You saved me (revising)

By UnofficialPessimist

118K 3.1K 529

completed More

New Apartment
Seeing Her
Thats What I Thought
The Big Fight
The Boy Next Door
Is This a Date?
When Things Go Wrong
No Way!
What Happens When I Can't Wake Up?
Keep Holding on
You Saved Me
You Can't Leave
The Best Day of My Life
I'm So Sorry Katniss
Come Home
Scavenger Hunt
Let's Party!
Finally Home
This is Goodbye
Hopeless Love
Where's Peeta?
Little Rue
Reunited and Lost
Peeta, Katniss, and a Baby
Welcome Home
The Everdeens
A Day With Mrs. Everdeen
Returning Back Home
Prim Meets Rue and Other News?
wedding and a date
bad news
date gone wrong
missing you
the news
everlark wedding


2.1K 68 24
By UnofficialPessimist

(Peeta POV)

"So, I get to meet your girlfriend?" Rue says with a giant smile on her face.

"Yes, you do." She squeals.

"I can't wait." We're on the plane, but I'm in wheelchair. The plane shakes and I start to get really scared, not because I'm afraid of planes, because im not. But because of what happened, what if it's them? What if they've hijacked the plane?

"No no no" I turn around and look at doctor A and point at him furiously.


"Peeta calm down they didn't hijack the plane its just a little turbulence." The reassurance helps me calm down. I nod my head and close my eyes drifting off to sleep.

(Katniss POV)

I hear footsteps running around my house then Jo jumps on my bed.

"Guess what? I've got some good news for you." She pokes my nose and I roll my eyes.

"What is it?"

"Peeta is on his way home." I scream out of joy and excitment.

"WHEN IS HE GOING TO GET HERE?" I'm practically jumping with excitement.

"Tonight." I scream again and jump off my bed.

"I need to get ready. I need to welcome him home. Jo, please help me."

"Well, for the getting ready thing I'll get Annie and for the welcoming home thing how about we put banners up and shit like that." I smile and nod.

"Now go get Annie."

"ANNIE, WE NEED YOU!" She comes running in, but that wasn't the best idea becaue she runs into my bathroom and throws up. This is why I don't want a baby or to be pregnant for that matter. I run into the bathroom and hold her hair back while rubbing her back.

"I'm alright," she says. She sits back and pants. I hand her a water and her toothbrush then walk out. She come back out and smiles.

"Now what's up?" She sits on my bed and lays her hands on her stomach.

"Peeta's on his way home and I need to look good," I say.



"I have to take you shopping come on." I get my shoes on and she drags me to her car.

"This is so exciting, you're going to look so pretty."

"Sure I will," I say sarcastically.

"Don't say that you're beautiful."

"I'm sexy and I know it." We both burst out laughing.

When we get there, we go into numerous dress shops. I don't find one that Peeta would like.

"Katniss, come on pick one."

"I want Peeta to like it."

"What's his favorite color'?"

"Sunset orange."

"So, how about this one?" I look at it, it's knee length, strapless, and sunset's perfect.

"That's perfect." A big smile is plastered on my face.

"Thank The Lord. Now come on let's buy it." We get the dress and go home. She starts getting me ready. It's five o,clock and Peeta gets here at eight.

"Don't put so much makeup on, make it natural."

"I would never put to much makeup on you. You're too pretty." I grin at her.


"So, what are you going to do when Peeta gets home?"

"I'm going to run into his arms and never let go of him."

"Aww you two are adorable." I blush. Jo comes in and smiles.

"I've got most of everything set up. I know you didn't want it big so I didn't make it big. I got a small cake and some drinks but that's it."

"Thank you both for all of this."

"Wait you didn't let me finish."

"Sorry continue."

"And I invited your friends, so Clove of course, Glimmer, Fox Face, Thresh, yada yada yada."

"Sounds good, but guys we're not going to jump out and yell welcome home," I say

"What? Why? that's the point of a welcome home party," Johanna says in disappointment.

"No, I just got a text from Peeta's doctor saying, that he is very unstable and that he can get really scared easily."

"How easy." Johanna challenges.

"Don't even thimk about scaring him."

"I'm not I'm just wondering."

"Well, on the plane they hit some turbulence and Peeta started screaming that, Sencea and Allegiant hijacked the plane and that they are all going to die and that I was going to die because they were going to find me and kill me."

"Wow that's horrible they really messed him up didn't they?"

"Very much, so take it easy on him and don't be all excited and stuff, just be calm."

"You know someone isn't going to do that," Annie says.

"Then they will get their throats ripped out," I say.

"Remind me to never get on your bad side," Johanna says.

"I agree." I chuckle at them.

"You guys will never get on my bad side no matter what." Clove comes and sits on my bed with Claire in her hands.

"Says the girl who screamed at me when I told her I was going out wth Gale."

"What about me?" Gale walks through the door and smiles.

"Hey, babe. I didn't know you were getting here till later." They kiss then he answers her.

"Thought I could help out a bit and nice dress Kat."

"Thanks." It's still really awkward between the two of us. I don't think it'll ever not be awkward.

"You excited for Peeta?'

"Very much."

"I bet Annie and Johanna that Katniss and Peeta will have sex tonight." I glare at him through the mirror.

"How much?" Jo says.


"120 dollars," Annie says.

"You're on," Gale says.

"We're not having sex tonight. He's to unstable to and we're not like that," i say rolling my eyes. Annie finishes me up and I smile, I look at the clock to see it's 7:50.

"Let's go welcome him back," I say smiling. Annie, Clove and Jo hug me.


Should I make a SEQUAL to this book? yes or no? It's only got like 4 or 5 more chapters left.


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