rich kids /// jookyun


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in which two boisterous personalities, one wealthier, one grazing the fields of poverty, teach each other how... Еще

xvi: the banquet part i

xvi: the banquet part ii

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(a/n: buckle up kids this is gonna be a long ass chapter, also, i'm sorry if there are any stupid mistakes, this was written on my phone)

"can we take a break now," jooheon groaned looking over at changkyun who was sat peacefully at his desk.

"no, we still have a lot to do," changkyun glared over the frame of his glasses.

"but babyyyyyy, that's so unfair!"

"stop calling me that and get back to work."

"let's take a break."




"c'mon, we've been at this for a hour, i wanna take a break."

"jooheon, we haven't even been working for twenty minutes, sit your ass back down and do some research."

"babeeee~! i came here because i wanted to be with you, not to work."

changkyun furiously twisted around the rolling chair, "lee jooheon if you don't get back to work right now i will chop off your dick."

"fine, fine," jooheon sighed in defeat raising both of his hands.

a knock sounded from the door.

"can people just leave us fucking alone!" changkyun angrily stomped over to the door and yanked it open.

"mr. lim your father asked me to bring these up for you and your friend," a maid stood outside the entrance bowing while holding up two matching suit bags.

"oh, thank you."

he slammed the door in her face.

"you didn't have to be so rude," jooheon gave him surprised look.

"shut the fuck up."

changkyun looked at the two grey bags, one was marked in his size and the other just had jooheon's name. he tossed the suit over to the elder boy and walked back to his desk.

"this is for me?"

"it has your name on it."


(a/n: these are the suits from their hero photoshoot, i know it's old but i will never stop being shook by them)

jooheon slowly zipped open the bag and his mouth gaped open as he ran his fingers over the expensive tiled fabric.

"you're acting like you've never seen clothing before."

"this is, wow."

changkyun rolled his eyes and checked the time on his phone, "it's five, you should get dressed, when you finish, head downstairs and ask yeongja where hair and makeup are, i'll meet you down there later. i always do my own."

"hair and makeup? what are we? idols?"

"no, but my father insists on everyone looking like one," changkyun rolled his eyes once again, "just do it, okay?"

", babe, where's your bathroom?"

"right there," changkyun pointed to the door beside his mirror.

"you have a bathroom in your bedroom?!" jooheon stood up excitedly.


"wait, of course you do," jooheon grinned and ran towards changkyun pecking him on the cheek before entering the bathroom.

changkyun stared at the door with his face flushed.

he was going to murder jooheon.

on the other hand, jooheon took his merry time looking through the cupboards in changkyun's bathroom, wanting to soak up every detail. sure he felt slightly like a creep, but he couldn't help it with the heavy aroma of the smaller boy that surrounded him.

the brunette giggled to himself seeing condoms and lube littered across the bottom of a basket in the closet, leaving him wondering what changkyun got up to.

jooheon sighed finally quitting his search for nothing in particular and began dressing himself.

changkyun's dad must have had a good eye, everything fit jooheon like a glove.

he stared at himself in the mirror for a few moments, already feeling like a different person.

he exited the the bathroom and stared in adoration at the small boy hunched over his desk scribbling words onto another countless piece of paper.

"changkyun, i'm going downstairs now."

changkyun hummed not moving from his position.

jooheon, slightly disappointed that changkyun didn't look at him, headed to the makeup room.

after the elder boy's footsteps were no longer heard, changkyun rose from his chair and unzipped his suit bag, how typical.

there laid a plain ass grey suit with a tie.

"it's like he knows i hate ties," changkyun mumbled grumpily.

he pouted for a few more moments before changing, leaving the tie undone loosely around his neck.

he stood in the mirror and stared at himself for a few moments, smoothing the fabric hugging his slender thighs.

changkyun rolled his eyes at himself before turning back around to put on makeup.


jooheon wanted to sneeze.

this lady had been dusting endless amounts of powder on his face and he desperately needed to sneeze.

luckily, she pulled the brush away before jooheon left his snot all over her hand.

