Being Me.

By dream95a

185 10 12

One girl. One life. One dream. Follow Alex on her amazing journey that is life. She lives in a bubble, scare... More

The Cocoon
The Stumble
The Approach
The Frenaissance
The Disclaimer
The Titanic
The Journal
The Confession
The Gift
The Stroll
The Disaster
The Clouded Hope
The Restoration
The Recovery
The Surprise
The Uncertainty
The Expectations
The Dinner
A New Day
The New Guy
The U-Turn
The Trip
The Flight
The Silence
The Break
The Dress
The Big Day

The Departure

5 0 0
By dream95a

They were returning home after a lovely meal. Alex wasn't ready for this. But she believed everything happened for a reason. She pulled over to drop Noah off at home.

"This was by far the best day of my life. Thank you Alex."
"Oh. Don't thank me. Thank that wonderful dessert. I mean that was delish!"
"It sure was."

They stared at each other for a good minute or so.

"So I guess this is it. Well at least for the next two months."
"Yeah. I'm so excited for the future. But I'll miss you."
"I'll miss you too. We'll be alright. The days will fly anf before you know it, well be together again. I hope you've a lot of fun Noah. Your dreams are coming true. You should be proud of yourself!"
"I am! I can't wait to be back."
"Neither can I."

"Okay. So I'll leave now. You should get an early night. Have a nice journey."
"Won't you come to see me off at the airport?"
"Um. I don't think so. That'll be a bit too much I guess."
"Okay then. Goodbye."

They smiled at each other and Alex dorve off. Once she was back home she was confused.

Happy yet sad that he was leaving. But nervous and excited for what was to come in the next two months.

What will I do without him? It's about sixty days. I don't really have any friends. Hmm. This is weird.

She knew it wouldn't be that hard. But something wasn't right. Questions and doubts started arising in her mind.

What if he never wants to come back? What if he forgets me? No! What if he finds someone else?

She didn't know the answers. She just hoped to see him back soon. To be with him.

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