
By Megan-Nicole

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All I want is to leave. To be free. I want to go away and never come back. but they wont let me. So, I tried... More

Ending All The Pain
Meeting The Boys
Introducing The Boys
Megan and Liam's Day
Miam Or Payzer?
Running Away
Realising The Truth
The Truth
What Is And What Shouldn't Be
Finding Her
Nandos With Niall
New Start
When the Unexpected Happens
I Promise
Just a Regular Day
Awkward Nude Party
The Search For Megan
Plane Trip
I Love You?
Best Friends or I Love You
Anniversary Pt. 1
Anniversary Pt. 2
Family Reunion
Heaven at Last
Mommy, Daughter Day-Sort Of
Thank You!

School, Work, and Everything Inbetween

179 3 1
By Megan-Nicole

I hate it. I hate everything. Everything hates me. Why does it matter whether I live or die. Nobody cares anyway. I just can't take it anymore. The pain is so unbearable. All my scars are from a battle I'm going to lose. A battle I give up.

"Megan! Breakfast is ready! Come and get it." My mums voice calls from the kitchen.

"Coming!" I yell back.

Food. Food is the only thing I love. Besides- well, no food is the only thing pretty much. I know. Surprising right? I love food. Me of everybody. Well, yes I do. I don't think I could ever stop eating. I've tried but I just can't.

I get out of bed and waltz over to my closet, throwing on a random shirt and some blue jeans. I brush my hair and put on my usual makeup. I walk to the kitchen only to be tackled by my older brother who is home from Uni.

"Hey knuckle head!" He says getting me in a playful headlock and rubbing his knuckles against my head.

"Stop!" I whine, laughing.

He's the only one keeping me going these days. I don't know what I would do without him.

"Come eat guys." My mum says setting plates on the table.

"Yum. I'm starving." I say, sitting down, my mouth practically watering.

"When aren't you?" Stan, my brother, says.

"Shut up." I say, playfully hitting him.

"Eat up quick. You're gonna be late." My mum says. I eat quickly, shoveling the food down my throat, and grab my bag. I head to the door, checking to make sure I have everything.

"Bye mum. Bye Stan." I wave, walking to the door.

"Bye! Love you." They say in unison.

"Love you too!" I yell walking out the door. If only they knew that might be the last thing they ever hear from me. I shake my head of all thoughts and walk to my car, getting in. I drive across the Tower bridge. The bridge where I'll end everything later. I park in the front of the school and grab my bag. I walk inside with the usual insults thrown at me.

"Hey slut!" "Look at that pathetic bitch." "Why does she even try?" "Why won't she just kill herself already?"

That's all I hear walking to my first class. Although, the last one stands out. They've never told me to kill myself. Never. The worst thing they've said to me was to go die alone, along with an offensive name.

"Hey Meg!" My friend, Delaney, walks up to me.

"Hey. What's up?" I ask, walking into class and sitting in our usual spots.

"Nothing. Did you hear that One Direction flew back in yesterday?" She says all giddy.

"Really?" I ask.

Yea. I like One Direction. Got a problem? Solve it. I'm not a crazed fan though. As you can tell I don't keep close tabs on them. That's Delaney's job.

"Yea. We should so go over to their flat and 'coincidentally' bump into them." She says, making me roll my eyes. Like I said, I'mnot the crazed fangirl here.

"I think you have issues Laney. Major issues." I laugh, turning my attention to the teacher. Laney is, I guess you could say, my best friend. Yea pretty much. Well, really, she's my only friend. People just don't get along with me. I guess because I keep to myself most of the time.

"Meg." I hear my name. "Megsy." There it goes again. "Megan!" Laney yells.

"Wh-What?" I say, snapping out of my trance.

"Let's go. The bell rang." She says. Woah that class went by fast.

"Okay. I'm gonna need your notes. I kinda zoned out." I say as we exit the class.

"That's fine. I'll give them to you after school." She says walking off.

The day goes by faster than I expected. Time flies when your having fun. But wait, I'm not having fun.

"Meg! Wait!" Laney says, catching up to me.

"Here's the notes." She says out of breath.

"Oh right. I forgot." I lie.

"You sure you're okay? You seemed kinda out of it today." She says, concerned.

"Yea. I'm fine." I lie once more.

"Alright." She says, unconvinced but she let's it go.

"Ring me later. Yea?" She says.

"Yea." I say, giving her a hug. I should probably stop lying.

"Bye Laney." I say, walking off to my car.

I get in and put my work uniform on and head straight to Starbucks. Yep. I work in Starbucks. Typical white girl job am I right? Well, for your information I'm not white. So hah! In your face! I'm Native American. I know. What's a dang American doing in London? Well It's a long story. I'd probably have to give you my life story plus my brother's life story, plus my mum and dads life story. And that would just take forever. You're probably wondering, where is my dad anyway? Well, he left a long long time ago. Okay like thirteen, fourteen years ago or something. I don't know. I don't really remember him that well. Okay I don't remember him at all. I don't really give a shit about him either. He was an ass who can go fuck himself. That's all I know.

"Hey Megan." My coworker Chelsea says with a smile as I clock in.

I swear she's the dumbest girl I've ever met. Not in a bad way. Just in a blonde way. Once she gave someone a Caramel macchiato when they ordered a chocolate cappuccino. Other than her blonde issues, she's cool.

"Hey Chelsea. Busy today?" I ask.

"Nope not really." She says, giving somebody their coffee. I put my apron on and head to the cash register. There's a small line of about four people.

"Hi. What can I get for you?" I ask politely, forcing a smile to my face.

"Just a Grande coffee please." They order.

"Cream and sugar?" I ask, pulling my words from my memory. I repeat the same thing over and over every day.

"Two shots of liquid sugar." They say.

"Can I have a name?" I ask, getting my marker out of my apron and a cup.

"Jeremy Price." He says and I scribble it on the cup.

"Will that be all for you?" I ask.

"Yes. Thank you."

"That will be £1.16." I say, handing them their receipt.

"Thank you have a nice day." I say. I take everyone's order and another person walks in. They have sunglasses and a hood so I can't see their face.

"Hello. What would you like today sir?...Or ma'am. Ehm. Can I take your order?" I say embarrassed, coughing awkwardly. They just chuckle and I know it's a guy.

"One Grande Mango and Passion fruit ice blend please." He says. I swear I've heard his voice before.

"Okay. Will that be all?" I ask, grabbing a cup.

"Yep." They say.

"And can I have your name sir?" I ask, taking my marker out once again and holding the point onto the cup.

"Ehm. Harry Styles." He answers quietly.


So yay or nay? Here's the first chapter. I hope you like it. I have the next two? chapters done. I think It's two. It gets better...I think. Comment and tell me whether I should keep going or not.

Megan xx

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