The Hunt's Guardian

By KarMeah

937K 11.8K 3.4K

Disclaimer: some parts are edited but there still are a lot of mistakes. Under editing Yes, I know some of th... More

Back Again
How did This Happen Again
Hello Hunters
So Can i Just Stay Here
Home Sweet Home
I'm so Tired
"What Did You Just Say"
The Hunt Gets a Present!
When You Wake Up
What happened?
Seeing a Hunter
The Panda Murder
the quest
You let him get away
update (must read)
breaking into a jail cell
hallo sisters!!!
Gathering the Seven
Heading out
save a friend.....
"I"m Fallllllingggg!"
walking alone
the iris message
Escaping the pit
I'm Back
The War that was won
A funeral
The sword
Prince Percy?
Going to School. Why?!
More Friends
many years later...
They don't know I'm back!
We yell at Chaos
Living with the hunt
the Greek God..why?
Name's not Guardian
He Is Not In His Tomb
Guess who's alive?
Family Reunion
Go Bianca, Go!
An Introduction
The calm before the storm.
The Beginning of the End
The End of End
new book
Who Wants a Sequel?!

I Can't Find Him

34.2K 425 70
By KarMeah


Percy's POV

I woke up to the feeling of people holding my hand, and something on my stomach. When I finally opened my eye I saw Lily, the little girl that I had rescued from some let's just say, bad people. But then I noticed that two people were holding my hand. Thalia not very surprising, but Artemis. Now that made me go off the wire. She, the goddess of the hunt who hates men is holding my hand. I must be dreaming. This should not be happening. I slowly got up, trying not to wake up the kid sleeping on my chest and the two man-haters. When I got off the bed thing. I looked around the room to see two hunters wide awake staring at me.
I slowly walk over to them "Hello thanks for saving my life but I really have to get going. I don't belong here." I whispered to them.
They nodded and one got up and got a paper and pen and handed it to me. I stared at them.
" Write a letter to them so they know why you're leaving." they told.
I nodded and started to write my letter.

Dear hunters of Artemis,
Thank you so very much for healing my injuries. But I'll have to be leaving now. I don't belong here. The hunt is not my home. I'm very sorry to be a burden but could you please look after Lily for me. Have her join the hunt. I had told her about it. She had an abusive father and mother. She's a daughter of Athena. She like a sister to me.

Percy Jackson

I nodded to the two hunters before I quickly grabbed my stuff. I looked back at Lily, Thalia, and Lady Artemis. I could feel tears going down my cheeks, but I didn't want to cry. I can't have emotions. I need to be silent. I need to help those in need. People who can't help themselves, I reminded myself. I look at the hunters one more time to see them reading the letter/note I had written to the Hunt. I could see the tears in their eyes. I smile a real smile, one that I had not smile in a long time. I quietly walked out of the tent to see the whole Hunt looking at me.
They smiled at me, Surprisingly. They got up from their seats and bowed to me. My eyes were wide as I saw a younger hunter come and take my hand and pull me down the long line of Hunters. When we got to the front I remember a hunter. I look around the line of Hunters when I found her.
"Hi Phoebe" I yelled/whispered to her.
She smiled at me and waved to me. I looked up at the stars. I smile. I took off running.
Hunters' POV
The hunters felt brightness shine on them. They looked up to see The Huntress shining down on them from above. The hunter with the brownish-blond hair smile. She knew how this happened and it made her respect him even more. Maybe ever time he's near he'll do that, she thought.
"Percy Jackson" she whispered to herself but all the other hunters heard her.

Thalia's POV
I woke up to a feeling that I was about to be very mad. When I was fully awake, I realized that something was missing. Then it clicked.
"Artemis wake up Percy's gone! Where is he?" I yelled to Lady Artemis.
Artemis's head wiped up. He amber hair wiped everywhere. Her silver-moon light eyes flashed."Were is he? How'd he get away?" She asked.
"I don't know how he is gone again." I replied.

Artemis's POV
I looked around to see the two daughters of Apollo, Hally and Christan, who were sitting side by side on two chair. I saw a piece of paper in Hally's hand, who was on the right of the two. I got up and held out my hand and she gave me the paper. As soon as I finished reading it, I felt some tears going down my cheeks. I called Thalia over and she started to read the letter. When she had finished the reading the letter, she started balling. I looked at the little girl, Lily, the daughter of Athena.
I decided to let her sleep. I looked back at the daughters of my brother. I dismissed them and walked outside to see all the Hunters in a line staring up at the sky. It was night, so that meant the only thing they could be staring at was the Stars or the Moon. I felt bright light on me and then realized what they were staring at. The Huntress, Zoe, but the constellation was bright then it had ever been before.
"Percy Jackson did it Milady," Phoebe whispered to me.

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