadow was there to protect him from the blow. He slid back and found himself between Jenna and her shadow.

"Tch. Talk about a rock in a hard place, that shadow of hers is getting really annoying." Marco commented.

Yeah, and the worst part is that it's almost as strong as Jenna herself. We need to destroy it. Marco's shadow said. Marco nodded in agreement with this and began to think.

"What's wrong Marco? Can't handle two of me at one time?" Jenna teased. Her shadow just emitted a chuckle similar to Jenna's. Marco ignored them and continued to think.

"I got it! We gotta cast more light in here. If we can cast light between Jenna and her shadow, it'll grow weaker. Then we can finish it off for good." Marco explained.

It's not a bad plan, but how are we gonna cast light at all? We use darkness remember? The shadow told him. Marco bit his thumb at this. He hadn't thought of a way to create light. His eyes started to blur as the sun hit them square on.

Wait, the sun! That's how we'll separate them! Let's go! Marco had thought as he ran towards Jenna's shadow. But at the last moment he jumped over her and went outside.

"Oh no you don't Marco! You're not getting away from me this time!" Jenna yelled as she and her shadow chased after Marco.

"I hope this work because if it doesn't? We are so screwed." Marco had said nervously.

With Star

"Come on, Come on! Why is this taking so long!?" Star complained flying through the air. She saw the catherdral in the distance but even flying it was gonna take a few more minutes. Minutes that she didn't want to waste.

"Ugh, why can't I go faster! I need a faster was to move or maybe a way to extend the distance?" Star thought to herself.

"You rang?" a voice said from under Star. PH in her human form was giving her a ride which seemed much faster than using her wand.

"Pony head? But I thought you were-"

"Pssh, that earthturd got the drop on me I'll admit. But that will be the last time he does. When we see him, after we beat this Dusk character, I'm gonna give him what he deserves." PH told Star. Star chuckled at this.

"Thanks Ponyhead." Star said. After a few seconds of flying, an explosion went off at the cathedral. Ponyhead growled while Star gasped.

"Star, use you're wand behind me!" PH told Star. Star looked confused for a second before finally getting PH's plan. She pointed her wand behind her and fired, giving PH an extra boost of speed.

"Hold on Marco, I'll be there soon so please hold on." Star had pleaded.

Back with Marco

"Gah!" Marco shouted in pain as he was thrown against a wall. He had made it outside but Jenna had put her shadow away.

"Come on Marco, did you really think I would fall for a truck like that? Please, as if." Jenna taunted him. Marco stood up and leaned on his sword. His plan had gone horribly wrong. Not only has sunlight not weakened Jenna, it's given her more room to move. Marco is too weak to move around that much and this form of his isn't going to last that much longer.

"Dang it, I thought she would fall for it. Now what am I supposed to do?" Marco asked. Jenna smiled and dissappeared. Marco's eyes shot open and he looked around for her.

"Die." she said as she reppeared behind him and went to cut his back, but his shadow protected him. But Marco realized that was Jenna's plan. The shadow was exposed to sunlight and hissed as it disspeared.  "And there goes your shadow. But hey, at least your plan wasn't flawed."

"C-crap." Marco said as his form disappeared. He fell to his knees and breathed in and out heavily. His body was stressed out and injured. His was slowly losing focus as well. He could barely even keep his eyes open.

"I would say it's been fun Marco, but it hasn't. Actually this was really tedious. It shouldn't have even taken this long." Jenna growled. She walked over to Marco. And kneeled down in front of him. She held his chin up and looked at his eyes. One of them had gone back to being brown. She chuckled and dropped his chin. She went to his side and kicked him, making him fall to his side. Marco growled as he looked up at her. She put her foot on his face and sighed.

"What's wrong? Not enjoying beating me up?" Marco asked sarcastically. Jenna smirked and put more pressure on her foot, making him scream out in pain.

