An Unusual Mate

By TempestariiDragon

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Brooklyn Kelly or Brooke for short is a part of the Talkeetna Shifter Clan in Alaska because she is a shifter... More

An Unusual Mate
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Author's note
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Author's question
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Author's Note
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Eight

766 29 4
By TempestariiDragon

Edited 05/01/2015

Chapter Eight

After an hour or two I call it quits and decide to bring Loki to the kitchen because by now it’ll be dinner time. Well near enough to dinner time.

Me and Loki casually walk into the kitchen and I find that Thea, Zoey, Skye, Gabriel, Rocco, Maya, Athena and Esme are in here already. I quickly go and sit on the counter while making myself a coffee.

I ask “Loki do you want a coffee?”

Loki admits “I don’t know what that is.”

I admit “It’s a drink that has a lot of caffeine in it.”

Loki shrugs his shoulders which I take as that he would like to try some.

Esme comes over to me and pushes me slightly while smiling “I know you may be the head enforcer and I know that you’re injured but even so you’re still not allowed to sit on the counter while I make dinner.”

I ask while hoping off the counter “What’s for dinner by the way?”

Esme admits “We’re having spaghetti Bolognese.”

I smile “Yeah something I like.”

Esme asks “Are you saying that you don’t like my cooking?”

I notify “No it’s just you cook some of the things that I don’t like eating like that fish pie we had the other day.”

Thea smirks “Yeah that was horrible really fishy.”

Esme snarls “Very funny Thea you’re such a comedian.”

Thea smiles “No that’s my sister.”

I laugh “I try.”

Once I’ve finished making the coffee I take both mine and Loki’s mug over to Loki. I offer Loki his mug of coffee then begin to sip mine.

I admit “When dinner is served you might want to quickly pile your plate with all the food you want because even though Esme usually makes too much it all goes quickly.”

Thea smirks “That’s what happens when you have twenty five mouths to feed.”

I smile “Yeah well now we’ve got twenty six mouths to feed.”

Loki nods his head. I can tell that he’s feeling a bit uncomfortable in front of everyone. Wait until everyone is in here then he’ll have something to feel uncomfortable about.

I ask “How long until dinner by the way?”

Esme admits “About ten to fifteen minutes.”

Thea smirks “So about time to call the rest of the clan down then.”

I exclaim “Call the stampede!”

Thea gets to her feet and darts out of the room most likely to call for the others.

I suggest to Loki who is standing awkwardly in the corner of the room “You might want to get a seat now before all of the seats are taken.”

Loki nods and quickly comes to sit beside me looking even more awkward than before. I nudge him with my arm and mouth ‘relax’ to him. He nods his head and let’s his body relax slightly although from the look on his face I can still tell that he’s worried.

I once again feel the urge to soothe him by giving him a hug but I decide against it. I don’t like him that much. I wouldn’t call him a friend yet more like an uneasy ally.

Thea rushes in and sits next to me leaving the seat next to Loki free for someone to sit in it. I doubt Raya will sit there I’m betting she’ll sit next to Maya who is currently sitting opposite Thea.  Phoenix will sit next to Raya with no doubt as well. Skye is sitting next to Thea talking to Gabriel who is sitting next to her and Zoey who is sitting on the other side of Gabriel. Opposite Zoey is Athena who is also joining in on their conversation. Alexis will most likely slip in between Athena and Rocco because there’s an extra seat there. Isaac will most likely sit there as well and he’ll just have Alexis on his lap. That really is the usual for those two. Rocco is sitting next to Maya.

Morgan and Roxy enter the room holding hands while looking rather exhausted. Rocco exchanges a look with me as we know full well what those two were most likely doing. It’s no secret that those two fuck like rabbits and you can usually hear Roxy when they're at it at night which I guess I’ll have to warn Loki about.

Rocco smirks “Had a nice time playing the humping games?”

I smirk “Happy humping games and may the orgasms be ever in your favour.”

That had everyone except Loki laughing. I doubt he understood the reference.

Roxy snarls playfully “Don’t you two bloody start. Rocco you can’t even talk your just as bad with Maya, No offence there babe.”

Maya smiles “None taken babe.”

Roxy turns to me and smirks “And you Brooke once you find your mate then you’ll probably be worse.”

I grin “I never said I was a saint did I.”

That got everyone laughing again. Loki had a smile on his face that I could tell he was trying to hide.

Morgan notifies breaking the mood slightly “My grandmother is coming back tomorrow so Brooke please try to be nice.”

I grumble “I’ll be nice to Greta when she stops being an old cow. Oh wait that’s never going to happen.”

Roxy grumbles as well “I don’t like her either.”

I suggest “How about we team up on her for old time’s sakes.”

Roxy comes over to me with a playful grin on her face and she holds out her hand while saying “You have yourself a deal Brooke.”

