say something | l.s.

Von fresharold

575K 23.3K 24.8K

❝Say something, I'm giving up on you. I'll be the one, if you want me to. Anywhere, I would've followed you. ... Mehr

« Say Something »
- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 -
- Chapter 15 -
- Chapter 16 -
- Chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -
- Chapter 19 -
- Chapter 20 -
- Chapter 21 -
- Chapter 22 -
- Chapter 23 -
- Chapter 24 -
- Chapter 25 -
- Character's ask -
- Chapter 26 -
- Chapter 27 -
- Chapter 28 -
- Chapter 29 -
- Chapter 30 -
- Chapter 31 -
- Chapter 32 -
- Chapter 33 // Louis' letter -
- Chapter 34 -
- Chapter 35 -
- Chapter 36 -
- Epilogue -
- Lost Memories / NEW FANFIC -
- Thank you! -

- Chapter 6 -

15.1K 650 693
Von fresharold

[an:/] So here's the chapter :) I'm loving writing this fic and i hope you are really enjoying this! I love your comments and thanks for giving me the votes I ask for. I'm probably going to post the playlist from this fic on 8tracks that I already made, I'll tell you guys when I post it :)


I wake up in the morning too excited about the dinner with Bryan but when I receive a text from him in the middle of the afternoon, telling me that he needs to do something and actually can’t make it for the dinner the smile I had on my face till the moment, dropped. Of course he apologized himself twice and then ended up to ask me if we could go out on Friday - obviously I said yes - but I was really into it today and now, instead of being getting ready for my night, I’m sat on the floor from Niall’s room, playing some shitty game he has on his PlayStation while Zayn and Liam are snogging in Niall’s bed, Niall protesting about it and Harry is sat next to me and doesn’t shut his mouth for a moment.

"Niall why don’t you have FIFA?" I ask throwing the control away till it hits the wall next to the TV, sighing

"Hey be careful," he shouts, crawling there to taking it "I just didn’t have the opportunity to buy it yet" he shrugs

"You’re saying that bullshit since last year, yet you have time to buy this crap" I point to the TV, referring to the game. Obviously my tone is from pure joke, but it’s actually true, no one has the game and I forgot to bring mine so the time runs slowly and this Sunday is turning to be really shitty.

"Well, Christmas is in two months, so you already know what to give me as a present" he smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Talking about holidays," we turn ourselves to Zayn and Liam "did you hear about the Halloween’s party already?" Zayn asks.

"Of course" Harry says and I’m not even surprised that he knows it and I don’t. Everything that touches a party subject he’s the first one knowing the details. "It’s going to be on the salon and people are talking about bringing alcohol so I’m in" surprise, surprise

"Is it allowed?" Liam asks, turning to Harry and he shrugs

"Probably not" he replies

"When is that going to be?" I ask and Harry laughs

"When is Halloween, Louis?" He asks, obviously mocking me and I choose to ignore

"Well that’s in three weeks…"

"Yeah but there are things that have to be done, don’t you think?" Harry says

"Are you going to think about helping to do something?" I ask obviously knowing the answer, and the others, know it too so they laugh by how stupid the question is.

"Of course I will Louis," he says wryly "But I’ll probably going to take some pictures for the journal"

"Can’t get drunk then" I wink, teasing and he laughs once again because I know he will anyway.

"Anyway guys, my point was," Zayn starts "are you all in? Because for what it seems we have to confirm it till next week to the people who are organizing it." As we already knew, Harry says yes immediately and if Harry goes, Niall goes too and if Zayn is interested, so does Liam is - and as expected they’re going together.

And then there is me. “Probably not.” I say and all their looks are in me.

"Oh c’mon Lou!" Niall pouts and I shake my head

"You love parties Louis!" Liam says and yeah that’s true, but I like them when they’re out of the campus

"Not these ones, they usually suck"

"I think this one is going to be cool and we’ll have to dress up in something so-"

"Worst," I interrupt Zayn, shaking my head "I hate dressing up on Halloween." I normally don’t even know what to use so it’s not really funny.

