The Things We Do For Love | G...

By pottertendai

56.2K 1.4K 134

Social Media/IRL Parker-Rose Mathers is 26. She doesn't care what people think of her but often keeps her emo... More

0.0 {instagram}
0.0.1 {playlist}
0.1 {instagram}
0.2 {instagram}
0.3 {instagram}
0.4 {instagram}
0.6 {direct message}
0.7 {instagram}
0.8 {direct message}
0.9 {text/irl/call}
1.0 {irl/call}
1.1 {instagram}
1.2 {text/call/irl}
1.3 {instagram}
1.4 {text/irl/instagram}
1.5 {instagram}
1.6 {text}
1.7 {text}
1.8 {text/irl}
1.9 {irl}
2.0 {irl/text}
2.1 {instagram}
2.2 {instagram}
0.0.2 {thank you!}
2.3 {twitter}
2.4 {instagram}
2.5 {text}
2.6 {instagram}
2.7 {text/irl}
2.8 {irl/instagram}
2.9 {article}
3.0 {instagram}
3.1 {instagram}
3.2 {text}
3.3 {instagram}
3.4 {irl}
3.5 {instagram/text}
3.6 {instagram}
3.7 {instagram}
3.8 {instagram}
3.9 {text/instagram}
4.0 {instagram}
4.1 {twitter}
4.2 {instagram}
4.3 {instagram}
4.4 {instagram}
4.5 {text/instagram}
4.6 {text/instagram}
4.7 {instagram}
4.8 {instagram/irl}
4.9 {instagram/text}
0.0.3 {mood boards}
5.0 {text}
5.2 {irl}
5.3 {instagram}
5.4 {twitter/instagram}
5.5 {instagram}
5.6 {instagram}
sad ending

0.5 {instagram}

1.5K 35 3
By pottertendai

8,876 LIKES - 374 COMMENTS

parkermathh: hi my name is Parker and I am officially done with everyone's crap so if you don't like this account and my rants please leave and take your negativity with you. It's not wanted here. There is also a possibility you could be blocked so byeeeee

grantgust: if you need someone to talk to I've been told I'm a good listener

mentallizzy: grantgust stop trying to flirt with my friend

grantgust: mentallizzy I wasn't flirting I was just being friendly

mentallizzy: grantgust well stop that too she's my friend. Mine. Not yours. Mine.

parkermathh: mentallizzy chill dude. We're so close you're more like a sister than a friend to me.

grantgust: does that mean I get to be your friend!?

parkermathh: grantgust wants to be my friend.. holy smokes I think I might be dreaming

grantgust: 😁

gustinflash: grantgust wait.. you really want to be HER friend?  She's a total slut.

flashpoint.2: I agree with gustinflash she is not right for you grantgust

velocity6.point: flashpoint.2 gustinflash it's not like they're dating and why would it matter to you. Grant can make his own decisions and if he wants to befriend Parker so be it.

view all comments

block gustinflash? yes
block flashpoint.2? yes
velocity6.point is now following you

parkermathh: grantgust if you wanna be my friend you can be my friend

parkermathh: velocity6.point you're an amazing human being and have now earned VIP status

velocity6.point: i don't know what that means but yay!

mentallizzy: it means you're great and you are now her internet friend basically velocity6.point

velocity6.point: woah.

grantgust: velocity6.point congrats I don't even have that

parkermathh: grantgust I thought we were already friends..

grantgust: oh right!

parkermathh: grantgust 😂

grantgust: don't laugh at me

parkermathh: grantgust too late

mentallizzy: JUST DATE ALREADY grantgust parkermathh

parkermathh: mentallizzy woah there crazy you were just saying how we couldn't even be friends

grantgust: mentallizzy I haven't even officially met her

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