By countryreb020

134K 6.3K 191

She use to living by herself with no one around her for miles. No one messes with her and they keep their dis... More

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By countryreb020

"Oh yeah then why don't you just try me?" I asked a guy I went to high school with. "Then you would be able to find a man that isn't afraid of getting their balls cut off." He said.

"I don't even care if I ever get married. I love the single life." I said before getting in my truck. He glared at me before turning to walk away. I sat there after turning it on. My ex saw the whole thing.

He was glaring and watching me. Because of his actions in high school he'll never have children. I backed out of the parking lot and drove home. Once there I saddled a gelding and rode out.

I pulled him to a stop a top a hill over looking the herd of cattle. Warm tears froze against my face. I let them fall. I dismounted and led the horse back to the barn.

6666 ranch Riley

I finished helping Jed fix the fences. After I told my dad about Becky and how she cares for her show horse he became interested in her. I never got her number and I'm kicking myself over it.

All I know is that she lives in Dumont while I live in Guthrie. I went into my house seeing my parents sitting there. "We're going to need someone to show animals besides you. Think you could convince her?" My dad asked.

"I'll try." I told him. "She's got the house back behind yours. There's a stable and pasture with it if she wants to." He told me. "Yes sir." I said before grabbing my truck keys.

I went out to my truck and got in. Hopefully she takes the job.

Dumont homestead Becky

I fixed myself something warm to eat and found some videos of Caliber's dam and sire. Their both bred by the same person. Caliber wasn't supposed to live past a year and yet he's seven years old and siring beautiful and handsome foals.

Caliber whinnied as he moved his mares closer together. Most of them are already bred. Then galloping hooves of the herd. I quickly set my bowl of chicken and dumplings down and hurried to the window.

Then ran for the front door. I grabbed my coat and stepped out onto the front porch as a truck pulled up. Caliber stopped at the fence with his tail raised high and ears forward.

The person got out. Riley Bradford. I wrapped my coat tighter around me. He closed the door and started for the porch.

Snow started lightly falling. "Hello again Becky. I would like to offer you a job." He said coming up the steps, stopping one below me. "What kind of job?" I asked.

"Showing animals for the four sixes ranch." He told me. "Meaning?" I asked. "You can keep all of your horses you use for showing. The cattle, are they show or is that beef?" He asked.

"I show them but can't since I don't have any way to breed them." I told him. "How about I buy them from you and you can still show them?" He asked. "It would go along with your job description." He added.

The snow was falling harder. "Why don't you come in and get warm." I said. He followed me inside my house. "Please boots and coats off after entered." I said. "Would you like something to eat?" I asked without thinking.

"No thank you." He said. I made sure my meal was still warm and sat at the bar. "So what's the details?" I asked. "You'll get your own place, own stable for the mares, stallion or stallions and the others your using. The cattle wouldn't be a problem for my dad or I to buy from you.

"They'll be placed with our show cows and heifers. Any colts that you aren't going to show or breed I'll buy them from you." He told me. "Anything else?" I asked. "You'll be left alone unless your needed. Usually for trips for feed or anything else." He said.

"How much time do I have to move there?" I asked. "Until the beginning of the next showing season." He answered. "So if I agree I could go ahead and move there and get started on that?" I asked.

"Yes you can move in at anytime. Just let me know what you decide and I'll let my dad know. He's the one wanting you to do the showing for us." He said. I nodded.

"I'll have to move before my mares start foaling." I said. "I'll help out if need be." He said. "Is the house already furnished?" I asked. "Yes. It is." He answered.

The news flashed. I jumped from my seat and went and turned it up. "Just the luck. Slick roads and mild winds." I said. I went to the door and put my boots and coat on. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I've got to put my horses in the barn. I lost one to this kind of weather last year and I can't afford to lose another." I said pulling my sock hat over my ears.

I grabbed my gloves and went out. I opened the barn and the stalls Caliber made sure all of his mares were in. He actually closed stall doors from the outside boxing them in. I opened the back up making more room for them.

I closed the last one and grabbed towels. Riley was already drying off a mare. I dried them off with his help we both dried Caliber off together. "He sure loves his mares." Riley said as he dried Caliber's neck.

"More like he doesn't want anything to happen to them and his foals." I said. "He's smart enough to herd them to a safe place knowing I'll do my part." I added.

Once they were dry and bedding down I got their halters and put them on. The weanlings on the other side shuffled waiting for theirs. Once all my horses had the same colored halter on with a different number I filled the wide water trough and gave them hay in the wall to wall net.

"They're beauties." Riley said looking at them as they moved about. Caliber was over in a corner standing there. I counted the heads of the mares. "I'm not seeing one and their all here." I said getting up on the railing.

I went in and went back to where Caliber was standing. There was the mare I was missing. She was trying to stand but couldn't. I checked all her legs before feeling her belly.

She was heaving trying to push.

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