I feel a hand resting on my thigh, making me jump a little and when I look at Harry he is leaning over on my ear. “I bet you look hot wearing makeup” he whispers in an even hoarser tone and I actually shiver and my cheeks burn.

"What are you two whispering?" Niall asks, with the same amused expression as he usually has when Harry and I are… well like this.

I clean my throat and pull Harry’s hand away from my thigh “Nothing, Harry is just being Harry.” I roll my eyes

"I’m just being honest," he teases with the well so known smirk.

"Think more about it Louis," Zayn says then "It would be cool if we could go all together" he smiles and I end up nodding so they don’t mess with me anymore.

The rest of the time is spent playing more games and snacking. I’m so bored that even the floor seems to be comfortable to take a nap.

"I’m heading out, guys!" I say when things turn to be worst, these guys on Sundays are the worst.

"Already?" Niall asks, now sat between Zayn and Liam since he couldn’t stand the two anymore

"It’s already nine so better if I go to the dorm to prepare things for tomorrow and I want to read a little now"

"Always organized" Zayn mocks and I roll my eyes. One day they’ll be stuck on the other side by so many times I do it per day.

"I’m going with you, Lou" Harry says suddenly and Liam gives me a look which I ignore. He has been giving me those the all day when Harry would lean over to whisper something to me, or would touch my hand or thigh not needing to… basically doing the usual stuff. Even when I pull back he doesn’t give up and probably since I don’t do that now so often by being so used to it he’s pressing his limits. I think I let out this thing going on, not giving a big deal and maybe I should tell him since the beginning that what he does with me is not something friends do… I mean I made clear that I hated him - well that he wasn’t my favourite person in the world - but he seems to like hearing me saying no.

And maybe I get so used at it that I started to feel the need of those things so then I could say no, even not meaning it.

Whoa wait. What the hell?

"Let’s go Lou?" Harry asks, interrupting my thoughts and I thank him mentally. We say goodbye to the others and walk towards our dorm.

"Everything all right?" He asks on the way, when I keep in silence, even when he keeps staring at me. Not creepy at all.

"Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?" I answer not looking at him. This last two days were something to forget, I think. My head is a whole mess and I was expecting my Bryan date - I can call it that, right? - cheering me up but he had to cancel it. Damn.

"You looked happy yesterday and this morning but then since you received a message that your smile dropped." Did he really notice? Well it’s likely since he can’t take his eyes off me. The others didn’t even notice when I was more excited in the morning but Harry… Harry has to be all over the things that are happening to me.

"But I’m fine." I simply say, still not meeting his gaze because I know what his concerned look can do with people. With me.

"I’m sure you’re not." he insists "Who was the message from?"

"I don’t need to tell you." This time I say looking at him in indignation. I hate when he tries to get himself into my life.

"I know. But I wanted you to tell me because I know it bothered you." I don’t really want to tell him that I had a date with Bryan. First he doesn’t need to know, right?! Yeah, right. And then the last time we were with him, his mood changed drastically and he told me he didn’t like him. Did he get jealous? I mean if Liam and Zayn are right, if he does feel something for me he probably gets jealous - that would explain why he acted weird around me when I was hanging out with a guy from my class last year, but we were just friends anyway. But once again he doesn’t feel anything for me - especially something that’s not new, he was with so many girls and guys during the year so it’s hard for me to believe.

"I thought that I was going somewhere and ended up to have a shitty Sunday" I say so he wouldn’t pout and keep being annoying.

"Where? With who?" Annoying.

"It doesn’t matter." I answer in a firm voice and it seems enough for him to keep the way to the dorm in silence.

"Are you going out?" I ask when I see Harry changing clothes. He takes some time answering,

"Wasn’t thinking about going, but I was invited for a party and I thought better." he answers not in his usual tone of voice. Hope he’s not mad. Even if he is, it won’t last too long.