"No, I'm just trying to think who should I torture before killing first. Oh wait, I know exactly who to start off with!" Jenna exlaimed as she pulled out her phone. She scrolled through it and pulled up a picture. She showed it to Marco.

"No! Don't you even think about touching her or I will kill you!" Marco threatened. His eyes went red for a moment before He winced and they returned to normal.

"Aww look at you, trying to act all tough. But you're about to keel over aren't you? Just be a good little dog and play dead already!" she yelled as she stomped on him, making him cry out in pain.

"Darn it...I can't give up now. I have to...beat her. If I don't she'll...Star..." Marco wincing as he was talking. He tried lifting his head but Jenna was keeping it down without using that much effort.

"Well, I think I've had enough fun now. I'm going to kill you and take your power, collect my payment, and be on my way." Jenna explained to him, but something she said caught his attention.

"Pay...ment? You're...working for someone?" Marco realized. Jenna flinched slightly and lost her focus for a second. Marco saw this and sunk into his shadow. He reappeared a few feet away from Jenna. He was gasping loudly but standing. Jenna growled at him.

"Dang it! Just die already Marco!" Jenna yelled as she charged him again. Time slowed down for Marco as Jenna drew closer. He had to figure out what to do while Jenna was enraged like this. He can't use his shadow, and pulling out his sword might not even be possible. He can barely even move as it is.

But I have to do something! If I don't make a move, Jenna will kill me with this attack. And then she'll kill everyone I care about. My parents, my friends, Angel, Star...Star...Star...STAR! The more and more he thought about Star, the more angrier he got at the thought of Jenna hurting her. And the angrier he got, the more power that started to course through him. He let one of his arms dangle while he prepared the other one with dark energy.

"Jenna." Marco spoke and he looked her in the eyes. She stopped glaring and looked shocked for a second. His eyes were black and red again. But he looked sad and angry. "You were a friend to me, and it was nice having you around. But...if you think that I'm gonna sit here, and let hurt my Star, my Estrella, then you're even dumber than I thought!" Marco yelled as he charged forward as well. Jenna regained her scowl and continued to charge. The distance between the two was closing. 5 meters. 4 meters. While the clash should've happened already, it seemed like it was taking forever. Even Marco and Jenna noticed this.

"What the? Why am I slowing down?" Jenna wondered.

"Yeah what gives? I was full of energy just now!" Marco asked. They came to a complete halt. Alomost as if...

"It's an advanced spell from the book called, The World." Star explained as she came between the two.

(And before I there's a riot in the comments, its a modified version of it ok? Think of it as Made in Heaven and The World at the same time)

Marco and Jenna's eyes widened. Marco turned towards Jenna with a glare but sighed and turned towards Marco. He saw the look in her eyes and turned away. Star turned his head back towards her. He saw the tears threatening to spill out.

"You shouldn't have came Star. She was gonna-"


Marco now had a red handprint on his cheek. He saw the tears going down Star's face.

"Do you think I care what she was gonna do to me!?" Star yelled at him. He didn't answer and looked down. "I only cared about what she was doing to you! Do you know how worried I was? Do you know how scared I was!? If you had gone and died or been taken away, I would've, I would've...!" Star trailed off as she dropped her wand and the spell came undone. Jenna stopped and fell to the ground while Marco went to Star and held her. She cried in his arms as he rubbed her head. Jenna sat there and watched the two. She growled as she balled her fist but sighed as she unballed it. She was more exhausted than she thought. She's been boasting to Marco for a while now. And now that she thinks about it, that clash they would've had would definitely hurt Marco but if they colided, she was gonna die. And she hated knowing that it was true.

"Star, I'm so sorry. I just wanted you to stay safe. I just wanted to protect you." Marco told her as tears went down his face as well. Star chuckled as she sniffed again.

"Silly Marco, didn't I already tell you this? I don't need a hero, I need my best friend." she told him. He smiled at this chuckled.

