Monsters Inside Him (Complete...

By Grey09x

1M 26.7K 2.1K

A (completed) Zayn Malik fanfiction Hannah is a US citizen who attends the University of London and gets the... More

Chapter 1: The Streets
Chapter 2: His
Chapter 3: Forced
Chapter 4: The Date
Chapter 5: Never
Chapter 6: Marked
Chapter 7: Violence
Chapter 8: Not Alone
Chapter 9: Home
Chapter 10: Overnight
Chapter 11: Fire Escape
Chapter 12: Attack
Chapter 13: Monster
Chapter 14: Prisoner
Chapter 15: "Because I Love You"
Chapter 16: Drunk
Chapter 17: Playing with Fire
Chapter 18: And Then There Were Two
Chapter 19: Trying
Chapter 20: My Match
Chapter 21: Misunderstanding
Chapter 22: Three Strikes
Chapter 23: Expulsion
Chapter 24: Job Search
Chapter 25: Electric
Chapter 26: Waiting
Chapter 27: Independence
Chapter 28 & 29: Fucking Insanity/Dark Side
Chapter 30: Like a Child
Chapter 31: Safe
Chapter 32: Panic
Chapter 33 & 34: Little Things/Stick To Your Guns
Chapter 35: Worried
Chapter 36: Clubbing
Chapter 37: Comfort
Chapter 38: Stages
Chapter 39: Pleasure
Chapter 40: Reconnection
Chapter 41: Threat
Chapter 42: Danger
Chapter 43: Zayn's POV
Chapter 44: Nightmare
Chapter 46: Safe
Chapter 47: Zayn's POV (pt.3)
Chapter 48: Over
Chapter 49: Moving on
Chapter 50: Forever
Chapter 51: Back For You
Chapter 52: Cooking
Chapter 53: Good-Bye
Chapter 54: Homecoming {Part 1}
Chapter 55: Homecoming {Part 2}
Chapter 56: Delusional
Chapter 57: Alphabet
Chapter 58: Sick
Chapter 59: Second Guessing
Chapter 60: Epilogue
Authors Note
Contact Me

Chapter 45: Zayn's POV {pt. 2}

13.8K 395 33
By Grey09x

Chapter 45: Zayn’s POV {pt. 2}

I stood amongst the rubble. Amongst the ashes. Amongst the bodies.

I didn’t feel any remorse when I kicked aside the burned remains of a man. His clothes were singed onto his skin and his eyes were still open. Endless brown pools of begging staring at me in pain. The man didn’t die a swift death, that’s for sure.

But I didn’t care.

I’m a monster. Cold to the fucking core. His death almost brought me pleasure. Almost.

Only one thing brought me pleasure those days, and I couldn’t find her.

“We found him!” one of my men rushed forward to give me a quick warning. I spun quickly on my heel to face the devil himself. Jay was dragged forward by some of my loyal gang members and forced to kneel in front of me. His cold, black eyes stared up at me in complete amusement. I didn’t detect any fear.

“You’re going to fucking wish you were dead, cunt.” I hissed at him, kicking my foot into his stomach harshly. He tried to bend over and coughed a little from the force. I almost smirked to myself at his pain. Almost.

He didn’t look back up at me in pain. He looked back up at me with pride.

“That’s funny. This is exactly what I did to your bitch a few hours ago.” His mouth twisted up into an evil and twisted smile.

My whole entire body shook with anger and I began to see red. I lunged forward and wrapped my hands around his weasel neck. Almost immediately, though, two pairs of hands tugged me off of him.

“Zayn. Stop.” Liam commanded in my ear.

“Stop, you don’t want to kill him. You want him to suffer.” He reminded me. I moved my furious gaze to him.

“Yeah, mate. We’ll take care of him. We promise.” Harry chimed in. I pushed them off of me and turned my back on the shark leader.

“Make it as bad as possible.” I snarled without looking back. I couldn’t even lay my eyes on Jay anymore. The next time I’ll be seeing him is in hell.

“I WON!” He laughed as Liam and Harry dragged him out of the warehouse. I had my men set it on fire, but only enough to cause casualties. The frame still stood.

“I won because she’s broken! She won’t ever be the same!” Before I could even turn around and punch him in his ugly mug, the boys took him out.