After shaking hands with her Roxy goes and sits down at the head of the table which is two seats away from Loki. Morgan goes and sits at the other end of the table.

Roxy asks quietly “So what have you got me for my birthday Brooke?”

I object “I’m not telling you what I got you.”

Roxy drawls “You know you want to.”

I drawl “I know I don’t want to.”

Roxy growls playfully “Stubborn bitch.”

I smirk “Love you too Rox.”

Roxy rolls her eyes playfully.

Loki asks quietly “Why do you all insult each other like so?”

I notify quietly “It’s just us showing each other that we are friends but I suggest you don’t try doing it because they don’t know you well enough yet for it to be okay.”

“What’s so bad about this Greta?”

“Wait until you see her tomorrow she is a right cow.”

“I don’t think she’ll take to well to me being here.”

“She doesn’t take to anyone new to this clan. Don’t worry though she’ll go for me like usual.”

“What attack you!?”

“No you idiot she’ll insult me over and over again but I’ve got a secret weapon.”

“What’s that then?”

“I’m a crazy, sarcastic homicidal bitch.”

Loki gulps at that one making me laugh loudly.

Thea asks “What’s so funny?”

I smile “I’ve just told Loki what my secret weapon is.”

Thea notifies “She really is a crazy, sarcastic homicidal bitch plus she’s as stubborn as a pack mule.”

I agree “It’s true.”

Loki hides his smile again making me realise that he doesn’t want to be seen smiling. I don’t know why.

Before I can question him on it Raya and Phoenix enter and just as I predicted Raya sits next to Maya and Phoenix stays sitting next to Raya and opposite Loki making me opposite to Raya.

I greet “Hey stitch buddy how’s your stitches?”

Raya smiles although her eyes are warily on Loki who is looking down and away from her “They hurt like a bitch wish our bloody fast healing would heal them faster.”

I agree “I know what you mean bloody Grizzly Bear.”

Phoenix comments “Raya wasn’t kidding when she said it got you good.”

I notify “Yeah the bastard has a fucking good grip I’ll give him that the fucker.”

Alexis and Isaac enter as well looking rather tired as well.

Athena calls “Having fun playing Hiding Pedro were you.”

I never thought Isaac could get any smaller but clearly he can because he makes himself shrink slightly in embarrassment. I think it might be time for me to have a talk with him and try an up his confidence. Alexis makes Isaac sit down next to Athena then she sits on his lap while giving him a kiss.

Thea whispers “It’s such a shame that Isaac lacks in confidence.”

I whisper “I’m going to have a talk with later and see if there’s anything that I can do to help him grow in confidence.”

Thea asks quietly “What do you think you would do?”

I admit quietly “I would probably put him through the Enforcer training.”

Thea asks quietly “You’re thinking of making him an Enforcer?”

I shake my head then notify quietly “No his animal is too submissive to ever become eligible for Enforcer status but the Enforcer training really does help boost confidence.”

Thea smiles “And that’s why you’re the Head Enforcer.”

Crystal, Nora and Jacob arrive in and Crystal and Nora dart for the last two remaining seats. Nora sits next to Loki making him freeze up and tense. My body wants to soothe him again but I don’t move to do such a thing. Why the fuck would I?

Jacob objects in question “Where am I supposed to sit?”

Nora grins “On the floor.”

Jacob grumbles “Come on babe I’ll have to go out for gate duty in a little while. Let me have a seat.”

Nora smiles sweetly at him and offers him the seat. Once Jacob has sat down she jumps onto his lap landing on his crotch. I begin to laugh as do a few others as Jacob cries out in pain trying to soothe his pain. Loki looks even tenser.

Esme puts plate around the table so that we all get one. That’s when everyone else arrives. Most moan about how they don’t get a seat at the table. They get a plate and hover around the table as Esme puts two huge bowls of Spaghetti Bolognaise onto the table. We all quickly dive into it taking our fill. Even Loki manages to get enough to eat considering that he struggled to get at the bowl at first.

If Morgan does accept him as a part of the clan then I’m not sure if Loki will be able to become an Enforcer if he doesn’t show me that he’s got a dominant temperament. Yes I know that he did attack New York and all but temperaments can change look at Isaac and Felix if you want an example of that.

Nora asks after eating a large forkful of her food “Who’s on fence checking duty tomorrow?”

I notify “Jett and Maya are doing fence checking duty tomorrow so they can argue over what time they do it.”

Jett asks “Can I do the morning check Maya because then I can go straight onto gate duty afterwards?”

Maya smiles “Yeah sure sounds like a plan.”

The room falls back into silence as we all finish eating. Well it’s all silent until Jacob gets up to go on gate duty. What with Nora yelling at him and Jacob yelling back at her it all became loud again as conversations sparked up once more. Loki all the while remained quiet and kept on eating silently.

