You and I || MYG

By ppyoppyohyemi

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~we can meet in the middle, bodies and soul collide~ sequel to texting More



2.8K 103 51
By ppyoppyohyemi

I really fucking love chicken. 

And I am currently in heaven. 

We had went and got chicken of all kinds and were currently having a feast.

The hours I'm gonna have to spend on the treadmill didn't even matter to me right now, I was on Cloud 9 and had probably eaten the most chicken next to Hansol. 

"Nina, you're gonna be in  a chicken coma," Mark said. I shrugged. 

"If it's with chicken, I'll be ok," Hansol nodded and reached for another piece of chicken as I sat back, grabbing a napkin to wipe off all the grease. Lucy's phone rang and she left the room, mumbling something about how it was probably Chanyeol complaining about how he wasn't invited to the "party". She came back in a few minutes later after me and Hansol counted how many pieces of chicken we both had, 24 altogether. 

"Who was it?" I asked, laying down. I didn't even feel full, just tired. 

"I'll tell you later," Lucy said, patting my stomach. I looked at her. 

"You're suspicious." she shrugged before laying down next to me. 

"This party sucks," she mumbled and I nodded in agreement, "Mark, some music, please."  Mark grumbled some things before turning on some music. 

"Nina, are you gonna be okay?" someone said. 

I didn't know what they were talking about for a moment. 

Was it about Yoongi ignoring me? Then no, I wasn't going to be okay. 

"About what?" I asked, looking up at the ceiling. This party lacked creativity. They could've tried to put up some lights at least. 

"Not debuting. What else would you not be okay about?" I shrugged. 

There were many things I could not be okay about. 

I was sort of okay about not debuting. Mainly because I had forgotten about it. 

"I mean, I guess I am. I probably wasn't qualified enough like the other girls, so it's whatever. I didn't feel ready anyways," I said, trying to imagine that the room wasn't so boring.

Why was it so boring? 

"It's really fucking gloomy in here. I'm bored." 

"How do you make it less gloomy in a practice room?" Ten asked. 

"You get lights." Lucy said. She was up and out of the practice room before anyone could question her. I sat up. The floor was hurting my back. 

"There's lights right up there?" Hansol said, pointing at the light fixtures on the ceiling. I smiled. 

"Christmas lights. Or party lights you dumbo." Johnny said, lightly hitting the back of Hansols head. Hansol whined, covering his head. 

"Don't hurt Hansol like that! What has this poor baby ever done to you," I faked a frown and went over to Hansol, hugging him, "I'll kick his ass next he hits you, just let me know, okay?" Hansol nodded, hugging me back. 

"Don't treat him like he's a baby! He's older than you!" I looked at Johnny, giving him a fake dirty look. 

"I'll kick your ass so help me." He backed off then, frowning. There was a flash, causing me to go blind for a second. 

"Sorry! I thought my flash was off!" Hansol and I let go of the hug quickly, looking at Lucy, who was fumbling with her phone. 

"What are you doing?" I asked. She smiled. 

"Capturing memories. Oh! And," she stepped to the side, showing us everything behind her, "Lights." Jaehyun was over to them first, looking at all of them. 

"Where'd you get these from?" he asked. Lucy shrugged, typing on her phone. 

"Supply closet. I'll probably get my ass kicked for taking them. But oh well, anything to make Nina happy, right?" 

"She hugged Hansol. I think she's happy enough." Johnny said. I smiled, blushing slightly. 

"I'm still hungry." 


"Luc, do you think you can wheeze to death?" I asked Lucy, watching her face reactions through the flashing lights. She frowned at first, bringing her eyebrows together. Then she looked disgusted, before finally looking confused. 

"I guess. You can only figure out if you try." She said, looking at me. I nodded before trying. She smacked me before I could get past 3. 

"How high are you?! Why are you trying to wheeze to death?" I shrugged. 

"Wheezing is fun. And so is death." 

"Is she okay?" Monie said, coming up behind me and feeling my forehead. 

"I think something happened in America we don't want to know about." Lucy said. Monie nodded in agreement and moved her hand, moving away from me. 

"What happened in America?" Hansol asked. I shrugged. 

"I was emo." I heard a phone ring. I ignored it, expecting it to be someone elses. Not like I had many people to talk to when they were all in front of me. 

"Nina, answer your phone." Jaehyun said, handing me my phone. I looked at it. My eyes widened before I answered the video call quickly, fixing my hair while the camera loaded. 

"You finally answered, bitch. We thought you never would've." 


wheezes this took me forever to write 

i ended it in an awkward place bc i'm hungry :(( 

theres ur update tho 

follow my tumblr shineeing-on-sicheng before i kick ass 

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