"okay honey, you're finished," the stylist gave him a huge smile, "you look great."

jooheon stood up hesitantly and stared at himself in the mirror.

his lips parted slowly.

his appearance had changed drastically. he looked...appealing and wealthy, like someone who lived in a big house and slept on piles of money.

"is this actually my face?"

the stylist giggled, "i'm guessing you don't really get to dress up much then, yeah?"

"yeah," jooheon said quietly in awe turning his face.

"don't touch your face too much, you don't want to smudge anything, it's good quality, but it'll last longer without fingers on it."

"oh, sorry."

"not to worry."

"tzuyu! you done in there? guests are arriving!" changkyun's father called entering the room.

"yes sir," the stylist bowed.

"where's changkyun?"

"he insisted on doing his own hair and makeup, he's still getting ready upstairs, my apologies," jooheon dipped his head along with the stylist.

"hm, well, you'll have to do for now. come along boy, i'll introduce you to some of korea's leading entrepreneurs," changkyun's father tugged on his sleeve.

his eyes widened but, wanting to be on his good side, obliged to the aging man.

jooheon had no idea how many hands he shook, and how many names swirled through his head. he now understood why changkyun hadn't wanted to attend.

after changkyun's father finally let him wander for a while he settled on a chair with a glass of champagne, eyes scanning the room for the younger boy.

sadly, he didn't see him, but one thing did catch his eyes. yifan stood next to changkyun's father with a hand on his shoulder laughing with other businessmen like he was he heir to lim industries.

"isn't he just an assistant?" jooheon mumbled sipping from his glass.

deciding to investigate, jooheon stood from his chair leaving behind his cup, he made a beeline for yifan.

"hello sirs, sorry to interrupt," he bowed respectfully to the business men, "yifan, a word?"

"excuse me for a few moments," yifan waved off to his elders and followed jooheon.

"have you seen changkyun?"

"no?" a strange look flashed over his eyes, "he's probably skipping again, what a brat."

"that's rude."

yifan sighed, "jooheon, he's skipping an extremely important banquet, his future career basically depends on it, now would you excuse me, i'm in the midst of getting a promotion here."

jooheon watched the man walk away standing as tall and as strong as ever.

something was wrong.

he decided to go and investigate.

changkyun wouldn't skip something this important, right?


(a/n: this part is lightly based on the anime koisuru boukun)

changkyun sighed finally placing down his last makeup brush and quickly checked the clock.

it was almost time.

he straightened his suit and tried to ignore the tingly feeling in the edges of his fingertips, it was just nerves, of course it was just nerves.

he looked down and noticed his shoe was untied.

"oh fuck you," changkyun muttered sighing loudly as he went to tie the strings together.

before he could stand up, the petite boy felt his muscles go limp. he let out a strangled cry falling to the floor.

changkyun groaned and attempted placing his palms on the floor and pushing himself up.

"what, the, fuck!"

none of his body parts would move.

a line of sweat covered his forehead. what the hell was this feeling? it couldn't be just nerves.

changkyun's eyes widened as he felt a familiar sensation below his belt.

"what the fuck?!"

the small boy had no idea what was happening to him, had he been drugged?

he had anything to eat or drink today that wasn't made by himself except...the coffee yifan gave him.

"fuck! that fucking fuck! he's dead, he is so dead."

"g-gah," changkyun winced squirming around as the feeling down below had become more intense.

he heard his door open.


oh shit. changkyun silently cursed himself for letting this happen.

"go away jooheon."

"are you okay? why are you laying on the floor?" jooheon crouched beside him placing a hand between his shoulder blades.

"i said leave me alone," changkyun groaned trying to shift his body weight.

"are you drunk? your face is incredibly red."

"go away!"

"i'll help you stand up, are you hurt?"

"no, please leave me alone!"

"stop being silly changkyun," jooheon sighed, "your father is waiting for you."

