Save me (Max Thunderman Love...

By AllNewProblem

58.5K 1.6K 297

"Everyday is just another struggle not to end it all"-Maggie Maggie Pieterson is just another loner in everyo... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
A/N: Q&A
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 13

1.6K 46 2
By AllNewProblem

Max's POV:

"I need you to come pick us up," I spoke into the phone I held against my ear, the shock still not completely worn off. "Who's 'us'?" My dad asked from the other end of the line, sounding skeptical. "Maggie and I…" I replied carefully, knowing about his rule. "Max, how many times do I have to tell you? No non-sups in the house!" I closed my eyes shut and took in a deep breath before looking over to Maggie where she sat on a gurney, only staring blankly in front of her. "I think you'll make an exception this time," I told him. There was a slight pause from the other end before he let out a heavy sigh and said, "Just send me the address." I said a quick goodbye to him then hung up the phone, quickly texting him the address before placing the phone in my pocket. It was chaos all around me with the sirens flashing from police cars and the ambulance to the people rushing in and out of the house. After we had found Maggie's sister, I quickly called 911 and to say that Maggie was a wreck, was an understatement. She hadn't said a word since I carried her outside and only nodded or shook her head to the paramedic's questions. I didn't know what to do. I had never been in a situation like this and, even though I didn't want to admit it, it scared me. With a deep breath to calm my nerves, I walked towards Maggie and took a seat beside her on the gurney, wrapping a comforting arm around her shaking form and pulling her close. I couldn't even begin to understand what she's going through. "T-The last thing I s-said to her, was that I h-hated her," Maggie choked out, her voice extremely shaky as her eyes started to water. "And n-now I won't be a-able to take it b-back." She shook her head and covered her face with her hands, her elbows resting on her legs as she began to sob softly. I stood up from my place beside her and carefully removed her hands from her face so I could look her in the eye. "I can't even try to understand what you're going through but know that I'm here for you, okay?" I told her, my voice gentle as I tried to comfort the grief-stricken girl. She looked down at her hands that she rested on her lap, letting out a shaky breath. "T-This is all my fault. If I hadn't left, m-maybe he would've left Amber alone. The only reason he's here is because of m-me and I know he'll be coming for me n-next." I lifted up her head so that she would look at me again but it didn't seem like she would meet my gaze. "As long as I'm here, he won't lay a finger on you," I assured, my blood boiling at the thought of someone hurting Maggie. She began to shake he head furiously, looking panicked. "N-No! I already lost my mom a-and now my sister. I c-c-can't lose you too." I wrapped my arms around her again and pulled her close to me, resting my chin on her head. "You won't."

Maggie's POV: 

I can't believe this is happening. Wait, maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was one of my dreams again and I'll wake up in my bed at any moment and I would hear Amber's voice calling for me from downstairs. But this felt so real. So extremely real because of the pain I felt inside. I knew deep down that this wasn't a dream. Amber was really gone. I would never hear her voice again. She wouldn't be there to comfort me anymore when I had those nightmares. I would never wake up to her delicious cooking again. She was gone and I felt like someone was ripping at my heart, tearing it apart piece by piece but at the same time, I was completely numb as I sat on Max's couch, only staring at the wall on the far side of the room. I can't remember much about what happened after Max had came to speak with me. I could faintly remember getting into a car with Max, then someone leading me into the house and wrapping a blanket around my shoulders before I sat down on the couch where I hadn't move from since. Was it even possible to be this oblivious to the world around me? As hard as I tried, I couldn’t snap myself out of this daze. Nobody tried to talk to me, and I was strangely grateful for it because I think I would burst into tears again if someone tried. I knew people were shuffling around me and speaking with each other but I didn't care. I couldn't bring myself to care. The only thing on my mind was my sister's lifeless eyes staring up at me. My father had finally done it. He took away the one thing that I had left to care for on this earth. Now I was alone. I had no one because no on loved me. 

Max's POV: 

"What happened?" My mother asked me frantically, searching me over to see if I was hurt. I bit down on my lower lip and sat down on a dinning room chair, looking over at Maggie who sat on the couch. "Max, I have a feeling you haven't been telling us everything," my father stated, crossing his arms over his chest as he stared down at me, waiting for an explanation. I let out a heavy sigh, knowing that I couldn't keep it from them anymore. So, I started explaining. I told them about the situation with Maggie at school and about her father and who he really is, then I explained what had happened tonight. By the time I had finished, my dad looked deep in thought while my mom only looked at me with a mixture of worry and shock but both of them stayed silent. Somewhere along my explanation, Billy, Nora and Phoebe had come down to see what was going on but all three of them were silent as well. "But I thought Mind Tide was locked up at Hero HQ," dad finally spoke up. "He was…until about two weeks ago," Phoebe explained. "He escaped but they can't explain how. The guards don't remember anything, which was probably his doing." There was a short pause. "I heard that he could manipulate your mind but not control it," mom stated. "Then he must've had help," I spoke up, rising from my chair. "Who? Even though he is a well known villain, he doesn't have many allies," my father said, seeming to be thinking everything over. "Maybe it wasn't a ally, just someone with a mutual goal," Phoebe pointed out. "So, someone else is after Maggie?" Nora asked, speaking up for the first time since she had arrived, Billy staying quiet beside her. "This doesn't make any sense," I exclaimed, pinching the bridge pf my nose. "Maybe we should leave this for now and focus on helping Maggie. She's been through enough tonight," Phoebe proposed, glancing over at Maggie. When I looked over at her, she hadn't moved a inch from her original position. "Okay. She'll have to stay here for a while.  It'll be safer for her until we figure all of this out. Phoebe, can you show her the guestroom and lend her some comfortable clothes," Mom asked Phoebe, who only nodded before walking over to Maggie. "The rest of us should get some sleep. It's been a long night," she ordered. All of us nodded and went to our rooms. I glanced once more at Maggie while Phoebe  talked to her, before going down the slide towards my room.

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you still liked it. There will be more Max and Maggie moments in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!
Love ya!!!

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