Once finished all my food I notice that there once again isn’t anymore left over but I shrug it off knowing that I’ll last until tomorrow morning. Loki looks over at me and must notice that I’ve finished my food and he must have seen me looking in the bowl as he grabs my plate and puts some of his food onto my plate.

I object “Loki no that’s your food not mine.”

Loki argues “It would be rude of me not to offer you anymore food when you were looking for more only seconds ago.”

I raise an eyebrow at him then notify “No it’s normal not to. I wasn’t expecting to get anymore.”

Loki argues “Just eat it Brooklyn I’m not taking it back.”

Why the fuck is he being so caring? I roll my eyes and begin to eat the food. Thea nudges me and smiles mischievously.

I ask “What are you smiling about?”

Thea grins quietly “He likes you.”

I object “Not in that fucking way he doesn’t.”

Thea smirks in question “How would you know what’s going on in his head? Have you used your Telepathy on him?”

I object “No I bloody haven’t you know I don’t like using it.”

Thea grins “Deny it all you want I know what I see.”

I roll my eyes and continue to eat.

Not even five minutes later everyone was finished and putting their plates in the dishwasher. I’m glad it’s not my turn to unload that bloody thing although it will be my turn to do it on Sunday. Since I’m out of my chair anyway I got over to check whose turn it is since I’ve forgotten since last week. Isaac’s doing it tonight so I’ll have to talk to him now.

I walk over to Isaac, Athena and Alexis who look up at my approach.

I ask “Can I talk to Isaac for a minute or so in my office please?”

Isaac’s eyes open in shock. I’ve never really wanted to talk to him on his own before. Yes I do talk to him but that’s usually when we’re in a group.

Isaac nods his head and notifies “Yeah sure that’s fine.”

Alexis gives Isaac a quick kiss on the cheek and a pat on the back reassuringly. Isaac follows me as I quickly head over to Quinn and Aaron.

I ask “Can one of you keep an eye on Loki while I talk to Isaac in private?”

Quinn grins “Yeah sure babe I will.”

I smile “Thank you. I’ll keep him in here for you.”

I notice Loki giving me a strange look as I begin to head out of the door with Isaac still following me. Give it a second or so and I’m sure he’ll try to follow. Hopefully Quinn can keep him in the kitchen.

I arrive at my office quickly so opening the door I let Isaac enter before me. He does and sits down in the chair opposite mine across my desk. I sit in my nice big black leather office chair and look at Isaac.

My office is once again modern. It has light gray walls and a white marble floor. My desk is a dark wood mahogany crescent moon shaped desk which is lovely and glossy. The chair Isaac is sitting in is a black leather chair as well which has a high back and side arms. On the back right hand corner is a dark gray bookshelf loaded up with my folders of design ideas for my work. It also has different books in it as well. I also have a fish tank in here as well which is built into the wall behind my desk. On the wall above the door is my clock which is thankfully still working.

I ask “What can I do to help you gain in confidence here Isaac?”

Isaac shrugs his shoulders then notifies “I don’t know really Brooke.”

I ask “Would you like for me to help you improve your confidence here?”

Isaac notifies “Yes I need to improve my confidence because I’m sure it’s affecting Alexis.”

I ask “How so? If you thought that it was affecting Alexis why didn’t you come to me?”

Isaac admits “She’s more protective of me and I know it’s bugging her. I’m sure she’s not happy with my submissive nature. I was too afraid to come to you.”

I notify “It’s not your fault that you have a submissive animal. She understands that Isaac. She knows your background we all do. But Felix has come out of his shell now. I’m not comparing you to Felix here but if he can do it then you should be able to as well.”

Isaac sighs then admits “I guess that watching Felix get hurt so much because he was trying to protect me has made it harder for me to come out of my shell.”

I ask “How badly do you want your confidence to improve?”

Isaac notifies strongly “Too badly to really find words to say.”

I offer “How about I gave you the same training as the Enforcers would you be prepared to do it?”

Isaac asks with wide eyes “You want to make me an Enforcer?”

I shake my head while explaining “No I’m not your animal would still be submissive there’s nothing we can do about that. But the Enforcer training improves a person’s confidence so I’m positive that it will help yours as well.”

Isaac grins “That sounds like an amazing plan.”

I smile “I’m glad you’re happy with that plan.”

Isaac asks “When can I start?”

I admit “At this moment I’m not entirely sure since I have to accompany Morgan, Roxy and Aaron to North Carolina and since Rocco, Jett and Raya are coming with me I’m not sure who can begin your training. I’ll have a talk with Rocco since he’s one of the most experienced Enforcers and I know he won’t treat this as a joke he’ll fully train you like I would do. I’ll see if Rocco is up for staying behind to train you.”

Isaac objects “No I can wait until after you return from North Carolina.”

I ask “You sure?”

Isaac nods his head looking quite excited. I get to my feet as does he and I offer my hand for him to shake. We shake hands briefly sealing the deal.

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