Meet The Mafia Queen

By frappaestel

6.1M 122K 8.1K

[ 𝐌𝐀𝐅𝐈𝐀 𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐋𝐎𝐆𝐘 : 𝟏 ] She's not merciless and heartless for no reason. Highest Ranks:... More

i. the mafia queen
ii. the former mafia king and queen
iii. eric pires
iv. poor woman
v. vanessa threatens eric
vi. blue queens
vii. mafia queen meets the blue queens
viii. no one
ix. another gang
x. hellacious
xi. black blood gang
xii. letter
xiii. articles
xiv. missed
xv. shaine's secret
xvi. confuse
xvii. suspicious guy
xviii. first love
xix. disappointed
xx. smile
xxi. locked
xxii. ally or enemy?
xxiv. lunch bag
xxv. anderson's role
xxvi. adler
xxvii. what a jerk
xxviii. what he meant
xxix. an email
xxx. all night
xxxi. doesn't give a damn
xxxii. dizzy as hell
xxxiii. gun from lennox
xxxiv. fainted
xxxv. new information
xxxvi. mild
xxxvii. he's watching
xxxviii. will he?
xxxix. necklace
xl. desperate bitch
xli. bought by someone else
xlii. choose
xliii. uncle
xliv. trespassing
xlv. his name
xlvi. permission
xlvii. another guy
xlviii. as a woman
xlix. picture
l. target
li. like a bullet
lii. getting ready
liii. special guest
liv. wiley
lv. he saw who?
lvi. gunshot
lvii. over
lviii. be ready
lix. treisan koaiel
lx. emperor

xxiii. bored

68.1K 1.9K 64
By frappaestel

Vanessa's POV

I'VE BEEN staying here in my condo since yesterday. I left Cathy and Jaime at the mansion for them to train themselves.

While Eric? Still working, I heard there was an accident at Octagon again. So, maybe it was the reason why he left, again.

Lately, I can feel someone's watching me. Since, I had an interaction with—that suspicious guy,

I shook my head, "Why am I thinking about him?"

'Am I insane?'

I tsked and rest my head. I have nothing to do here but to stare at the ceiling and wait some things to move

Suddenly, I sat on the bed. "Should I go at Hexagon?"

My eyes rolled. Nah, I don't want to see those bitches' face,

But, I'm bored here!

Should I bug Eric?

I get the phone from my pocket and tried to call him. After a few rings, he answered the call "Hey,"

[Namiss mo na ang kagwapuhan 'ko?]

"Wow. Is that a greeting? That's funny." I faked a laugh and rolled my eyes,

He almost cried on the other line [Napakasama mo talaga sa 'kin!]

I shook my head and say, "No, I'm not." I covered my mouth before I make a noise

"—actually, I called because I have something to say,"

[Ano ba 'yon, Vannie? Istorbo ka e!] I heard a loud noise while he was talking, it's like a bunch of cars racing.

'Still in Octagon, I guess?'

"Hm," what should I say? "I brought some foods, and I want to share it with you." I cleared my throat and stood up and get the keys of my car

'I know you'll say yes, Pires.'

[Diet ako Vannie e,] My left eyebrow raised [Pero dahil best friend kita sige, minsan ka lang mabait e.]

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever, Pires." Be thankful that I'm bored "I need to go now, bye."

Before he could speak, I press the red button and open the door of my unit.

My feet reached the counter as I stopped from walking. My eyes looked around but all I can see is people, walking.

'Why do I feel like someone's staring at me?'

I looked away and shook my head, "Tss."


I glared at him when all of the people here inside the Octagon looked at us,

Who wouldn't be? A guy hugged a woman? And that woman is the Mafia Queen, fuck it.

"Let go, Pires." I gritted my teeth "They're looking at us," I whispered while gritting my teeth

He chuckled and say, "Magpasalamat ka nalang Vannie dahil pinagmamalaki kita," He whispered

I pushed in an instant when all of them started to whisper, "Argh." I glared at him


What kind of laugh was that?

"Hey, Pires." I pulled his shirt as I sat on a bench with him "Here,"

I threw a paper bag on his chest "Masakit Vannie!" He pouted as I rolled my eyes "Teka ano ba 'to?"

He started to open the paper bag "It's a bag full of donuts,"

His eye widened and started to eat "Napakabait talaga ni Vannie, huhu."

"I'm not," I looked around "Wait, what happened there?"

I pointed the racing area "Accident?"

He nodded and say, "Takte! Alam mo bang pinapasakit nila ang ulo 'ko?"

My forehead knotted "Kasi naman, makikipag karera, injured naman."

"—tatanga tanga!"

His voice was so loud so I glared at him "Bakit? May mali ba 'kong sinabi?" He eats again,

"You shut your mouth, will you?" I looked around "And stop embarrassing me,"

He pouts and was about to bite but someone called him, Eric frowned

"Lecheng 'yan." He frowned "Wrong timing pa! Kitang susubo ako e."

"You better get up," I pat his shoulder "You have some work to do,"

"Paano ka?"

My brows furrowed "What do you mean? Of course, I'll stay here." He pinched my cheeks but I remove his fuckin' hands on my face immediately

"You Pires!" I hissed "Don't do that!"

He laughed "Hindi ka pa ba uuwi? Mukhang uulan, o."

He even pointed the sky and it is surrounded by dark clouds, I tsked.

"It's fine," I crossed my arms "—since I need a driver,"

Eric lips parted, it seems that he wasn't expecting that "W-wow, Vannie! Best friend mo 'ko! Hindi driver!"

"Are you shouting at me?"

He immediately shook his head "Hindi a!" He said "Aalis na 'ko! Wag kang papaulan!"

Eric started to walk away as I shook my head "Damn, Jaime. You're lucky to have a suitor like him,"

A smile appeared on my face, and decided to call my uncle

'How I miss my uncle Simon.'

After a few seconds he answered [Vanessa, hija?]

I chuckled "Uncle, don't you recognize my voice?"

He cleared his throat [V-vanessa,]

My brows furrowed "Are you sick, uncle?" I'm staring to be worried

[Just c-cold, Vanessa] He said but I rolled my eyes

"You're still sick, uncle." I said "Have you ate?"

[Y-yes, my niece.] Damn it,

"Just rest, okay?" I said "If you need something, just call me."

[Come on, Vanessa. D-don't be like that, this is j-just a cold!]

"I don't care." I answered "Drink your medicines, 'kay? Sleep early."

He was about to argue with me about the medicines but I ended the call,

As I ended the call, I saw a person in front of me.

"So, you're here."

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