I should have kissed you (1D...

By Seeledwithakiss

115K 644 89

"He was a couple of inches taller than me with blonde hair and bright crystal blue eyes. They were like large... More

CHAPTER 21 (last chapter)


4.9K 24 5
By Seeledwithakiss



Lucy need to borrow a shirt from me? Since when did she do that?

It wasn't that hard to find a shirt in my room she'd been in there hundreds of times in our two weeks.

"Which shirt do you want?!" I hissed at Lucy once we got into my room. Perfect timing for taking me away!

"It's not about borrowing a shirt." Lucy rolled her eyes. She looked me in the eye.

"If its about you liking him forget it." I was walking out when Lucy stepped in front of me.

"Your heart's going to break if you keep going on like this." she said softly.

So much of me wanted to yell at her and tell her she's wrong but I knew she was right.

"I don't know." I sat down on my bed and ran my hand through my hair. "Everytime I'm with him I forget everything, I forget all about time and I forget that we need to be just friends."

"But sometimes you do it purposely don't you?" Lucy sighed.

"Yeah I do. He's amazing you know Lu. I don't feel shy with him. He makes me laugh and smile. I really like him Lu and I'm scared he doesn't know it. I've tried keeping the distance but we just bounce together. That's why I gave him a kiss on the cheek. To tell him that I do like him."

"Alexis we leave in less than two days!! How can you go into a relationship in that time!! Its not worth it. It doesn't matter if you end up sleeping together because you will probably end up never seeing each other again!! You not only break your heart you shatter his as well!! You're only leading him on!!"

I couldn't believe my own sister was saying this!! We were screaming at each other now and luckily my room was the furthest from the kitchen.

"So what if I hug him and kiss him? What does that have to do with you! Stop controlling my life. I'll like who I want!"

"I never said you couldn't like him but don't lead him on!! As much as you like him if you keep on acting this way you'll leave your heart and his broken! That's just being selfish!! When you leave you'll be heart broken! And I know it!!"

"Yeah what if I keeping acting this way. I like it and he doesn't mind either! He almost kissed me twice the other day and I had to dodge it!! To him that might look like i don't like him!!And what if my does end up being broken? What happens then?!"

"After you leave you'll be miserable and sulky. You'll start doing things that you normally wouldn't do. You put your life and others at risk!! You not only break your heart but you'll break his!! If you truly liked him you would stop flirting with him!! I keep telling you this your heart with be in pieces!"

"Yeah and what if my heart does get broken into pieces what happens then?! I wouldn't regret a thing because atleast I had some amazing days with him!!"

"Yeah well what happens after that feeling?! Who picks up the broken pieces?! Who comforts you through the day and night?! Who ends up feeling miserable for you and ends up just like you!! I have had to pick up some of my broken pieces and learn from the pain I had!! But no one was ever there to help me!!"

Tears were now forming in Lucy's eyes.

"And when your crying your eyes out through the night I'll be there by your side handing you tissues talking to you for endless nights!! It effects me too you know!! I wont be able to make friends if I have to stay with you everyday. I have a social life I want! I can't leave your side because who knows what you'll do!! You never know its me who's been there for you for every time your heart fell apart, because you just can't see the world clearly when that happens that's why I don't leave you!! Because your my sister and I love you but please not just for me or him but for mum and dad too, they hate seeing you heartbroken it breaks their heart too."

I was speechless. My sister was the reason I got through moving around the world meeting and leaving special people.

"Thank you." that was all I could muster. As I started to walk out Lucy said one last thing, "Make your choice wisely, but don't hurt anyone in the process."

I nodded.

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