"jooheon i swear to- agh!"

the elder boy attempted lifting changkyun up but only ended up sending the smaller boy crashing on top of him.

"changkyun, as much as i'd like this to happen, you have important business to deal with, get up!"

"i can't move."

"c'mon don't be such a brat."

"i seriously can't move."

jooheon rolled his eyes and raised his knee between changkyun's legs to prop him up only for him to come in contact with the smaller boy's unexpectedly hard crotch.

changkyun gasped and covered his mouth.

"changkyun, you're-"

"i know! just, stand me up okay."

jooheon slowly sat up the smaller boy, pressing him into his bed frame.


"stop staring at me," changkyun yelled covering his hard-on tearing his eyes away from jooheon's undeniably attractive features, tzuyu did a damn good job.

"baby, what have we here?"

"i think i was drugged, i think yifan put some sort of date-rape drug in my coffee, jealous prick."



"do you feel okay?"

"i can hardly move," changkyun groaned, "and this is painful."

jooheon looked at changkyun's heaving chest. he hadn't even noticed how sultry his crush had looked.

one of his buttons was undone revealing his soft collar bones, a tie was hanging sexily around his neck, his tight grey pants were hugging his beautiful thighs, and the makeup that decorated his face was gorgeous.

"i could help you with that, you know?"

"oh no fucking way, you piss the fuck off you fucking- a-ah, ouch," changkyun grimaced holding his hands over himself.

"you might wanna loosen the front of your-"

"shut up!" changkyun shrieked struggling with the zipper of his pants.

"you can't do it yourself, you can hardly move babe."

"i swear to god lee jooheon if you come any closer i will murder you."

"changkyun, take a breath, all i'm gonna do is get you off."

"wait, stop, you- a-ah," changkyun gripped onto jooheon's shoulders as the elder boy attached his hand to his crotch.

"you're so hard."

"s-shut, u-up," changkyun's body curled towards jooheon feeling intense pleasure.

"you're so pretty like this angel."

changkyun tightened his grip and moaned as jooheon began to stroke his bare dick.

"god you sound beautiful."

jooheon slowly but surely quickened his pace and changkyun's stomach began to tighten.


"well," jooheon's eyebrows raised, "that was fast."

"shut up," changkyun looked the other direction his face flushed red.

jooheon noticed that the bulge in the smaller boy's underwear had already grown back.

"hey what are you- oh my god," changkyun's head fell back as he felt jooheon's warm mouth cover his dick.

he gripped the elder boy's hair tightly arching his back, not even caring that it was lee jooheon.

"ah ah ah, oh my god~!"

jooheon smiled at the smaller boy's response to his actions licking him base to tip.

"holy shit," changkyun groaned as jooheon ran his tongue over his head sensually.

"you're so good like this baby," jooheon hummed before returning to blowing changkyun.

"i think i'm gonna- a-a-ah, o-oh my g-mm."

jooheon grinned cockily swallowing changkyun's cum and wiping his mouth as he came back up.

he tangled his fingers the the other boy's hair looking into his eyes, "lim changkyun, i've gotta hand it to you, this is probably the best banquet i've ever attended."

changkyun could only stare at the older boy with wide lustful eyes as he panted hard. no one had ever managed to make him orgasm twice, he was surprised, but assumed it was due to the drug.

"oh baby, do you like my hands on you?" jooheon grinned, "don't worry, you don't have to say anything, i already know the answer."

"jooheon," changkyun moaned feeling himself become hard again.

he wasn't even ashamed. not for a second. jooheon was so good, and everything he did felt so good, he never wanted him to stop.

"oh my god you're so hot when you're needy," jooheon grinned as he gripped the waistband of changkyun's pants.

as he felt the fabric slipping down his bottom, changkyun began to panic, realizing what sat below the fabric.

"jooheon stop!"

"don't play hard to get baby, or else you-"

jooheon's eyes widened as he looked down, seeing the scars that littered the younger boy's porcelain skin.

changkyun's pants sat loosely around his knees as he covered his face, feeling the urge to cry.

all he wanted to do was run away but he could barely move.