Me and my men continued to search the building. I checked the far side of the warehouse, my hands pulling desperately at anything that could conceal Hannah’s petite frame.

Oh god, what if she’s dead?

I had to shake the thought from my head. I couldn’t even think about that. I wouldn’t even be able to function if that were true.

Hannah. My Hannah.

“ZAYN!” As soon as I heard my name being called out my body carried me to Louis.

“She’s here. Niall’s got her.” Louis patted my back and nudged his head towards one of the few doors that survived the fire. I ripped it open to find a set of stairs, the bottom of which was consumed by darkness. I could see the faint light of Niall’s flashlight.

I grabbed the one Louis was holding and switched it on. I followed the stairs to the base, where I found a small dent in the wall and a couple puddles of blood. I couldn’t stop myself from physically cringing. It was hers. She had been here.

“Love, I need you to come to me.” I heard Niall whisper softly. I continued further into the basement before I heard a small girlish yelp and the sound of a slap.

“Fucking hell. I can’t help you if you hit me.” Niall cursed out, trying hard to keep his voice calm and steady.

“Zayn will come. Zayn will come.” That’s her! That’s my Hannah! She’s waiting for me. I broke out into a light jog, my heart beating out of my chest and my brain to overwhelmed to think properly.

My flashlight landed on Niall’s back, his hand rubbing his arm. Yeah, Hannah was there. She’d be the only one that could hit Niall that hard.

“Zayn will come. Zayn will come.” Her voice was so broken and pained that I almost didn’t think it was her. But the way she said my name… I would have smiled if the situation wasn’t so grim.

“I’m here, Darlin’, I’m here.” I spoke out to her. My flashlight landed on a girl in the corner of the room. Her arms were held over her head in defense. Her body was curled up in a ball to protect herself from major damage. Her pale body was stripped naked of clothing. Dark purple and grey bruises were scattered across her limbs and abdomen. Blood stains and deep cuts tattooed her delicate skin.

And it all killed me.

It amazed me that just 36 hours ago this very girl yelled at me for being an ass to her or something like that.

“Zayn?” She lifted her matted-blonde hair covered head and met my eyes with her green ones. Her shadowed face twisted into a desperate and hopeful smile. I literally felt my heart drop into my stomach.

I approached her carefully, with my arms held up and my palms faced forward. I wanted her to know I wouldn’t hurt her. I wanted her to know I’d keep her safe.

I was shocked when immediately her body collided with mine, sending me back a few feet before I could gain balance. Her small form crumpled against my chest, her thin arms wrapping around my neck. My arms immediately circled her waist and held her to my chest tightly.

I didn’t think I’d ever let her go again.

Niall walked behind me carefully as I carried the love of my life upstairs. I didn’t look at anyone as we left the building. I ignored Louis as he called out orders to my men, obviously because I was otherwise occupied.

I didn’t care when I passed Liam and Harry shouting degrading things in another room, a thin wall protecting the noise of them beating Jay mercilessly. Niall helped me get Hannah into the car and drove us home.

Niall grabbed Eleanor for me as I took Hannah straight to our room. Her beautiful eyelids were closed over her orbs gracefully. Each time she took a deep breath in, her face scrunched up in pain. The cuts and bruises across her ribs told me exactly what went down.

I carefully set her down on the bed and pulled the duvets back. I slowly felt my body shut down as I truly got to examine her suffering under the bright lights of my home. Jay put her through this… Jay put her through this because of me.

Liam dumped Danielle about six hours into our search. He did it for her safety. He did it to protect her. Danielle understood of course and left on her free will. It was only a matter of time until our gang was threatened again. It was only a matter of time until someone found out about Danielle. It was only a matter of time until someone took her, too.

So she left. Liam got her a first class ticket to the other side of the country. It hurt him, but he did what he needed. He mourned for a few hours, but Liam bounced back quickly.

Because he knew he did what was best.

Of course Louis thought about all these things too. I watched when he first turned to Eleanor, shortly after Liam left to ship Danielle off, and tell her he thought it best if she left him. If she dumped him. If she moved on and lived a better life.

His response?

A slap across the face and the introduction to a cursing match.

Needless to say Eleanor wasn’t going anywhere.

The girl in question entered the room quietly and gasped when she saw Hannah. Her watery eyes met mine, but she immediately pulled out her first aid kit and set to work. I stood at the edge of the bed, holding Hannah’s thin hand in my palm as Eleanor sponged the blood off her body.