"Tomorrow is Monday" I inform him. But he doesn’t give much interest when shrugs and ignores me "Hum, fine." I say then and try to keep my eyes on my book and not looking at him while he dresses himself.

He looks mad for sure, by the way his eyes are really focused on his clothes, his lips are joined tightly in a firm line and even by the way he dresses in his shirt. And of course by the way he walks out of the room without saying a word. I’m not gonna lie I was expecting the usual bye Lou and his warm smile but well it’s not because of that, that I’m not gonna sleep at night.

Since I couldn’t manage to read more, is 11pm when I turn off the light and go to sleep. I don’t expect Harry to be here before 2am but it’s fine since he doesn’t wake me up.


"Shh, just be quiet" I hear after being woken up. Harry. I hear someone giggling. That’s not Harry. "It’s fine baby" I hear again and what the hell?

I hear then the sound of someone bumping on, for what I expect to be the nightstand and that’s when I gain courage to move and turn on the light.

"What the hell?" I yell when I see Harry pressing a girl into the wall. Did he seriously bring a girl to our flat? I don’t even wanna know what he expected to do with her while I was here sleeping. She doesn’t look at me widely, instead she giggles one more time. She’s fucking drunk. Harry, on the other hand, steps away from her with a guilty look. What? Did he forget that I was here?

"Are you two just going to be standing there, looking at me?" I spit when they don’t do anything.

"Erm, b-better if you go." Harry says, probably talking to the girl, not taking his eyes off me. His hair is all messy and I’m sure he went out with a plaid shirt too and not just with a blank t-shirt.

"Are you fucking serious?" She groans and that would be amused to watch if it wasn’t the circumstances.

"Y-Yeah, serious." He answers and she groans one more time before heading to the door and closing it strongly behind her.

I bow my brow when he gives me nothing but a look, still froze in the same place. “Did you seriously thought about bringing a girl to OUR dorm?” I decide to speak then, in an annoyed tone but trying not to raise my voice.

"I-I…" He tries to speak but I shake my head interrupting him

"I don’t even wanna know what you were thinking about doing here with her."

"Nothing," he quickly answers and I notice that he’s nervous and desperate when runs towards my bed and sits on the edge, next to me. I frown and try my best to keep away from him "nothing, I swear Louis. I don’t know where I had my head. It was a stupid act." Now is my turn to look at him widely then when he holds my hand. He’s basically panicking and probably drunk.

"Believe me, I promised myself that I wasn’t keeping with this, remember?" Oh right the conversation Bryan interrupted. When I open my mouth to speak and to shut him up he doesn’t allow me to but he drops my hand and sinks his fingers into his messy hair "I didn’t want to do anything with her. God why did I do this." I don’t really care but the guy is almost crying in front of me. Jeez.

"I’m sorry Louis. I’m so sorry" He says and his green eyes meet mines and somehow he looks so pretty. I don’t know if it is his face expression, but he sure looks gorgeous, and I always liked to see him with plain t-shirts and with his hair pulled back. I’m gay and I cannot like him but damn, I’m not blind and I always found Harry hot.

"Are you drunk?" After all of this is the first thing it comes in my mind to say and probably the stupidest.

"A little." He answers and his voice cracks and is hoarser than the usual. "Just please don’t think that I fuck everyone who comes ahead!" he looks at me and I’m sure he’s begging. He’s not just a little drunk.

"I won’t." I roll my eyes and laugh a little because now, it’s actually funny and it’s the moment to. I mean I am in my bed in pyjama, with Harry drunk in front of me begging me to not think he’s a slut and I just saw him with a girl pressed against a wall. How ironic?!

I want to shout at him, I want to make him so mad to the point of not speak with me again… but I can’t.

He takes my hands once again and rests both in his lap “Please, I have to be sure.” He’s about to cry again and that makes me even more pleased.

"Okay Harry. I won’t, promise." I give him a smile, but it’s more like a laugh that I let it escape but it turns into a smile.