"changkyun i-"

"stop, please just go away," changkyun choked holding back the waterworks.

jooheon fell silent.

changkyun clenched his jaw and mentally slapped himself in the face for letting someone see him in the light.

that was his rule. whenever he fucked someone it had to be in the dark. no one could ever know.

and now, due to his carelessness, someone knew.

and that someone was lee jooheon.

changkyun felt something light on his bare thighs, something feathery.

he pulled his hand away from his face and stared at jooheon, the boy kissing his scars.

"jooheon, what are you-"

"you're so beautiful."


"you're so beautiful, and sweet, and kind, even if no one can see it."

"jooheon," changkyun muttered.

"you're an angel lim changkyun."

"you're worth it."

"you're talented."

"you're wanted."

"you're loved."

"you're beautiful."

"you're my everything."

tears streamed down changkyun's face as jooheon held and kissed his thighs so delicately, whispering sweet words to him.

no one had ever been as remarkable as lee jooheon.

no one could ever beat him.

"stop lying to make me feel better," changkyun said his voice wavering.

"i don't lie."

jooheon stood up and crossed the room opening changkyun's closet and finding the comfiest clothing he could.

before heading back over to the small boy he removed his own suit and quickly put on the clothing he had brought along.

"lim changkyun," jooheon sighed removing the small boy's clothing and replacing it with something more comfortable, "you are one of the most beautiful human beings i have ever seen."

the elder boy traced his his fingers gently over the marks on his chest before covering them with a soft shirt.

he gathered changkyun in his arms and embraced him with all his might.

"you're an angel," his voice cracked as a tear slipped down in his cheek, "and angels don't deserve this."

"jooheon," changkyun cried, gripping the elder boy's shirt and balling into his chest, "why? why me? i'm awful. i treated you like shit, why? why do you want me? you deserve so much better than me."

"changkyun," jooheon pulled back and caressed the back of the smaller boy's neck, "i don't know why i'm drawn to you, but i am. i felt a connection, one that i've never had before. i knew from the first moment that i touched your skin that i was falling in love with you. this feeling...i've never had this feeling before, with anyone. that's why it's you. that's why it has to be you."

"jooheon you're-"

"don't tell me i'm lying, because i'm telling you the the truth."

changkyun couldn't stop the tears rolling down his face.

jooheon wiped away his tears and kissed his cheeks gently before looking into the small boy's eyes once again,

"can i kiss you?"


"can i kiss you?"

changkyun stared at him, mouth agape. after all the things that had occurred between the two boys he had assumed they had already kissed, but, looking back he realized their lips had never touched. he didn't know what to say.

"um," changkyun blushed.


"jooheon," changkyun's eyes fluttered to look at jooheon's open mouth and back up to his eyes.

before he knew it a soft pair of lips were on his own kissing him ever so gently.

he tensed for a moment but immediately relaxed into jooheon's kiss. a warm feeling filled his entire body and sparks reached the end of his fingertips.

he had never had a kiss that had felt so...real.

changkyun could feel the passion radiating through jooheon's lips. he felt the love the elder boy had wanted him to feel, he felt, everything.

he kissed him back.

his unconscious desires finally making themselves incredibly prominent.

he kissed him hard.

with everything he had.

jooheon was surprised but could only smile knowing that his feelings were returned.

their lips molded together like they had always been meant to be there.

jooheon was warm and changkyun could feel himself falling.

except this time, he wasn't afraid.

before things could go any farther jooheon pulled away and ran his thumb over changkyun's tear-stained cheek, "let's go to sleep."

changkyun nodded and jooheon scooped him up and placed
him gently on his bed.

the younger boy curled into the older's chest and for the first time in years, he drifted off to sleep with the smallest of smiles plastered on his face.

(a/n: i'm so sorry this is kinda shitty and long, but i hope you enjoyed)

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