I couldn’t let my eyes leave my girl’s gorgeous face.

I’ve honestly never seen anyone as beautiful as her. No one even came close.

Eleanor put Neosporin over Hannah’s cuts, and even brought out a medical package of needle and thread to stitch up a few deep gashes.

At one point, the sharp pain woke Hannah up, but Eleanor quickly pulled out a pill and forced her to swallow. A few months ago, Eleanor had given me the same pills to help Hannah recover from another scrape.

Another scrape that she was in because of ME.

I was the problem.

Always the problem.

Eleanor rubbed some cream over the dark bruises splotched on the ivory skin. Her hands carefully felt up each limb, toe to thigh, finger to shoulder. I let go as she tested Hannah’s wrist out. She nodded to me so I took it back in my grasp. Eleanor moved to the other wrist.

She flexed each finger before gently rotating the wrist. Almost immediately, Hannah ripped her hand away from Eleanor and held it to her chest. In her sleep she muttered out curse words, but this wasn’t a new occurrence.

I had slept next to Hannah for a while. Some people walk in their sleep, some people snore, a lot of people talk, but not my Hannah. Nope, she curses.

Sometimes she’d keep me up at night, muttering vocabulary words that even I hadn’t heard of.

“What the fuck did you do?” I couldn’t help but growl at Eleanor. The brown haired girl looked taken aback and immediately began sputtering out a defense.

“I-I-I think it’s broken… It was too easy to flex it. Her body’s reflex…” I moved my eyes away from her and down to the girl on the bed.

I didn’t even want to know what had happened to break her wrist.

I mean, I’ve done some pretty dick things to her, but even I hadn’t managed to break a single bone in her body. And sometimes, as hard to admit it, that was my intention.

Eleanor began constructing a cast around Hannah’s delicate wrist. She set it as carefully as she could, instructing me to hold Hannah down carefully so that she didn’t toss or react in her sleep.

We heard the other boys come in to the apartment, but none of them dared to come into my room, so we ignored them.

“Could you…” Eleanor’s cheeks flushed as she handed me the soothing cream and motioned to the bruises on Hannah’s chest. The finger-shaped bruises… I gritted my teeth at the thought of Jay’s greasy fingers touching her there.

While I let my fingers carefully rub the cream over Hannah’s perfect breasts, Eleanor carefully pulled Hannah’s legs apart. I let my eyes wander down to Hannah’s nether region to see what Eleanor was looking at down there.

And then I got it.

My hands trembled and I immediately paled. I looked at Eleanor questioningly, hoping she’d look up at me and deny my very worst fear, but I watched as her eyes widened.

“Please…” I whispered. She glanced up sadly and nodded.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I couldn’t take it any longer. The monster inside me could no longer be contained. For hours I had it build up. For hours I held my anger in as we searched for her, as we cared for her, but I couldn’t any more. I dropped any remaining touch I had on Hannah and left the room wordlessly.

I stormed passed my four closest friends to the elevator. My fist impaled the wall and I let out a pained shout. It wasn’t even the physical pain that I wanted to cry about. It was HER pain. It was what SHE had to go through.

“Mate, she’s ok. El’s in there fixing her up. She’ll be good as new. She’s ok now, she’s safe.” Niall tried to comfort me, but I roughly shoved him away. I watched as one of my best friends landed painfully on the expensive coffee table. He didn’t even look angry with me as he pulled himself up. His blue eyes held nothing but pity.

“It’s over Zayn. You have her here with you.” Louis added in, not daring to come near me. I could only imagine what I looked like- unshaven, hair a mess, disheveled clothes, trembling hands, crazed eyes.

It took everything I had not to break out and cry. My Hannah. My poor Hannah. She meant everything to me. Her laugh made a smile cross my features on even the darkest days. Her confident walk had me drooling every time she left. Her angry fits kept me on my toes. Her sarcastic comments proved I had met my match. Her tears were my pain. Her love was my world.

She meant everything to me.

She’d be better off without me.

None of this would happen to her again.

She’d be safe.

Safe like Danielle.

Safe and sound.

Protected from people like Devon who tried to rape her all those months back.

From people like Jay who… who…

From people like me.


She’d definitely be better off without me.

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