"Yeah, you told this before. Guess I don't ever listen do I?" he asked. They both chuckled a bit before Star stood up and helped Marco up. They both looked at Jenna who was just staring at the ground with a defeated look on her face. They walked over to her and stood in front of her.

"So, what are you gonna do to me now? Kill me?" Jenna asked. Marco and Star looked at eachother and nodded. Star held up her wand which glowed green and pointed it at Jenna. But when she shot laser and hit Jenna, it didn't hurt her, but it healed her. All her wounds were healed and she was tired anymore. Jenna gasped in shock and looked at Star and Marco. Star did the same for Marco afterwards. He reached his hand out and helped her up.

"Despite the amount of times I said I would, no. We're not going to." Marco answered.

"But...but why? I tortured you guys! I went Angel to the hospital! I almost killed you Marco! And I was gonna kill Star!" Jenna trailed off as she balled her fists and tears started running.

"Because we know you didn't mean it. You revealed that you were being paid to this. I'm not sure what they were paying you, but it must've been enough to convince you to do this." Marco explained. He picked up Jenna's beanie which had fallen and put it on her head. "But if you really wanted to kill us, then you could've done it after you beat Angel. And I'm sure during that fight back there where a stab would easily kill me, you always made the stab shallow. You were holding back the entire time so you wouldn't kill me. Isn't that right Jenna?"

"...heh. I'm such a loser. Taking up this job and then not even finishing it in the end." Jenna said as she started to tremble.

"Jenna, that doesn't make you a loser." Star said as she hugged Jenna. "It makes you a friend." and with that Jenna completely broke down. She collapsed to her knees and cried her heart out as Star held her, reassuring her that everything is fine now. Marco was still standing and looked up a the cathedral. It was in shambles, but it was old anyways, it would've been demolished someday. But as Marco inspected it more, he saw a figure. Unlike Jenna it's armour was green and a lot bigger. It looked a lot more masculine and he gave off and aura that was way stronger than Jenna. Marco got ready for him to attack but the future just simply jumped away. Marco stayed on attention until he couldn't feel the figure's aura anymore. He sighed and turned towards Star and Jenna who had stopped crying by now.

"Come on girls. Lets go back to my house and relax ok?" Marco suggested. Star nodded and Jenna bit her lip before reluctantly agreeing to go. He opened a shadow portal for them to walk through. They stepped through it and as he was about to step through, something stopped him.

"Hey girls." he said poking his head through the portal. "I dropped something and I gotta go pick it up reall quick. Give me a minute ok?" the girls looked at him before nodding. He took his head out and closed the portal.

"Alright, you can stop hiding now." Marco said outloud as he turned around. The figure from earlier appeared and clapped.

"Well done Marco. I'm impressed you not only managed to survive but also get Jenna on your side as well. You truly are something else." the figure complimented him.

"I'm guessing you're the person who forced Jenna to do all that stuff huh?" Marco questioned.

"Nah. I'm not the boss, more like one his helpers." the figure answered. Marco stayed on his guard. "But I didn't come to play 20 questions. I came to give you a warning." the figure told him.

"A warning huh? Why wouldn't your boss come give it in person? Is he too scared?" Marco taunted. The figure laughed.

"If he did come give you it, you would be shaking too much to listen." the figure responded. Marco growled and stepped forward. "Calm down Marco I'm not gonna fight you. I'm only here to tell you that a change is coming. And if you don't get ready, you're not gonna make it through that change."

"Change? What type of change?" Marco asked. But the figure made a 'shhh' noise.

"Sorry, that's all I'm allowed to tell you. You're just gonna have to find out in the future. But until we meet again, see ya!" he called he dissappeared into a shadow portal.

"And just like that, he's gone. Who was that guy and what did he mean by change? Hmmm...I'll think about it later." Marco told himself as he opened the portal and went home.

Diaz residence...

The first thing Marco noticed when he got home was Star holding Angel back and Jenna sitting a chair eating potato chips. He sighed as he ran to Angel and explained things to her. She sat down and crossed her arms.