He nods and lets out a sigh of relief and finally I see him smiling too. “God, I feel sick.” He says and I take the opportunity to pull away my hands. I’m so sleepy, I just want to push him out of my bead and turn off the light to go back to sleep. And it seems that I passed it to him when he yawns and stretch his arms. “I’m not that drunk.” He chuckles. Well for Harry, he’s not really drunk, yeah. Because when he’s pissed, I can’t stand him, he wouldn’t stop laughing, talking, joking and yelling and then he would basically jump into my arms, which is the scariest.

"Sure you aren’t." I shake my head with a smile and he laughs a little and when he stops I’m expecting him to finally get out of my bed, but no. He looks at me and in a blink of eyes he’s leaning over, almost in my lap and making me pressing my back on the headboard from the bed while he’s with his hand next to my head and puts it on the headboard as well. He’s so close to me that I can feel his breath and with that the smell of the alcohol. His green eyes are fixed on my blue ones. "You’re… You’re so cute." He breaths out, literally. I feel my heart beating fast and his lips, that till here were firm, form a curve and he smirks, not taking his eyes out of mines. I gulp and when I see that he’s not thinking about pulling back, I rest my hand on his chest and push him away.

"You need to go to bed." I say, now not with the feeling to laugh.

"You’re blushing" he says and giggles. He fucking giggles.

"I’m not blushing." I shout, I’m not fucking blushing.

"You look even cuter!" he leans over again but this time whispers on my ear and I hate when he does that, because it’s like is voice affects all my body and makes me shivering.

I don’t need to pull him back because he does it himself, thank god. And please go away. “Can I sleep here?” He asks.

"No fucking way" I raise my voice so he can clearly hear the no.

"Are you with a boner?" He laughs a little. And this time I feel my cheeks burning. No, I’m not. I might be with a little of lack of sex but it wouldn’t be him, Harry Styles, just by whispering and talking really close to me that was going to make me a boner. "I’m kidding, love" he says softly

"I’m not your love" I groan in annoyance and he chooses to ignore my comment

"Let me sleep here, Lou" he pouts

"Jeez, Harry. No, you probably stink and you’re drunk and annoying me."

"Last time was so good, babe" Oh Jesus Christ. I sight again and roll my eyes "I’ll be a good boy!" he’s so into teasing me I swear that innocent not so innocent face, says it all.


"Pleaaaaase" he interrupts me again. I know he won’t take a no as an answer.

"Fine" I say then "But be quiet and don’t touch me" he knows the meaning of my words. I come closer to the familiar and cold wall and lay down, facing my back at him.

The bed shakes and I suppose he stands up “What are you doing?” I turn around again and ask looking widely at him when hear a noise. Why is he taking his clothes off?

"I’m not gonna sleep in this, besides you said I stink so better take this off" He smirks and takes off his shirt.

I don’t know what I have in mind when I just turn back again when he’s just in boxers. The way he takes off his clothes… he knows what he’s doing by looking at me in that way. His body is so… perfect. There I said it. But fuck, everyone finds his butterfly tattoo silly but seeing the way I see, with his torso and shoulders exposed, his v-lines and all the details of his body so well visible and knowing that it’s almost impossible to touch makes me love it. And of course the one with the birds in his collarbones. Oh… his collarbones are so… perfect. I always had a thing for collarbones.

"Lou?" I hear Harry behind me and he’s close enough from me to feel his hot breath on the bare skin from the back of my neck. "Y-Yes?" I ask not daring to look back.

"You just moaned" He laughs and now I’m probably looking like a tomato. Did I really just moan?!

"Oh, I-I…"

"It’s fine babe, go to sleep then. Goodnight." he says and NO I can’t fall asleep now. Not when in my mind I’m playing this last two days and not when Harry makes me feel funny. I was never like this. I need a distraction and to be honest I need to see Bryan so I can see in front of my eyes the person who I probably like. And with a little of luck who can like me back, not like Harry - who I hope doesn’t remember this moment so it doesn’t make me feel worst.


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