"I don't trust her Marco, what if she's just pretending to be good, waiting for the chance to backstab you?" Angel asked.

"She's not going to Angel. I trust her and so does Star. And you should too, at least give her a chance Angel." Marco pleaded.

"Hmm...fine. I'll give her one chance. But if she even tries one thing...!" Angel trailed off letting her point be made.

"Chill out bird brain, I won't try anything." Jenna told her.

"B-b-bird brain!? How dare you, you little-!" Angel was cut off by Marco covering her mouth. Jenna rolled her eyes and continued eating. After a few minutes of calming down and went home after remaking her point. Jenna yawned and rubbed her eyes.

"Oh yeah, Jenna you should probably crash here tonight, we don't want your old boss' employees going after you. Why don't you sleep where PH used to sleep. Don't worry I cleaned up after her so you're fine." Marco suggested. PH recently went back home for some 'princess duties' she told them.

"Uh..sure. I'll crash here I guess." Jenna agreed.

"Ok, I'll show you the way up." Marco said. He and Jenna went upstairs while Star stayed downstairs making some nachos. He showed Jenna her room and was about to go to his own when...

"Oh hey Marco?" Jenna called to him gaining his attention. "I wanted to say...thank you. Thank you for believing in me and giving me a chance." She told him. He smiled at her.

"No problem Jenna, it's what friends are for." he told her. But when he was about to turn and go into his room, Jenna turned him around and kissed him for the second time that day, only she wasn't trying to kill him this time.

"Uhh...Jenna? What was that for?" Marco asked in shock. She winked at him.

"For being awesome duh." she answered. "Good night and try not to keep your mouth open like that, you're gonna swallow a fly." She said as she went into her room and closed her door, leaving a confused Marco in the hallway.

A few minutes later..

Marco laid in his bed with nachos in his stomach and way more on his mind. Jenna, Star, that mysterious figure, and the kiss. There was just too much to think about. He sighed as he turned and closed his eyes.

...You're scared, aren't you?

"Of course I am. I don't know what's going to happen next so of course I'm scared. Especially now that Jenna's back and there's this evil group of shadow knights. And just life in general is scaring now. I'm just so anxious, I can't stop thinking about it.

Then keep thinking about it.


If you run away from this, it's just gonna keep following you and keep bugging you. Unless you face this problem head on with resolve, you're never gonna get stronger and you're never gonna be prepared for the future as well.

"You make it sound easy."

Of course it's not gonna be easy. But for as long as I've known you I've learn this. You can get past anything if it's for the same of those you care about.

"Yeah, I guess I can pull of some crazy stuff if I think like that."

Then that's how you should think now. If all of this stuff is happening in your life, then you need to think about his you can get through it for the ones you care the most about.

"Yeah, I guess you're right shadow."

Of course I am. I'm you, but smarter.

"Yeah yeah whatever. Goodnight shadow, and thank you for all you've done."

Don't thank me yet Marco.

"Too late, you've already been thanked, heh." And with that Marco, for the first time in a while, slept peacefully. And he knew that no matter what life threw at him tomorrow, if he fought for the things he loved, he can,push through it. And he wouldn't he alone, he would have his friends by his side. No matter what.

Twin Shadows Arc

And with this, the twin shadows arc is over! I know a lot of you wanted me to update so I worked really hard to get this out to you guys. I hope it was everything you wanted and if it wasn't? Then leave a comment about what you wanted in this part and what you wanna see in the next arc. Cuz after this is filler! That's right there's gonna be an intermission before the next arc so about 5 chapters of non super story heavy stuff. And I'll be, as I've said before, taking suggestions from you guys! Who knows, you just might get lucky. Remember if you enjoyed to Vote, Comment, And share with others who you think night like this story! But the next time I'll see you guys is in the new crossover I was talking about, so until next time guys, See ya!

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